The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 21, 1966, Image 1

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Wednesday, September
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ASUN To Fill Vacancies I
I For Three Senate Seats I
Elections to fill three vac
ancies in Student Senate are
major items on the agenda
for Wednesday's Senate
meeting, according to ASUN
vice president Roger Doerr.
"The applicants for the vac
ancies will be interviewed,
one at a time by the entire
senate," Doerr explained.
"The candidates will then be
voted upon, with separate
' elections for the graduate
school and Arts and Sciences
In other new business, the
Senate will be asked to ap
prove the nomination of Lar
ry Johnson as the new elec
toral commissioner. If he is
approved, he will be immedi
ately sworn in. Also, a mem
ber of the Student Senate will
be elected to the electoral
The Senate Committees and
their members will be an
nounced, having been ap
proved by the ASUN execu
tive committee. Senate ap
proval will be asked for the
proposed chairmen of the Ex
ecutive and Coordinating
A new member of the ex
ecutive committee will be
elected from t h e senate.
Nominations from the floor
will be requested. Election to
the executive committee re
quires a majority vote.
A report by the Stillman
Committee will be presented.
The two students participat
ing In the exchange program
with Stillman College, Alice
Watts and Michael Figures,
will speak to the Senate.
The Student Court, which
handles matters concerning
ASUN constitutional and inter-organizational
will be sworn in along with
Bromm, Schulze Give Plans
For Legislative, Conduct Work
Student conduct and legis
lative liason are two areas
which have been the subject
of much discussion already
this year.
ASUN has included, in their
committee structure, two
committees to deal specifical
ly with these topics. On Sat
urday and Sunday, interviews
were held for the chairman
ships of the Student Conduct
and Legislative Liason and
Research Committees.
Curt Bromm was chosen
chairman of the Legislative
Liason and Research Commit
tee. His appointment must,
however, be approved by the
Senate at their meeting on
Wednesday. Chosen chairman
of the Student Conduct Com
mittee was Dick Schulze.
"The primary purpose of
the Legislative Liason Com
mittee, as I see it at the mo
ment, is to convey the needs
and desires of the students
and faculty to the legisla
ture," Bromm explained.
"This would be done in hopes
that we could help them ar
rive at a sound and fair bud
get for the University."
Committee plans, according
Jazz History . . . Funerals
the first part of a three-part
s e r i e s on jazz it's history,
techniques and place on the
University campus written
by Ton! Victor, senior staff
It's an African beat." It's
French morals in the old
South, yet it's the one truly
American musical expression.
It's Glenn Miller, Louis Arm
strong, Staa Getz "it's all
that jazz."
The history of jazz is as
varied and colorful as the
lives of its devotees. One
University fan and former
jazz band saxophonist is Pro
fessor Robert Beadell, now
with the music department,
who gave his version of a
capsule history of the jazz
Funeral parades in New
Orleans in the 1890's, said
Beadell, gave birth to what is
known today as jazz. From
that city, the sound moved up
21, 1966
the Student Tribunal, which
handles student discipline
Suggestions for a new fac
ulty adviser will be accepted,
since one of last year's ad
visers, Dr. Beverly Fowler,
New Regime Offers Little Hope
For Oppressed South Africans
By Julie Morris
Senior Staff Writer
The recent dramatic chang
es in the leadership of South
Africa will not make much di
ference for the lot of the
country's already oppressed
blacks, according to an Afri
to Bromm, call for research
into the needs and short-comings
of the University at the
present time. This research
would be compiled into report
form and presented to the
"We would like to bring the
legislators to the campus and
show them what the Universi
ty's problems are," stressed
Bromm. "We could show
them what the effects are of
a teacher and classroom
shortage first hand."
The immediate goals of the
Student Conduct Committee
are, according to Schulze, to
"establish, if we can, where
we stand legally as students."
"It would be foolish to talk
of rights and privileges if we
don't have them in a court of
law. Therefore we must de
termine what we have now
and then compare these to the
full extent of our rights,"
continued Schulze.
"At this same time, we
must consider what the ram
ifications would be if we ob
tained rights which we
thought were lacking. In oth
er words we would have to
try and project what would
the river and vibrated from
Memphis to Kansas City to
By the time the rest of the
world caught the rhythm, it
was early twentieth century,
and Dixieland jazz swung out
to such greats as Kid Orey
and Louis Armstrong.
Why it should have all
happened in New Orleans, no
one knows. That city just pro
vided a melting pot of nation
alities, personalities and rac
es that made the fusion pos
sible. It has been said roman
tically that the southern Ne
gro developed jazz to express
his sadness and longing for
Early Dixie style centered
in the small group composed
of clarinet, trumpet, trom
bone, piano and trap drums.
The banjo, tuba and bass
saxophone completed the rhy
thm section.
"Improvisation" was tha
word in early jazz and has
been a characteristic through
is no longer at the Univer
sity. Future Student Senate
meetings will Include a
speech by the mayor of Lin
coln, Dean Peterson, on Sept.
can graduate student at' the
Black South Africans "are
used like tools" by the white
Afrikaaner government and
are simply excluded from any
real participation in the life
of the country", A. B. Wand-
. . . notes death of African
happen if we got additional
Schulze stated that he plans
for his committee to work
with the Student Opinion
Committee in determining
what the students think there
rights and privileges should
Concerning his committee's
role, Schulze termed it a
"fact-finding committee.
What we will be doing is seek
ing out knowledge in the area
of student rights."
"I hope that we can have
open hearing on the subject
where we can hear witnesses
that run the gambit of points
of view. Both professors and
students would be included."
As to his personal stand on
the student conduct question
and a Bill of Rights, Schulze
declared himself neutral.
"I don't, as yet, know
enough about where we
stand," he stated. "I could be
described as one of limited
knowledge, a fact wich I hope
to alter in the next six
A list of the newly - ap
pointed chairmen and mem
bers of the ASUN committees
is given on Page 3, Col. 6.
out its history. However, im
provising was especially evi
dent during the happy sound
of Dixieland jazz. A premium
was placed on the trumpet
player who could just "take
off", pouring his f e e 1 i n g s
through his horn.
Then came the Swing Era
of the 1930's the "big band"
sound of jazz. Such names as
Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw,
Tommy Dorsey and Stan Ken
ton continued in popularity
until after World War II.
"The big band era was not
pure jazz, but it did contain
the elements of jazz," said
Prof. Beadell.
The Swing Era marked the
only time that there has been
the conjunction of a popular
dance form with jazz. Couples
jostled each other on the
dance floor to the jitter-bug.
And the bands were big. In
strumentation was expanded
with three to five saxophones,
three trumpets, four trom
bones, drums, piano, string
The Doily Nebraskon
Seniors Wait . .
Keys Delayed Until November
AWS senior key system suf
fered a temporary delay Tues
day with the notification from
the KESO company that the
University's order will not be
delivered until November, ac
era a native of eastern Ugan
da said. Uganda is one of a
number of small self-governing
African nations and lies
in the eastern equatorial re
gion of the continent.
'Dog Dead'
Following the Sept. 6 assas
sination of South African
Prime Minister Hendrik Ver
woerd, Wandera hung a sign
reading, "Dog Dead, South
Africa" from the window of
his apartment on 25th and
Iloldrege Streets.
Verwoerd, Prime Minister
since 1958, was regarded as
the architect of South Africa's
policy of apartheid-racial sep
aration. He was. stabbed to
death as he sat on the mini
sterial bench in the Parlia
mentarian chambers in Cape
The assassin was a white
man, Dimitrio Tsafendas, who
had been employed about a
month earlier as a messeng
er in the chambers. Tsafen
das apparently took Verwoerd
completely by surprise as he
plunged a knife into the
prime minister's chest and
throat. Tsafendas was imme
diately seized by other mem
bers of Parliament as Ver
woerd slumped over dead.
Verwoerd's successor, Bal
thazar John Vorster, was un
animously named the new
Prime Minister last week by
the ruling Nationalist Party
caucus, which consists of 126
MP's and 41 senators. Vorst
er is known as a militant sup
porter of the apartheid poli
cies. 'Inhuman'
Discussing his feel
ings about the assassination
and the accession of Vorster,
Wandera said, "I think Ver
woerd was inhuman." The as
sassinated prime minister,
Wandera said, "didn't have
any respect for human be
ings." Stressing that his comments
were "just my feelings, not
facts," Wandera said that the
only thing Verwoerd did for
South Africa was "to put
people on trains and ship
them off to the mines and to
build beautiful buildings, but
only for the use of a small
Feeling against the white
government of South Africa
runs strong throughout Ugan
da, Wandera said.
"We (Ugandans) don't want
to have any dealings, econom
ic or otherwise with South
Africa, because we feel it
would be blood money," he
Wandera contrasted this at
titude with the case of west
ern nations, including the
To Swing Era
bass and guitar. Arrange
ments were standardized,
though an improvisational so
lo was usually featured.
Be-bop marked the transi
tion into contemporary jazz in
the late 1940's and early
1950's. Charlie Parker and
Dizzie Gillespie are two
names that stand out from
this period.
A re-emergence of the small
group with four to seven play
ers become the dominant
style of jazz after be-bop
sounded its last notes. The
clarinet has been almost
wholly replaced by the saxo
phone in such groups. Piano,"
bass, drums and trumpet re
main "the stand-bys of jazz
bands today.
The style too, has changed.
Jazz has gone abstract, into
what Beadell termed "3rd
Stream". Former styles have
been left behind and jazz is
now approaching contempor
ary compositional techniques.
cording to Miss Carol Bischoff
senior key committee chair
man. "Due to the large quantity
of locks other universities are
ordering, the company is be-
United States, which trade ex
tensively with South Africa
and have substantial econom
ic interest in the country, both '
in private or government
. funds.
"There is something so fun
damentally and deeply
wrong" with the entire con
duct of lire in South Africa,"
Wandera said, "that we are
surprised when we see gold
coining Into America from
South Africa."
"Our people would rather
die than have anything to do
with South Africa, I would
rather import a product from
Japan at any price than im
port it from South Africa,"
Wandera said.
The political reality of a
black South African is actu
ally nonexistent. The blacks,
while they far outnumber the
white Afrikaaners and other
English-speaking people of the
country, are regulated in
nearly every step of their
lives. Black South Africans
must carry identification
cards with them at all times
and are subject to a host of
restrictive policies and laws.
"In South Africa," Wandera
said, "if a white person wants
anything, the black man must
He contrasted this situation
yuth the normal way of life
in which an individual would
sacrifice for the good of so
ciety. In South Africa, how
ever, Wandera said, the black
must sacrifice for the good of
the white.
"As far as democracy goes,
it is only for the whites," he
Wandera said he expects no
change in the basic policies
of the white government un
der the new Prime Minister.
"If anything, a change
would be tightening up the old
policies," he said.
AWS To Present
Lincoln Seminar
Orientations, designed to
familiarize Lincoln students
with the operations of the
University, will be held
Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the
Nebraska Union Pan-American
room, according to Susie
Sitorius, AWS workers chair
man. The Lincoln Seminar will
be presented by AWS mem
bers, who will explain the
program area of AWS and
the activities of the Univer
sity living units.
Representatives from the
Mortar Board society will
conduct a panel on the func
tions of campus organiza
tions. It has become a sound that is,
in BeadellJs opinion, "almost
unconsumable by the average
A fundamental conflict has
always been evident in jazz,
as in other art forms, but is
perhaps more pronounced to
day. The conflict arises be
tween commercialization of
the sound and technical ac
curacy. Jazz buffs look down at
those musicians who compose
and arrange with intent to
make a profit on the hit pa
rade, while sacrificing tech
nique. Beadell described Dave
Brubeck as "slightly commer
cialized," while Thelonius
Monk and Wardell Gray
achieve a triumph of jazz
The one group today, ac
cording to Beadell, that has
been able to combine and bal
ance commerciality with skill
is the Tijuana Brass, whose
sound harkens back to the big
band era of jazz.
SEP 2H868
hind in the manufacturing of
the special locks," Miss
Bischoff added.
Nine sororities have ex
pressed their intent to partic
ipate in the senior key sys
tem, Miss Bischoff said.
The sororities are Alpha
Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi,
Chi Omega, Delta Gamma,
Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Al
pha T h e t a, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Sigma Kappa and
Zeta Tau Alpha.
The general consensus of
the sororities which are not
participating in the key sys
tem is "that they want to wait
a year and see if the opera
tion of the key system suc
ceed s," Miss Bischoff ex
Homecoming Dance
Moved To Coliseiun
Preparations for Homecom
ing '66 are under way and
present plans include a three
day roster of activities, ac
cording to Jerry Olson, Corn
Cobs Homecoming chairman.
Tassels and Corn Cobs are
jointly supervising the events,
which include three - dimen
sional displays and the Home
coming dance. Donni McClay
is the Tassel Homecoming
ASUN will direct the Home
coming queen elections and
decide the method for select
ing royalty, explained Olson.
A bonfire, initiating t h e
week-end festivities, will be
held Oct. 13. Homecoming
queen finalists will be intro
duced during the rally, stated
Scheduled events for Oct. 14
include the judging of the dis
plays and the traditional
Homecoming dance.
Living units' displays must
be operational by 5 p.m.
Oct. 14 and will be judged
that evening.
The Homecoming dance
will be held in the University
Coliseum from 9 p.m. to mid
night. "In previous years the
dance has been held in Persh
ing Auditorium," Olson said,
"but the Homecoming com
mittees felt the dance would
be more successful if it were
located on the campus in the
center of the other activities."
EXPOSED PIPES ... in Teachers College indicate
installation of new air conditioning and heating system.
Air Conditioning System
Cools Teachers College
Teachers College students soon Will be able to work
and study in comfort.
A new heating and air conditioning system is being in
stalled in the 50-year-old building.
According to Carl A. Donaldson, University business
manager, the project was to be completed in late August,
but due to some delivery delays, it is hoped that the work
will be finished in a few weeks.
Donaldson said that the ventilating duct work which is
presently cluttering the lawn outside the building will re
place the old radiators which have been in the building al
most since the time it was built.
Donaldson said that they have been able to "work
around" only with the cooperation of the staff. He said
-that the staff has been "very patient" and added that they
are looking forward to the improvement.
Vol. 90, No. 5
Sororities which will n o t
incorporate the system are
Alpha Phi, Alpha XI Delta,
Deltz Zeta, Delta Delta Delta,
Kappa Delta, Pi Beta Phi,
Sigma Delta Tau and Phi Mu.
Sigma Delta Tau will not
have the key system this year
because no seniors are re
corded in their house roll, ac
cording to Jan Itkin, first
Delta Zuta and Phi Mu do
not have permanent housing
facilities and therefore will
not be represented in the sys
tem. Participation by Alpha Omi
cron Pi is still being decided
by the sorority.
Presentations of the Home
coming queen and her two at
tendants and the awarding of
trophies for first and second
place division winners in the
display contest will highlight
the dance, added Olson.
Pre-game functions will In
clude a banquet honoring the
Homecoming queen and her
parents Oct. 15. Displays will
also be in operation from
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the bene
fit of returning alumni, Ol
son continued.
Climaxing Homecom
ing week-end. a sell-out crowd
will watch Nebraska's B i g
Eight Football Champions
pitted against the Kansas
State Wildcats.
The Cornhusker marching
band's halftime performance
will center around the theme,
"Happiness Is." according to
Mr. Jack Snider, University
band director.
" Of Man"
Opens At Museum
The University of Nebras
ka State Museum has an
nounced the opening of a
new exhibition, the Hall of
Man, featuring New Guinea
cultural material.
The museum is open 1:30
5 p.m. Sunday and 8 a.m. to
5 p.m. Monday through Sat
urday. J
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