The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 25, 1966, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Monday, April 25, 1966
Students To Vote
On 17 Amendments
University students will
vote on constitutional amend
ments concerning the pro
posed office of second vice
president in the ASUN elec
tion next Wednesday.
Student Senate passed a
motion several weeks ago
suggesting this office and ask
ing the students to consider it
es a constitutional amend
ment. At the same time the new
office is voted on, students
will also elect a second vice
president who will take the of
fice if it is approved.
The following, which must
run three times prior to t h e
election in the Daily Nebras
kan, according to the ASUN
constitution, is a copy of the
proposed constitutional
1. In Article V, Section 1, part A
Insert the word "First" before
"Vice President".
2. In Article V, Section i, part
Insert the word "First" before
"Vice President".
S. In Article V, Section J, part
b, and Part B, Section 1 and 2.
Insert the word "First" before
"Vice President".
4. In Article V, Section 2, part C.
Add the following provisions:
The Second Vice-Presideirt
1. Election. The Second Vice
President of the Association shall
be chosen on the basis of a sep
arate election.
2. Eligibility and Term of Of
fice. The eligibility and term of
office of the Second Vice Presi
dent of the Association shall be
identical with those of the Presi
dent of the Association.
3. Replacement. In case the
Second Vice President cf the As
sociation shall become unable to
fulfill his duties by reason of dis
qualification, disability, death or
impeachment and conviction, re
placement for the position shall
be appointed by the President
with approval of the Senate.
4. The position of the Second
Vice President shall become ef
fective upon the approval of the
above amendments in the gener
VP Drafts 7-Point Platform
For ASUN Senate Election
Vox Populi Saturday en
dorsed a seven-point platform
for the Wednesday ASUN
Included in the platform are
planks advocating the "formu
lation of a c o m : i 1 1 e e on
higher education to discuss
bvI promote course and cur
riculum reform as well as im
prove education through other
experimental and creative
methods" a n d the "establish-
These low-cost rain apnlr to U class
ified adrertlilnc is Ibe Dtilr Nebraska!:
tandard rate of Se per word an mini
mum chane of SOc per elaMifled Inter-
Payment lor tbfie ad will fall Into
(wo catrKorira: (1) adi running len than
one wert In anccemlon must be paid for
before Insertion. 2 ad runnlnf for more
than one week will be paid weekly.
1M2 Ford Galaxy 500 -door nardtop
with rd white ton. Excellent thane.
All vinyl interior It new tirei plu
much mora. After 4:00 nt 434-7390.
1948 Bulck Hearse. Immaculate red Tel'
Tet Ulterior, runs perfectly. 432-2835.
1951 Cadillac hearae, V-S. ttraialit atick,
velvet interior, good tires, food general
chape. $325 or best offer. Vera Oswald,
Wayne, Nebraska.
1965 MGB Wire wheels, radio. S2300 or
best offer. 4B8-0303 or 434606.
Hnnda 50. excellent condition. caU fSMp
Soref at 477-6626 or 432-3120.
portable stereo, like new,
Kidder, 466-7166, .m.
call Charles
t p.m.
KOBIIE HOME-W63 10x46 Wohrerea 2
bedroom, front ktcnen, new ras fur
nace. plumbing for washer, Ideal for
married college student. Will fi
nished or unfurnished, can nww.
a n. ... irina nart time Job. Needed
Waitress. Walter. Bus Boy. Contact
University Club, Stuart Biuldini.
Young woman for Insurance Wltor of
women's magazine. Experience or train
ing preferred but not necessary. I day
week. Vacation fc sick leave, 0U
fringe benefits. CaU 432-2881, ext. 28L
Need part-time starting now and 1S
aU through summer (full time to sum
mer if desired). Interview: R. J
Brown, Holiday Inn, am Thursday :30
am -4:00 pm until school la out
EMPLOYMENT? For our booklet on
whafs available (National Parte,
NASA, etc.) how to apply 1 J
whom mall name, address and college
along with $1.00 to The Crolee Com
pany, Three Parkway Center, Ptttt
burgh, Pennsylvania 15220.
Visit Russia, Isreal or Urse'. "m,n!
Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia,
Poland or SwUn. North Africa. 1900.
Hotels. Meals, Slrhtseeing. let round
trip from New York. Sandra Hano,
454B Banner Drive. Long Beach, Cali
fornia, S0807.
Experienced typist, reasonable
Call Pat Owen. 423-2008.
Now Frontier's "21" Tare Dlseonat Card
accepted by most major "Wines for
a 50 savings. Need a card or tnfor
matkrnt CaU Hobyn Brock. 432-73K.
3140 Orchard
Taking reiwvotiorti
now for ummor school,
cooking, T.V., shower,
clean It nice, row
rate.. 477-6268.
al election of 1966.
5. In Article V, Section 2, part E.
Insert the words "First and
Second" before "Vice President".
6. In Article V, Section 3, part
B, number 1.
Insert the number "2.5" in place
of the word "six".
7. Article VI, Section 1, part A
Insert the words, "Second Vice
President" between the words
"Director," and "one".
Insert the word "Six" instead
of the word "five" before "Com
missioners". 8. Article VJH, Section 1, part J.
Insert the words, "First and
Second" before the words "Vice
9. Article VII, Section 2, part A-2
Insert the word "First" before
the words "Vice President".
10. Article VII, Section 1, part H.
Insert the word "First" before
the words "Vice President".
11. Article VII, Section 2, part
Insert the word "First" before
the words "Vice President".
12. Article VII, Section 2, part B.
Insert the word "First" before
the words "Vice President".
13. Article VII, Section 2, part C
Add the following 'provisions:
C. The Second Vice President.
The Second Vice President of the
Association shall have the follow
ing powers.
1. To be a member of the
Electoral Commission and Execu
tive Commmittee.
2. To assume such duties with
in the Executive branch as shall
be assigned by the President of
the Association.
3. To hold a seat on the Sen
ate with no vote.
14. Article VII, Section 2, part C
Insert the words, "through the
Second Vice President" between
the "President" and "for".
15. Article VII, Section S, part
Insert the words "First and
Second" before the words "Vice
1?. Article VII, Section 4, part C
2. Insert the words "First lad
Second" before the words "Vice
17. Article XI, Section 1, part A
Insert the word "First" be
tween the words "outgoing" and
"Vice President".
Insert the words "First and
Second" before the words "Vice
President". '
ment of a free intra-campus
bu: ervice for students se
pai 1 by campuses from
requed courses."
Other planks include estab
lishing lobbies in the state leg
islature and determining pos-
sibilites of a commercial Lin
coln bank operating a facility
at the Nebraska Union.
A procedure for revising the
student code and establishing
a student bill of rights is also
contained in the platform.
According to his procedure
the ASUN would work with
the office of student affairs to
revise the current standards
to formulate a "concise, pro
gressive Code of Student Con
duct." This code would be the
final authority in any ques
tion of student conduct.
Following the establishment
of the code, ASUN would draft
a statement of student rights
which would then be submit
ted to the Board of Regents
through the Office of Student
I lllflfi.
this would
Place classified ad
Days to Rum
COST: Fhft wntt a word for tach insertion. Minimum of SOc
per day. Enclose check, payable to the Daily Nebroskan.
T r I
. .if 1 i 1
TROPHY STEALING ... is rocky business these days,
as dorm residents discover, when they recover a pon
derous bit of plunder in an old interdorm rivalry.
Might Overcomes Right,
Turnover 'Rocks' Dorm
By Nancy Hendrickson
Junior Staff Writer
A new stone has been turned
in the University dormitor
ies. Named the All Dormitory
Traveling Trophy, the "stone"
is being circulated among the
dorms as a trophy to whoever
steals it from the dormitory
unit currently holding it.
The "floating trophy" is
awarded to any dorm that is
strong enough and bold
enough to steal it from the
dorm possessing it.
Seaton I of Selleck Quad-
The statement of rights
would include items concern
ing students ngni 10 near'
speakers of their choice on
topics of their choice, right of
free publication and "right to
immunity to disciplinary ac
tion by the University" for
civil offenses unless the act
violates a provision of t h e
student code as well.
The platform also advocates
"strengthening of the Alpha
phi Omega book exchange."
incorporation of ASUN and
examining possibilities of es
tablishing a tutorial program
for other departments along
the line of the present math
tutorial system.
j.. j)saiiMswssaa
f Of K ' r..i
i Mi i : $ i
rangle was
in possession of
the trophy
Thursday after-
"We openly challenge any
dorm to take it away," said
Rolland Dvorak, president of
Seaton I.
Threats to Seaton I's pos
session of the trophy have
come from Abel and Cather
Halls and other houses in Sel
leck. "One morning at 4:30 a.m.
four guys from Abel came to
take it but they were caught
by two of our residents who
were studying late," Dvorak
The stone could possibly be
carried out by two guys but
four would probably be
needed to remove it, he
All the dormitories have
agreed upon several informal
rules regarding the stone,
The trophy must remain in
open display and cannot be
kept tinder .lock and key, in
order to give all dorms a tair
chance to try and seize it.
It must be removed in se
cret without being seen by
any of the residents in t h e
floor or hall.
The trophv can only be tak
en during the hours of 7 p.m.
and 7 a.m.
No attempt is made to
guard the trophy in an all
night watch, Dvorak said, be
cause it would discourage any
competition for possession
from other dorms.
The trophy originated on
the eleventh floor of Cather.
It had been used in a water
fall and rock garden setting
at an open house in late
Autographs of all the resi
dents who have possessed the
trophy cover the rock.
It has been in possession
by several of the men's
houses in Selleck since
March 25 when it was taken
from Cather II.
Museum Display
Features History
Of Space Effort
More than 100 salon-sized
color photographs, depicting
the history of the United
States' efforts in space, are
on display at the University
State Museum.
The exhibit, "Photography
from Five Years in Space,"
is on loan to the University
from the National Aeronau
tics and Space Administra
tion and will remain on pub
lic view through May 15.
Allan Griesemer, curator of
educational services at t h e
Museum, said the display rep
resents a collection of out
standing prints taken by the
photographers of Life, Nation
al Geographic, the New York
Times and NASA.
For a Unified Campus and
a Responsible Student Government-
Second Vice President
Re-Elccticn cs a
as sv
from Arts
Th nnilv Nebraska PQe 3
Business, Agriculture And Howe Ec
Candidates Give
Proposals For
Candidates for Student Sen
ate from the colleges of Busi-
ness Administration and of
Agriculture and Home Econo
mics expressed their goals
for ASUN.
Of the 16 candidates running
from Business Administra-
tion, the Daily Nebraskan was
able to contact 13.
Cheryl Adams advocated na
tional affiliation, greater utili
sation of the student cabinet,
specific duties for the elec
toral commission, improve
ment of the associate program
and closer contact between
students and senators.
Establishment of a student
bill of rights giving the stu
dents final authority in life
outside the classroom, and ac
tive participation of student
government on policy-making
boards are the goals of Tom
Joyanne Dinklage suggests
a system of reciprocal tuition
with other state schools, fol
low up on foreign student
housing and parking facilities,
and extention of library hours.
Closer student relations with
the legislative budget commit
tee, reactivation of the busi
ness advisory board and look
ing into whether the Faculty
Evaluation Book is really a
worthwhile project are advo
cated by Bob Ensz.
Gary Gunderson said that
rather than suggesting pro
jects he would "ask the stu
dents what they want and
then do it."
Better ASUN-student rela
tions through t h r o u g h the
forums, closer work with the
advisory boards and a Uni
versity project like supporting
the state Centenniel are advo
cated by Gene Hohensee.
Rett Inbody suggests in
forming the senators of pro
posed legislation prior to the
meetings and continuance of
the Faculty Evaluation Book.
More contact between stu
dents and senators, the estab
lishment of professional inter
fraternity councils and pan
hellenics and having the num
ber of Homecoming finalists
directly apportioned to living
units are suggested by Bruce
Tom Morgan advocates stu
dents and senators meeting
periodically during informal
coffee hours, study and pos
sible reorganization of t h e
the Faculty-Evaluation Book,
expansion of intramural faci
lities, and stndent representa
tion on groups concerned with
University interests.
Definition of students rights
and restrictions, student lob
bying to bring about faculty-
student conference rooms and
better space, more library
staff and an ASUN primary
are advocated by Gerry Olson.
Olson also recommends an
ASUN suggestion box in de-
pick: me up j
All Campus
Student Senator
and Sciences
r M' " ' "
partment and college offices
and monthly or bi-m o n t h 1 y
student-senator forums.
Dave Piester advocates a
bill of rights "obtained by
responsible means, a Ne
braska Centenniel celebration,
i ex officio members on t h e
Board of Regents and the leg
islative budget and education
committees and reactivation
of the business administration
advisory board. .
He also suggests informal
meetings and coffee hours be
tween senators and constitu
ents, follow np programs on
bookstores, foreign stndent
NU Applies
For Ag Lab
Near Sidney
In keeping with budgetary
actions of the 1965 Legisla
ture, the University of Ne
braska has filed an applica
tion for about three and one
half sections of federal land
at the Sioux Army Depot near
Sidney for the establishment
of an agricultural field lab
oratory. The application was for
warded through Avery Linn,
surplus officer for the state
department of education, to
the Health, Education and
Welfare Department (HEW)
at Kansas City. It is not known
here whether the General Ser
vices Administration has of
ficially declared the land sur
plus. In a budget memorandum,
the 1965 Legislature directed
the University to give high
priority to the establishment
of the agricultural field sta
tion in the Sidney area, and
the Cheyenne County Rural
Areas Development Corps
Committee urged develop
ment of such a station. The
legislature provided funds for
the laboratory operation.
Soils at the Sioux Army De
pot are typical of a large
high quality-winter wheat pro
duction area in the southern
panhandle and adjoining areas
of Wyoming, Colorado and
Kansas, said College of Agri
culture and Home Economics
Dean E. F. Frolik.
Frolik said the proposed
laboratory would be used for
intensive studies of summer
fallowing, planting methods,
soil and water conservation,
weed control and possible al
ternative crops for the pan
handle area.
Other research would in
volve long-range accumula
tion of herbicides in the soil,
use of fertilizers, and control
of insects and plant diseases.
Build your career
on the solid foundation
of architectural concrete
iu f i
r n i f
ft 'I 'A, -!
. ft i -
tr -
Seniors and!
Graduate Students
Excellent Opportunity For Valuable Management Experience
At The Nebraska Union
Full time Asst. U$rA fUcnsger position GYsiMb.
Evening & weekend work.
For Interview, Contact: Mr. Barnes, Ass'h Director, Nebraska
Union, Administrative Office 111
housing and intramural facili
ties, expansion of math tu
torial program to other de
partments and revision of the
associate program.
Nancy Probasco suggests
completion of the Faculty
Evaluation Book, investigation
of students' rights and closer
Student Senate relations with
the college advisory boards.
Expansion of math tutorial
program to include other de
partments, expanding the hon
ors and career scholars pro
grams to other colleges then
arts and sciences more stu
dent government lobbying and
further investigation into book
store prices are advocated by
Tom Rubin.
The Daily Nebraskan was
unable to contact Dan Dudden
Tom Enstrom and Sid Loge
mann. Candidates from agriculture
and home economics all ad
vocated better intra-campus
Jan Binger suggested lm
proved bus service, expansion
of east campus, tuition study,
and study into curriculum
planning and faculty resigna
tions. Distributions o f function
more equitibly between cam
puses, an ASUN owned and
operated bookstore, improved
bus service and introduction
of the half-point system in the
four point grading scale are
goals of Les Deboer.
Dianne Kucera advocates
publicizing ASUN more on
east campus, defining the du
ties of the electoral commis
sion, and reorganizing of the
committee on governmental
Establishing a senatorial
week along the lines of a mas
ters week, establishing a com-
mittee on safety to investigate
the problems of 14th and 10th
streets, activation of the Cen
tenniel committee and Univer
sity purchase of buses to be
used between campuses are
the goals of Doug Nelson.
Mike Nerud suggests more
east campus convocations,
having an east campus sena
tors committee, starting an
agriculture advisory board
and having senators speak on
a rotation basis to the living
More public relations work
with the Board of Regents,
Faculty Senate and the Legis
lature, publication of a news
letter along the lines of the
Congressional Record and
more forums on east campus
are goals of Russell Sindt.
The Daily Nebraskan was
unable to contact Curt
Bromm, Bill Carter, Kerrol
Gardner, Charles Juricek and
Georgia Stevens.
Another candidate for Sen
ate for agriculture and home
economics is ASUN President
ial candidate Dave Snyder.
Heights, 12 noon, Nebraska
ties, 3 30 p.m., Nebraska Un
ion. PANHELLENIC, 4 p.m.,
Nebraska Union.
UNION Special events,
4:30 p.m., Nebraska Union.
YMCA, 4:30 p.m., Nebras
ka Union.
UNION Films, 4:30 p.m.,
Nebraska Union.
p.m., Nebraska Union.
DELTA ZETA, 5:30 p.m.,
Nebraska Union.
PHI MU, 5:45 p.m., Nebras
ka Union.
TOWNE CLUB, 6 p.m., Ne
hraska Union.
In.m.. Nebraska Union.
1 ' - 1 W.A
UltUK. social, ;ou
p.m., jveorasKa union.
GRADUATE K fc 1 1 l A ii
7:30 p.m., Nebraska Union.
gram, 7:30 p.m., Nebraska
U.C.C.F. 14th and R St.
PTP Student-to-student,
4:30 p.m., Nebraska Union.
103 Temple Building.
GANIZATION, 6:30 p.m., Cot
ner School of Religion chapel.
8 Selected
To Meet
In Ivy Sing
Eight living units have been
selected as finalists in the
Kosmet Klub Ivy Day Sing,
according to F. C. Green,
Kosmet Klub Ivy Day Sing
Green announced that Terry
Boyes, music director of Uni
versity High, and Rosella
Lang, graduate assistant in
vocal music, judged these
eight the best of 15 com
petitors. The groups will compete
again on Ivy Day, May 7, for
the Kosmet Klub trophy.
Finalists are:
Beta Sigma Psi singing
"Jolly Fellows"; Beta Theta
Pi singing "Lora-Belle Lee";
Cather Hall singing "This is
Going to be the Start of Some
thing"; Farm House singing
"It's Me O'Lord"; Kappa
Sigma singing "Now Let
Every Tongue Adore Thee";
Phi Delta Theta singing "John
Henry"; Phi Gamma Delta
singing "Lida Rose"; and
Sigma Chi singing "Soon Ah
Will Be Done,"
Ml '
Manpower Inc. the vrorHt
largest temporary help organiza
tion has summer openings for cola
lege men. You'll be doing healthy
and interesting general labou
work at good pay. Call or visit
the Manpower office in you
home city. We're listed in the
white pages of the telephono