The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 04, 1966, Image 1

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Wednesday, May 4, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Vol. 81, No.
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By Julie Morris
Senior Staff Writer
The end of a long, dusty
state primary campaign trail
comes May 10 when political
party faithfuls go to the polls
to select party candidates for
local, state and national offices.
CONSCIENTIOUS CITIZEN'S . . . file applications for absentee ballots for the May 10
primary election with the Lancaster County election commissioner. University "stu
dents who are eligible to vote are urged to do the same.
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(Ross Pledges Support
Of Rights Clarification j
The ASUN has been as
sured of the support of G. Ro
bert Ross, vice chancellor
and dean of student affairs,
in attempting to clarify the
students' responsibility to this
University and the Univer
sity's responsibility to the stu
dents. "I will help in every way
I know how," said Ross Tues
day. ASUN' president-elect Terry
Schaaf had outlined in his
campaign a three-step pro
cess of defining and clarify
ing the University code and
stating students' rights.
The process included find
ing out from Administration
exactly what the rights and
responsibilities were at pre
sent, discussing the points on
the Senate floor and finally
submitting to Administration
objections and recommenda
tions. "The process seems quite
reasonable," Ross noted.
"These areas (rights and re
sponsibilities) have been
talked about for some time
and will, no doubt, be talked
about more."
He said that since discus
sion is already carried on by
students, faculty and admin
istrators separately, "it would
be good to discuss them to
gether." "In procedural issues like
this the three groups should
draw together and not try to
decide them in isolation," he
Ross continued, "Students
as well as faculty and staff
should feel free to discuss,
evaluate and modify if they
can offer improvements to
procedures which concern
The timing of such a pro
ject, he said, is "related to
the scope and detail involved.
Ten items go through quicker
than 30 and it also depends
on where the involvement
"Ai an underlying philos
ophy of the University," he
added, "anyone materially af.
fected should get involved
with a discussion of the mer
its and ramifications" of pro
cedures. The question, Ross inter
jected, is who has the 'final
"The strength of a state
ment," he stressed, "depends
on the number of organized
bodies willing to endorse it."
Whether ASUN objections
over a specific item would be
considered important, he said,
would also be related to the
point. 1
When asked about the pro
Registered Republicans and
Democrats across the state
will be voting for candidates
for the U.S. Senate, gover
n o r, lieutenant governor,
Congress, secretary of state,
state auditor, state treasurer
and attorney general. Voters
will also be choosing dele
Wil'illWdifil'i V
vision in the Campus Hand
book which can be interpre
ted to say that off-campus
students over 21 could not
serve or consume alcoholic
beverages in their homes, he
replied, "The rule says no,
but in practice it is never po
liced." "The University does not
get involved unless some prob
lem arises," he continued. "If
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Jordan: 'God May Die Twice
In Nearly Everyone's Life'
By Randy Irey
Junior Staff Writer
"God as we know him, died
at least once, but he is alive
and we can know him through
knowing Jesus Christ."
This was the opinion ex
pressed by Pat Jordan Mon
day afternoon. Jordan spoke
in the Nebraska Union ball
room, on "How Manv Times
Did God Die?"
Jordan is a graduate of San
Diego State College and is al
so a graduate of theological
school. He is presently work
ing with the Intervarsity
Christian Fellowship.
Jordan explained some of
the reasons why people justi
fy the fact that God is dead.
"Some people say that God
refers to nothing tangible, and
since nothing is meaningless,
God is dead."
"Others say that since sci
entists can explain every
thing, there is no use in using
a God to explain things."
Althizer's Theory
One of the leading ex
ponents of the "God is Dead"
theory is Thomas Althizer.
"Althizer says that Jesus
was God in the flesh," ex
plained Jordan. "And since
Jesus died, historically, God
died. Althizer also says that
people of the Old Testament
experienced God but, since be
(Althizer) hasn't experienced
God, God is dead."
Jordan said that one of the
greatest problems in finding
God is the problem of Him re
vealing Himself to humans.
"God made the universe, but
He is not in it. Therefore by
studying the universe, you
aren't going to learn about
According to Jordan. God
sometimes dies twice in ev
eryone's lives. Our personal
concept of him must die.
"Faith aJone can't carry
man through. Faith is only as
gates to county party conven
tions and candidates for coun
ty offices.
Importance of the primary
election is often underesti
mated, according to Bob
Hawes, vice president of the
campus Young Democrats.
Hawes said in an interview,
an incident involving Univer
sity students arises out of
drinking, the incident is the
initial factor and the drinking
is only incidental."
Concerning the University
stand on drinking, Ross add
ed, "When of age it is one's
own decision. We can only
hope one is mature. We do
not either encourage or dis
courage drinking if one is of
valid as the object. Faith
doesn't create truth. This
means, in other words, that
wishing doesn't bring some
thing about."
Lack Of Faith
"But, on the other hand,
lack of faith doesn't destroy
truth. Sincerity in faith is not
enough; it can be invalid ii' it
isn't directed towards truth."
Jordan said that there were
three factors on which faith is
built. They are knowledge,
assent of knowledge, and com
mittment. "The second time that God
died," explained Jordan, "is
when God came to man in
Christ. God became human.
He focused himself into man
kind. It is believed that Christ
lived a perfect life; He
claimed to be sinless.
"Therefore, only things free
from sin can have a relation
ship with God. Man can't en
ter into his relationship be
cause he is not a holy, right
eous individual."
'Heinous Sin'
Jordan said that the most
heinous sin that man can
commit is not to love God
with o n e's whole being.
Thanklessness is another sin.
"Jesus Christ is acceptable
to God. Christ voluntarily died
as a substitute for other peo
ple. His death separated Him
from God. He took our place
as being one separated from
"But, Jesus rose from the
dead," emphasized Jordan.
"He was too big for death to
hold. He lives now to be our
guide and helper.
"In order to know God, we
liave to recognize that we
goofed. We have to realize
that we need Him. And we
have to say to ourselves 'If
I were God, I wouldn't have
anything to do with me.'"
that election returns "have
shown that voters don't take
full advantage" of primary
elections. The primary elec
tion, he said, is the time when
party members "have the
chance to choose" who par
ty leaders will be
Importance Not Realized
"I don't think students re
alize the importance of t h e
state primary," Cathie Shat
tuck, Young Republican pres
ident said. The primary, she
stressed, "is when you really
get to pick and choose your
candidates and your party
leadership." Delegates to the
Republican county conven
tions, Miss Shattuck said, are
those who choose delegates to
the state convention which
lays down the party platform
and becomes the official
mouthpiece of the party in
the state.
According to the office of
the registrar, there are 5,000
to 6,0000 eligible Nebraska
voters enrolled as full-t i m e
students at the University.
The spokesman said the fig
ure would be "a conservative
Miss Shattuck emphasized
that the importance of Univer
sity students as a voting bloc
cannot be underestimated.
"You'll notice the candi
dates are more than willing to
speak at the University," she
Student Closer
"The student voter is per
haps more likely to be closer
to the problems of his state
than older people because he
is not hampered with a full
time job or other duties." Miss
Shattuck said. 'Politicians
will turn to student for ideas;
they have a fresh approach.
People in government are al
ways interested in what stu
dents have to say," Miss Shat
tuck commented.
The major races in this pri
mary election include U.S.
senator, governor, lieutenant
governor and all three con
gressional seats.
Ten Democrats and 18 Re
publicans are candidates for
their party's nominations in
Ont. on Pg. 4, Col. 7
Jordan stated that believing
in God doesn't make a Chris
tian. Rather, the individual
must make a personal com
mittment to have Him take
one's life over in order to be
come a Christian.
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ALL THAT WORK ... is worth it to be a new Kosmet Klub member and receive a
kiss Sunday from Mary Keim, Alpha Phi sophomore, at the end of initiation. The new
members are: Greg Andrews, Rick Banta, Gail Burbridge, Joe Can-away, John Jor
gensen, Duane Krueger, Ron Langhoff, Doug Miller, Jim Shreck, Ken Raskins, Gary
Petersen, Mike Wallin, Chad Marlowe, Duane Jewel and John Wertz.
RAM Council Approves
I New Executive Election I
By Jan Itldn
Senior Staff Writer
A new election for RAM
executive officers will be held
Tuesday although the R A M
Council voted 17-8 Monday
night that the April 25 elec
tion was valid.
Ted Suhr, who was the win
ning presidential candidate in
that election, moved to have
another election "because of
debate" arising over the pre
vious one and challenged de
feated presidential candidate
Bob Shankland to a debate
over RAM government on
Wednesday al 8 p.m.
Disputes had arisen early
last week as to whether or not
the election had been valid. A
petition was circulated in Sel
leck Quadrangle stating that
the election should be held
again as irregularities had
existed in the electoral pro
cedures. Election 'Valid'
Monday's meeting took the
form of a hearing with John
Drodow presenting the case
of the objectors and RAM
President Marv A 1 m y pre
senting the case for the elec
tion officials.
After hearing approximate
ly three hours of testimonies
and rebuttals concerning the
alleged irregularities, t h e
Council declared the election
Drodow stated that the con
testing gioup did not wish "to
question the integrity of hon
esty of the election officials
but their judgment."
He cited two main reasons
for a new election.
Election procedures failed
to safeguard the right of the
residents to a clearly repre
sentative election.
East Campus
Readies For
Spring Day
University students will
spring up on East Campus
Friday afternoon for the an
nual Spring Day games.
Classes will be dismissed
Friday noon for the games at
the East Campus tractor field
which will begin tbe annual
festivities held this weekend.
The first game starts at 1:30
Greek houses, dormitory
living units and UNICORN'S
have entered the Spring Day
events which include tug-of-wars,
a stilt race, roller skat
ing and pyramid building.
trophies for the winners in
each of the events will be pre
sented. Schedule for the women's
games is as follows: tug-of-war,
1:30 p.m.; mystery
event, 2; stilt race, 2:30; roll
er skating race, 3; obstacle
race, 3:30; pyramid race, 4.
The men's games are sched
uled as follows: tug-of-war
and push ball, 1:30; log-puU-a-fight,
2; pole throw, 2:30;
mystery event. 3; bicycle
steeple chase, 3:30.
The resulting irregularities
cast doubts on the validity of
the election.
Safeguards Lacking
He said that safeguards
lacking included no procedure
being designed to eliminate
the exchange of meal tickets
(used for voter identification)
no procedure being designed
to allow residents not holding
meal tickets to vote and not
having all voters show their
meal tickets.
In the area of irregularities,
Drodow cited posters in t h e
main building, one number
being marked twice, unas
signed numbers being voted
with, officials advising how
to vote while in the vicinity of
the election and campaigning
on election day.
"The issue is not who
should serve," Drodow
stressed, "but rather can we
Di Kosman Is Nominee
For 'Nebraskan' Honor
The third University stu
dent to be nominated for the
"Outstanding Nebraskan" stu
dent award is Di Kosman.
Applications will be accept
ed by the Daily Nebraskan
for the Outstanding student
and faculty member until
noon May 9.
The nominating letter for
Miss Kosman said, "In lend
ing herself completely to a
wide variety of activities, Di
has established a pattern of
unselfish service to others, re
gardless of whether there
was any personal glory for
her involved or nr.
"She has done the big jobs
and she has done the small.
She has done the mundane
tasks and she has done the
In addition to her position
' as A.W.S. vice president, the
letter recognized "the great
deal of time and energy she
has given to the relatively ob
scure Tau Rho, a society for
students in broadcasting."
"A.W.S. will be with us for
ever," continued the letter,
Seniors: Feel A Drafl?
Although many University senior men may be receiving
orders to fyke their Selective Service physicals, they need
rot worry too much if they plan to allrnd graduate school
and have maintained proper grade averages wtrile carrying
a full scholastic load
This, according to Lt. Grn. Guy N. Hnnjngr, state di
rector cf the Selective Service, will be tbe case for most
senior men.
He said that the State Selective Service ha' pent out a
letter to the local boards "asking them to be prepared" for
the graduating seniors that may be needed to fulfill the
draft quota. This, said Henninger, is why many of the local
draft boards have ordered graduating seniors to take their
Henningrr noted that if a man is not qualified physically
can he forget about the military. '
He said senior men who will not accumulate enough
hours or who have not met the necessary refjujremnti at
the end of (bis year to graduate, will probably be allowed
to come back next semester to finish, if they are doing sails
ladvy work and are carrying a full load.
Hennincer said the Nebraska draft call for May is 169
men. lie said that calls probably would go up again after
July 1.
trust the validity of the elec
tion results."
Almy replied, "The only
thing provided are possibili
ties of 'may have beens'. A
new election, in effect, slan
ders those who were elected.
Irregularities must be estab
lished without a doubt or any
candidate who won last week
and is not elected again would
be wronged.'
"We must determine if
enough tnings actually hap
pened." ne continued
Campaigning In Lunchrooms
Much discussion revolved
around campaigning by ASUN
President Kent Neumeister
within the cafeteria and near
the polling place for Suhr and
whether or not Neumeister
had obtained knowledge of
the subtotals before he cam
paigned. Cont. on pg. 3, col. 2
"but it is doubtful whether
Tau Rho would have survived
its very vernal stages without
the invigoration of Di's
boundless enthusiasm and
capable leadership. She is a
charter member and vice
president of the group."
The letter stated that Miss
Kosman s "cheerful personal
ity and her unselfishness have
touched other groups during
her four years as an under
graduate. Among them are
Student Council. Angel Flight,
and the Delta Gamma soror
ity, which she presently serves
as vice president.
"The ready smile and the
sympathetic ear have, in ad
dition to her other activities,
made her a friend and advis
er to many of her fellow stu
dents." The letter concluded that
"Di Ko'man symbolizes the
type of unassuming person
who quietly and with sincere
dedication keeps many organ
izptions and, indeed the whole
campus going 1 believe she
is an ' Outstanding Nebraskan."