The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 11, 1966, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    ctiiniimtimiiiniiiiiinnninnnimmiimnmiminiHmtmMisiiHiHniiiHHiiiiiiiHHiii iiiuiiiiiiu
Jo Stohlman, editor
Mike Kirkman, business manager
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vlfcage 2
Wednesday, May 11, 1966
Key Criticism
v A letter from the Panhellenic Advis
ory Board unanimously protesting the sen
ior key system which has been passed
by the AWS Board will be considered at
.the Faculty Senate Student Affairs Com
mittee Thursday.
The letter cites five reasons for
disproval of the key system . . . and
all, five of these "reasons" shows an
utter ignorance of the system, its
philosophy, or how it will be imple
mented. There is little "truth" in the charges
made by the Panhellenic Advisory group.
It is indeed pathetic that the group would
make accusations against the system, be
cause at no time did the group ever seek
information from AWS or the key com
mittee directly.
Two of the charges are particularly
interesting . . . one regarding the "impos
sibility of policing unauthorized duplica
tion of the keys," and two, that this system
would bring other changes in administra
tive rules "sought by the activist minori
ty of students."
Apparently the Panhellenic Advis
ory group has no information at all
on the system of locks selected by the
key committee. The keys can only be
duplicated at the factory, located in
another city, and only upon the signa
ture of an authorized person request
ing a new key. The factory which pro
duces these keys is the only one in the
United States which is capable of re
producing the keys, as they are not of
the ordinary household type now in
use at living units.
It is also interesting to note that the
Panhellenic Board seems to believe the
key system is proposed by "the activist
minority." Any research on their part, or
the surveys done by AWS, would bear out
who the real "minority" is . . . those op
posed to a key system.
We believe that AWS can answer
every single one of the Panhellenic
Advisory Board's criticisms of the key
system . . , and answer them beyond
any doubt of legitimacy, correctness,
or reasonableness.
And we believe that the Faculty Sen
ate Student Affairs Committee will ap
prove of the system . . . bcause it is based
on a reasonable philosophy, an unbeat
able security system . . . and a group of
mature women who are not an activist
We would hope in the future that
there will be better communication
before accusation will no doubt result
in cooperation.
liiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiftiiiiiiiftfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiifiiifitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiif iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiftiiiif iiiiit ittftiiiiiviiiiifiiitiiiiiiif iiitfii
'University Control Shifting' j
Cambridge, Mass. (LP.)
Dean Theodore R. Sizer
of Harvard sees "a signifi
cant shift in the source of
power affecting the control
and support of universi
ties" in the United States.
Two forces signal the
shifts, says the !;ead of
Harvard's Graduate School
of Education: 1) "The vig
orous entrance of the fed
eral government into edu
cational policy-making"
where before its action was
piecemeal and uncoordinat
ed;" 2) The entrance of
large companies "with tra
ditions of research and of
"broad scale operation" into
the "education industry"
were previously character
ized as small, single line
n bot'i cases, he finds a
dagger that action will rush
ahead of well-thought- o u l
ideas. In government, he
says: "The new leaders
tend to be young intellectu
als in a hurry and skepti
cal both of the usual man
ner of doing things in edu
cation and the aloofness
academia. They want and,
for good political reasons,
need fast results, and this
has meant quickly planned
and large-scale programs.
Rarely is there thoughtful
inquiry as to the long-term
effects of programs . . ."
In the "education indus
try" he sees a parallel ha
zard: "We have technical devic
es of great sophistication
(teaching machines, audio
and visual equipment, com
puter based teaching sys
tems) before we have clear
ends, much less materials,
for them. We have hetter
teaching machines than
programs for them, better
educational television equip
ment than ideas on now to
use it. The new companies
are as impatient as the pd
ministrators in Washington,
and we run the risk cf aw
ing the schools inundated
with quantities of technical
ly exciting but intellectually
inadequate materials."
Dean Sizer said that uni
versities must work closely
with the new leadership of
the "education industry":
"Clearly, the education in
dustry's ends are most
closely tied with those in
the universities working on
the development of school
"The ideas are there and
ways must be found to tie
the work of scholarship
with business application.
This will be difficult be
cause it has never been done
before on a large scale and
because much of our activ
ity in this field is support
ed by the federal govern
ment whose copyright and
patent policies are as yet
unclear," he explained.
He cited two large-scale
projects in curriculum de
velopment now going for
ward at Harvard in phy
sics and in social studies,
as typical of research activ
ities requiring involvement
in industry as well as gov
ernment. Under these new pres
sures, Dean Sizer said,
maintaining the independ
ence of action in schools of
education becomes crucial.
He noted that, in 10 years,
government funds in the
budget of the Harvard Grad
uate School of Education
rose from five per cent to
almost 46 per cent.
To maintain balance, he
added, it is necessary to
strengthen the unrestricted
private income of the
school "to be in a position
to do those things which the
faculty considers important,
whether or not government
support is available."
The school must be "con
tinually aware of the impli
cations and terms of gov
ernment grants and con
tracts and keep continual
contact with Washington so
that the University's view
will be well known." Above
all, "we must not take on
more than we can sensibly
handle," he said.
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Sorry About That!
Being a compendium of farce, humor and
comment, selected arbitrarily by the Edi
tor .. .
Historical Note of the Day: In 1855,
Smug, Gwalla, President Fhesh vetoes the
Existence Tax. In 1937, University of Ne
braska, senior loses her senior key, fresh
man, finds in the back lawn, while search
ing for her contact (lens.)
As If Batman on TV weren't
enough, one publisher has even come
out with a book of Bat jokes. Some
Q. What kind of a college degree
do they give to a bat?
A. Batelor of Arts or Batelor of Sci
ence (from night school only.)
Q. When does a bat raise his
A. When he wants to excuse himself.
Q. How does a bat apologize?
A. He says, "Sorry about Bat."
Heard a student humming in the Crib
. . . something like "It Was a Very Good
Year." Obviously, he hadn't started think
ing about finals yet.
The phrase "God Is Dead" has a
catchy little twist. And it is beginning to
lend itself to many other variations, we've
noticed. Here a few that are pertinent for
the University:
"Is sanity dead?"
"Is apathy dead?"
"Is Dead Week dead?"
"Is the budget committee dead?"
"Is faculty loyalty (to tiny salaries,
no promotions, etc.) dead?"
"Is faculty evaluation dead for good?"
"Are the senior honoraries dead now,
for a while at least?"
Apparently no one paid any atten
tion to our editorial in the Pink Eye.
Alas, the poor Ivy plant has already
met its fate.
Word has it that even before the
cruelties of nature got to the plant,
the cruelties of a coed's shoe did the
Possibly the SFTPOCTIP Should
hear about this.
The most important thing about study
ing for finals, I've found, is that you've
got to know what to study, and actual
ly, this is relatively simple if you use a
little psychology on your instructor. Such
Student: "Sir, you remarked that this
poem is important because it marks the
beginning of the use of figurative lan
guage by poets whose names start with
L. Now this is somewhat hard to remem
ber .. . will it be on the final?"
Professor: "I've told the class repeat
edly that you will be held responsible for
chapters one through 40 of the text, the
five outside reading books, plus all lec
tures and the two films we saw."
Student: "But that's awfully broad.
How can we know the Important things
to study?"
Professor: "The important things are
those which I say every day just as the
class is leaving five minutes after the
bell rings."
(Just then the bell rings, and students
start drifting out of class).
Professor, (to about two students):
"You will also be responsible for all refer
ences in the bibliography of your text"
(Editor's note: Skip the final.)
For those who will be working on
term papers tonight, and who cannot tol
erate coffee, tea or Nodoz, we're Sorry
About That!
Another Viewpoint
I Alabama Elections
As one walks around our
campus these days, one
need only look around in
order to see that dear old
Nebraska U. is in dear old
trouble. The evidence that
points to the distress in
which this University finds
itself, is only too obvious.
One need not possess 007
qualities to figure it out.
We're hurting for money.
If you were attending
school here last year, you
can see that this place is in
financial straits just by
noting the changes made in
some of Its activities.
; Take that guy who runs
around, engaged in the
hopeless task of picking up
the litter that students de
posit around themselves by
the ton.. Last year he car
ried a neat little spear with
bim probably given to him
by a Bantu warrior. Every
time he spotted a piece of
paper, he would scream,
"Watusi", and plunge that
modified javelin through
the paper (and about three
feet into the ground.)
Tough luck If you're a
piece of paper.
This year, however,
things have changed and
he no longer utilizes this
blood chilling technique.
Now he merely bends over,
picks it up with his hand,
folds it neatly and puts it
into his bag.
Why? Because the Uni
versity no longer burns this
stuff as trash, they reuse it,
(which is probably why
your registration sheet
smelled like a Snickers
candy bar.
Then too, there are those
students among us who are
susceptible to a mysteri
ous sort of virus which
tends to keep them out of
class, usually around hour
exam time. Authenticity is
at a premium, so these peo
ple venture into the grasps
of Student Health, where
one of two things will be
done in regard to the ill
ness. One, nothing at all, you
are told to let it go through
its cycle, (which does won
ders for stuff like lung
cancer or pneumonia). Two,
you get a shot of something
that looks like ordinary wa
ter, but couldn't be s i n c e
they 'charge you about
nine dollars for It . . . I've
got news for you.
But all is not hopeless, al
though it certainly tends to
look that way. Certain
courses of action are open
to the University in their at
tempt to get extra green
besides standing inside the
state capitol door way with
dark glasses and a tin cup.
How about a sort of fare
well tax imposed upon in
structors departing from
this University where
books still exist in the li
brary that haven't been
read within the last week.
If each of "these instruc
tors could be persuaded to
kick in, say twenty-five dol
lars, the school would
have enough cash to oper
ate till these men decided to
return (and that's along
long time).
Or how about cutting cor
ners and saving on prom
ises of better equipment
that entices so many pro
spective Instructors.
The school could further
cut down on spending by
eliminating certain student
services. A lot of money
spent for paper could be
saved if things like down
slips were suspended.
Student Health as I al
ready mentioned could be
greatly economized without
hurting the quality, but put
ting up a , billboard inside
the front door proclaiming,
"Go back to your room and
let it go through its cycle."
Perhaps this is the b e s t
solution, not unlike the rest
usually adopted for the rest
of our ills: ignore it and let
it go through its cycle.
The primary election in
Alabama was a landmark
in the history of the South.
Thanks to the laws enacted
by the Congress and to the
efforts of the government of
the United States to ensure
compliance with them, more
Negroes were registered
and voted in a deep South
ern state than ever before.
For this manifest pro
gress, all who value the
principles upon which the
great American experiment
is based must be grateful.
Yet it would be short
sighted not to face squarely
some of the implications of
the sweepng victory of Mrs.
Lurleen Wallace as the Ala
bama Democratic Party's
candidate to succeed her
husband as Governor of the
Despite all the obfuscating
oratory, both Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace are identified with
intransigeant resistance to
every effort that has been
made by the people and
government of the United
States over the past decade
to secure for the Negro en
joyment of those rights
which are his under the
Inevitably, many Negroes
had hoped that the massive
Negro vote this year would
somehow remove from the
governorship any individual
so resistant to the cause of
equality before the law as
are both the present incum
bent and his wife.
The outcome has been
just the opposite.
The psychological effect
of this on Negroes in Ala
bama and beyond could be
crucial. Frustrated expec
tations are more dangerous
than an absence of expecta
tions. One can only hope that
the experience will seem
less bitter to many black
Alabamians because of the
nomination from Tuskegee
of a Negro for the State
Legislature and because of
the outcome of some of the
elections for country sheriffs.
In one sens e, relative
moderates such as Dr. Mar
tin Luther King, Jr. can
claim success in that so
many of the registered Ne
groes turned out to vote and
apparently voted for the
man thought likley to be
fairest to Negroes, Attorney-General
But those who favor a
more radical approach to
civil rights than does Dr.
King the Student Non-violent
Co-ordinating Commit
tee, for example, the Black
Panther Party or (in Mis
sissippi) the Freedom De
mocratic Party will almost
certainly point to Mrs. Wal
lace's victory as proof of
their claim that Dr. King's
methods get the Negro no
where in the end.
This in turn could lead to
renewed Negro efforts In
the South and in the North,
too to organize distinc
tively Negro pressure
groups, even In the political
field, rather than to seek to
influence from within al
ready existing mainly white
Already in some Northern
cities, there are signs of a
tendency on the part of Ne
gro communities to try to do
things for themselves, when
ever the white power struc
ture (to use the Negro
phrase) has blocked Negro
progress. Such a move has
its healthy side, but it car
ries with it the risk of deep
ening the gulf of noncom
munication between two In
tegral p a r t s of American
The most immediate In
surance against that risk
would be an understanding
here and now that candi
dates for political office out
side Alabama would be sow
ing dragon's teeth for the
country as a whole if they
saw In Mrs. Wallace's re
cipe for electoral success
one that with profit they
could follow.
Dormitory Leadership
Dear Editor,
The following is a copy of a letter sent to ASUN:
We should like to commend ASUN in its sponsorship of
the Masters' Program as we consider it one of the most
important events on campus for stimulating intellectual de
velopment and for combating that trite concept "apathy"
among college students.
Nevertheless, we feel that the program could be im
proved in some areas. This year we have especially noted
a lack of publicity and communication to the dormitories,
preventing maximum attendance at the Musters' programs!
Assuming that this might have been beyond the con
trol of the Masters' Program committee, there still re
mains the problem of adequate representation in the large
dormitories. This year, contrary to what the statement by
Jim DeMars in the April 28 Dally Nebraskan seemed to
suggest, the original schedule called for the nine masters
to visit Abel, Pound, Cather, WRH, and Selleck in a one
half hour period on Monday night, as compared to eleven
hours spent in small living units.
This, at best, represents one master for every 370 stu
dents. The schedule was not changed to send four Masters
to Cather and Pound upon which Mr. DeMars based his
figures until a protest was lodged by one of the Residence
We In the dormitory system should like to inform ASUN
that leadership and interest do exist in the dormitories,
that we consider the Masters' Program important enough
to warrant more exposure time in the dormitories, and
that we, too, can assure attendance and participation
when notified in sufficient time.
Marv Almy, IDCC Chairman
Joan Spivey, IDCC Secretary
His Candidate Stands
Dear Editor,
In recent weeks there has been an accumulation of
campaigning and politicking which to me has all been cen
tered along certain lines. There have been the student elec
tions, the choosing of Mortar Boards and Innocents, and
the primaries and general elections for state offices. To
me, the following is a good example of what an interview
with a candidate for one of these offices or one of their
supporters would be like.
Q) Mr. Bobbitt, I hear you've become a campaign ora
tor. A) Fellow American, you have heard correctly. I'vt
been on the stump all spring.
Q) In that case you should be up on your campaign
A) Well, sir, I believe I may say with all due modesty
that I can point with pride and view with alarm as senten
tiously and bombastically as any one who ever thrust one
arm in his frock coat and with the other called upon high
heaven to witness the perfidy of the other candidates. ,;.
Q) Can you describe your candidate, Mr. Bobbitt?
A) My candidate is a man four-square, a true repre
sentative of the people, a leader worthy of the trust uyhich
has been placed in him. -
Q) What are his characteristics?
A) He is a man of sterling character and a champion
of the rights of the people.
Q) What kind of champion?
A) A stalwart champion.
Q) What is he close to?
A) The soil.
Q) What kind of questions has your candidate been
A) Burning questions. Great underlying problems.
Q) What has your candidate arrayed himself against?
A) The forces of reaction. There must be no compro
mise with the forces of reaction.
Q) Would you characterize these times, Mr. Bobbitt?
A) These are troubled times. We are met in an hour
of crisis.
Q) What does your candidate propose to do in thU
grave hour?
A) He will demand, and denounce, and dedicate. He
will take stock. He will challenge, pledge, stress, fulfill, in
dict, exercise, accuse, call upon, affirm, and reaffirm.
Q) Reaffirm what?
A) His undying faith in our Founding Fathers' princi
ples. Q) What is it he will rise above?
A) He will rise above narrow partisanship. He will
place the welfare of the community above all other, con
siderations including his desire to win.
Q) To what does your candidate dedicate himself? '
A) To the task that lies before him.
Q) How does he approach this task?
A) With a solemn realization of the responsibility that
rests upon him in this hour of stress.
Q) Would you mind telling me who's responsible for
this hour of stress?
A) The other candidates.
Q) What have the other candidates proved?
A) Their utter incapacity to govern. Their record is
an unbroken record of failure, of forgotten pledges, of
callous disregard for the welfare of the community. ,
Q) What are they undermining?
A) The American way of life. They are spending vast
sums of the people's money.
Q) For what?
A) To build a huge political machine. They have
aroused class hatred.
Q) What can the people do?
A) They must rise in wrath and select my candi
date. Q) What kind of a leader does this hour call for?
A) A leader who will lead us out of the wilderness,
eliminate waste and extravagance in government, elimi
nate red tape and inefficiency, and solve unemployment.
Q) What about the farmer?
A) The farmer must have relief.
Q) What kind o relief?
A) Farm relief.
Q) What about the student?
A) The student must have welfare.
Q) What kind of welfare?
A) Student welfare.
Q) Is there anything you would like to say in conclusion
Mr. Bobbitt?
A) Yes. The time for evasions is past. We must face
the facts, put our shoulders to the wheel, put our housi
in order, meet the challenge of the dictators, carry aloft
the torch of liberty, fulfill our high destiny, face the future,
and select my candidate.
Q) Well, thank you Mr. Bobbitt, for letting ui know ex
actly where your candidate stands.
I wonder.
Letters Policy
Unsigned letters to the editor will not be printed.
However, a pen name will be used, npon the writer's re
quest. Letters critical of Individuals must be signed wltb
the writer's name. Address letters to the Dally Nebras
kan, Nebraska Union SI.