The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 12, 1966, Page Page 2, Image 2

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WIS I" --- TttoJ f
Jo Stohlman, editor
Mike Kirkman, business manager
...Page 2
Thursday, May 12, 1966
'Discriminatory' Test
The Students for a Democratic Soci-
ety (SDS) are distributing a counter-de-.
ferment test and anti-draft test informa
tion Apparently, SDS is opposed to the
draft deferment test because it is "dis
criminatory" and "contrary to our dem
- ocratic values."
The test, admittedly, is discrim
inatory. And so Is the Selective Service.
But opposition to the draft deferment
test is not particularly logical for a group
who is critical of U.S. involvement in
Viet Nam. One would suppose that SDS
would support the draft deferment test
as a method of keeping U.S. soldiers out.
The counter-exam which SDS Is
distributing, one which will test know
ledge of the facts and situation in the
Viet Nam war, has no value in deferr
ing a student from the draft.
The purpose of the draft deferment
test is to aid a student to remain that
a student. Part of the information from
SDS has little relevance to their argu
ment against the test:
It says: "A lot of guys who will take
this test think the Viet Nam war is the
right kind of war, necessary and just and
. patriotic." It then asks, "when your
..brothers are over there dying, trying to
do something you think should be done,
why are you back here at home trving
to pass a test in order to get out of
We have a very good reason for a
student to "try to get out of it'Vwhether
he be for, against, or uncommited to
ward the war.
A student should take the defer
ment test to DEFER his service, to
remain a student, to get his educa
tion. Then, after he has received his
education and lost his deferral, he
may act according to his beliefs In
the war: that is, seek to beat the
draft, or join his country In service.
We need not expound on the necessity
of a good, a TOP education, in contem
porary life. But it is clear that an in
terrupted education is necessarily not
one of the best kind. Almost anyone who
has begun his education, then temporar
ily halted it to pursue other ends, can
explain the problems involved in getting
back into school and beginning where he
left off, without a semester or longer of
We again state our support for those
eligible to take the draft deferment test.
Take the SDS counter-test if you will, ex
amine your beliefs as to the Tightness
and wrongness of U.S. involvement in
Viet Nam.
But first, if education means any
thing to you (and supposedly it docs,
because you are attending the Uni
versity) remain a student, if at all possible.
I fn Wm
Idealistic Education
The pass-fail system has been ap
proved. It is a start toward the goals of
-education learning, experiment in new or
-difficult areas not a grade.
We commend those who have
worked for the passage of the sys-
"I tem. And we ask that students make
Z. use of the opportunities presented by
, such a system.
As presently set up, only juniors and
"seniors are eligible to take courses on a
-'pass or fail basis. The course must not in a student's major or minor group
gUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilll Illllllllllllllllllllllll Illilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Kllllllillllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIHI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIJi
! You'll Get the Best I
This gives a good opening for a
student who may be strong in languag
es or the arts to take a math course,
and not fear that his grade will hurt
his average.
Whether or not the system, in use,
will be a success will depend on the
number who take advantage of it. Its suc
cess will also in part determine future
expansion of pass-fail courses to the fresh
man and sophomore levels.
In time, we would like to see
every course involve either a pass or
fail grade. Education cannot be too
11 Editor's Note: The fol
Jdwing is an excerpt from
Tin editorial broadcast by
WOW Radio and TV di
rected to Ohio State Univer
iSlty, where faculty and stu
dents have complained of
the appointment of Dr. Wil
liam Flail to head the jour
nalism school there. The re
marks express the opinion
jot the Daily Nebraskan.
J First, we hope the com
"plaints came from only a
imall group, and are not
Representative of the great
-student body or faculty at
Ohio State, which everybo
dy here in the midwest
3jolds in such high esteem.
We firmly believe that if
:-yoa knew Bill Hall and his
Irack record here, you'd be
yelping for Joy because you
;are to have the great privi
lege of working for, or be
ing educated by, a man who
is a gentleman, a successful
educational administrator,
nd a dedicated teacher.
rVH should know that in
ten years at University of
Nebraska, Bill Hall has
trebled its size, doubled its
faculty, and developed our
school into one of the na
tion's most highly-respected
Journalism Schools.
You should know that Bill
Hall developed one of the
best scholarship records of
any Journalism School in
the country, that he has sec
ured scholarships from ev
ery Nebraska daily, all ma
jor broadcast stations, and
many other sources.
You should know tht Bill
Hall's integrated approach
to journalism education has
been copied by many larg
er and better-known schools.
This is a plan which per
mits the student to learn re
porting, editing, and photo
graphy concurrently.
You should know how Bill
Hall has fought for, and
won, greatly improved new
journalism quarters and
facilities at Nebraska.
You should know Bill
Hall's educational qualifica
tions, his professional ex
perience, about the nation
al honors given him, his
memberships and work with
professional groups, and his
civic activities.
You should know how Bill
Hall developed a great
broadcast journalism sec
tion, which has produced
many professional experts
for networks and stations
You should be pleased
that Bill Hall had the cour
age to let every OSU Jour
nalism staffer and student
know, in no uncertain terms,
that he expects 100 co
operation and a team ef
fort. Surely OSU's great
Woody Hayes has operated
that way, or OSU couldn't
have developed such a fine
football image and record.
We suggest that if you
want the best, you'll be
getting it when Bill Hall
takes over at OSU.
l 1 M " I
Sorry About That!
Being a compendium of farce, humor and
comment, selected arbitrarily by the Edi
tor . . .
Historical Note of the Day: In 1953,
U.S.A., the Age of Sanity ends. In 1423,
University of Nebraska, the editor starts
planning her last editorial, decides to for
get it.
Thought for the Day: Do campus po
lice ever get tickets on their cars?
After a long vacation from my fav
orite subject (campus cops), it is time to
again give them some mention.
We were thinking what a great part
time job being a campus cop would be
for a student. The job would have many
side benefits, such as rising at 6 a.m.
every day to ticket the early morning
law breakers. Students could also check
the registration before writing a ticket,
to make sure it wasn't a sister's, broth
er's or friend's car.
Finally, students could wear their reg
ular school clothes, and thus become
campus cop plainclothesmen. Then they
could be double agents to arrest the cops
for blocking traffic in the parking lots,
waiting for meters to run out, and casu
ally watching while 20 students get
creamed daily in the 14th street intersection.
Andy Taube wishes to quench the ru-
moi that he Is married . . and he sayl
he wishes he was.
Professors, we hear, dislike having
the Dally Nebraskan read in their class
es. One asked the "gentlemen" reading
the paper in his class to remain after
wards . . . and he used the term "gen
tlemen" loosely, he said.
Sometimes the Rag is more interest
ing than turning to page 234 to underline
an important sentence.
To Dead Week
Late to bed,
Early to rise
Makes a student
Crabby and dead.
Sweet Mysteries of Life No. 1: Will
women's equality ever reach the Univer
sity? The AWS seems to be working along
these lines, especially in view of the light
ened penalties for lateness, and the de
merit system change to a semester bas
is. Now all we need is a little sensibil
ity in women's dress regulations.
E.G.: Since the Union is supposed to
be a place for recreation, wouldn't it be
nice for women to wear slacks or grubs
within its sacred halls ... or the li
brary, for that matter.
An editor and her staff gets exceed
ingly tired toward the end of the semes
ter. If It sounds like it, we're Sorry About
Another Vieivpoint
I Greek Weak 1
By Bob Auler
Daily Illini
Most attacks against
Greeks have been inspired
by momentary disgust with
some pretentious Greek fea
ture like Rush or a hard-sell
for the house (under the
banner of supporting some
charitable enterprise).
But most of the attacks
have been a little too subtle.
They have been like pins
stuck into a jellyfish; the
animal is simply incapable
of appreciating the fact that
it has been punctured.
And so, to hell with the
rapier; where's the cleav
er? Why should a college
campus be the home of a
system dedicated to pre
serving all the trivial prej
udices and high school folk
ways which together add up
to the Greek way of life?
Why should the Universi
ty countenance a system
dedicated to erecting a bar
ricade against growing up?
When you go through
rush, one of the selling
points advanced is the fact
that "We're just like you."
A college student with any
sense ought to be looking
for the opposite.
He ought to be living
across the hall from a Turk
or an Israeli, or even from
a Negro, if he has never
done so in the past. He
ought to be learning some
thing about people who
aren't just like him.
Then there's the old bit
about acquiring social pol
ish. When did a fraternity
ever want to pledge some
one who didn't already know
the social graces? Can you
imagine one of the sorori
ties sitting in hash when
someone spontaneously
bursts out, "I know she's
ugly and gauche, but we
could HELP her so!"
In a pig's eye.
And who says it doesn't
cost more? Who pays for the
congratulatory telegrams
pasted all over the first
floor every time one of the
honeys become Miss Pure
Milk or when the house wins
the hopscotch derby? Who
pays for the urban renewal
projects constructed for
nine out of ten pledge
But what's really amaz
ing about the Greek system
is the amount of twisted
reasoning it produces.
For instance, halfway
through the last paragraph,
a Greek staffwriter leaned
over the typewriter and
said, "You independents are
just as conformist as
Greeks; after all, the Uni
versity MAKES you be in
dependent your first year,
whether you like it or not."
You could try to explain
that such a thing would be
like making someone be
lieve in God, but you know
it'll be lost.
What possible social value
can the Greek system ad
vance in its own defense?
The only purpose of rush is
to get a "good" pledge class
so that the pin will rise in
value, and hence all those
who wear it.
The justification for the
raise in esteem enjoyed by
the pin is that this will pro
mote a "good" pledge class
for next year.
Since this does not justify
the well-reasoned circle,
perhaps we should be honest
and admit that the urge is
grounded in a need to feel
better than somebody else.
A system which must fine
you to get you to partici
pate. If we all get together and
decide that we're better,
maybe we can fool the
masses. We don't have to
accomplish more, if we can
make it SEEM like we are;
if we can promote one
charitable activity per year
and get good publicity, we'll
seem like altruists; if we
can hand major chairman
ships down to the younger
members like heirlooms,
we'll seem like the house
where campus wheels live.
Tricycle faces and tur
key chases. Throw a "col
lege bowl" in to shore up
the image a little; pledge
an occasional brain to com
pensate for the Gentleman's
"C" boys. Add a dash of
November Stunt Show pair
ing every February.
And frost the entire mess
with a Greek Week in the
Some of us used to think
the whole event was not only
a very good show, but that
it was a valuable instance
of Darwinism purging the
No, I'm not objective, or
even fair to the Greek Sys
tem. But I used to be, back be
fore it was dying.
A Women's Residence
Dear Editor,
Selleck Quadrangle was built for men, but women
now live In parts of the dormitory.
It's been something like three years now and the
girls still live in virtually the same circumstances as the
men I mean, there are no shower curtains, no dressers,
one mirror for two girls in rooms almost devoid of
physical beauty.
Full length mirrors were finally installed in the halls
this year and some of the rooms are being painted. These
signs may of may not prophesy a complete refurnishing
of the quarters for women, but a girl can hope that by
next fall, the place will indeed be a women's residence.
AUF Faculty Drive
Dear Editor,
The 1966 All University Fund Faculty Drive has closed.
The goal of $1,200 was reached. We would like to express
our appreciation to all the faculty members who ex
pressed tneir concern for providing world wide education
I opportunities through their contributions to World Uni
versity Service (WUS).
The amount collected during the spring faculty drive
will be given to WUS to support its programs. WUS ser
vices Include student scholarships, health services, text
book publishing, and classroom and living facilities. Ac
tive in over 60 countries, WUS has committees in Africa,
Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America and North America.
This year the majority of the contributions received
exceeded the $1 per faculty member basis used to deter
mine our goal. We regret that only a small per cent of
the faculty participated. To all of those who did contribute,
a sincere thank you from both WUS and the AUF Board.
Bob Milligan, President
All University Fund
Honor Appreciated
Dear University Students,
I have had many moments in my life which have been
filled with happiness and a feeling of reward, but none
have come close to causing me to feel such humble pride
as has this occasion. The fondest hope I have ever pos
sessed as a teacher has been realized.
Cindy Pauley related to me on March 3 that I had
been selected by Builders as being the recipient of the
"Outstanding Professorship Award;" yet today eight weeks
later, I am unable to think about it without being filled
with emotion so overwhelming is the honor.
At this moment my love for teaching is even greater
than usual. I do hope that I may continue to have the
opportunity to work with the finest products of our society,
and that I may inspire those who become teachers to build
boys and girls or young men and women into believing
in both themselves and their fellow beings.
I thank you for this forever-to-be-remembered honor.
Loren R. Bonneau, Associate Professor
History & Philosophy of Education
Key Objections Erroneous
Dear Editor,
I read a letter in yesterday's Daily Nebraskan that I
was sure had been written in the Eighteenth Century. In
fact, I expected it to have been written by the Metternich
Society instead of the Panhellenic Advisory Board.
The letter was quoted on page one of the paper (it
deserved fifth page coverage on a four page paper.)
Panhellenic Advisory Board urged the Faculty Senate
to reject AWS' senior key proposal for the following five
reasons: (1) no rational reason for the change has been
presented; (2) parents disapproved; (3) keys could be dup
licated; (4) National Panhellenic disapproves; and (5) the
proposal is an attempt by a few students to "see how
far they can get" and will lead to efforts to change other
These objections to the key system are regressive and
erroneous and they classify the objectors as ignorant and
Concerning the first objection, the philosophy behind
the key system involves the belief that senior women
in college are mature enough to govern their own hours
that they are capable of making the same decisions which
will be required of them as soon as they graduate.
The fact that parents disapproved of the idea (and
we don't know the statistics of the survey) seems unim
portant to me because I believe that individuals in a uni
versity community have the right to govern themselves
in actions outside the classroom. Parents can exert their
influence through electing Regents, advice, cutting off
Junior's check, etc., but their sphere of influence dess
not include dictating campus rules.
I'm surprised the Advisory Board didn't suggest the
use of chastity belts because their objection to the safety
of the key system is about as intelligent. The truth is
that the keys can be duplicated only through a process
with more security cautions than a James Bond plot. '
Their suggestion that National Panhellenic and several
national sororities oppose the idea is groundless without
the reasons that these organizations give as their objec
tions. Their argument is further diluted by the fact that
the national sororities which object to the system often
permit local sororities to participate when the university
sponsors a key system.
The fifth objection is by far the most preposterous. It
read, "It appears basically that this is an attempt by
some students to see how far they can get with their
demands to determine their own rules of conduct. If they
can succeed in changing this rule by their own protests,
many other University Administrative rules can be equally
challenged and rewritten to suit the activist minority of
The Senior Key proposal was approved by an over
whelming majority of over 10-1 when put to a vote of Uni
versity women. The 10-1 majority constitutes more than
"some students."
I am in entire agreement with that which the Board
fears as an anathema. The Advisory Board is afraid that
students will be able to change "University Administra
tive rules" and this is exactly what the students should
be able to do. It is about time that students began to
voice their opinions and exercise influence in areas where
they are directly concerned. This would be a change to
welcome, not to fear.
It is my sincere hope that the mother-hen, over-protective
ideas of the Panhellenic Advisory Board will be
rejected as Faculty Senate approves the AWS Senior Key
System. f
Kelley Baker
Ancient Greece :
Dear Editor, l
It's too bad ancient Greece didn't have a Panhellenic
Advisory Board.
John Rosenberg