The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 25, 1966, Image 1

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Robert Hall as Mobius rehearses an emotional scene for
other cast members for the play which opens
Albert Cullum, one of the
nation's best known authori
ties on the introduction of fine
literature to children, will ad
dress a Summer Session con
vocation at the University to
morrow. He will speak at 9:30 a.m.
in Love Library auditorium.
The actress is open to the pub
lic on a first-come, first
served basis.
Cullum, director of the pub
lic school's literature festivals
in New York City, has an out
standing career as a language
arts director and lecturer.
Television Appearances
Since 1964 Cullum has made
a number of national tele
vision appearances on CBS
and the National Educational
Television Network on such
programs as "Camera Three,"
and "The Language Arts."
He is the producer and
director of three educational
films for children, "A Touch
of Greatness," "Literature
Gc-Go," and "From Sea to
Shining Sea."
Summer Stock
In addition to Cullum's ma
jor professional work in litera
ture with children, he has per
formed as an actor and direc
tor in summer stock theater
and is an artist in oils and
water colors.
Frank Rice, associate pro
fessor of English and co
director of the University of
Nebraska English Curriculum
Center, said interested per
sons will be admitted to a
special seminar conducted by
Cullum at 2 p.m. in room 108
Burnett Hall. Seating will be
on a first-come, first-served
1 2 3 4 5 6
University Theatre Teacher's College ITA0 luncheon Summir Commencement
Summer Production Luncheon Featuring: 12 20 pm. (NXJ 241) 7:30 P-m" (Permhin9 Aud)
t:00 p.m. Walter K. Bagys, Daan
(Howall Theatre) of the College
12:20 p.m. (BR)
Untoenlly Theatre
Summer Production
t:00 pan.
(Howell Theatre)
7 8 26 KEY T0 rooms
Registration for Three- Final examination and A.UD Auditorium,
Week and Four-Week end of Three-Week Ntbr. Union
Poal Sessions and Post Session br Ballroom,
payment of tuition and Mebr. Union
. . LM Auditorium,
Classes begin Love Library
2 SCDtCmber NC Mebr. Center
NU Nebr. Union
Fd oiTiuJweV Post P.n American Room,
end of Four-Week Post Nebr. Union
0n SM Sheldon Memorial
Art Gallarr
T Temple Bldg.
Tuesday, July 26, 1966
lowing article was written by
Carl Stuart for an assign
ment in Advanced Reporting
under Mr. R. Neale Copple,
Director of the School of
What possibly could be
more important for intellect
ual inquiry than the study of
religion? This question was re
cently posed by Chancellor
Clifford M. Hardin.
Discussion and considera
tion of a possible new depart
ment of religion at the Uni
versity has been stimulated
by the submission to the
Board of Regents of a resolu
tion by the Council on Religion
of the University of Nebraska.
The resolution which was
received in the Office of the
Chancellor April 30 states:
"WHEREAS, historical
ly, theological study was the
primary motivation for uni
versities in the Western
World; and,
WHEREAS religious writ
ings comprise many of t h e
primary documents of the
Western Culture; and,
WHEREAS the study of
comparative world religions
will enhance a more harmon
ous relationship and engender
greater understanding among
different peoples and creeds;
'The Physicists before
WHEREAS religion forms a
recognized area of scholastic
inquiry; and,
WHEREAS many state uni
versities in the United States
include a Faculty of Religion
in their College of Arts and
Sciences; and,
WHEREAS the University
of Nebraska has no Depart
ment of Religion in its Col
lege of Arts and Sciences;
the Council on Religion of the
University of Nebraska join
with other bodies of the Uni
versity in urging the Chancel
lor and Regents of the Uni
versity of Nebraska to estab
lish and endow a Department
of Religion within the College
of Arts and Sciences of the
University of Nebraska,
(signed) James C. Ransom,
Rather Vague
Hardin said, "The resolution
itself is rather vague. It only
desired that there should be a
department of religion. It was
a very general request." He
did remark that this was not
to infer that the resolution
was improper, but just did not
include any detail as to what
the department of religion
should be.
Religious inquiry is a per
fectly proper thing, Hardin
said, and a valid area of in
quiry, but consideration of a
Theater-goers who view
"The Physicists" which opens
Monday, Aug. 1, at Howell
Memorial Theater will come
away with the sense of hav
ing, like Alice, been on the
wrong sido of the looking
For this provocative play
by Swiss dramatist Friedrich
Duerrenmatt explores t h e
realm of madness and sanity
and reason is overcome not
by madness, but by reason.
Intellectual Play
"The Physicists" is a sus
pense melodrama of murder
and intrigue, but it is also an
exciting intellectual play that
makes a comment on the mod
ern dilemma of a world fac
ing possible destruction of
mankind at the hands of its
The play is set in a mad
house run by a hunchback
spinster psychiatrist and be
gins with all the earmarks of
a suspense melodrama. The
play opens, not on a rising
curtain, but with a pre - set
scene waiting to greet the ar
riving audience, of a mur
dered corpse on a wrecked
stage, hinting from the begin
ning that things will not be as
they seem to be.
Deeper Plot
As the play progresses the
audience becomes aware that
The Summer Nebraskan
new department comes down
to a matter of priorities.
Expansion Pressure
"The legislature has been
very careful in allowing the
opening of new areas, espe
cially under the pressure of
expansion,". Hardin said.
There has been no serious
proposal of a department of
religion in recent years, ac
cording to H a r d i n. Neither
has t h e r e been any faculty
consideration of this, out of
which a new course of studies
normally arises.
"Only departments can be
created by the Board of Re
gents," Hardin explained. He
said the resolution has been
presented to the members of
the Board of Regents individ
ually. He indicated that he
had no idea what their feel
ings were about the matter.
Earlier Question
At the inception of the Uni
versity of Nebraska there was
considerable question as to
what the University would in
deed be. "Would it be the
traditional college or a uni
versity?" ("University Re
port," winter issue 1958-59)
Prior to inducting the first
chancellor into office, Acting
Governor W. H. James said
these words, "Upon br o a d
and unsectarian grounds has
the University been founded."
Vantage Point
The "University Report"
the madness is pretended to
cover a deeper plot and the
question grows: who is really
mad? the patients who one
by one murder their attractive
nurses to maintain their
masks of madness, the neuro
tic female psychiatrist or the
bumbling inspector who
comes to investigate the mur
ders. The patients are three phy
sicists who manifest their
madness in an erie manner.
Mobius recites poetry of
world-destruction and says
King Solomon has appeared
to him and revealed the se
crets of the universe. Beutler
insists he is Newton and
wears a long wig to prove it.
Ernesti says he is Einstein
and consoles himself with his
Finally the plot begins to
reveal that the physicists are
neither mad nor evil but that
each is self-incarcerated in
the madhouse for his own
personal reasons.
Mobius is pretending mad
ness to hide from the world
his discovery that could bring
about its destruction if wrong
ly used. Beutler and Ernesti,
physicists working as secret
agents for their respective
governments are each in the
madhouse to persuade Mobius
states, "From this vantage
point in time, eighty - seven
years later, it is clear that
Chancellor Benton (the Uni
versity's first chancellor) did
not immediately comprehend
that the new University was
not of the same academic
cloth as the private sectarian
college but an institution with
a much broader purpose."
Dr. Samuel Aughey, the
University's first professor of
Chemistry and Natural Sci
ences while addressing a
Charter Day exercise in 1881
noted that one of the interests
that brought the University
into being was that there were
those who "wished to relegate
the higher education wholly
to the Christian denomina
tions." Sectarian Issue
Embroiled in the matter of
sectarianism Benton was fi
nally forced to resign.
"In the latter part of Ben
ton's adminstration, it burst
about the institution in full
fury. The Regents, a strongly
non-sectarian group described
by Benton as radicals, de
manded the cessation of the
Chancellor's rules requiring
compulsory attendace by stu
dents at daily chapel and Sun
day church services. The
Chancellor refused.
Crisis Resolved
"The crisis was resolved on
December 15, 1875 when the
to reveal his secret to their
own governments or kill him
if he cannot be persuaded.
At the play's eftd each is
defeated by their common
fatal flaw, that faith in reason
has destroyed faith in human
ity and God. In the end the
inevitable mistake does hap
pen and brings about the very
thing that each thought only
they as scientists and men of
reason could prevent.
Mr. Duerrenmatt's allegory
has an ironical message for
modern audiences, that the
Tractor Day Event
Nearing At Mead
The Agricultural Engineer
ing department of the College
of Agriculture and Home Eco
nomics will present its annual
Tractor Power and Safety
Day at the Mead Field Lab
oratory Thursday, July 28.
The Mead Laboratory is an
8,000 acre tract. Visitors may
reach the field laboratory by
taking Highway 77 north
through Ceresco to Highway
No. 7
Board demanded his resigna
tion, effective in July, 1876."
(University Report).
Benton was not alone in be
ing dismissed from the office
of chancellor over the sectar
ian issue. His successor,
Chancellor E. B. Fairfield
was dismissed in June of 1883
because of "public and faculty
criticism over the sectarian
Three professors also lost
their positions over the issue
the previous year in January.
Historical Controversy
It is c 1 e a r 1 y documented
that there has been a great
deal of strife regarding the
sectarian issue in the history
of the University.
The present state statute
reads, "No sectarian instruc
tion shall be allowed in any
school or institution supported
in whole or in part by the
public funds set apart for ed
ucational purposes, etc."
Assistant Dean Robert L.
Hough said, "Outside of the
statutory question I do not
think there would be any re
sentment to a department of
religion." He indicated that
an opinion from the Attorney
General's office would prob
ably be sought before any
Con't Page 2, Col. 1
problem of all must be the
concern of all. He writes with
savage irony and the satire of
each line is as explicit as the
playwright can make it.
As a suspense play it is
filled with bizarre action. As
a play of ideas it is an ex
ploration of a single thought
that involves all humanity. It
explores one of the gravest
problems of our areat how to
control the unlimited powers
for destruction that the sci
entists have put at man's disposal.
63, which runs east to the
Mead Station.
Began As Demonstration
Tractor Day, as the event
is commonly called, was be
gun in 1952 as a demonstra
tion of the work of the Trac
tor Testing Lab.. Since then,
the program has expanded to
include displays, exhibitions,
and information on mainte
nance and operation of farm
The program will begin at
8:45 a.m. with a tractor tip
ping demonstration. New
equipment designed to protect
tractor operators from injur
ies will be used on tractors
that will be intentionally
tipped and rolled.
New And Old
Both new and old tractors
will be displayed during the
day. Over 50 new tractors
representing all of the major
manufacturers will be parad
ed. They range from 10 to
over 100 horsepower.
Old tractors that are still
in running condition will also
be shown. The oldest is a 1920
A lugging contest between
two tractors, one with a gas
engine, the other with a diesel
engine, will be staged. Each
machine will lug over 5,000
Exhibits And Demonstrations
Exhibits and demon vtions
will also highlight actor
Day. New equipment, such as
a completely automatic irriga
tion system which turns itself
off and on, and a combine
with only one control lever,
will be shown.
Demonstrations of new tech
niques in irrigation and feed
ing will be put on for visitors.
Information Center
An information center will
be set up to enable visitors
to obtain additional facts
about equipment and tech
niques. Last year, over 17,500
people attended Tractor Day.
Lunch stands, sponsored by
various church organizations,
will be located on the prem
ises. Among the distinguished
guests will be Chancellor
Clifford Hardin and Governor
Frank Morrison.
Tractor Power and Safety
Day is the largest activity of
the College of Agriculture and
Home Economics. General
chairman for the program is
Delbert Lane of the Ag. Engi
neering department. The
chairman of the Ag. Engineer
ing department, Dr. R. W.
Kleis, will preside.