The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 28, 1966, Image 1

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Wednesdoy, September 28, 1966
The Doily Nebroskon
Mayor's Visit Is 'Healthy Sign;'
' n i n 6 ) .
. .
Vol. 90, No. 9
VISTA REPRESENTATIVES . . . Jean Langlie, Ray Ornsby and Janet Regan find
a willing listener in Vickey Middleton.
Goal For VISTA's Volunteers:
4So They Can Help Themselves'
"It's a person to person pro
gram . . . working together
with people in poverty areas,
showing them the way, so they
can help themselves," said
Jim BirckWead, graduate stu
dent in geography who was a
VISTA volunteer last sum
mer. VISTA (Volunteers in Ser
vice to America) is one of the
major anti-poverty programs
established in 1964. It offers
an opportunity for all men
and women to join the nation's
War on Poverty.
Birckhead, along with four
VISTA workers, have been
handing out VISTA pamphlets
and application blanks at the
ASUN Board To Select
Homecoming Finalists
The ASUN election board
will interview candidates for
Homecoming queen Wednes
day from 7 p.m. until 11 p.m.,
according to Larry Johnson,
member of the ASUN Elec
toral Commission.
The board, consisting of
four ASUN senators and one
faculty member, will select
ten Homecoming queen final
ists on the basis of appear
ance, personality, poise,
scholarship and activities,
Johnson explained.
The University student
body will select the Home
coming queen from the ten
finalists at elections to be held
Oct. 12-13 in Love Library and
AWS Board members will
s e 1 e c t ' 50 freshmen AWS
Workers from interviews to
be held Oct. 2 from 1 p.m. to
9 p.m. in the Nebraska Un
ion, according to Susie Sitor
ius, AWS workers chairman.
Miss Sitorlus explained that
freshmen workers' activities
include selling ads for the
Coed Follies program, tickets
for Coed Follies and also su
pervising the annual Lincoln
"The workers' primary re
sponsibility is to establish
communication between t h e
freshmen women and AWS,"
noted Miss Sitorius.
Applicants will be expected
to be familiar with both the
structure of AWS and with
the contents of the newly-published
AWS handbook entitled
"Focus on Coeds," Miss Si
torius added.
Sororities may submit ap
plications for five freshmen
members and each floor of
the dormitory complexes may
submit one application.
Miss Sitorius said unaffili
ated Lincoln freshmen who
are interested in the AWS pro
gram may sign up for inter
view times in the AWS office.
booth in the north corridor of
the Nebraska Union. The
booth will close today.
"We handed out more ap
plications in one day at the
University than we did all
last year," said Jean Langlie,
a VISTA worker.
"The purpose of the booth
is to spread the word about
VISTA," she said.
Birckhead participated in
the VISTA Associate Pro
gram last summer. In this
program, VISTA workers
spend a summer in a poverty
Stationed at Persimmon
Fork Community, Ky., Birck
head worked on remedial ed
ucation, recreation programs,
the Nebraska Union. Elec
tions will be conducted at the
East Union Oct. 13 only,
Johnson added.
The Homecoming queen
and her two attendants will
be announced at the Home
coming dance in the Univer
sity Coliseum Oct. 14.
Johnson stated the rules
and regulations established
for the applicants.
Any fulMime, junior female
student in good standing at
the University of Nebraska
may participate. Each candi
date must meet the Universi
ty's minimum requirements
for participation in extra-curricular
No m o r e than one candi
date per female living unit
may participate.
Applications must be re
turned to the ASUN Office,
in the Nebraska Union by
5 p.m. Sept. 28. Johnson
stressed that candidates must
also sign the interview time
sheet in the ASUN office In
order to be eligible.
Each finalist should be pre
pared to pay $15.00 for pho
tography costs.
Except for skits, the only
form of publicity allowed will
be the official ASUN posters.
Gonzaga Governs
Academic Norms
Spokane, Wash. (I.P.) -The
Academic Council at Gonzaga
University has established
norms that will govern de
partment requirements, ac
cording to the Rev. Neil G.
McCluskey, S. J., academic
vice president.
Under a proposal passed by
the Academic Council, no de
partment may require more
than 33 upper and lower divi
sion credits in the major field
and supplementary courses
combined. No depart
ment may require more than
24 upper division credits in
the major field and support
ing fields.
However, "Departments
normally requiring more than
18 upper division credits in
the major field will be author
ized to provide that a support
ing minor in a teaching field
is also required."
and community projects.
"We lived in and with thp
people, living their way nf
life," said Birckhead. "We.
worked with them rather than
for them, giving encourage
ment and ideas, trying to era.
ate a better understanding.
The poor can do just as much
for themselves as anyone else
if they are given a chance,"
he said.
"The VISTA program hopes
to eventually work themselves
out of a job," he said. "We
hope the day will come that
there will be no poverty
Birckhead said that he has
a long time interest in Apa
lachia. Having lived in Mis
souri, he came in contact
with people from Apalachia,
wanted to find out what it was
like on the "other side."
"I am interested in this
type of work, and I believe
in this class of people. Even
though the monetary pay is
small, I always benefited. . .
by giving, I received. It's
something you can really sink
your teeth into to see your
projects in the operating
stage," Birckhead said.
The VISTA workers sum up
their stay at Nebraska by say
ing that they really enjoyed
themselves. The professors
are extremely cooperative
and the students are recep
tive and interested.
Sales Start Oct, 3
War CU-NU Gomel
A special allotment of 2,000
tickets for the Nebraska-Colorado
game at Boulder on Oc
tober 22 has been set aside
for student sale, according to
Jim Pittenger, athletic tick
et manager.
"Because of the anticipat
ed heavy demand f or t h e s e
tickets, they will be sold at a
special student sale using the
policies adopted and coordi
nated by the Student Senate
for the Missouri game in
19(55," Pittfinger explained
The tickets which are $5.00
each (there is no special stu
dent rate) will be on sale out
side the Ticket Office In t h e
Coliseum on Oct. 3, 4, and 5
from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
and from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00
p.m. on each of the t h r e e
days noted.
The procedure, as de
scribed by Pittenger will be
as follows:
1. Each full-time Universi
ty student may apply for
one ticket only.
2. Each student must ap
pear in person, producing his
ID card and leaving a check
with his ticket application.
Applications may be obtained
at the ticket table in the coli
seum. 3. Those students .desiring
to sit in a group mist appear
together and apply for their
tickets as explained. Their
applications will be placed to
gether and will then will bo
handled as one order.
May Establish NU-City
The intent of Dean Peter
sen, Mayor of Lincoln, to at
tend the Student Senate meet
ing Wednesday is a "pretty
healthy sign," according to
Roger D o e r r, ASUN vice
"This is the first time that
a civic leader has displayed
some initiative in establish
ing a liaison with the Univer
sity students," Doerr com
mented. AcaDrding to Doerr, this
appearance by a prominent
individual from Lincoln
could mean that, the Univer
sity is being recognized for
the responsibilities its s t u
dents are assuming.
Doerr stated that Petersen
will probably make a short
presentation, followed by a
period in which he will an
swer questions.
"I hope," continued Doerr,
'that Mayor Petersen will
speak on the University
growth and its impact upon
the city of Lincoln. Along this
line, I expect that he will
touch on areas of concern be
tween the students and city,
such as traffic and parking."
Doerr stated that it will be
interesting to see Petersen's
reaction to ASUN President
Terry Schaaf's report on for
YMCA Drops Weekend;
Few Freshmen Sign Up
' The fourth annual Fresh
man Weekend sponsored by
the Y,MCA and YWCA has
been cancelled.
Alan Crews, chairman of
the steering committee, said
that the weekend, scheduled
for Sept. 30 through Oct. 2,
had to be cancelled because
of expense.
Crews said the sponsoring
organizations would have suf
fered insurmountable debts
with the small number of peo
ple that had signed up.
Crews said that because of
several failures and unavoid
able circumstances, the com
mittee found it impossible to
acquire the minimum number
of freshman needed to hold
the camp.
One of the major problems
was that the steering com
mittee received the labels
bearing the freshmen's names
and addresses at least six to
"In the event that there are
.less than 2,000 ticket orders
received, all applicants will
receive a ticket. In the case
that there are more than
2,000 orders received, a draw
ing will be held to determine
those students who will re
ceive the tickets," Pettingcr
He added that if they de
sire, the Student Senate may
supervise the drawing.
Sutdents may pick up their
tickets at the Coliseum Tick
et Office beginning Monday,
Oct. 10. Pittenger stated that
if all the orders cannot be
filled, students who do n o t
receive tickets, will be able
to pick up their checks at the
same time.
'Any student who does not
pick up his ticket by Friday,
October 14, will have his or
der cancelled," Pittenger not
ed. He emphasized that since
there are three days set aside
for ticket sales, it makes no
difference If the applicant Is
the first to order tickets, for
as soon as the office has re
ceived the 2,001 st order,
there will automatically be a
drawing to determine who re
ceives tickets.
"We have set aside three
days for ordering so that all
students might have a chance
to order tickets, no matter
what their schedule," Pitten
ger concluded.
eign student housing, which
was made in the spring.
"I would like to hear wheth
er or not he thinks- that
Schaaf's presentation before
the Lincoln City Council went
through the proper chan
nels," Doerr noted. "I am
also interested in finding out
if he wants to see more of
this action in the future."
"Also in this area of foreign
student housing, I am look
ing forward to hearing what
the mayor thinks will happen
in regard to the housing con
ditions facing students,"
Doerr said.
Doerr sees the possibility
of debate on the resolution by
Sen. Pam Wood, which was
tabled last Wednesday, that
the night of Oct. 29 be closed
to all campus activities ex
cept the AUF dance.
"This problem was dis
cussed to a great extent last
year before a decision was
made," he pointed out. "How
ever, I think there is still a
great deal open to question."
The question of AUF's po
sition was never as carefully
analyzed as possible, accord
ing to Doerr. The problem,
as he sees it, is whether AUF
is really unique among cam
pus organizations. It present-
eight weeks later than was
Crews said that by the time
the material reached the
freshman they could not make
the deadline which was
printed on the brochures and
so did not bother to apply.
Even with a number of
additional entries signed up
during the first weeks of
school, the committee felt
that the number was not high
enough to make the program
a complete success.
Crews said that the schedu
ling of Derby Day for the
same weekend had been a
detrimental factor towards
the Freshman Weekend.
"In this case, all greek
pledges are required to at
tend this program, or at least
requested not to be out of
town for the weekend," Crews
Crews said the Freshman
Weekend is not unique to this
campus, for a program of this
type is carried out in many
major colleges, including sev
eral Big Eight and Big Ten
He said that in most cases
the cost for such programs is
higher than the program at
"Until we can convince
freshman how worthwhile this
program is," Crews said,
"and until we can find a
scheduled weekend so as not
to exclude the Greeks, It is
felt that much work would
have to be done to make the
program as successful as it
has been in the past."
All those who have already
signed up for the program
have been notified of the can
cellation and how they can re
ceive a refund.
1DCC Continues
Constitution Talk
Discussion will be continued
on the constitution for a pro
posed Interdorm Council at
the Interdorm Coordinating
Committee (IDCC) meeting
Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. in the
Abel cafeteria.
Budgetary allotments from
each dormitory will be decid
ed at the meeting, Jim Lud
wig, IDCC chairman, said.
The allotments will be quite
small, he said, one per cent
or less of the dorms' total ac
tivity funds to cover the
operating costs of the IDCC.
A dorm workshop to be held
in late October will also be
organized. The workshop will
be sponsored by the IDCC to
train floor presidents and vice
ly is the only student organi
zation which has University
permission to solicit money
from the students.
The aspect of the proposal
that Doerr sees debate upon
is "to what extent should
ASUN get involved in. ruling
or scheduling of campus ac
tivities. If there is a conflict
Hours Lengthened
For Display Work
AWS Board members vot
ed Tuesday to extend visiting
hours in the women's living
units the week preceding
Homecoming to facilitate the
construction of displays co
sponsored by fraternities and
Visiting hours will be in ef
fect from noon until closing
hours Oct. 10 through Oct. 14.
Sophomore and junior wom
en who are involved in the
construction of Homecoming
displays will be granted mid
night closing hours Oct. 13,
the day preceding the dead
line for the completion of the
The AWS Board stipulated
that all work on the displays
must be conducted outside
the men's living quarters af
ter 11 p.m.
Barb Beckmann, AWS ju
dicial vice-president, stated
Films At Sheldon:
'A nti-Conformitv'
Award winning films pro
duced by students will be
shown Friday in the Sheldon
Art Gallery auditorium.
The films were selected by
the National Student Film
Festival from four categories
fiction, tiocumentary, ani
mated and experimental.
The festival was sponsored
by the Graduate Student As
sociation of the University of
California, Los Angeles. A
committee of graduate stu
dents viewed over 75 films
made by American students
on a non-commercial basis.
Harper's Magazine, Oct.
1965, said, ". . . student made
films say as much (or more)
about students their pres
ent frustrations and aspira
tionsas about film-making
itself . . . student films are
characterized by a spirit of
revolt; they are anti-establishment,
David Stewart of Harper's
said, "Almost universally the
major interest in film mak
ing on the campus has devel-
sK 7 I -..! li
1967 CORNHUSKERS are now on sale at the
Tassels-Corn Cobs booth in the main corridor
of the Nebraska Union. Yearbooks also may
be purchased for $6.50 from individual members
of the organizations.
on a night, should the senate
say to one of the organiza
tions that they should find
another date?"
In other Senate action on
Wednesday, Larry Johnson,
Electoral Commissioner, will
present the homecoming pro
at the Tuesday meeting that
proposals for eliminating the
AWS sign-in and sign-out pro
cedure and special permis
sion slips for out-of-towns on
late nights will be discussed
at a judicial meeting Thurs
day. "However, if these new rul
ings are approved, it is doubt
ful they will be operational
before the next fall term."
Pam Hedgecock, AWS presi
dent said.
An election for the ratifi
cation of new AWS constitu
tion changes has been called
for Oct. 19, said Candy May,
AWS Board member.
Miss May explained that
orientations explaining the
constitutional changes and
the philosophy behind the
changes will be conducted by
AWS Board members for
University women the week
of Oct. 10-14.
oped from the desire to do
something about the way the
world is, and suggest how it
ought to be.
"If there appears to be no
'party line' among the film
makers, there is, at least, an
obvious need to change
things, and chief among these
things is the art of film mak
ing itself."
In an article printed in
Newsweek Magazine, a staff
member wrote, "Whatever
their theme and most of
them dealt with sex, youth
politics the (NSA) festival"!
films showed a strong com
mand of craft. The cutting
was smooth, the music was
synchronized and the acting
The films will be shown at
3 p.m. Friday in the Sheldon
auditorium. They are being
sponsored in conjunction with
the Nebraska Union Film So
ciety. Admission is free with a
Film Society ticket or 50
cents without one.