The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 21, 1966, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, September 21, 1966
Iii The Next Four Mouths
With today's paper, the Doily Ne
braskan has been in operation this sem
ester for exactly one week.
Like most other groups on campus,
we huve needed the first week to become
fully organized and are now ready to pub
lish the paper with the full force and plan
ning that we feel is necessary.
The Nebraskan besides covering all
news on campus as fully as possible and
making editorial comment! when It feeli
they are necessary, is now ready to be
gin some of the full coverage of issues
and problems that it feels every student
should understand.
In the next four months, the paper
will devote several lengthy series and
special pages or editions to the Universi
ty's budget problems, the elections Nov.
3, the success of student government this
year and the problems In education to
day. The series and group of stories con
cerning the University's budget will out
line the history of the school's money re
quests, Its past success with the Legisla
ture, the traditional conflicts between the
Legislature and the University and the
specific details of this year's request. This
particular series will include comments
from University official's, members of the
Legislature, state officials and budget ex
perts. - Almost all of the important candidates
In the Nov, 3 Nebraska elojtlon will be
speaking at the University between now
and election day. The Nebraskan will cov
er each of these speeches carefully and
try to pinpoint each candidate's stand in
regards to the University.
Shortly before the election, the pa
per will print a conclusive summary of
all stands made by candidates in connec
tion with the University and its future.
The Nebraskan will also concentrate
on the Important tax questions plus their
relation to the University and other Is
sues of Interest on the ballot such as
liquor by the drink in Lincoln. The paper
will print a series on the several candi
dates (or the school's Board of Regents.
In the area of student government,
tho Nebraskan will work closely with
ASUN in all matters. As in other years,
we will cover student government's ac
tivities closely each day, but in addition
the paper will also present a summary
at the end of each month telling exactly
what every committee and part of stu
dent government has accomplished at
that time. The paper will begin printing
how each individual senator votes on im
portant Issues.
Included in the area of educational
problems, the paper will continue series
similar to last year's report on why Uni
versity professors seem to continually
leave the University with studies of cur
riculum, expansion plans, faculty re
search and other important educational
That's What It Says
"EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second
half of reviews by John Thomas, associ
ate editor Of the American Federation of
Film" Societies "Film Society" magazine,
West Coast Division, for this year's for
eign films.
The fourteen films that are sponsored
by" the Nebraska Union film society will
be shown every other Wednesday starting
Oct 5-at the Nebraska Theater.
the tickets, which are sold on a year
ly basis, cost $7 for students and faculty
and may be bought in the Union program
"The Overcoat"
March 1
Alexel Batalov, who played Boris in
"The Cranes Are Flying" and Dr. Gourov
in "The Lady with the Dog," is a first
rate Soviet actor who now turns his hand
to directing with this new version of Go
gol's "The Overcoat."
He instantly establishes himself as an
actor's director of indisputable authority.
Gogol's story has been filmed several
times, once with considerable skill in a
shorter version by Wolf Mankowitz and
Jack Clayton.
But there can be little doubt that this
is the "Overcoat" to date. With the help
of his star, Roland Bykov, Batalov has
made a beautiful film of uncommon
warmth and deeply perceptive characteri
zation. With some movies it's best not to
know in advance what happens, but not
so with "The Overcoat;" its chief pleas
ures derive from the way Batalov and By
kov approach their familiar material. A
reading of the story before the screen
ing will greatly enhance the enjoyment of
this film.
"Juliet Of The Spirits"
I April 5
i: Most American critics panned this
film, claiming that it was full of uncon
trolled fantasy and without the serious
ness of its predecessor, 8Ms.
:; But in fact the basic difficulty of 8 Mi
was that its bourgeoning fantasy was con
tinually inhibited by Fellini's compulsion
to make the film mean something. There's
still an attempt to lend significance to the
events in "Juliet Of The Spirits," but Its
a half-hearted attempt at best, since Fellll
pi's real Intent is to let his imagination
run amok.
; And what an imagination it is! Bul-b'ous-busted
females in exotic gowns perch
in tree houses, bed . down in boudoirs,
fcrupt from the very woodwork. No doubt
Fellini thinks he has a serious message
(o deliver, but it looks all too much like
the Playboy Philosophy.
I; The pretense that these are the fan
tasies of a middle-aged housewife (Giulie
a Masina) is unlikely enough, but once
you forget the Inconsistencies you can just
jit back and enjoy the erotic opulence.
Filmed in the lushest color, staged
with luxuriant imprividence, "Juliet Of
The Spirits" is a monument to Fellini's
free-flowing unconscious.
If Fellini is saying anything at all it's
that fantasy is of ten hard to distinguish
from "real" life. After this movie you'll
believe it.
; April 19
Lemmy Caution, Agent .003 from the
Outerlands, invades Alphaville, city of the
future, where men's lives are ruled by
computers and emotion is punished by
A .. K A K
mouth to 3tdmalh.
4 At i
' v
Our Man Hoppe-
The Ideal World Ruler
Armed only with his .45 automatic, his
Zippo lighter and a volume of Eluard's
poems, he must kill the evil Professor von
Braun and rescue the scientist's daugh
ter from the computer's labyrinth. This
may sound like pure fantasy, but "Alpha
ville" is the most believable film you'll
see in this scries.
Within the framework of his comic
book plot and his poetic platitudes God
ard has constructed one of the stunning
films of our time. Whatever you may
think about it's insistent Message, you
can't ignore the overwhelming power of
its imagery.
"Alphaville" is a film to open the
eyes and the mind, a film so far ahead
of most of its contemporaries in sheer in
ventiveness that movies will never again
seem the same.
It's the kind of film to remind you of
all the things movies could do but rarely
try. Don't be disturbed by the fact that
Godard has created this film of the future
in order to extol the virtues of the past.
Every genius must be allowed his quirks.
May 3
"Darling" is a prime example of the
New British decadence, that movement
wherein the once-proper English go all out
to prove that they can be as miserable
and corrupt as anybody.
Julie Christie won an Oscar for her
star performance in this film, and easily
deserves it. She's certainly an appealing
enough personality, and almost turns the
character she portrays into a human be
ing. The story of Darling's rise from care
free TV-commercial starlet to bored Ital
ian countess is familiar enough, and based
upon the unchallengable assumption that
anyone richer than us must be unhappy.
It offers us the double satisfaction of in
dulging in a lot of vicarious sinning while
at the same time remaining detached
enough to condemn all those awful people
on the screen.
The real difficulty is that the film's
creators lack any notion as to what posi
tive ideals might be an alternative to the
materialistic amorality they portray. The
film's only "good" character, Dirk Bo
grade, apparently draws his virtue from
the fact that he is an Intellectual that is,
he conducts street interviews for the BBC
Third Programel If this your idea of the
good life, the world may very well seem
pretty bad.
May 17
"Kwaidan" must be among the two
or three most beautiful color movies ever
made, and remarkable for the intensity
of imagination that it displays.
It's a collection of four ghost stories,
most of them traditional Japanese tales
and none of them of particular signifi
cance In themselves. The first story re
tells the ending of "Ugetsu," while the
last Is no more than an anecdote.
It is in the two middle stories that
Kobayashi's talent blooms. In order to
get his exotic sky effects he had huge di
oramas built and used on location, set
down in wheat fields and across roadways
to block out the natural sky.
The result is a strange, menacing film
in which earth and sky inhabit separate
worlds, and life is lived at the edge of
nightmare. The simple ghost stories re
verberate with archetypal meanings, all
carefully delineated by the sichest kind of
visual artistry.
It's hard to pick out any scene over
all the rest, but certainly the vision of a
half-dozen Japanese nobles diving slow
motion through a boiling, orange sea is
among the film's most ravishing images.
i J
Arthur Hoppe
"Now that Mr. U Thant
quit, they got to find some
body else to run the world,"
said the Kindly Old Philoso
pher, whittling away with
his kindly old jack-knife.
"And I got the ideal candi
date." Who's that?
"Me," he said modestly.
"First off, I need the job.
If the U.N. wants to help
the poor folks of this world,
it stands to reason they
ought to hire one."
But would he be accept
able to all factions?
"Well, I ain't a Commu
nist," he said. "But I sure
ain't a Capitalist, neither.
Hard as Fve tried."
And what of the big Afro
Asian bloc?
"I never met an Afro-Asian
I didn't like," he said
with his kindly old smile.
But what of his qualifica
tions? Did he have any lead
ership ability?
"Not a whit," he said
proudly. "I got followshlp
ability. I'm a natural-born
bred - in the bone follow
er. That's what makes me
an ideal candidate. You
look at the mess our leaders
have made at running the
world. It's high time, son,
that one of us followers
took over."
He frowned a kindly old
frown. "The trouble with
leaders," he said, "is they
got this hankering to lead,
they yearn to tell folks
what to do. They burn to
run the world. But they
don't really give a hang
about people. If they did
they wouldn't want the job."
How did he mean?
"Well, running the world
ain't as easy as it appears
to be. You get up in the
morning and the paper says
another 1000 folks got killed
in Vietnam. An assistant
...By Ro&er Elm 1
The semester has be
gun .. . BIG RED has be
gun another unbeaten, un
tied season . . . ASUN has
heard the opening state
ment by its president . . .
the first of our thousand
queens has been chosen . . .
and the pledges have a
hangover. The nine month
orgy called 'University' has
But this semester has a
larger significance. It will
be during this year that the
Student Bill of Rights is
either passed and imple
mented by the Student Sen
ate, or squashed and for
gotten. It is also the year
that campus political par
ties will come of age.
Terry Schaaf, President
of ASUN and Senate lead
er of Vox Populi, has lead
his party on a rather con
servative, status quo course
of action. In his opening
statement to Student Sen
ate, Schaaf spoke of rights
and privileges and said that
they must be earned. The
Student Bill of Rights as
formulated by the Campus
Freedom Democratic Par
ty is not a plea for privi
leges, rather a statement of
rights. Not to be earned, but
Some Student Senators
are afraid that the CFDP's
Bill of Rights is illegal to
powerful a statement to be
made by students. I admit
that under the present set
of regulations this is a radi
cal document. They fail to
realize that they are rewrit
ing the regulations, and
that by their own vote they
legalize their actions.
We cannot wait, we must
act, we must establish our
selves as adults responsible
unto ourselves for our ac
tions. Actions based on a
Bill of Rights and actions
' governed by an effective
student government.
Campus Opinion . .
School Makes
Big Impression
Dear Editor:
The University structure
has much to offer its stu
dents for their development
and mental growth. Scholas
tic, athletic and social ac
tivities combine to create
an organization impressive
to any newcomer. Here,
then, is the impression
made upon a "typical"
freshman an actual let
ter found in a deserted
Dear Mary.
I hope you're having as
much fun at college as I am.
I pledged the -fraternity,
and things couldn't be
better. I have the picture of
you, Alice and Sally up on
the wall.
How's the U. of C? I bet
it's all time (fraternity
slang). Did you get into
your sister's house?
We have "woodsies" (go
out In the sticks and have
a huge beer party) and free
cigarettes during Rush
I guess Bill did all right
after he got to U. of T. He
was telling me about neck
ing parties at the pool and
all the Bacardi you c 0 u 1 d
drink. There's a bottle club
dance this Friday. I wish
you were here we could
have a lot of fun. Well, got
ta hit the books.
Love always,
Andy, " Pledge"
P.S. Sorry about the his
tory paper stationery still
comes in and says, 'I regret
to inform you, sir, that a
couple of million more In
dians passed away from
malnutrition last night. And
the Ambassador from Syr
ia calls to say he is about
to blow up the Israelis. Or
vice versa.
"Now if you think of these
people, it'll get you down.
'What kind of a world is
this I'm running?' you'll
say. 'What did I do wrong?'
And you'll be washing
down your aspirins with
"But a leader, he won't
think of them as people.
He'll think of them as so
many Vietnamese, Indians,
Syrians or Israelis. Just
numbers. And he'll confi
dently tell everybody what
to do. Positive he's right.
Even though things get
worse, and worse.
"Yep, what the world suf
fers from is leadership. And
the man we need to run
things is a kindly, gentle,
loving follower like me who
don't give a fig for power,
prestige or ordering folks
But then why would he
want a job like that?
"Now you're down to the
nitty-gritty, son," he s a i d,
thumping his kindly old
cane on the floor. "I got the
one quality absolutely essen
tial to running the world in
a decent, sensible fashion."
What's that?
"I wouldn't take the job,"
said the Kindly Old Philoso
pher, "for all the tea in
After thinking the matter
over, I concluded sadly that
he was right and assured
him that as long as he felt
that way he could count on
my wholehearted support.
Daily Nebraskan
Vol. W, No. S
Sept. 21, 1966
Second-class postage paid at Lincoln,
Member Associated Collegiate
Press, National Advertising
Service, Incorporated, Published
at Room 51 Nebraska Union,
Lincoln, Neb., 68518.
TELEPHONE: 477-8711, Ex
tensions 2588, 2589 and 2590.
Subscription rates are M per semes
ter or M or the academic year. Pub
lished Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday during lha school year, ex
cept during vacations and exam peri
ods, by the students of the University
of Nebraska under the jurisdiction of
the Faculty Subcommittee on Student
Publications. Publications shall be free
from censorship by the Subcommittee
or any person outside the University.
Members of the Nebraskan are respon
sible for what they cause to be printed.
Editor Wayne Kreuscher; Manatlni
Editor Lola Qtilnnetl News Editor Jan
Itklnl Nlatht News Editor Bill Mlnleri
Sport Editor Bob Flasnicki Senior
Staff Writers, Julie Morris, Randy
lrey, Tonl Victor, Nancy Hendrlcksoni
Junior Staff Writers, Cheryl Trltt,
Cheryl Duntap, John Fryar, Bob Hcp
burni Newt Assistant -Eileen Wlrthi
Photographera Tom Rubin, Howard
Kensiagerj Copy Editors. Pes' Bennett,
Barb Rptwrtann, Jam Ron, Bruce
Business Manager Bob Glnnt National
Advertising Manager Dwlght Ciarki
Local Advertising Manager Charles
Baxter; Classified Advertising Manas
ers, Baa Ana (linn. Mary Jo McDon
nell: Secretary Linda Lade: Business
Assistants, Jerry Wolfe, Jim Walters.
Chuck Salem, Rusty Fuller, Glenn
Frlendt, Brian Halla, Mike Essten
Subscription Manager Jim Buntti Cir
culation Manager Lynn Rathjem Cir
culation Assistant Gary Meyer.
S I Illllllullllllll Illli Illlllllllllllllllllllll IBiIIIMiIMIHMII iiiHiiuraimiiiiiiij
i 3
Campus 1
Hill of Rights Unnecessary
Dear Editor:
if I were a freshman, new to the University, and had
read the Daily Nebraskan last week, I would feel as
though I. was entering a four-year period of autocratic
oppression. It would seem as though I was entering a new
society in which my God-given rights would be throttled.
And everywhere in the paper, Abbott, Abbott, Abbott!
What am I to think-that the only things of importance
or interest are Abbott and the Student Bill of Rights? At
least that Is the impression given by the editors of tho
Dally Nebraskan.
Itut I am not a freshman. I am a senior who has at
tended this University for the past three years and I can
not agree with Abbott's philosophy. I do NOT believe tho
University of Nebraska Is an educationally stagnant in
stitution. I do NOT believe that a Student Bill of Rights can im
prove the educational atmosphere of our University as
claimed by the editorial of last Friday's paper. I do NOT
believe that Steve Abbott and the CFDP, the proponents
of the Student Bill of Rights, are aware of the real needs
of the University and its students.
I do NOT believe that the ASUN is a mickey mouse
organization. And finally, I do NOT believe that any in
telligent, mature student can accept the narrow position
of the Daily Nebraskan on these Issues.
According to the CFDP and the Dally Nebraskan, tho
Student Bill of Rights Is necessary for the Improvement
of the educational atmosphere of our University. But, just
how is this going to help? Never Is the connection between
the bill of rights and quality education explained in logi
cal, rational and practical terms.
Will a Student Bill of Rights insure that students will
study nightly, attend every class and gain a fresh, new
outlook on education?
Does it mean that we will suddenly have an adequate
staff of educators providing the ideal classroom atmos
phere? Does it mean that we will have the ideal university
we are seeking? How, with one piece of paper declaring
our Independence, can our educational system be so easily
Certainly, improvements should be made In our pres
ent educational system. The educational atmosphere sur
rounding the campus, outside the classroom as well as
within the classroom, must be constantly under Improve
ment. I DO believe that students have the right and re
sponsibility to Improve these standards. I DO believe there
are practical and feasible methods for attaining these
I believe the most feasible method of improving our
educational standards is by establishing a mature, cooper
ative relationship with the faculty, administration, Board
of Regents, State Legislature, and the people of the State
of Nebraska. Our most logical connection with these
bodies is through the ASUN committee structure.
.One of the major problems confronting our University
is in the area of finances. In this area our responsibility
is two-fold. We must first use our Academic Research, Li
braries, Legislative Research and Student Opinion commit
tees to investigate, clarify and formulate our needs. We
can then use our Public Relations and Legislative Liason
committees to inform the tax payers and legislators of
our needs.
Within the University we must work closely with the
faculty and administration to Improve our educational at
mosphere. We can use committees such as Faculty Sen
ate Liaison, Student Welfare and Public Issues to help in
these areas.
We can work through ASUN to improve the total ed
ucational environment with such projects as the FM ra
dio station, Stillman Program, European Flight Program,
and through the sponsorship or debates, forums, and Sym
posiums. I believe that these methods are concrete. Unfortunate
ly space does not allow me to be more specific.
But as Terry pointed out In his presidential address,
we must aet responsibily and maturely. We must not be
overcome by emotionalism or the desire for sensational
ism. We must remain rational, and yes Steve, even prac
tical. The people that we are interacting with are mature,
intelligent leaders In our society, and we must meet them
on an equal basis.
It is my belief that this is the best way in which we
as students can help improve the educational standards
of our University. Let us remember, we are not children,
so let us not be childishly demanding. Responsible, ra
tional, practical Interaction through appropriate channels
is the most effective way to improve the educational en
vironment of our University.
Dave Snyder
Speaker Pro Tempore
Why Can't I Govern Myself?
Dear Editor:
I have just entered the University of Nebraska. For
years I have been looking forward to the traditions of col
legethat place of new challanges, new hopes, new learn
ing and new freedom.
I am now an older, high school graduate. I am aM
to live away from home, and to control my dress, man
ners, clothes and other personal habits.
Supposedly, I am able to govern myself. But I have
failed to find this freedom to govern as a part of the total
education here at this "institution of learning." I am re
ferrlng to the bill of rights and to real self government
spoken of by Mr. Steve Abbott and CFDP.
I am now eighteen years old. For two years I have
had a drivers license and have been expected to obey
man s traffic laws. I am now subject to the draft, and
would be expected to fight like a man. I am Judged by
adult standards and tried in men's courts.
If I am expected to live an adult life, be judged by
adult standards and help preserve democracy In a manly
way, then why can't I govern myself?
I have always advocated equalizing the draft age and
the voting age. However, I had assumed that self govern
ment at the University had real meaning and-that my vote
counted. I was shocked to learn differently.
Because of my newness here, I am unsure what CFDP
Sm 5 ,JloTtl wiU definltely support a Student
Bill of Rights and will assist In action to give meaning to
self government. 6
These are basic, and I hope that I can help produce
these vital educational elements. Remember, "It is stu
dents that make the school, not the school that makes the
Ace Black