The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 04, 1966, Page Page 2, Image 2
4 tiiiiiHiiiiimtiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ii""iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiimniiniiinm?n5 CAMPUS ?3 OPINION Jo Stohlman, editor Mike Kirkman, business manager 11 i .'V V I v? 1 I - i v r it? 5m ... .r ' W' I'.f ' V I 7i Page 2 Because Ivy Day is approaching, we are adding our two cents worth of com ment to the annual criticism that arrives with the masking and tackling. We will keep this short and sweet, as it is just this: a passing comment. In fact, you can almost near us sigh as we write it. Innocents will tackle exactly thirteen men Saturday . . . exactly thirteen "out standing m leadership, scholarship or service to the University." M!!:illlllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llIMII!!MMH I Student Self -Government ! Editor's Note: We feel the following comments from a Washington univer sity are especially pertinent to Nebraska's hope for stu dent government. Spokane, Wash.. (LP.) To allow students the free dom of s e l f-government could open Pandora's box for Gonzaga University, ac cording to fears expressed by several members of the University's Board of Re agents at a recent campus meeting. The rioting at Berkeley was repeatedly cited as the cause of the regent's con cern. Concern over student freedom was spawned by reports made by Dr. George H. Stewart, chairman of the chemistry department, and Dean William H. Barber of the. School of Education. Both reports concerned the evolving attitudes of var ious components of the col legiate community. In his report, Dr. Barber explained that "the ad ministration, the faculty and even the students will become full partners work By LIZ AITKEN This Friday is the date of one of the University's most revered and respected tra ditionsSpring Day. Known to the campus elite as "Games People Play," this fun-in-the-sun frolic is an annual spring occurence and in some eyes eclipses the brilliance of Ivy Day. The story behind Spring Day is an interesting one. First started in 1913, the scheduling of an outdoor games day was dedicated to the thousands of underpriv ileged Nebraska students' who had never been able to get outside the confines of city walls. Hence, it was established that one afternoon per year would be reserved for or ganized activity in the great open spaces. (This action was probably the first sig nificant step taken by stu dent government to declare students' rights and was successful only after a rug ged struggle with the Re gents.) The first Spring Day was held at Pioneers Park fnow affectionately referred to as Southwest Campus ), but was .switched to Ag Campus A Passing Comment ing together to achieve the purposes of the Gonzaga college community." Regent L. V. Brown asked if Dr. Barber meant stu dents should be brought into the policy level. "I don't think students will ever be in the area of curriculum p o 1 i c y," re sponded Dr. Barber, ex plaining, however, that students will inevitably be given more and more free dom. Dr. Barber pointed to two "Gonzaga Bulletin" report ers attending the meeting as an example of increased student involvement in ad ministrative affairs. The regents' meeting was the first in university history to which representatives of the campus newsapper had been allowed to attend. Brown said he felt in creased freedom for stu-. dents could lead to discipli nary problems. "Every father on this board is concerned about the discipline or lack of it, experienced by the univer sity," he said. Brown then referred to the Berkeley riots. Lost Cool (now affectionately referred to as East Campus) the following year. It seems that with all the abundant foliage at Pi oneers Park and the great number of students, there turned out to be a misun derstanding the purpose of the event stemming from a wrong interpretation of the name. Since then, all activity at Pioneers is en tirely on the student's own initiative. After this initial set-back (the attendance dropped drastically the second year) Spring Day grew in to the significant and mean ingful event it is today. This isn't to say that it wasn't without its problems. In 1935 certain trouble making students circulated a petition declaring that they were being gyped out of classes they had paid for. Almost 49 of the student body were deceived into signing this subversive doc ument by a hard-core group who made some radical claims about democracy and such. Even though the Administration had opposed Spring Day just a short 22 years before, it decided to AG All (Women's) Time Deemed Possible Short Skirt Associated Dream Summer Fun Double Trouble Earthy Flying Husker Rag Nag Not So Sweet Goethe Quiet One Brainpower Building Material AgNag Tis the Season Commissioner Your Honor Emancipator Eoney Maroney Politician Blanche Bassethound XT Tl UAGU Wednesday, May 4, 1966 An Innocent will tell you that the selection was not arbitrary, that the really top thirteen junior men were chosen. He can't explain how the four teenth man on the list differed from the thirteenth, however. But he will try to excuse the fact that as the University doubles and triples in size, the number of men honored does not increase one iota. "Not that many more leaders," he says. "Just more super-leaders" Baloney. "The Berkeley situation would not have happened had there been more di alogue between the ad ministration and the stu dents," answered Dr. Bar ber. "Gonzaga's situation is not similar. The dichot that once existed among the administration, the faculty and the students is breaking down." "The kind of policy Dr. Barber is talking about in vited Berkeley type situa tions," Brown said. Dr. Stewart answered, ex plaining that the University, to maintain a rapport with students must offer increas ingly more freedom. "Gon zaga has gone from a 'street car' to a 'regional' type school," he said. "We're getting more cosmopolitan, sophisticated. The type of student that contributes to this new atmosphere is more and more demanding, and we have to give him an atmosphere in which he will react." He said one sure way to get students up in arms is "to impose regulations from . the top." defend its existance on the Wsis of status quo. The pe tition was defeated. - Then, in 1959, Spring'Day was given a very prestig gious boost. Within the framework of the Presi dent's Program on Physical Fitness, an award was es tablished for any' student who could roller-skate around the tractor - testing track 200 times. To date, no one has gar nered this award (a medal lion with Harry Truman's portrait on one side and a picture of Grant's Tomb on the other) but it is ru mored that the Kappas have an entry in secret training. This year there were plans to have a booth for tap-and-pizza in an effort to boost attendance and make Spring Day a more repre sentative event, but again status quo has prevailed. Because of the signifi cance of Spring Day, I can't figure out why no racing forms have been published for the competition. In fact, I would have made one out myself, but I really don't know that many freshmen. 'ACING STABLE Seabound Double Trouble Sure Bet Purity None Sure Bet Pie in the Sky None 8-1 Mailbox Corner It's Surely May Sure Bet Scrambler's Neighbor President 25-1 Coeds' Folly Homey Sure Bet Seabound Double Trouble 5-1 Terrace Tribe Uninhibited 4-1 Triangle Angle None 15-1 Duchess' Playground Ensign's Envy Sure Bet Mailbox Corner It's Surely May Sure Bet Purity None 20-1 Measure None Sure Eet Well Dealt None Sure Bet Weed in the Sun None Sure Bet Terrace Tribe Uninhibited Sure Bet Scramblers' Neighbor President ' Sure Bet Window Serenade No Sign Out 25-1 I'm So Glad Because Sure Bet Window Serenade No Sign Out Sure Bet Scramblers' Neighbor President 15-1 Duchess' Playground Ensign's Envy 3-1 Coeds' Folly Homey V-l Sorry Being a compendium of farce, humor and comment, selected arbitrarily by the Edi tor .. . Historical Note of the Day: In 1958, Varkle, California, the first annual motor cycle rally and poetry reading is held. In 1867, University of Nebraska, the student government Centennial Committee starts drafting plans for the University's centen nial celebration. Chancellor Yesmun sug gests a banner being floated over the stadi um during hockey games, but the Board of Regents vetoes the plan as they have not as yet met the Wright brothers. Thought for the Day (for junior gun ners): In three days you can sleep again. Tidbits From Others The average Iowa State coed has kissed 10 men since fall. If playing the field, rotate the groups. Graduation gowns are on rental now, and masters robes are more expensive than bachelors. Act smart and where does it get you? (Iowa State Daily) imiiiiiiimiiiiiitiiiii iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiii!iiiiii!iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii Another Vieicpoint j I Hallucination or Education?! The Christian Science Monitor The tendency of a grow ing number of young people to experiment with the use or narcotics and hallucin atory drugs constitutes one of the most urgent domestic problems in the United States today. Dr. James L. Goddard, Food and Drug adminis trator, registered the gov ernment's great concern by writing college and univer sity officials throughout the land, requesting their co operation. Noting a marked increase in the use of drugs such as LSD, especially at educa tion a 1 institutions, he TRAINER Form About warned: "We are faced with a most hazardous situation. There is direct evidence of widespread availability of a number of drugs which have profound effects on the mental processes. Both stu dents and members of the faculty are being secretly approached to engage in hallucinogenic 'experien ces.' " Dr. Goddard has re quested that college officials reprt immediately to F'DA district offices instances of illegal use or possession of any of the hallucinatory or sleep-delaying drugs, some of which can be easily man ufactured in college chemis try laboratories. ODDS That! There wouldn't be any Greek-Independent split if there weren't any Greeks ... or Independents. "The world is dead" God. (The Daily Illini) "Golly, you sure write well," said the freshman girl to the Rag reporter. "Oh really," he brightened. "Yes," she said, "your word choice is perfect. And it must be frightfully hard, since every line has to fit the column width. How do you do it?" "I start in the middle and work to ward the margin," he explained. Our staff is in great trouble. We can think of no name for the pink rag (that is printable). Any suggestions will be appreciated (although not necessarily used). To all those who went to classes to day and found out they have an hour exam the week before finals, we're Sorry About That' He suggested the colleges might also consider inspec tion programs, laboratory supervision, and special counseling. This newspaper is n o w completing a series of 12 articles dealing with nar cotics and drug addiction. These underscored the gravity of the situation, sug gested practical solutions, and pointed up the tremen dous task remaining to be done. In the series, one univer sity official was quoted as saying: "We feel that our job is to help students to handle the problem them selves. There is no point in being punitive with the vic tims." Considering all that Is at stake for the individual and for society, we believe col leges have the obligation to go further. Films on drug abuse can be a helpful tool. Useful, too, a. talks to "interested" students by ex perts to point out that in sead of a "fuller, larger experience another way of investigating reality," the experience could well prove self-destructive. But, in addition, we be lieve officials should be pre pared to invoke strong sanc tions, including expulsion. The threat of expulsion shows just how seriously the institution views the matter and is sufficient to make most students think twice before acting. It is up to the colleges and universities to move with much greater vigor and firmness to restrain decent young people who, unwit tingly, embark upon a course which could utterly ruin their lives. Comments Approved Dear Editor, This is in reference to Mr. Peterson's letter in the Daily Nebraskan in answer to the column written by Julie Mor ris on April 22 of this year. The article was brought to my attention by a co-worker of mine, a long-time resident of Lincoln. I just want to say congratulations on his comments. They were a remark abl summation of my feelings. It is apparent that little "Julie" could do with a little more traveling and a lot more growing up. T. L. Hundley Police Ticketing Questioned Dear Editor, Recently I was stopped by a Lincoln patrolman and given a ticket for operating a vehicle in Lincoln without a Nebraska drivers license, as I am not a resident of this St3t6 Each semester, just like many other non-resident stu dents, I spend countless dollars besides $430 for tuition, on food, housing, clothes, etc., all of which goes to the city of Lincoln indirectly. This is usually money which is brought into Nebraska and Lincoln. On top of this when Lincoln's Police Dept. give tickets for such a violation, I believe it is a low blow. I think it is time that the law be given a fair appraisal as to its worth. If this law is needed (which I doubt), I think it's time a universal driver's license be issued to cover all states, or if this is impractical, one to cover an area, such as the Midwest, etc. I would appreciate all views on the subject. LeRoy Anderson Schaaf, Doerr Thank Supporters Dear Editor, We would like to thank everyone who supported us in the recent ASUN election. Our special thanks go to Cathie Shattuck, Elaine Kallos and Andrea Warren for many extra hours of effort on our behalf. It is our hope that the objectives we outlined through out our campaign can become realities in the coming year with the help of the many capable people who were elected to the Senate. We hope the senators-elect will now take time to evaluate this year's programs and consider the ways and means whereby Student Government can be more effective and representative of the needs of the stu dent in the coming year. We also hope students at large will take an active in terest in their student government and with this in mind we welcome -any suggestions and criticisms relating to our programs and policies. Students with special interests in varied areas are encouraged to take an active part by interviewing for various committee positions which relate to their interests. These positions will be announced n:xt fall. Again, we thank everyone who expressed their confi dence in us by supporting us in the past election. . . Terry. ,R. Schaaf - Roger Doerr Ivy Day Idiocy Dear Editcr, So it's here again. Once a year we of the University must suffer through the idiocy of what is laughingly known as Ivy Day. For the sake of tradition, each year at this time the thirteen male gunners and their female counterparts creep out of the woodwork to perpetuate their kind. The excuse for this ceremony, of course, is to honor the so-called leaders of the junior class. These are the stu dents who have, in their college lives, given the campus the benefit of their manifold knowledge and leadership. What a joke. Fraternity men have spent years grooming candidates for the annual tackling. A freshman is instructed in the . way to pass an interview, how to pass the buck to subordi nates, how to get his face around campus, who to know, what to say. Each of these gunner-factories exposes its choice can didate to tne glare of the Big Red Spooks. And they politic between themselves so that each man's house doesn't get shafted. And so the real leaders of the campus are passed by in favor of frat brothers and personal friends. So I won't go to Ivy Day because I won't get a mask or a baldric. And I won't go because I don't give a damn about those who do. It is time the real leaders of the campus (some of them might have slipped into the senbr honoraries) stopped this whole farcical act. If they don't, Mortar Boards and Innocents will be laughed out of exist ence before long anyway. I hope more of the campus will write in to the editor and express what I feel is the prevalent idea against the farce that senior honoraries are. An Average Student Dear Editor, I like to read the letters column, but I have never writ ten one before this. I guess because I'm a pathetic. Anywiy, I really get a kick out of some of the letters you get. Can you imagine a bunch of "students" getting upset over the fact that someone stole their traveling tro phy? That about got me. I also get a charge out of the regular contributors of letters on the Viet Nam policy, on Communism and so forth. It setms to me that illogic is prevalent on both sides of the fence. I'd like to see a good letter from a middle-of-the-roader. But middle-of-the-roaders don't get excited about much I don't either. I have to cram for finals like everybody, I have a sloppy roommate, I have a whole slew of boring profes sors and mickey mouse courses, I like to party on week ends, and l m anxious to get away from here. Guess I'm pretty average. I don't think you get enough letters from average people, but then that's one reason I get some chucks every time the paper comes out. By now you've figured out that I'm not hot and both ered about anything; I hardly ever get that way. Don t you think it's refreshing that I'm not? In fact, I cant even think of anything I'm much against, or much for, for that matter. If you want to put me on the record as being for some thing guess you could list no finals, no courses, no in structors, no draft, no jobs, lots of money for everybody. On . . . and yes, patriotism and motherhood. (Slipped that in for my mother and my congressman.) In the summer I'm also for swimming and loafing and getting a good tan. I don't give a diddley about being con- mSter SUmmer or any other time for that Wishing you the best of luck during finals and hoping you 11 have fun this summer, I am, Innocents' Bystander i I' An Average Student