The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1966, Image 1

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Friday, April 29, 1966 The Daily Nebraskon Vol. 81, No. 101
By Jan Itkln
Senior Staff Writer
Tired, 15 pounds thinner
and more relieved . than he
was three weeks ago are de
scriptions which point to Ter
ry Schaaf, president-elect of
Schaaf, who will be sworn
into office Wednesday, said
that along with getting organ
ized and starting work to car
ry out his campaign objec
tives, he plans to catch up on
the sleep he lost during the
month-long campaign.
"It was a good campaign,"
he commented. "One where
issues were discussed rather
than personalities and one
where new issues developed
and were discussed almost
every day."
The Hastings junior, who
garnered 1,951 of the 4,088
votes cast, campaigned under
night after winners were
iff. "yi v
Alcoholism Termed 'Disease
By Randy Irey
The common drunk who is
perpetually arrested in a state
of inebriation, may, in t h e
near future, be free from ar
rest. Men like Joe Driver and De
Witt Easter have almost
reached this point. Driver
can't be arrested as long as
he remains is the states of
Maryland, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Virginia and
Wrest Virginia. Easter has the
same status as long as he re
mains in the confines of the
District of Columbia.
The United States Fourth
Circuit Court of Appeals ruled
last January that Driver, who
had been arrested as a drunk
203 times, got drunk involun
tarily and consequently had
not committed a criminal act.
Judge Albert Bryan said in
this case that, "The confirmed
alcoholic's presence in public
is not his act. It may be
likened to the movement of
an imbecile or a person in a
delirium. The state cannot
stamp an unpretending chron
ic alcoholic as a criminal if
his drunken public display is
involuntarily as the result of
Appropriate Detention
"However," continued Bry
an, "nothing we have, said
precludes appropriate deten
tion of him for treatment and
rehabilitation so long as he is
not marked as a criminal."
The court in the District of
Columbia said the same thing
regarding Easter.
The court said at this time
that an "accused chronic
drunk must either be released
or committed for treatment.
But he may not be punished."
One of these decisions will
probably be appealed to the
United States Supreme Court,
and if the court should sus
tain one of the decisions, this
will become, for all practical
purposes, the law.
If this should come about,
it will place a great deal of
emphasis on the rehabilitation
of the chronic alcoholic.
Salvation Army
In Lincoln, one source of re
habilitation is t h e program
Election . .
the slogan "Dynamic Leader
ship." 'Utilize Good People'
Schaaf stressed that he
plans "to utilize the good
people who were not elected,
as well as those who were,
in the committee structures
and through the executive ap
pointments." "I'm also glad to see that
both Steve Abbott and Dave
Snyder ( Schaaf 's opponents)
were elected to Senate," he
added. "They have thought of
many and varied aspects of
student government that can
greatly benefit ASUN next
"My opponents and myself
did not differ that violently,"
he continued. "We all had
the same interest that of ef
fectively serving the Univer
sity students."
vice president Roger Doerr is congratulated Wednesday
announced outside the vote-counting room in the Ne
braska Union basement.
provided by the Salvation
Army. It is the Men's Social
Service Center located at 601
"L", under the supervision of
Capt. Vernon Jewett.
Jewett explained that the
central target in treating the
alcoholic is to "get him off
the bottle."
"We deal mainly with the
transient alcoholic, so when
he comes to us, one of the first
things we do is to offer him a
clean place to sleep and some
nourishing food," stated
The Salvation Army has
found that in order to reha
bilitate the individual he must
have the desire to change. By
voluntarily coming to the Cen
ter, the individual shows that
he is ready to receive help
and willing to work towards
overcoming his problems.
"A physical is given, be
cause alcoholism has a defi
nite disease concept," Jewett
said. "A lot of people drink
excessively but aren't alco
holics. There is some pre-dis-posing
thing within the man
that makes him become an
'Bottle Solves Problems'
"The alcoholic goes to the
Social Service
"':.!: r .'"
f t I j"" 'f i
He said that he, in addi
tion to vice presidents Roger
Doerr and Bob Samuelson
and some of the senators,
.would re-evaluate the current
committee structure and es
tablish "next year's complete
structure this spring."
"The senators will be noti
fied by mail during the sum
mer of our decision," Schaaf
added, "so the chairmen can
be chosen in early" fall."
"We don't want to lose any
time," he stressed. "Certain
committee chairmen will be
chosen this spring so they
can either work through the
summer or plan for next fall
as the case may be."
New Committees
He explained that two com
mittee chairmen who would
probably be appointed before
bottle to solve his problems,
whereas the normal indivi
dual will go elsewhere. In
drinking, the alcoholic is try
ing to forget the pas t. He
doesn't have enough physical,
moral, and spiritual force for
the present, and he is afraid
of the future. Through alcohol
he drowns out his fears for
the time being."
"The alcoholic who comes
to us, at times, will be one
who has just come off a
month of drinking and a man
like this is not ready to toe re
habilitated because of his poor
physical condition. Often they
have delirium tremens, and
suffer the same symptoms
as dope addicts. We have to
help him physically first."
"As they say in the army
'you have to get the wrinkles
out of their stomachs first.' In
other words when the man
has his physical problems
solved, then you can work
with him."
The next step in the Cen
ter's process towards rehabil
itation is to find out his prob
lem. Counseling Service
"If we can face him with
Center Captain Vernon Jewett, above, is the head of the
which combats alcoholism in Lincoln.
school is out are the centen
nial and the student conduct
investigation committees.
The centennial committee,
he noted, would probably
make plans for the Univer
sity's participation In the
state centennial next year.
"And I want to start pro
ceedings as quickly as pos
sible on the first step of the
investigation of the student
conduct regulations," Schaaf
He added that the main
goal at present is "finding
out what the regulations are.
They must be enumerated
and clarified in the spring to
give us something to work
from in the fall."
"Clarifying what is unclear
and vague now is a necessary
step before other action can
be taken," he continued.
Schaaf had explained in his
More On
(Page 3)
campaign that before a stu
dent bill of rights can be
drawn up, two steps will have
to be taken first.
The first of these steps is
finding out what the current
rights and regulations are
and the second is discussing
them "point by point" on the
Senate floor.
After these steps are taken,
he had explained, then ASUN
can present a list of the ob
jectionable items to the Ad
ministration. Experience
Schaaf's previous student
government experience rang
es from his high school posi
tion of student council treas
urer where the student coun
cil had a budget of $9,000 a
'year to attendence at
the 1964 constitutional conven
tion at the University when
his problem, or help him find
his problem, this will aid in
his rehabilitation. Otherwise
all we will be doing is to tide
him over until his next
The general program set up
by the Salvation Army for re
habilitation is divided between
individual counseling, group
therapy, spiritual counseling,
and work therapy.
In counseling, . the men meet
with Jewett, where they dis
cuss the aspects of the alco
holic's problem. Jewett works
with each man individually
and trys to set up a concrete
program for helping him solve
his problem.
In group therapy, Jewett ex
plained that the purpose is to
point out the basic problems
of alcoholism. The men are
encouraged to take part in
Alcoholics Anonymous meet
ings. "The men need education as
to their problem and a lot re
sist this area of work."
The spiritual training is cen
tered in getting the alcoholic
in contact with his God. "Of
ten these men have had little
Cont. on Page 4, Col. 1
the ASUN constitution was
He wag elected to Student
Senate last year from the
College of Business Admini
stration and served on the
ASUN executive committee,
as well as being chairman of
the public issues committee
which studied the problem
of foreign student housing.
Other positions he has held
include membership on t h e
Business Administration Ad
visory Board and on the Pub
lications Board.
"Incidentally," Schaaf inter
jected, "I am not reapplying
for Pub Board this year."
Outside of governmental ac
tivity, he has been vice pre
sident of Sigma Phi Epsilon
fraternity, Nebraska Union
president and both a high
school and college debater.
His debate colleague, who
was also the president under
whom he was student coun
cil treasurer in high school,
is Roger Doerr, who is first
vice president-elect of ASUN.
New Vice Presidents Find
Debates Campaign Highlight
The debates by the candi
dates for ASUN president
were chosen as the "most in
teresting part of the cam
paign" by vice presidents
elect Roger Doerr and Bob
Doerr and Samuelson gar
nered 1,943 and 1,385 votes
In so doing, Samuelson,
who won the closest execu
tive race, became the first
person to serve as second
vice president of ASUN. An
amendment establishing the
office was overwhelmingly
'Carefully Drawn Issues'
Doerr, a junior and former
debate colleague of President-elect
Terry Schaff, de
scribed the campaign as
"very interesting. I enjoyed
it very much. The most in
teresting part was hear
ing the presidential candi
dates debate on such careful
ly drawn issues."
"This campaign was cer
tainly a step in the right di
rection," noted Samuelson.
"For once issues were more
important than personalities
as evidenced by the debate at
Hyde Park last week."
Doerr stressed that now
that the election itself is over
"the crucial factor is the in
terest the senators-elect take
in ASUN.
"The executives," he con
tinued, "are only successful
I Two Praised As 'Outstanding I
The presidents of ASUN and
Mortar Boards are the first
two people to be nominated by
letter for the Daily Ne
braskan's Outstanding
Nebraskan award.
The letter praising Shirley
Voss stressed her "versatility
and excellence" and Kent
Neumeister's letter pointed
out that of all the seniors in
the University he has done
"the most this last year."
The Daily Nebraskan will
be accepting Outstanding Ne
braskan applications for a stu
dent and faculty member until
noon May 9.
Miss Voss's letter pointed
out that her versatility is
shown academically, as a
campus leader and in the per
forming arts.
The letter explained that
she has served as president of
five campus groups, Alpha
Lambda Delta, Kappa Alpha
Theta pledge class, Little Sis
ters of Minerva, Nebraska
Union Program Council and
Mortar Board.
She has also been active in
AUF and was recording sec
retary of Student Countil.
Phi Beta Kappa
Academically, the letter
states, she is a Phi Beta
Kappa and a zoology major.
She will work toward a Mas
ters in physiology at the Uni
versity of Michigan.
The letter's writer also
TERRY SCHAAF . . . sits at the ASUN president's
desk, which he will officially occupy beginning
Wednesday at 4:30.
in proportion to the interest
put forth by the senators. I
only hope they have put some
serious thought about the
amount of sacrifice their job
He added that the executives-elect
would have "to sit
down soon and outline the
committee structure for next
Two-Party System
Samuelson noted, "One im
portant thing that developed
from this year's election is a
two-party system composed
of two good parties. They
should not be abandoned now
that the election is over."
"The parties could and
should be an active force in
Senate and student govern
ment for next year. Two
parties increase the dili
gence and consciousness of
the members of the opposite
parties. T h a t's what hap
pened in the election and
that's what should carry over
to Senate."
Doerr divided his immedi
ate goals into two areas.
"First we must get or
ganized internally so we can
perform as efficiently as pos
sible," he said. "And second
ly we must start immediately
to carry out our campaign
He said that the goals
would be undertaken "as
soon as we meet with the
pointed out that she was a
finalist for a Woodrow Wilson
Fellowship, a finalist for the
first special Alumni Award
and has been involved in the
Summer Orientation Program
for incoming freshman.
Her versatility as a per
former on the piano, quitar
and banjo was also stressed.
The letter said she had a lead
in the Kosmet Klub's "Fiorel-
Defense Fund Planned
To Defeat Loyally Oalli
A legal defense fund to aid
Mrs. Killen Spangler in her
fight against the State Loyal
ty Oath was announced by
Carl Davidson at Hyde Park,
Davidson, who declared the
loyalty oath to be "silly,"
said that the Spanglers are
broke and need money for
their legal fight.
"A lawyer from the Ameri
can Civil Liberties Union is
donating his services," Dav
idson said, "'but there is still
much red-tape and expense
involved in suing the State."
Davidson gave some of the
reasons why Mrs. Spangler,
new Senate although they will
not officially be put into ef
fect until fall."
'Setting Precedent'
Samuelson said his gols
included "meeting the chal
lenge of this office because
anything I do next year will,
in effect, set a precedent for
future second vice presi
dents "
His more .concrete goals in
clude setting up a system
whereby the executive com
mittee Mill visit the various
living units on an alternate
Monday night basis to further
acquaint them with the
ASUN. change the Senators
committee to serve more as
a link with the Legislature
through luncheons and week
ly bulletins and to put the
Still man Pro ject under an ex
ecutive committee.
He also added that he
would like to cee 3 special
public relations rhairman ap
pointed for all executive com
mittees. Doerr has served on the
RAM executive council,
ASUN director of records and
president of the Abel constitu
tional convention.
Samuelson has served as a
senator from Teachers Col
lege, chairmen of both the
tuition and football ticket in
vestigations and as a dele
gate to the Big Eight Student
Government convention.
lo" her freshman ar and
has been in Madrigals.
Responsible For Success
"The University's new stu
dent government has been
successful this year because
of Kent Neumeister." accord
ing to the letter nominating
The letter pointed out that
Cont. on Page 4, Col. 2
who Mas employed as a sec
retary in the office of Public
Relations on the East Cam
pus, refused to sign the oath.
"A communist is usually
the first one to sign such an
oath," he declared, "the oath
implores the signer to defend
th? constitution, when the
oath itself is unconstitution
al." Davidson continued. "Mrs.
Spangler is an aetheist. and
couldn't in good conscience
sign anything with references
to God in it."
According to Davidson, a
table will be set up in the Ne
braska Union for the purpose
of securing funds for the