Wednesday, September 28, 1966 The Daily Nebraskan Page 5 Job Placement Begins Monday Hie following placement interview will . he'.d in Boom 340 of the Nebraska l'r""- Oct. j penny Company: B.S., B.A. Adm., L?ieUW3U Utililiea District: AU de Hafner Eleetrle Carporatlan: B '"ie,'. DiiTsion of Halliburton: BS.- l- f . sales. r - PhvS'.cs: also oiner as. aesrees h Kectrioal and Physics baokf round. Usial Laboratories - Vision of R. Gce Company: B.S.. M.S. -Microbiol., m int. ComnaBr: B.8. - M.E.i M..K - Cb.. t hem. Ors.. Analrt.l, A Eras., Af. Janrn.. Aa. Husb.l B.S.. Mi M B.A. - Acctf- Onanl. Bos., Com ;J. tr Set.! M S.. M.B.A. - Fin.. Mlifl.. S'l decreet - Hort.. Atob., Ent.. Plant p, h.. Plant PaTSlel. s nclair Gaa k Oil Company: B.S. -r E CE. EE. ME.: all degrees -G :-. Geophvaica. Math.. Physios. - iclair Petrochemicals, Inc.: B.S.. y 5. - Agr.. Chetn., Ch. E.. M E., Bjs. A'"lair Research. Inc.: AB degrees -C ni , Ch. E. irlsir Befining Company: B.S., B.A. -f Adm.. C.E.. Ch. fc.. Chem.. Acctf.. (. Set.. HM.. Ealish. t ioenix Matual Lirt Insurance Com-i-v BS.. BA. - Bos. Adm., Lib. Ana. Oct. 4 Howard. Needle. Tammen, Bargendotf: B .. US. CE. CaBsamrrs Public Power District: B S. . E fc-. E - C E' Home Ecaa. V Traveiera insurance company: Bus. Adm. -.stman Kodak Company: BS., MS., A - Gen. Bus , Acctc Fin., iVBf., , Boon.. Math thrown calculus. . Lilly Company: BS. - ME., . M E. Ch., Chem. (Or., Aaalyt), Econ., Kg. Journ., An. Husb.; BS., . M B A. Accig , Quant. Bus., Com ScL; M.S.. M.B.A. - Fin.. Mfctg.; irers - Hon., Agron.. Ent., Piant , Plant Physiol. B i . ot lira nc island umiaes Depart, ar J - BS - M E.. EE. Vslca Chemical Cempany: An degree High Court To Review Beard Case NEW YORK (CPS) The i t" S. Supreme Court has been s a:ked to renew the case of a Richmond Professional Insti- t'ie shidpnt who was tpnt ! c '. of the college for his sen- i r vear because he sported a I trird and long hair ""be Virginia liberal arts clcge refused to allow r JSiM.10" i er in September, 196o. Mar- s ail is seekins an injunction ti nrevent the college from t uiring a shave and hair c . as prerequisites. t r i a brief filed with the high c .t: cn his behaEf. the Amer- i: nii Civil Liberties Union con t ided that the school's "ar t rary, capricious and un- r iscnable" action refusing registration on account ! nstrirtional nghts o free Non-sorority girls ranked "ers m business or engineer session due process of sfi"nUy higher on col-1 Independents more often -- privaVv and PpSon i lege aptitude tests according rfucation or the per ..rit cruel and unusual candidate Gary Wid-j forming arts- I 'shment. :arshall. a 2S-vear old sen- resigned a scholarship s i h!s post as editor of the . ,t s an ana nirriri irr gazine last year in protest against the school's '-higb-h r-.dedness" in its "arbi trary" rulin on student dress a i grooming. i '"Therp i nn l;m:f-Sinn nn r .aches." Dr. George ver. president of the Insti t. o. said at an earlier trial, 'fa man wants to take a c :r.:e walking down the with a quite long one, he can go right along." Adult Education Enrollment Grows Registrations are up 12.6 J'.r cent over last fall in the University of Nebraska's Ex t:raion Division adult class I"';'ram. Zior W. Ellingson, head of t - program, said the adu'.t ''iss enrollments total 2,061 j a compared with last1 iar. The count is based on 1 c 'ass enrollment, nat individ-1 The number of class sec-! ti .ns. most of which meet at Ji-gnt, has increased to 2 fom last year's total of 75. Course offerings went from V- to 70 with additions In the , of English and art n addition to the adult f'.iH program the Extension Livision also offers instruc-, t.:n to Nebraska high school ader;ts, to correspondence ' tifients ftroughout the na t:on and abroad, and con victs a few field courses in Nebraska, main.'y for teach er?. i MEMO Want ads! So place Your Ad Today! "9 levels . Chem., Ck.E. and all engineers with l years el chem.i B.S.. M.B.A. Bus. Adm., alM Engineers lor sales. Sinclair Oil Gas Company: As be fore. Oct. S V S. Air Force: Bachelor's, Master's. LL.B . Lav., Nursing, Medicine, Pilot, Navigator Science, Engineering, Pilot. Ad ministrative and Technical. Saisbury Laboratories: All degrees -Chem. (Orgarjc. Anaiyt.), Ch.E., I.E., Immunotogv. Johnson Service Cempany: B.S. - C.E.. I.E.! B.S.. M.S. - Physics. E E.. M E. Scars, Roebuck and Company; BS., M A. - Acrtg : B.S. - B.A.. M.S. M A. - Bus. Adm. Lib. Arts, others interested io retaili-g. The Fleming C.. Inc.: B.S. - B.A., M S. . M A. - Acctg. Econ.. Gen. Bos Mktg., Personnel. Prod., Office Menu.. Lib. Arts. Federal Power Commission: B.S. -C E . E.E CAE.. Pet E., Aoctf ., Econ Geo). Inierstate Power Company: BS. ME. Oct. t General Dynamics Corpora boa - Aero space Division and Electronics Division: AH degrees - ME., EE.. E.M., MS. Ph.D. - Math., Physics. CE. Heneywell Incorporated . OeTerament Electrsnlrs DfTtsisn: All derrees . E E.. M.E.i B.S.. M.S. - IJS.. Physiesi B.S M.B.A. . Acrtg., Adm., Data Processing, Prod.. Purrhatingi PHJL . Pays. Chem. Applied Math. San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard: BS.. M.S. E E.. CE, Met E.. I.E., ME., Naval Arch.. ChE- Analjt. a em., .'let. Motoeeta Incorporated: Bj. - M.B.I B. S.. M.S. E.E. Staaffer Chemical Company: BS., M l. Chem., B.S.. M.E.-Ch. E. Natural Gas PipeHne Company: BA, - Ch.E.. C.E.. E L, M.E. Tbe Omaha National Bank: IS., B.A. - Baa. Adm. A. A S. Oct. 7 Jefferscn Chemical Company: B S M-S. - ChE., M.E.: MS., PhJJ. Org. Chem.: B A. BS. - Cbera. Honeywell Inoorporated: As before General Telephone CampaBies of Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska: B.S.. M.S. -E.E.. I.E.. M E.. Acrtg.. Bus. Adm.. Fin. Motorola Incorporated - Government Electronics Division: As Before Central SOYA: BS. - Gen. Bat. Adm., Acctg., Sales, Merm , E E., M E. MeDlrnmery Ward: B.S. . B.A. . Bat. Adm.. Lib. Arts. Acctg. I S. Corps of Engineers: BS., US. - C. E.. M E.. EE. Cr!:-en:al Can Company Incorporated: All degrees - Bus. Adm., Acctg., Chem.. Econ., M E , E E., LE., Imd. Rel., C-E., Math.. Physics, Prod., Sales. Mont. Florida State Of Prospective Greeks . , . .. sor university resamen want to ioin ra" or-tees and sororities? A re- StU.dy atf,F'?da Sta'i!l University outlined several! basic differences hexweert i prospective pledges and in- dependents. . . , ... Freshman irs amnn tn enter sororities tend to come from a higher socio-economic group than non-aspirants, were more active in high crtinnl cvtra-nrrirnlar artivi- ties and dated more frequent- jT. mar. Most of the independents said thev would prefer to be : jiu pre:er iv dp : regarded as outstanding stu- aen;s. Most of the sorority hope- fuii said they nould prefer toJJ0" no Pian 10 register "r be remembered as leaders, student teaching for the sec ond nemester must make an. Among the boys, few such lifferences could be found in differences measured attitudes, family background, self-perceptions or secondary school experi- Going to Iowa St.? Get Four Buddies and Drive a Hertz Car. (If cheoper than bos or traia) Ll EBTtZ gat 105 lil H3 HilfST'S SSaL Friday noon thru Monday noon you con rent a sparkling new Ford or other fine car for as little au $6 pw fay plus He per mile. Rates include insurance, oil and gas. Call on your campus Hertz RtrpretrnUtiv (or inlormnlfcm, reservation: MARK BECHOn 477-7592 Herti Rent o Cor 1017 Q Matt be 18 years r older Especially Cell University Extension 2583 or drop by Th Dally Nebraskan Offices i WT 7 .rT ,i ni axiNBsnfi , '4 - Jit. I ' - . i it? ; r I '---. r nitii r, "'im in . mi . nwra. "',A ' sfanW WHICH TOYS ... will influence tomorrow's society the leaders . . . Phychologists' Question Children A nation's drive and inven tiveness could be affected by the type of toys with which its children play, some autho rities claim. University staff members tend to agree with this theory in general, but add that other factors also determine a na tion's role in the world. A national toymaking con cern supports the theory of toys as a determining factor in a nation or culture. As evidence, the company draws attention to the life sized pre-school toys of Den mark and the United States, Takes Poll n , . . A. . . ence. Only in educational and career plans were contrasts significant. Most men planning to join , , ,. r . ? .. ' . a fraternity reported that fi- nancial concerns were most important in any future jobs while the non-pledges placed more emphasis on "working' with people or being useful to ! society." Prospective fraternity men! planned to do more graduate study and often selected ca- Student I eachers i . . 1ippilCailOnS Ulie . r-ieiI?enia.r taucauon ma" plication by October 1, 1966. Application forms are available in Room 202 Teachers College. HERTZ KtHTA CAR Sf. 4321037 In The Rag 'Toy' With Nation? which they contend, give the children a manageable toy world which they can direct and experiment with. On the other hand, it is sug gested that the miniature toys of Germany build up feelings of world mastery. Mexican children do not actually play with toys, it seems, but rather adore them from shelves. Feelings of in security are encouraged by this, the company claims. Also, it is noted that "de prived" nations have no toys. The absence of good toys in Indian or Arabic cultures has supposedly given their chil dren poor self-images and a hesitancy about affecting their environment. University authorities stated that it was a debatable point as to whether toys af fect people or whether people affect toys. OR THE WEAPONS for world . ' .jff - ' - e ' r Just in time for back-to-campus. Your Honda dealer is having his Fall Sales Spectacular. You'll find the kind of low down payments you've always looked for. The terms are so easy you'll barely notice them. Drop by your Honda dealer's today. Learn why some people have all the fun. Tree Brochure: Write American Honda Motor Co., IncDepartment C-7, Box 50, Gardens, California 19C6 AIM Serving Lincoln . . . your Honda distributor Hondolpli Cycle 'Ond Morln - f . 3 building blocks of future Political scientists question the division of separate na tions, but would agree that separate cultures are affected by toys. "Inventiveness and creativ ity can only be measured on an individual basis and prob ably has little to do with toys. What kinds of toys did Mozart and Einstein play with?" asked one University profes sor. Helen Sukel of the child psychology department stated that toys do definetely affect a child to a considerable ex tent. The question of the effect of destructive toys, such as guns, on children has always been a point of diverging opinions. "If toys do affect a child's and a nation's development, then can it be assumed that French boys play with dolls?" questioned a University unto occicfonf I' ... of destruction in a fight domination? Now! - .... , - .1 I SS25 "r iv miism- 8f'J! Brother, Sister Are Among 159 in in pecoiia semester straight A s A brother and sister from ; Wahoo were among 159 stu dents who made straight A : grades in a field of 11 500 un dergraduates at the Univer- i Vernon Lee Pankonin, Linda sity of Nebraska during the j Eileen Hammer, Perry Lest second semester 1965-66. I er Schafer, Victoria Jo Shurtz, They are Helen Marie and Gary Loy Larsen, sophomore and senior, respectively. Hel- V II U l UIIVU III V . ill I 3 College and Larsen in t h College of Arts and Sciences. Students who made straight A grades while carrying 12 or more credit hours includ ed: Mary Elizabeth Hunt, Phil ip Don Medcalf, Aurel Joan Spivey, Elaine Teresa Rogge, Dennis Lee Ross, Robert Earl Freeland, Richard Roy Ronnenkamp, Alvera V. Wall man Bade, Kenneth Ralph Middleton, Maurice M. Dix on, Jr., David Louis Carland, Merlin Lee Parde, Helen Marie Mathers, Leonard Mi chael Glode, Jr. Janice Lee Armstrong, Timothy Leslie Kathka, Mary Ann Loseke Krueger, Myra Paulick. Helen D. Fink Herr boldt, Tony John Kozlik, Dale Edward Spinar, Sharyn Lynn Koerwitz. Linda L. Johnson Sullivan, Richard Lee Schulze, Orvin August lindell, Loren Swan Bonderson, Roger Wa3ue Harley, Larry Dean Shineman. CU Coed Fails Course, Appeals English Grade Boulder, Colo. (CPS) If you don't like your final grad-lade take it to court In preueueiu-iiiaiuiiK a m- versity of Colorado coed has done just that. aKrfXl V U Alt UL UUL 1 ILI 1IU J charged her English Litera ture instructor, Miss Kaye Bache, with improperly giv ing her a failing grade for ! misconduct cheating on a ' final examination. The 20-year old junior seeks tm, rvv,rt ronnirino tho on inninTiAn trnm Km mpr university to change her grade. Coffee Scheduled 1 a-, i liY Aff nCOn lAUU The University of Nebraska 'Agricultural Economics Club will hold a coffee klatsch in the East Campus Union, Tuesday at 7 p.m. This informal meeting will allow faculty and students in agricultural economics to be come acquainted. The n D w a v n e F. Heidtbrink, Keith Allan Willis, Vicki Marie Cline. Gary Lee Wahl gren. Thomas Louis Burger, Ronald Everett Talcott. J. Morton Nicholson, Bruce Kent Carlson, James Olen Armi tage, Rodnev Franklin Pow ell. Fre rick L. Leistritz. Kath leen Ann Augustin, Dora E. Germer Bowc en. Barbara Ethel Bowman, Donna Dee Bush. Helen L. Jacobs Chas tain, Fred Eugene Cromer, Carol V. Binderup D e r o I f, Patricia Bauman Dickeson, Alice Pettee Dow, Louise Elaine Ellis, Lawrence Edwin Felt, Roseann Kay Fowles. Lawrence Anton Frolik. Stephen Lee Fulton. Kathryn Jane Griffin, Frances I. Smith Gross, Hilde G. Egge- bert Haggh, Lyla Dee Ham- ilton, Grace F. HeldenbranJ. Iram A. Zeller Herrick, Shir lea Putman Hollinger, Shar on Lee Wood Jones, Bertrice Legler Kaminski, Cheryl Wag ner Kellison, Myra M. Weg ener Kirkland. Margaret Lynn Lehl, Syl via Lee Chalfant Lell. Ardis Beckenhauer Lewis, Newton Eugene Mack, Stephen An drew Mazurak, Terry Allan M c K e e, Linda Katherine Instructor Bache contends ttat similarities between Miss a uieuenuener a u a auuuier students examinations could not have occurred without cheating. Miss Dieffenderfer main tains her work in the course deserved a "B" or better. A university disciplinary committee called to hear the case and found the evidence against Miss Dieffenderfer insufficient to determine guilt When no action wasf t aken as a result of the com- T rnifTAA atlAalBlin I f14 1iArl 1 Caw cided state courts were hers onlv altprnativp. The suits names as co - de - ' fendanU the University Re- gents the President of the University, the Dean of Arts and Sciences, the Dean of Admissions and Records, the Registrar and the instructor University Attorney John P. Holloway said he will respond to the summons but is unsure of his legal ap proach since the case is without known precedent. i i Miles, Thomas S. Nickerson. Doyle Larry Nieman, Ronald James O'Driscoll, Vera Far rington Olson, Clarice A. Carl son Orr, Sue E. Elliott Pear son. Cara C. Hagen Piper, Nica Jane Proctor, Patricia J. iSmuny Ramsay, Bruce Ed jward Raymer, Verla J. Pet i erson Rebman, John Alfred ; Rosenberg, Robert John Po j sicky, Sandra L. Roelfs Sage- horn, Kathrine Mane Schach. Ronald George Schafer, Sue Ann Schmitt, Terry Lynn Schneider, John C. SchrekJng er. Marian Hope S. Shemberg, Michael Bruce Siedell, Max ine J. Knight Sorensen, Paul Lawrence Stanton, Craig Bennett Stucky. Sharon Ma rie Thorson, Kathleen M. Ty ler, Robert Dennis Tucker, Aldine Kaye Turner, Floyd Glen Venangen, Peggy L. Prien Wagner, Elizabeth" Bell Walters, Doris C. Barsby Wampler, Alan Dean Weini er. Ann A. Brandenburg Ze man. Shirley Mae Voss, Glen Sterling Whitwer, Richard Lynn Helms, Ellen Elaine Look, James Donald Arundel, Pamela Dalling. Robert Ni pher Daw son, Victoria Ann Dowing, Leo Thomas Hey wood, Jr., Marilyn Ruby Higgs, Ronald Lee Johnette, Jchn Quincy Kirkman. David Edward Rybin, Ri chard David Theis, Priscilla Sowden Wood, John Robert Miller, Timothy Lee Vonasch wege, Rodney Steven Basler, Janet Lorraine Hunzeker, Searl Spencer Da1s, Marcia Kay Lacerstrom, Carl Jean j Haecker, John Richard New t to Richard .ijlen j. Bednar, , Daml James G Irma i ,fs- i.. .wane UULIISIllgCI . John Findlay Simmons, Melvin A. Churchill Jr., Ron ald F. Pfeiffer. Lloyd Ralph Reeder, Kenneth Lee Schep ers, Gaynelle Esther Podel! Susan Ann Weyers, Keith William Johnson. Dianne Car ol Wendell, Teddy John Or mesher, Donna Frances Esch liman. Janet Ann Schlechte, j Gary Loy Larson, Helen Ma- I -i n I naAM James Allen Guretzky. Ro- Short lo WhuHa Praia Ha. ivid Weeks. Gail Marie Skin- ner, John James Curran, Ste- ven Kc&en iseison, iniriey Dee McAthie. Jean Marie Fauss, Pamela Jean Hubbard, Judith Lee Palmerton. SEE THE A NEWEST 1 DIAMOND STYLES anjnyinannait'sniB u jiiim win is Styles from $150 432-1818 Open Monday and Thursday 'til 9:00 Remember A special 10 DISCOUNT TO ALL STUDENTS AND FACULTY ON ANY MERCHANDISE AT STEVEN'S Watches Diamonds Watch Bands Transistors Cameras Portable TVs Watch Repairing Tape Recorders Stereos Typewriters Luggage Jewelry Repair Watch Repair 51 In trip Union 2100 N 432-5348