6t, Eigfoteen Contacted ... udent Rights Concept Supported In Faculty Poll ARCHiwc$,he concept of Student IJnl of Rights was generally supported in asm of 18 University faculty members. Marvin Brodsky, assistant professor of psychology said, "If college is to help the in dividual to play a role in so ciety then it follows logical ly that he should have some hand in making the decisions about himself. "Take a student in college versus one who did not go to college and the one who did not go has complete free dom." He continued "We're say ing that the one who doesn't go is capable of making deci sions whereas the one who does is assumed to be incap able of making his own deci sions." Gordon Gallup, professor of chemistry, refused to com ment becauuse he said he AWS Activities Mart J ml r ,,, UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATIONS were actively set in motion Wednesday as AWS held its annual I'pperclass Activities Mart, where upperclassmen could sign-up for activities. One organization president estimated that over 100 people had joined her group that afternoon. People Play, Enjoy, Listen To Jazz Beat . . . But Cannot Define EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second part of a three part series devoted to jazz written by Toni Victor, senior staff writer. The series will end Friday when Earl "Fatha" Hineg will preform at "Jazz in the Afternoon" sponsored by the Nebraska Union. People play jazz, listen to jazz and like jazz, but when it comes to defining the sound they get flustered and mum ble about "beat" and "rhythm" all equally incomprehen sible to the layman. According to Professor Robert Beadell, of the Univer sity Department of Music, the essence of jazz cannot be cap tured in one simple definition. An explanation of the tech nique used by jazz players, he said, will lead to only half cf the story. Technically and traditionally, jazz is approximated in notion as 4-4 or duple meter a basic march rhythm. How ever, this is only the beginning for jazz. There are no limits to the complexities that are superimposed upon this rhythm. Marshall Stearns, in his book "The Story of Jazz," said that jazzmen put more complicated rhythms (in), blowing above and below the march beat. The author noted that this gives jazz a quality more complicated than syncopation, which stresses the normally weak beat. Primary Emphasis - . "Classical music places primary emphasis upon the up beat and the down-beat four to a bar the accents jazz uses as points of departure," Stearns wrote. Jazz it a style of playing, said Beadell. But there are also several styles of jazz. Note the difference between Dix ieland and contemporary jazz. This compounds the prob lem of what makes jazz. Lack of an identifying definition for jazz is not unusual in a field where improvisation has been the byword. To a great degree, every jazz performer is his own arranger. Intuitive Experience "He either has it or he doesn't have it. Jazz and its best is an intuitive experience that cannot be described verbally and cannot be obtained by mimicking another's technique," stated Beadell. An evolution hat taken place in jazz style a turn away from the obvious theme statement and variation to a silent tbeme plus variations, noted Beadell. He explained that historically, the silent theme is taken from two baroque forms, Chaeonne and Passacaglia. These forms feature a recurring set of either harmonies or bass line patterns. The real tune is never presented, but is rep resented by chord changes underneath the arrangement. Features Restraint The "cool" playing of Miles Davij and Charlie Parker is also a new note in jazz style. Dixieland jazzmen ex pressed and amplified their emotions through their music, said Beadell. Contemporary "cool" playing features re straint with more attention to form and clarity. "Cool playing it the difference between Stravinsky's 'Fire Bird Suite' and hit 'Soldier's Tale," Beadell explained. To Beadell, this restraint in contemporary jazz is the result of the sophistication, cynicism and holding back of feelings in todays society. didn't know enough about the present rules for under graduates to know if some thing new is needed. Harry J. Crockett, associ ate professor of sociology, said, "I'm for more power for the student government. It seems silly to have a student government that doesn't do anything but provide seats for people to get prestige." Several faculty members expressed support provided that the students could as sume the resonsibilities in volved. "I think it is a very good thing if the students can ex ercise the proper amount of responsibility to go along with it," commented R. A. Bow ers, assistant professor of English. "It will be a more severe test of their (ASUN) ability but it might be a good thing for the student body as a whole and the campus as a whole and the University as a whole," he added. One faculty member, Theo dore Roesler, assistant pro fessor of economics and sta tistics, expressed the opinion that at a minimum the con cept deserves exploration. He added that he would favor giving students a chance to demonstrate their responsibility. v Albert C. Book, professor of journalism refused to com ment on the matter because "I have not looked at this suf ficiently in depth." Peter Cheng, visiting pro fessor of political science, said he thinks the Bill of Rights would be a good thing to have. bers said they thought self A number of faculty mem government was a natural Thursday, September 22, Three Sororities Cite Alumnae Influence In Decision To Reject Senior Key System By Cheryl Trirt Junior Staff Writer Alumnae groups' influence was a major factor for sever al sororities in the rejection of the AWS senior key sys tem, according to the presi Stillman Exchange Student Speaks At ASUN Meeting The movement to clarify student rights and privileges is not limited to the Univer sity campus, according to Michael Figures. Figures, an exchange stu dent from Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, Ala., expressed sympathy with the cause of student rights in speaking be fore the Student Senate meet ing on Wednesday. "I sympathize with the cause of student rights and hope that students can work to accomplish the necessary liberalism," Figures stated. Mark Schreiber, Tom Reil ly and John Winkworth were elected to fill vacancies in the Student Senate, at the Sen ate's meeting. Schreiber, who will take the vacant seat in Arts and Sciences stated his opinion on a Student Bill of Rights. "If it is determined that a Bill of Rights is needed, it should be brought before the Senate for approval and then presented to the students in a referendum. It should not have to go to the Board of Regents and then down the ladder through the adminis tration." "If the Board of Regents approved it first, it would not be a Student Bill of Righti Tiemann To Speak Thursday Speaking on education and the growth of the University, GOP gubernatorial candidate Norbert Tiemann will address the University Young Repub licans Thursday. According to Cathie Shat tuck, YR president, the meet ing will be at 7; 30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Merry Ballard, YR secre tary, said that there would be a short business meeting be fore Tiemann speaks and an swers questions. Tiemann is a graduate of the University and a former member of the Innocents So ciety. Miss Ballard said that oth er candidates may attend the meeting, but that Tiemann would be the featured speak er for the evening. The Young Republicans presently are campaigning for membership. Miss Ballard said that they hoped to sell SOO memberships this year, maintaining the campus YR group as tb biggest in the stats. pari of adulthood and that they favored treating stu dents as adults. Robert J. Cranford, profes sor of journalism said, "I've always advocated letting stu dents make their decisions as they grow up. It's part of the maturing proess." The chairman of the mathe matics department, Dr. Ed win Halfar commented, "I think that anything that a stu dent can do that treats him like an adult and causes him to behave like an adult is all to the good." Associate Professor of Bo tany, John Davidson, said "I believe that students should be treated as adults and adults have self-determination in certain areas." "There are certain areas where it is up to the adminis tration or faculty to set cer tain academic standards. But 1966 dents of three non-participating sororities. "Our alum groups decided last spring against our par ticipating in the key system," Diane Smith, president of Alpha Phi sorority said. but rather a Board of Re gents Bill of Rights," Schrei ber declared. Winkworth, who is chair man of the ASUN Library Committee, called for vari ous improvements in the func tioning of the library. In cluded in them were an in crease in personnel, a better system of security, and an improvement in the carrel system. The necessity of bridging the gap between the students and the administration was stressed by Rcilly. He also stated that ASUN was no longer a "Mickey Mouse" or ganization but "must still find a place on the campus." In other elections, the Sen ate elected Mi mi Rose to fill the Senate's seat on the Elec toral Commission and Dick Schulze was elected to t h e ASUN executive committee. Roger Doerr, ASUN vice president, read a letter that he received from Vice-Chancellor G. Robert Ross. In it Ross stated that "the reor Campus Police Report Rash Of Recent Thefts Campus police Wednesday reported a rash of recent thefts involving University students. Capt. Eugene Masters. Campus Police chief, said that major targets of the thefts, which all occurred since Sept. 1, were articles left in cars parked on cam pus. Masters taid two Universi ty students were arrested late Monday nlgbt and charged with petty theft in connection with the theft of articles from several cars parked in the Pi Beta P b I sorority parking lot. The pair pleaded guilty to the charge. Masters also said $300 worth of clothing was stolen from an unlocked car parked in the Selleck Quadrangle lot on Sept. 1. One student re ported that clothing valued at $290 was stolen from h i s room in Abel Hall during Rush Week. Dormitories and fraternity houses have also experienced recent thefts. Masters said. Two lounge chairs were stolen from Cather Hall last Thursday night, Masters said. According to Jim Lud wig, Cather president, there was aJso an attempted rub bery the following Saturday. Campus police have appre hended a suspect in the case. when it comes to behavior regulation, I see no reason why students should not con duct their own affairs," he added. Professor of Women's Phy sical Education Dudley Ash ton refused to comment be cause, "So far I haven't had time to read anything about it." "I think it is fine that the students can govern them selves if they are capable, and it would give them more power. At some point there is a point of no return but I think college students should be mature enough to do this," Ronald E. Hess, assistant pro fessor of architecture stated. Richard S. Randall, assist ant professor of political sci ence refused to comment. A number of teachers ex pressed the attitude that what the students did was really The Daily Nebraskan The decision is not an in flexible one, Miss Smith added, but the alumnae did not want to approve the sys tem until they had the oppor tunity to observe it on an op erating basis. ganization of the material in the Handbook was in direct response to a request of stu dent government." - - "The policies were not changed but regrouped and, in some instances, operation al procedures relating to these policies were ex plained," Ross explained. Larry Johnson was ap proved by the Senate as Elec toral Commisssion and was sworn in by ASUN president, Terry Schaaf. Also approved were the Executive and Co ordinating Committee chair men. Members of the Student Tribunal and Student Court were sworn in by Schaaf. On the Student Tribunal are Dick Newton, Rob Langford, Lynn Overholt. Max Martin, San dra Kamler, and Cathie Shat tuck. The Student Court mem bers are Keith Mclntyre, chief justice, Robin Stickney, John Schrekingger, John Klein, Gale Muller, Sue Turner, and Gary Wahlgren. Fifteen carpets were stolen from the Sigma Alpha Epsl lon fraternity house shortly after the conclusion of Rush Week. The fraternity gave no value on the property. Masters said he would ad vise students not to leave clothing in their cars. He said this is "careless and foolish" and only invites thieves. Campus police patrol the campus all night. Masters said, but added that this is no guarantee that thefts will not occur. Home Ec Chapter To Honor Senior "Home Economics in the Headlines" is the theme for the annual Ellen H. Richards dessert to be held Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Ballroom. The dessert is sponsored by the University chapter of American Home Economic Association, The annual Bordon Award will be given to the home eco nomics senior with the high est average. G u e 1 1 speaker will be Margaret K i 1 1 i o n, chairman of the Home Eco nomics Department at Omaha University and the current president of the Nebraska Home Economics Association. Admission is $75. none of the University or the faculty's business. Associate Professor of His tory, Stephen T. Ross said, "The University should pro vide classrooms and teachers for the students and it should house them and feed them and then it should leave them alone. They have enough problems of their own." C. A. Evans, assistant pro fessor of philosophy, com mented that "students should make up their own minds and go ahead without worrying too much about what the fac ulty thinks." "I take the position that in so far as a student's person al life is concerned neither the University nor the ASUN should interfere," stated John B. Braeman, associate profes sor of history. "If the key system proves to be successful, we may be able to incorporate it by next semester at the earliest date, explained Miss Smith. Delta Delta Delta sorority decision not to take part in the system was the result of both a house poll and an alumane poll, Bev Armstrong, president, said. "The sorority can vote on this issue again if the need arise s," Miss Armstrong added. , A new addition, which is still in the planning stages, would also necessitate the installment of a new 1 o c k if the sorority were tc partici pate in the program when it first initiated, Miss Armstron said. Kappa Delta Sorority has expressed a "wait and see" attitude, according to I r m a Winterer, president. "Our alum group had a very strong influence on our deci sion, however," Miss Winter er added. ' As in the case of other non participating sororities, The Kappa Deltas may subject their vote to a review next year, stated Miss Winterer. Refusal of the senior key system by Pi Beta Phi sor ority was attributed to a house vote, claimed Connie Petersen, president. Pole Totin' Pledges '0 i jA W K'A'.'- . POLE TOTIN' was the word Tuesday night for Alpha Phi and Delta Upsilon pledges. The group carried the telephone pole from 21st and L Streets to the DU house at 16th and Vine in 13 minutes where it will be used in the construction of a homecoming display. They obtained the telephone pole from Lincoln Tele phone and Telegraph Co. "I reject in loco parentis. I reject the idea that the Uni versity should have any thing to do with a student's off campus activity," he con tinued. "I don't know enough about it to comment," said associ ate professor of English John Robinson. "In general I'm in favor of the idea," said Stephen Hil'i ard, assistant professor of English. Gordon F. Culver, associ ate professor of business teacher education agreed with the concept but said be fore he "jumped on the band wagon," he would like to know within what bounds the ASUN would operate. He added that he thought it is highly desirable for the students to have a voice in regulations that are going to govern them. Vol. 90, No. 6 A revote on the issue may be held at a later date "if the girls call for it"M i s s Petersen added. All women's dormitory com plexes, including units locat ed on East campus, will have locks installed, according to Pam Hedgecock, AWS presi dent. ' The dormitories will oper ate on the system by the same regulations which per tain to the sororities, Miss Hedgecock said. "I couldn't be happier with the response from the dormi tories," Miss Hedgecock con tinued, "but I am disa appointed with the percen tage of sororities who will convert to the key system." According to a poll taken last spring of junior and se nior women who favored the establishment of a key sys tem, a greater positive re sponse should have been achieved, Miss Hedgecock said. Alumnae groups were thoroughly orientated with the procedures, background and philosophy of the senior key system at a Panhellenic Workshop last May, Miss Hedgecock added, so their disapproval of the system can not be attributed to a lack of understanding of the program. U f J i I I I i l M I ! p, if' if" ' T r. X . ..