r f. J I- m f , " Thursday, September 15, 1966 The Daily Nebraskan Vol. 90, No. 2 IUi f lit I 1 " i Schaaf Schaaf Predicts Role Of'ASUN A "great mansion of stu dent government, built upon the foundation laid last year," was the role projected for ASUN by its president, Terry Schaaf. Schaaf presented his hopes and goals for this year's stu dent government Wednesday at the Student Senate's first meeting of the year. His speech was divided into the two areas where he sees es pecially strong promise for senate activity They are the University's budget and the student conduct problem. The first area he considered was that of working with the administration on getting the proposed University budget approved by the legislature. "The Legislature can't ap propriate money for the Uni versity unless we show them (the Legislature) and the peo ple of the state that we are interested in quality educa tion," Schaaf explained. He spoke of educating the citizens of Nebraska on what the University is doing for the state. Two examples, he said are the research done by the University in the area of ag riculture and business. Another area in which Schaaf sees the University benefiting the state stems from the fact that "there is a direct correlation between the quality of the educational in stitutions witlhin the state and the amount of industry the state can attract." Concerning the second area, that of student conduct, Schaaf said that whether something ts a student right or a student privilege must be clarified. "Student rights and privi leges can't be mixed," Schaaf declared. "The University is in a unique situation," he ex Tiemann Predicts 'Quantity Or Quality Soon Nebraskans will have to decide whether to upgrade the standards of the Univer sity by limiting enrollment or to allow it to "grow like Top sy", according to GOP guber n a t o r i a 1 candidate Nor bet Tiemann. At a Young Republican press conference in the Union Wednesday, Tiemann pre dicted that a choice would have to be made between "quality or quantity educa tion." Tiemann said that the mi gration of Nebraska's youth was "one of the mort Insidi ous problems we've had in a long t;me." He said that an npgrcdlr.g cf the state's insti tutions of higher learning, in cluding Junior colleges, c o I leges, and vocational schools should be financed by Nebras ka. Appearing with first district Congressional candidate Rob ert Denney, Tiemann said that this investment would : r ; ft is 1 s J 1 f - If i , IK-!? ' 8 - M I!,4 ?-:H ft plained. "We ao responsible to the state of Nebraska bo cause we are ai. arm of the state government The people of the state have made the Board of Regents the body to represent the people. After the Senate evaluates the ad ministration's stand on stu dent conduct and calls for a change, we must start with the top, the Board of Re gents, and work down, prov ing why we need a change." Cont. to Pg. 4, Col 3. Oath Suit To Court In October The loyalty oath suit filed by a former University em ployee will be ready for trial in two to three weeks, accord ing to Patrick Healey, Lincoln attorney for the plaintiff. The suit was filed against the University Board of Re gents and the State of Ne braska by Mrs. George Spang ler last spring and will be tried sometime in October. Mrs. Spanglcr, the wife of a University graduate stu dent, was dismissed from her job as a secretary-typist in the press section of the Uni versity's East Campus Infor mation Office for refusing to sign Nebraska's 15-ycar-old loyalty oath. She then filed suit stating that the loyalty oath which is required to be siped by all full-time employees of the State, is "invalid, unconstitu tional and ineffective." . . . pay back "many times over" and should be made by the state rather than relying on fetlcral grants at first. Not Opposed Denney said that he was not opposed to federal grants, but that they should be chan neled through existing state and local school boards. "We know what we need better than the federal government," he said. Pointing out California as an example of a state where education has attracted indus try ard wrculatlon, Tlsmann said quality education is the first step in developing indus try. Commenting on University budgets, Tiemann said that the job was twofold. The Uni versity should make a clear presentation of its need s. Then, he said, if the governor is convinced that the budget is a "bare knuckles" mini R egents Seek 91.48 B iennium Budget Hike By Julie Morris Senior Staff Writer Declaring that the Univer sity has reached a "moment of crisis," administrators an nounced Wednesday that the school is seeking a 91.48 per cent increase in biennium funds from the state. At a late afternoon press conference, Dr. B. N. Green berg, Regent and chairman of the University finance committee, stated that the budget request for the 1967 69 biennium is $67,019,895 up $32,018,377 from the current biennium appropriation. In a prepared statement, Greenberg said, "If the Uni versity is to stay in the mainstream of higher educa tion, it must have the v e r y substantial increase in financial support for which we have asked. Another bi ennium of emergency, make do operation will damage the University to such an extent that it may be unable to re gain stature and momentum llff IIIIIIIIIIIllIIItlllllllillllEf Illllltlllllf lllf IlllillllSilllllllHIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIll Mil IllllITIlIlIllIllIirilllCIIIIlItlllIlfTIMIflllflllilllllllilllitimllllllllflIlll1lillltIl" (Students On Meredith March Claim 'Biased' Press Coverage By Toni Victor Senior Staff Writer Poor coverage by the press plagued the Meredith march for voter registration across Mississippi this summer, ac cording to members of the University community who assisted with the July march. Twelve men and women from the University traveled to the Southern state, and all spent at least a few days on the march. Their comments on the news coverage of the event ranged f r o m. "misinforma tion" to "total distortion" on the part of news magazines, wire services and local news papers in Mississippi. Joined March Carl Davidson, newly elected national vice presi dent of Students for a Demo cratic Society (TDS), joined the march ten miles south of Hernando, Miss., working as a public relations man for the march. "The country was behind the protestors at Selma, but no one even knew what was going on when we were In the same position in Canton, Miss.," Davidson said. Davidson, who manned walkie-talkies throughout the march and was constantly in volved in sending out infor mation to the press, described the tear-gassing by state troopers in Canton as "chao tic and without due cause." Pitched Tents According to Davidson, the controversy arose when mem bers of the march attempted to pitch ten's on a school ground in Canton. He noted that when marchers asked the mayor of the town for per That's The Question mum, he should give it his full support. Tiemann said there exists a "complete breakdown be tween the University and the executive branch". He called for a coordinated budget ef fort between the two. ' lie also advocated the es tablishment of a research center at the College of Agri culture to explore areas in food, medicine, and industry. He said that Nebraska now only receives .5 per cent of fci'cral research funds. Denney told the students and reporters that the war in Viet Nam could be ended sooner with sufficient men and materials and more bombing of military objec tives in North Viet Nam. Denney said that groups op posing the. war have the right of free speech, but said, "I don't think SDS ought to make statements that give aid and comfort to the enemy at any time in the foresee able future." $98,662,406 The total biennium budg get picture developed by the University officials allows for an operating budget of $98,662,406. The largest chunk of this total will be appropri ated from the state general funds. The appropriation is made by the state Legisla ture which meets Jan. 1. Other University-generated funds, including student tui tion, sales and services, and activities related to instruc tion, plus federal funds and endowment income, will pro vide the additional revenue. The planned budget p r o vides for a 30 per cent in crease in all faculty salaries over the two-year period; virtually guarantees that there will be no tuition in creases during the period; allows for the appointments of full and part-time faculty that will amount to 258 full time teachers; anticipates mission, the official had re ferred them to the school's principal who, in turn, gave his consent for the erection of the tents. "When the fourteen mem bers of the tent crew went to set up the tents for sleeping, twenty-five state troopers ar rested the men, and one guy was beaten for arguing," stated Davidson. By this time, as Davidson described the scene, Stokely Carmichael, one of the lead ers, arrived in the town with two thousand marchers. Af ter hearing several speakers, including Dr. Martin Luther King, the crowd walked to the school yard to pitch the tents, where about a hundred state troopers surrounded the area. "The crowd was inexperi enced and was told to expect mass arrests and to link arms in a circle," Davidson said frowning. Tear Gas He continued that without warning, the troopers aimed a first tear gas shell at Car michael. As the white fumes spurted out, everyone started running. He described the following scene as he saw it from a po sition near one of the fallen tents. The people in the crowd who were able to run escaped from the tear gas area, he said, but those who had been overcome by the fumes fell to the ground mostly wom en and children. At this point, Davidson con t i n u e d, state troopers marched in and with their ri fle butts systematically beat those people who had fallen. Student Involved Maggie Young, a Universi ty student, was also involved or encourage other students to burn their draft cards." Groups Misinformed The Congressional candi date said that he thought these groups were misin formed on the war, and would not protest if they fully un derstood the situation. Opposed to an income tax increase, Denney said that in flation could be combatted by cutting down on the numbers of Federal employees and getting rid of t h o s e "who don't do a day's work." "Poverty can be eliminated In the United States within the next ten years," Denney said, but "millions of dollars have been wasted in the elim ination of poverty through mismanagement." Denney advocated voca tional training schools with the state controlling the fed eral funds. He said that fed eral poverty funds should be given duoctly to existing state agencies for distribution. enrollments of 20,600 stu dents in the fall of 1968; and allocates additional money for library improvement, ag ricultural programs, science and medicine programs. 'Catch-up, Keep-up' According to Chancellor Clifford M. Hardin, the budg et plan allows for 15 per cent increases in faculty sal aries for each year of the bi ennium. The program, Greenberg said, "incorporates the idea of both catch-up and keep up within the next bienni um." Hardin said the University will be attempting to catch up with the faculty salary level of universities of com parable scope and responsi bility and to keep up with this level by boosting facul ty salaries at a faster rate than normal. Also included is a plan to hire 168 additional full-time Cont. on Pg. 3, Col. 1. in the tear gas incident. She worked with the Medical Committee for Human Rights on the march, helping care for those injured at Canton in an emergency clinic. Miss Young told of a polio victim who had one lung col lapsed when he was beatenas he-lay-on the school yard' ground during the Canton in cident. "I was very upset at the way injuries were reported by the press," stated Miss Young. She claimed that some local newspapers com pletely ignored any account of injuries, while other pa pers toned down the accident reports. "I know of a film sequence that was taken by a wire ser vice photographer of a five-year-old boy being knocked unconscious by a tear gas shell," Miss Young stated. To her knowledge this footage was nev er used. Main Problem According to Davidson, Miss Young and Cater Cham blee, a graduate assistant at the University who also worked with public relations on the march, the main prob lem with the wire services was not necessarily the fault of newsmen present on t h e march. In this connection, Miss Young noted the "mysterious filtering out" of information after it was sent to regional wire service offices. David son spoke of a reporter from Time magazine who "prac tically cried" when he saw Cont. on Pg. 5, Col. 8. nil . (,j:m P v-Q mumSJLiiJz THE NEW MUSIC BUILDING on city campus nears a finish as another construction project comes to an end. With its completion the "growing pains" of the University will be eased somewhat. (See story on Page 4.) Abbott A bbott Stresses Student Eights Bv Randv Irey Senior Staff Writer EDITOR'S NOTE: The full text of Sen. Steve Abbott's is printed on page two, column one of today's paper. Before a hushed Student Senate, Senator Steve Abbott declared his resignation from ASUN and proposed that the senate make a definite declar ation of student rights. -Following the conclusion of his speech, Abbott bowed his head on the table, moved by the standing ovation he re ceived. His voice betrayed emotion, as he stated his interpretation of the administration stand on the student conduct prob lem. "They stand, not personal ly, but on paper, right on top of us. with their feet on our throats," Abbott declared. The student clarification, according to him, confirmed the worst fears of CFDP. He stated that what is "most ob noxious" is that it was ap proved without consulting ASUN and "was promulgated in the Student Handbook as University policy." Abbott stated that it is not the administration, Dean G. Robert Ross, or Clifford Hard in, but the students who make up the University. "And could there be a Uni versity without the Office of Student Affairs?" he asked. "Yes, there very well could be. Thus I say it is we who are essential and it is we who should write student codes if such codes must be. I tnere fore in my first and last act as a student senator urge you to make ASUN's first act of business aStudent Bill of Rights." Abbott feels this is neces sary in order for ASUN to be a student government is to declare its authority and pow er and take on the role of a government. "All this can be accom plished according to the Ad ministration's definition of a university,'" Abbott declared. Quoting from the adminis tration clarification, Abbott read that the goal ollhe uni versity is an environment di rected towards the objective of "Total education." This ex plains the code, "Includes acquisition of a pattern of knowledge, skills, afitudes, and values that will result in increasingly responsible and productive behavior." "Thus, according to the Ad ministration's very own defi nition of education, we that is Student Government should have the right to make our own rules. Arbi trary and autocratic Adminis tractive control simply can not teach people how to par ticipate in democracy," Ab bott said. Rumors saying that since Abbott is leaving, the future of a Bill of Rights will be ended, was adamantly re jected by Abbott. "I cannot believe that you thirty sena tors are mere puppets to be manipulated by me or any one else," Abbott said. "You see we face a crisis, a showdown. There will nev er be another chance to de clare for a Bill of. R;ghts," Abbott emphasized, "because once you have backed down, you will keep backing down and the precedent of self doubt and the habit of cow ardice will never be overcome." A " ' . f M -:? I' 4 i t i I tr' - -