The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 29, 1966, Image 1

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S35 229
Thursday, September 29, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Vol. 90, No. 10
Mayor, ASUN Discuss
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ident Terry
AUF Motion Vetoed
After Two Tie Votes
Action at the Student Sen
ate meeting Wednesday cen
tered around three motions
dealing with an AUF request
to limit activities on Oct. 29;
the setting of a date to re
turn to school after Christ
mas; and an investigation
about a new grading scale.
The motion, made last
week by Sen. Pam Wood, con
cerning AUF asked the Sen
ate to request that no campus
organizations hold any activi
ties on Oct. 29, the night of
the AUF dance.
Roger Doerr, ASUN vice
president, explained that this
would mainly discourage liv
ing units from holding a par
ty on that evening.
Following some debate on
the proposal, a vote was tak
en which ended in a tie. Doerr
as presiding officer, voted in
favor of the motionJireaking
the tie.
Sen. Dick Schulze then
made a motion that the sen
ate reconsider the previous
motion. Schulze's motion
After further reconsidera
tion of the problem, another
vote was taken, again ending
in a tie. Again Doerr voted
in favor of the motion.
The meeting was then ad
J o u r n e d for two minutes.
When the meeting reopened,
Doerr announced that Terry
Schaaf, ASUN president, had
vetoed the motion according
to the power granted him by
the constitution.
Schaaf then explained that
since a clear majority could
not be obtained concerning
JIIIIIIMIIlIf llllIItUlltlllllIlfilI11llllltlilllllil9(MI!ljirt
I Drugs In
INo Real
By Toni Victor
Senior Staff Writer
Lincoln has no real problem
with addictive or non-addictive
drugs at present, said
Lt. Gail Gade of the city po
lice department at a p a n e 1
discussion of non-addictive
The panel discussion
Wednesday was sponsored by
the East Union as part of
their Lounge Series.
Panelists included Mrs.
Donald Grant, clinical psy
chologist at the University
Health Center; Dr. K. D.
Rose, staff physician at the
Student Health Center; and
Gade of the juvenile office at
the Lincoln Police Station.
Isolated Cases
Gade summarized the drug
situation in Lincoln by saying
that there have been isolated
cases in the past involving
possession of drugs.
"Once in a while we hear
rumors from the University
campus concerning drugs,"
said Gade.
He cited an example of a
boy who was picked up by
campus police officials re
cently. Gade said that the
boy appeared to be under the
influence of something other
than alcohol. Campus police
turned the boy over to his
dormitory head and the case
went no further.
"LSD is as close as t h e
University of Kansas and it
is probable that it has ar
rived here," Gade explained.
is greeted by ASUN Pres
the resolution, he had chosen
to veto the motion. In order to
override the veto, two-thirds
of the Senate must vote
against the veto next week.
The second proposal, pre
sented by Miss Wood, asked
that ASUN go on record start
ing that Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1967,
be the first day of classes for
the University following
Christmas vacation.
Miss Wood stated that she
had understood, from a re
liable source, that if the Stu
dent Senate would come out
in favor of the motion, it
would have "a good chance
of getting on the University
After some discussion on
the proposal, a vote was tak
en and the motion passed.
Sen. John Gerlach then pro
posed that the Senate instruct
the Academic Research Com
mittee to look into the pos
sibility of a one-half-point
grade" scale and report to the
senate in two weeks.
"This would allow the pro
fessors to give an A plus, B
plus, etc. When converted to
numerical grades, they would
be 4.5, 3.5, and so on," Ger
lach explained. The motion
The senate also approved
the requirements for H o m e
coming Queen drawn up by
the electoral commission. It
was announced that the inter
viewing board, for candidates,
would be composed of Joan
McClymont, Ron Pfiefer,
Karen Westerberg, Jerry Ol
son, and, a faculty member,
Dr. Jame's Roberts.
IIIIinMItlIlllIll!ll)Itl!!ITlIlillllirilltIIIIillIlllf IIMI
According to Gade, there
has not been a single case
involving LSD in the city.
"We are not naive enough
to assume that no one has
used it on campus, however,"
noted Dr. Rose, from Student
Rose answereda question
from the audience concern
ing the reaction of the Stu
dent Health Center if a stu
dent was admitted after a
"bad trip" with LSD.
"There would be no com
munication between us a n d
the law, unfortunately, and
nothing would be reported to
Administration, unless we
were subpoenaed in connec
tion with a crime committed
by the patient," stated Rose.
Concerning marijuana, bar
bituates and peyote, Rose
said in his opinion, "there is
no such thing as. a non-addictive
Though these drugs usually
leave no physical disturbance
upon withdrawal, Rose noted
that there is always a men
tal dependence upon the so
called "non-addictive" drugs.
This idea of non-addiction,
Rose said, leads to the fal
lacy that "if I'm not depen
dent, it's all right."
A d e sire to experience
something new, and a long
ing to be part of a group,
are the two most common
reasons given by college stu-
Cont. on Pg. 5, Col. 7.
No Plan
By Randy Irey
Senior Staff Writer
There has been a concur
rence of opinion between the
city and the University that
14th Street should be closed
so that it will not run through
the campus, stated Dean Pet
ersen, Mayor of Lincoln,
Petersen's statement was
in response to a question on
traffic asked during his ap
pearance before the Student
"As yet, no definite plans
have been developed, because
this action depends on several
related projects and problems
which first must be straight
ened out," the Mayor ex
plained. Before answering questions
from the senators, Petersen
made a brief presentation. He
stated that his purpose in
coming before the Student
Senate was that they might
"visit with you about our
mutual problems."
"Problems have a way of
Repertory Cast Chosen
For Season's Starters
"As You Like It," which
opens Oct. 21 at the Univer
sity Theatre, and "Look Back
in Anger," which opens Oct.
28, have been cast, for the
repertory season.
Dr. William R, Morgan will
d i r e c t the Shakespearean
play, "As You Like It." The
play is a light comedy involv
ing pairs of lovers. The pairs
of lovers are Rosaline and
Orlando, Celia and 0 1 i v e r,
Touchstone and Audrey, and
Silvius and Phoebe.
Bobbie Kiersted will play
the role of Rosaline. A junior
from Lincoln, she has been
properties mistress at Lakes
Region Playhouse in Lacon
ia, N.H. the last two summ
ers. Orlando is played by Bill
Jamison, a sophomore from
Springview. He appeared in
"Mother Courage" last year
and worked on the technical
crew at Lakes Region Play
house that summer.
Worked At Playhouse
The role of Celia is played
by Jane MacLaren, a senior
from St. Charles, 111. Bruce
Borin is cast as Oliver. Bor
in appeared as Ross in "Mac
beth" last year and has also
w o r k e d at the Lakes Region
A member of the Purple
Masque, Robert Hall, plays
the part of the court jester,
Touchstone. Hall, a teilor
Tiemann: College Faction
Was Not Sub Rosa Group
GOP Gubernatorial candi
date Norbert (Nobby) Tie
mann told the Daily Nebras
kan Wednesday that he was
"definitely not a member of
any sub rqsa."
"The group I was associated
with during college was not
a sub rosa," he emphasized,
"It wasn't undercover and
was simply called 'the Fac
tion'." Tiemann, in a speech be-
Court Will Judge
Senate Seat Case
A decision is expected
Thursday evening on wheth
er or not the ASUN electoral
commission acted correctly
in reapportioning a Student
Senate seat last spring.
David Senseney, a Senator
from the Professional C o 1
lege, has declared that Bill
Tooley, also a senator from
the Professional College, un
justly received a seat through
the reorganization.
The case will be presented
before the Student Court at
8 p.m.
Yet On 14th Street,
Mayor Petersen
disappearing if you just sit
down and talk around a table
about them," Petersen said.
"I have always stressed the
importance of keeping the
lines of c.munication open
between various groups."
One of the problems touched
upon by the Mayor was that
of low cost housing. He said
that there is a resolution on
the Nobembcr ballot asking
that the Lincoln Housing Au
thority be given the power to
provide low cost housing, of
decent standards, for those
who are presently forced, to
live in sub-standard housing.
Also concerning housing,
Petersen stated that there is
a minimum housing standards
bill before the City Council.
"It is essential that no one
be forced to live in hous
ing that is not of a decent
standard," Petersen declared.
In answer to aquestion con
cerning the proposed Univer
sity budget, Petersen stated
that "the University is the
from Lincoln, plaved Mai
colm in "Macbeth" last
year. Audrey is played by
Kristi Rapip, a sophomore
from Pierce. She played Adol
phina in "The Physicists" at
the theatre this summer.
Tom Coty, a junior from
Clarinda, la., will play Sil
vius, and Phoebe will be
played by Roni Meyer, a
freshman from Allen.
Role of Jacques
A radio and television
broadcasting major, Jack Mc
Coy, a junior from Lincoln,
will play the role of Jacques.
Ed Fern, a junior from
Kansas City, Mo., who played
the doctor in "Macbeth" has
been cast as Duke senior
Mike Nelson, a freshman
from Omaha, will play Duke
Also appearing in the play
are: Richard Ralston, Mike
Otte, Mike Dobbins, Marc
Armstrong, David Peterson,
Todd Slaughter, Alan Pless
man and Bill Dalberg.
Lords in the cast are: Mark
Beech, David Peterson and
Terry Weymouth. Ladies are
Pat Foreman, Adrena Val
verde, and Lana Vahlcamp.
Foresters are Richard Hol
man, Gordon Hauptman, Pam
Hathaway, Diane Bernard and
Al Lundby.
Dr. Baldwin Directs
Dr. Joseph Baldwin, who
just returned from a year's
fore the University YR's last
week, had jokingly referred
to membership in a group
which "fixed campus elec
tions." A letter to the e d i t o r in
Wednesday's Nebraskan con
cerned this remark.
"The Faction was simply a
good exercise in campus poli
tics," Tiemann explained,
"and was composed of both
Greek and Independent lead
ers interested in bringing out .
people to vote."
He continued that the group
was an off-shoot of the influx
of World War II veterens who
returned to the University in
the late 1940's and were in
terested in campus politics.
"Sub rosas should not exist
on campus," he stressed, "nor
should any group not recog
nized by the Administration
and faculty."
He added that the incident
was "just another time when
a supposedly liumerous re
mark has gotten me in
Elections such as Homecom
ing queen and ROTC queen
were elections that "the Fac
tion" were active in, he said.
Traffic Routes
major industry in the city of
"I believe, personally, that
we have been short-changing
the future generations by not
providing the best education
obtainable. Therefore, I am
very much in favor of an in
crease in the budget," he
When asked why, when a
student breaks a Lincoln or
dinance, this is reported to
the University, Petersen an
swered that reporting was a
procedure developed over a
long period of time.
"This process is presently
carried on with other organ
izations in the city, and, until
recently, with the air base.
Most likely the reporting to
the University is done at the
request of the University,"
Petersen concluded.
Peterson also answered
questions on liquor by the
drink, parking, recreational
opportunities, and other pro
blems concerning students and
the city of Lincoln.
leave of absence from writ
ing plays in New York, di
rects "Look Back In Anger"
by John Osborne.
Cast as Jimmy is Dean
Tschetter, a junior from Lin
coln. Tschetter played Mc
Duff in "Macbeth" last
year and the cook in "Mother
Courage." Last summer he
played Edgar in "King Lear"
and Obron in "Midsummer
Night's Dream" at the Ledges
Playhouse in Grand Lake,
Ric Marsh, a sophomore
from Lincoln, plays Cliff.
Marsh appeared as Swiss
cheese in "Mother Courage"
last year.
Allison is Phyllis Knipping,
a graduate student from Be
atrice. Graduate student
Steve Gaines plays the colon
el. Helena is played by Joey
Close, a sophomore from Al
buquerque, N.M.
L wy - Tun
PROSPECTIVE SPEAKERS ... Art Cra mer and Randall Christ await the renewal
of Hyde Park sessions Thursday!
Soapboxers Move Outside
For Hyde Park's Opener
Hyde Park, the soap-box
forum of free speech, will be
gin its second year on campus
Thursday at 3:30 p.m. accord
ing to Larry Grossman, chair
man of Talks and Topics com
mittee. The forum will be held on
the south steps of the Nebras
ka Union instead of in the
lounge if the weather per
mits, he said.
Any student or faculty
member is invited to sign up
to speak for ten minutes on
any subject, said Pam Dal-
HANDSHAKE ... for Senator Liz Aitken, while visiting
with Andrea Warren and Schaaf.
Porter Urges Increase
In Christmas Vacation
A recommendation that
Christmas vacation be extend
ed one additional day will be
presented to the Faculty Sen
ate by James G. Porter,
chairman of the calendar
It is the responsibility of
the calendar committee to
propose to the Faculty Sen
ate the possibility of resched
uling the days on which class
es will be held.
Porter said that he would
make the recommendation
because he felt that the ne
cessity of students having to
travel on the New Year's Day
holiday was taking too much
of a risk of possible acci
dents. Presently the Christmas
holiday is scheduled from
noon Saturday, Dec. 21, to
Monday, Jan. 2. The proposed
extension would mean that
the holiday would end on
Tuesday, Jan. 3.
Porter said that he would
make a poll of calendar com
mittee members before reach
ing a final decision, but felt
that most of the committee
probably would agree with
Porter said that "although
the students may want and
the calendar committee rec
ommendsa one-day exten
sion of the holiday period, it
has a good chance of being
voted down by the Faculty
Senate because of objections
raised last time this problem
was brought up."
He said the main objection
ling, assistant chairman of
Talks and Topics. Members
of the committee will sign up
and time speakers.
Hyde Park will be very
similar to last year, Miss Dal
ling said. Any one may ques
tion the speaker at any time
and audience participation is
encouraged, she added.
"We want to interest the
average student, to get him
to stop, listen and think,"
Miss Dalling said. She em
phasized the importance of
free exchange of ideas on
at that time was that the ex
tension of the holiday period
would reduce the amount of
class time before the final
exams and that many of the
faculty members felt that this
period was already too short.
Porter said that the possi
bility of a bowl game for the
football team would probably
have little influence with the
Faculty Senate's decisions,
because many of the mem
bers feel that bowl games
are becoming "an annual af
fair." Dr. Floyd Hoover, former
registrar who was on the cal
endar committee when the
present calendar schedule
was passed, said that in the
past, holiday periods ran
from a mid-week to another
He said that the faculty was
against this because they felt
many students failed to at-,
tend classes which were
scheduled for the half week.
Hoover said the proposal
that the holiday period be set
back one week would present
the problem of students hav
ing to get home only one day
before Christmas.
He said. "Students and fac
ulty should remember that if
the holiday period is extend
ed that this will only result
in one day being cut from
the school term."
"Students come to school to
learn and the reduction of the
school term will only result
in a shortened teaching per
iod," Hoover said.
current issues as a means
of getting the student to form
his own opinions.
Talks and Topics initiated
Hyde Park last year modeled
after the free speech forum
found In London's Hyde Park
w here speakers stand on soap
boxes and talk on any sub
ject. Rich Scott, Nebraska Union
program director, said last
year's Hyde Park was very
successful and that it since
has spread to other Big Eight