The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 13, 1966, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    rrKjay, May 13, 196.
The Daily Nebraskan
Pegs 7
raskan Records Events Of University Community
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A NEW BUIIJ)ING ... for the College of Dentistry on
East Campus is one example of construction that is
taking place at NU.
CAMPUS MINISTERS . . . have taken a lead this
semester in sponsoring discussions and organiaztions
concerned with contemporary problems.
MONEY PROBLEMS . . . caused by an unexpected
jump in enrollment brought threats of another tuition
hike from Administration.
LIBERALIZATION ... of women's hours and the insti
tution of a senior key system were issues wbk&
attracted new attention to AWS elections.
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A STUDENT DEMONSTRATION . . . protesting South
African Apartheid (racial discrimination) policy was
sponsored by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
PRIME MINISTER . . . Jens Otto Krag of Denmark was the featured speaker at the
Honors Convocation. He met with a student from Denmark before the convocation.
. from one semester to the next, serve as enduring symbol ef
campus tradition.
Read Nebraskan Want Ads
This month' our annual spring buying sea
son starts. A tima when representatives
of our organization will go to over 100 cam
puses in the 50 states to buy books from
more than half a million students. These
books are purchased for resale at University
ef Nebraska and hundreds of other schools
throughout the U.S.
The expanding demand for our experience
end knowledge of true book values enables
our representatives to buy books on cam
puses across the country from New York to
Hawaii. You as a student here at the Uni
versity of Nebraska also receive the benefit
from this knowledge by receiving more cash
for all books whether used on this campus
or not
Another by product of this endeavor and
preparation for successful completion of
our campaign throughout the U.S. YOU
DENT will profit by an over-all savings of
more than $75,000 this coming season.
Your required books are selected and held
for resale to you at savings from 30 to
50 (books for use on this campus are
selected prior to being offered for sole on
the open market this accounts-for our
large selection of used books for more
As you well know books are revised quite
regularly, so SELL BOOKS NOW FOR
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HIPWI1 fililiRP RPFIPl i fjjirr
Coronet scores high tn any class.
Art , Coronsfs beautiful Doss end graceful
Styling draw looks everywhere you drive. Math .
take the 83 cu. In. Y8, add four-on-the-floor, and
you've cot the swlrtstn'est car on campus. History
Cgt onaf i success t&ry cf rssordk&reaMns &sk
Speech . . . Coronet says a let about yoa ma fetes
If e standing stiEL Then comes logta . . Coromfs
low price makes sense to Just about any bidssi
How about you? Like to make the grade? Lnrc3 c!
your Dodge dealers now. As Fra fCtrl C C.3
Oodgs RsJjsSloa wssayy ' '
cBBacnaiC) CHRYStEfl
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