The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 22, 1966, Page Page 3, Image 3
Thursday, September 22, 1966 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Priest: Abortion Laws 'Need To Be Changed1 Abortion is a rather com mon happening at the Uni versity, the Rev. Raymond C. Hain, Newman Center priest, said Wednesday in a discus sion on abortion. "I'm sure if you wanted that kind of iinformation you could get it," Fr. Hain; said. Abortion has become such a serious problem that abor tion laws need to be changed, he charged. The American Law Insti tute has recommended abor tion laws which would allow doctors to terminate a preg nancy if two doctors agreed in the 'justifying circum stances" for perfoorming the abortion. The American Medical As sociation favored changing state laws to conform to the American Law Institute's model code last fall. Abortion is permitted, how ever, under strict limitations in all 50 states and the Dis trict of Columbia. In 1965 an estimated 1.5 Journalism Lecturers Have Mixture Of Academic, Professional Experience Eight lecturers, each a pro fessional in his field, have been added to the University School of Journalism staff for 1966-67 in a continuing pro gram to provide students a mixture of academic and pro fessional experience. The men complement the full-time- faculty in meeting increased Journalism School enrollment demands. Guest lecturers also will appear regularly before University journalism students. R. Neale Copple, director the school, said increased use of lecturers came about "partly by accident and part ly Intentionally." Because of the timing of staff resigna YD Groups Organize For Fall Campaigns Telling Young Democrats what they should do in the campaign, Lancaster Coun ty Democratic Central Com mittee Chairman Norman Krivosha said that "political campaigns are not won at meetings." Speaking at the YD meet ing in the Nebraska Union Wednesday night, Krivosha said, "It's- time for YD groups to recognize that it is not just a club-itis not pri marily for activity points, for debates or for putting signs on campus." Krivosha said that the Young Democrats should campaign for the Lancaster County candidates by contact ing registered Democrats, getting more Democrats to work and putting up cam paign materials around Lin coln. "We're not asking you to do these things as Young Democrats," Krivosha said. "We want you to be a part of the campaign." Krivosha stated that the election in Lancaster County was the most important in the state. He said that it could be won, since nearly 50 per cent of the registered vot ers are listed as Democrats. This being the first meet ll)llirlH'll1 'I'M ,mi1T-' 1 .a-MM The low -cost ralea apDlr t III clatalHed aarertUlD la th. Dalfcr Nebraskan i ataadard MM of ae per ward aad minimum enarc af We awr classified Insert!. Payment for tnese ad, will fall tola twa rslecerles: (1) ad rnauvr less tbaa na week la sareaMlea must be said for before Insert!, li ada nraalnc iar tore tbaa ana week will be raid weekly. To place a classified adTertlaemrnt call the I'Dlrenltr af Nebratka at 417-1711 and ask for the Daily Nebraska Ifleee or ram to Boom it la the Nebraska I'nlon. Tba classified advertising minsters maintain f:M I l.M Business aonra. Fleas attempt to place yoa ad dnrtaf tboae hoars. FOR SALE Temneau J96J-1MJ Corvette. 489-3713. 19M Honda 50 motor scooter, like new. $150.00. 406031. Tor Sale. 19M Honda Dream. Windshield, Saddle bale. Call 489-4H72 any evening. 13M Bulck Skylark Convertible. Good Condition. Bee at 645 So. 17, Apt. 402 or call 432-3120. GUITAR Fender Jazzmsster. 477-4377, BOOKS Ayn Rand discussions Sunday afternoons 1-4 p.m. or see me M any day. Wil liam Steen, 320 N 13th. Modern Play by Beckett. Behan. Os borne, Leltnl Jones, Delandy, (li-m-t, Pinter, Durrtnmatt, others, bookstore. 320 N. 13. FOR RENT Sleeping Quarters for four. Two bed rooms. Graduate student preferred, rlee Mariaret Fuhrmaa la Crib or 435-5MI1. 1727 Fairfax. Private Upper Duplex. New refrigerator, atove. drapes. 4CO-U63. million abortions were per formed in the U.S. Only 15 to 20 thousand of these were di rect or therapeutic abortions. Bases for changing abor tion laws were given as: The increase of illegiti mate pregnancies as a result of premarital sexual experi ence. People have grown accus tomed to the practice of con traception and are ready to turn to abortion if contracep tion fails. It is argued that easier legal abortion will deprive the illegal abortionists of their trade. Therapeutic abortions are permitted in the Catholic church on the grounds that it is legitimate to remove a diseased organism, Fr. Hain said. "Is it possible to change the Catholic attitude?" Fr. Hain opened the discussion. "If we start killing human beings, even if they are only tions last spring, the school faced difficulties In hiring new faculty members for the fall semester. The lecturers will teach courses and labs in the news editorial and radio-television sequences at the school. They are: Burnill F. Clark, produc er-director at KUON-TV, the University s educational tele vision station. Lee V. Rockwell, special projects producer at KUON TV. Bob Taylor, news direct or for KOLN-TV, channel 10, Lincoln, and KGIN-TV, chan nel 11, Grand Island. F. Pace Woods, II, presl- ing of the year, YD president Sabra McCall introduced the officers and committee chair man, and a renort was Piven , --i o- on the Democratic campaign situation across the nation. Vice President Bruce Ma son told those attending that all we want are 50 workers, not 175 members who just attend meetings. Mason said that, "For once Nebraska has a chance to leave the forests of the 1880's. We have an opportunity to elect a Senator who has a vo cabulary with more in it than theword 'no'." Krivosha added, "This Is not a Republican year. I checked the almanac." 3 Profs Attending Surgical Meeting A University College of Me dicine faculty member, Dr. Leon S. McGoogan, is a pro gram participant for the Pan- Pacific Surgical Association meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, Sept. 20-28. Other Nebraska faculty members attending the meet ing are Dr. John Coe and Dr. Carl Wilson, assistant profes sors of surgery. WOULD YOU BELIEVE. Private, Un fumlahed house. Rang and refrigera tor. Bring roommates. 1713 K. 2tn. 50 per month. School term. MISCELLANEOUS "ESP-DISK. recording company of the new music and the FUGS, want cam pus reps for surveys and public rela tions assignments. Contact Immediately B. Stollman, ESP. 138 Mb Ave., New York, 10010." WANTED. Good tennis player who la In terested In playing regularly with a real fanatic. Contact David Neumelster, 432-1632. WANTEDS Artist to wark part time: Silk screening. Phone 489-476). Real part time Job. Car necessary. 432-4644 anytime. I Cafl CORNHUSKER BILLIARD SUPPLY. 1020 "P". Com play pool with us. On piece and two piece cue for sale. ORCHESTRAS 1. Harrlaoa B, and the Bumbles. Well known college combo for hire. Call Stan Johnson at the Delt house. PASSENGERS WANTED Passenger to FLY to Wiaconsln Oc tober (. Call Scott Stuart. dta-WMl. a fetus, mercy killing is just another step away," one stu dent said. A coed questioned if abor tion is committing murder be cause murder applies only to human beings. "We are killing an organism that has the potential of be coming a human being," a student answered. "What should the practical conclusion be?" asked Fr. Hain. "We have to form our conscience on what we know." The only safe guidelines are to follow the directions of the church, Fr. Hain said. Man has no right to take life and can only act when he has certitude. "An answer is difficult to find," Fr. Hain said. Science is needed to keep exploring even the basic questions of what is life, when does life begin and when does life end. "We will discover new prob lems, new facts which will re quire man to change his whole attitude." dent of Woods Companies of Lincoln. He has been direct or of on-the-air promotion for the American Broadcasting Co. in Hollywood, Calif., and associate director and net work director for NBC In Hol lywood. L a r r y Becker, form er managing editor of The Lincoln Star. Edward F. Carter Jr., member of the Lincoln law firm of Barney, Carter and Buchholz. He will teach a law course for journalists. Richard Herman, state house reporter for The Lin coln Journal. Carl Keith, night news editor of The Omaha World Herald. Copple said the use of lec turers is practiced in many journalism schools in the country, including Columbia University and Northwestern University. Guest lecturers are to in clude Lancaster County Arty. Paul Douglas, City Finance Director James Mallon, Po lice Chief Joseph Carroll, Lan caster District Judge Bart lett Boyles and Hugo Srb, clerk of the Legislature. The use of lecturers and guest lecturers provides a good mixture of full-time fac ulty members who are able to devote their time to aca demic duties and men work ing in the fields in which they teach, Copple said. Ottoson To Become Ag Economics Head Dr. Howard W. Ottoson, chairman of the University Department of Agricultural Economics, will become Di rector of the University's Agricultural Experiment Sta tion on December 19. The appointment was an nounced Wednesday by Chan cellor Clifford M. Hardin, sub ject to final approval by the Board of Regents. He succeeds Dr. Herbert H. Kramer who accepted an ap pointment as Director of the Agricultural Experiment Sta tion and Associate Dean of Agriculture at Purdue Uni versity effective Jan. 1. Dr. Ottoson, an authority on agricultural policy, eco nomic development and land tenure, joined the faculty in 1950 and became chairman of the department of agricul tural economics in 1956. He was named Bert Rodgers Pro fessor of Agricultural Eco nomics. Dr. Kramer has been Di rector of the University Ex periment Station since Sept. 15, 1961. Dean E. F. Frolik of DIAMNE DIANNE DIANNE DIANNE CHANDLER Wr oarvfo! sbovid.r tpsk.n. )l North lath mi Hi mrfM . mil" "' i liiai i y f'U J -f ,M I f'FA r if A 1 ' jbb J M U.S. MARINE CORPS . . . gives prospective officers the scoop. Marines Seek Candidates For Corps Officer Course Making their annual visit to the University this week is the Officer Selection branch of the Marine Corps. The purpose of this visit, according to Sgt. B. Chas tain, is to interview interest ed students for the Officer Se lection program. Chastain estimated that from 25 to 30 students are in terviewed each day, but that all of these do not actually join the corps. He said that they had en rolled 18 students from the campus as of noon Wednes day. Chastain said that last year they enrolled 19 students in the Marine Corps Officer Plan from the University. On ly one of these did not com plete the summer program, and that person was unable to complete due to no fault of his own. The summer program, Chastain said, is required of all officer . candidates. The student attends a six-week program for the first two summers of his college career and a ten-week program be tween his junior and senior years. He said that a candidate Is not a full officer after these sessions but first must attend a 21-week basic training school. He stressed that the candidate is commissioned the day that he graduates from the-University. Chastain said that the Uni versity is "one of the better campuses in his district," which includes most of Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. He said that the University showed "probably the best interest and the best type of the University's college of Agriculture and Home Eco nomics said Dr. Kramer's leaving represents "a real loss" to Nebraska agriculture. "Dr. Kramer is one of the distinguished agricul tural scientists in the nation," Dean Frolik said. "He has provided strong leadership in our research programs in ag riculture and home eco nomics. His leaving under scores the fact that Nebraska has difficulty in holding staff in competition with univer stities such as those in the Big 10." Dr. Ottoson's experiment station research at the Uni versity has attracted several grants, including one f r o m Resources for the Future, Inc., to finance a study of Ne braska's transition area. MOTORCYCLE RACES Sat., Sept. 24-7:30 P.M. 15 events Over 90 drivers from 4 states Admission $1 V. ) f Midwest Speedway 4600 No. 27th St. man for which the Corps is looking." He said that they have more interviews with stu dents from Nebraska Univer sity than any other univer sity despite the fact that it is not the largest school in Gather Hall, At Odds On Cather Hall and the Corn husker seem to be at odds over yearbook pictures, ac cording to Cather President Jim Ludwig. Ludwig said he was going to bring up the matter be fore the Interdorm Coordin ating Committee, of which he is chairman, because the Cather executive council feels that group pictures of dormitory residents would provide a better system than the individual pictures now being used. "A larger percentage of re sidents would be in the Cath er Hall section if group pic tures were taken," Ludwig said. He said he did not t h i n k there was "too great a possi bility" of having group pic tures of dormitory residents in the Cornhusker. Would Downgrade Ludwig said that he was told by the Cornhusker that the annual is trying to put out a prize-winning book, and that rating services down grade on group pictures. A lower quality publication might result, Ludwig said. He said residents seem to favor group pictures because of the lower individual costs. Ludwig noted it would take less trouble to gather the re sidents for a picture on their floors. Ludwiff said that Harry Ar gue, the dormitory section edi tor for the Cornhusker and a Cather resident, would be at tending the next executive council meeting to discuss the situation before Cather makes its contract for the current annual. Difficult To Change Ludwig said when the dor mitories first approached the Cornhusker with the idea last year, they were told that the basic lavouts had already been made for that year and could not be changed without great difficulty. "If evervone wants group pictures, we could probably put a lot of pressure on tne Cornhusker," Ludwig said, referrinu to the large popu lation of dormitory residents. Ludwig estimated that with group pictures the dorms would be using about 30 pag the district. This distinction goes to the State University of Iowa. The Marine Corps officers are located in the basement of the Nebraska Union and will be there until Friday afternoon. Cornhusker Group Shots es in the annual. He said that the expense and time involved was the reason for many residents ignoring the signup for individual pictures. Last year 129 of 468 Cath er residents had individual pictures in the Cornhusker. AM StOlf 1& W foR mm in Mf- ffflDrUty.fitWr'fitf "''Men When You Must Keep Alert When you can't afford to be drowsy, Inattentive, or anything less than all there. . . here's how to stay on top. VEflV Continuous Action Alertness Capsules deliver the awakeness of two cups of coffee, stretched out up to six hours. Safe and non-haoit-forming. Continuous Action Alertness Capsules K m? J avowal ii " "Mi n m, tJ A . i - ..... Vffl Regent Adkins Defends Scholarship Program A member of the Board of Regents, Richard E. Adkins of Osmond, says he inter prets part of a recent criti cism on the University's pro posed 1967-69 budget by Omaha Senator Clifton Batchelder as "an attack on the integrity of the Board of Regents in the operation of the so-called Regents Schol arship Program." Batchelder, accused the in stitution's management of "making use of an unauthor ized scholarship program amounting to approximately $500,000." By this method, the Oma ha senator claimed, the Uni versity caused its enrollment to expand, accelerating pres sure on the Legislature for larger appropriations. Adkins said the Regents Scholarship program "is op erated under authority granted 37 years ago by the Nebraska Legislature. It is not a new program." Shutterbug Needed By Nebraskan Photographer needed! From sources within the Daily Nebraskan comes word that a bright, energetic young man or young woman with a need for $40 per month could become a new staff photogra pher. Prerequisites: Ownership of photographic equipment (i.e., camera); experience with pro cessing and printing film; and a unique ability (convenient class schedule) for taking pic tures. Interested persons may in quire at the Daily Nebraskan office in the Nebraska Union. Experts Discuss Job Interviewing The do's and (don't's) of in terviewing for a job will be aired at a panel discusion Tuesday which will feature two authorities in the field of career planning. The seminar will be held in the ballroom of the Nebraska Union at 7:30 p.m. Guest panelists will be Lar ry Nuss, Manager of College Relations and Employer Rep resentative from the Midwest College Placement Association on the Council of The College Placement Association, and W. J. Hergenrader who is vice president and general man ager of Frigiking Company and a graduate of the Univer sity. Swifigline 1 How far can a do; run into the woods? nnvers below) 2 A storekeeper had 17 TOT Staplers. AH but 3 were sold. How many did he have left? This is the Tot Stapler (including 1000 slaples) Largar sit CUB Dealt Stapler only $1.49 No blgeor than pack ot parks th punch of a big deal! Kefills availabl verywhere. Unconditionally guaranteed. Mad in U.S.A. Get it at any stationery, variety, book storal -SWtrt4L INC. Long Island City, N.Y. 11101 umo ub3 noiC wait looqai epiti .ptivq au.) sj.Aou.! 'ipuad pua 3fOoq;iiou Oi x.iu etnojoq 'ASJ9 s tuaqi auiAnq j nuapnis -tjdms J,0X )" Autidod q) jo Ajots m inoqs )snf s,lu,i 'puy aejq r, 'Z jtpooM aqi jo trio amuunj si n '"law 1 IT J V air ' Under this grant, Regents can waive or refund fees of academically talented stu dents or those in financial need who show scholastic promise. . , Adkins told Batchelder, by letter, the program now pro vides scholarships for 600 students annually 300 fresh men and 300 upperclassmen. The dollar value of the waived tuition is $175,000 yearly. Also, the University oper ates three other programs involving tuition waivers for certain students, including children of slain servicemen, with an annual dollar value of $50,700. "In all cases," Adkins con cluded, "these tuition waiv ers are reflected in tuition income estimates the Univer sity presents to the governor and to the Legislature. They are neither unauthorized nor improper, and they involve no diversion of funds. "All other scholarships which the University awards are supported by outside donors," he said. The most walked about slacks on Campus are HUBBARD with "DACRON" The action is fashioned by Hubbard . . . DACRON polyester in the blend means total neatness. Try a pair of BREECHES by HUBBARD for the ta pered look you'll want! HUBBARD SLACKS mmmm ' 4 '1 DuPont ft.g. T.M. 1 . W!H ft yj