LIBRARY ARR ,21iQ$$ Thursday, April 21, 1966 Nebraskan The Daily Nebraskan Vol. 81, No. 96 VOX POPl'LI . . . ASUN senatorial candidates meet to prepare a party platform. From left to right are Bill Minier, Milan Wall, Suzie Phelps and Tom Rubin. VP Has Bill Of Rights Vox Populi's platform will include a provision for a stu dent bill of rights, according to a member of the Vox Populi platform committee. He explained that according to the platform draft composed Tuesday night that will be pre sented to members of the party Thursday, the party would be advocating continua tion of ASUN work on the bill of rights. Included in the bill of rights would be provisions for an Administrative-written, well-deli-n i a t e d progressive conduct code, free publication of ma terials without impending cen sorship unless University money was involved in the publication and continued rights of free speech on any topic. Among the other items the platform advocates are free inter-campus bus service when required classes make it necessary to commute, effec tive relationships developed and lobbying established in connection with the state Leg islature to allow state senators to know what students want and the establishment of a faculty-student commitee to look into a curriuclum for the more creative student. FoUow-up work on the ex pansion of the Alpha Phi Omega book exchange, intra mural facilities and better lighting are also proposed planks in the platform. "There will be other planks la the platform," the platform committeeman said. 'These are just some of the provis sions that the committee it self is presenting. No doubt the other candidates will have ideas and projects of their own to present." One item, lie stressed, that would be included would be an advocation of the comple tion of the Faculty Evaluation Book and a further investiga tion of the possibilities of a course evaluation book as a supplement. "We also want to educate the student to the necessity IDCC Won't Take Sides I11 Election The Interdorm Coordinat ing Committee will not s u p port any candidates in the ASUN election April 27. Marv Almy, IDCC presi dent, said that the committee was staying completely Im partial because it didn't want to be labelled as a dorm po litical party. "Naturally we have encour aged dorm residents o run for ASUN positions," he said. We are doing everything la our power to encourage a large turnout of dorm resi dents to participate is the election and vote, but we will not openly endorse a slate of candidaets," Almy stated. "I don't envision the inter dorm council ever being a po litical party. Most issues in ASUN are not concerning di visions among dorms and there is often as wide a split within dorms as other groups on campus. The interdorm council choiald be concerned with matters in the dorms, not in tercampus and ASUN lobby ing, Almy added. iWWWW f 1 and desirability of such a book," he added. According to the committee member, the plank concerning the free bus service between campuses would advocate the use of such a service only at the hours directly affecting the class or classes in ques tion because of the expense. The free speech plank, he added, was simply a measure to insure the continuance of the right which "has already been in effect on campus. "The keynote of this plat form is workability," he stressed. "Through work with the Administration and on campus, we realize that this University is not a Berkeley- NEW MEMBERS ... of the Campus Freedom Demo cratic Party discuss the student bill of rights at the CFDP convention held Wednesday. Left to right are Ron Pfeifer, Larry Grossman and Liz Aitken. CFDP Endorses Six Candidates By Julie Morris Senior Staff Writer The Campus Freedom Dem ocratic Party (CFDP) an nounced Wednesday that six more ASUN candidates, in cluding two incumbent sena tors, have been endorsed by the party. Liz Aitken, and Ron Pfeif er, senators from Arts and Sciences, Randy Prier, can didate for both second vice president and Arts and Sci ences senator, and Tom Booth candidate from Busi ness Administration have joined the party. Al Spangler and Cater Chamber lee are being backed as write-in candidates from the graduate college by CFDP CFDP presidential candi date Steve Abbott announced at a party convention in the Nebraska Union that Frank McClanrahan, former vice presidential candidate from the party has .withdrawn. He withdrew because he was named the new editor of Scrip. - The CFDP Student Bill of Rights has been completed and will become th eoffitial party platform. "This (CFDP) is not just a bunch of wild-eyed radicals. The Bill of Rights is not a new thing, there bas been a precedent set,' Miss AM en told the convention. Miss Aitken continued that a Bill of Rights had been formulated during the present Senate session by a group of senators which included Kent Neumeister, ASUN president and Larry Frolik, ASUN vice president The document was type campus. We not only have to but want to work with the Administration to serve the students and that is our primary aim." The committeeman noted that the platform was drafted by a coalition of candidates and was still subject to ap proval by the rest of the party, but added that the draft would probably he ac cepted Thursday. These planks, he continued, along with the additions that would be made Thursday, would constitute the party's stand on the issues and would be available to the campus "almost immediately upon its completion." IK. S 0 x "" -iCi ! r 3 -1 not presented to the Office of Student Affairs because of circumstances, she said. The bill, Miss Aitken said, was approved by all the sena tors on the committee with the exception of Terry Schaaf and Kathy Weber Frank. "The first article" of the ASUN Bill of Rights, Miss Airken said, "read exactly the same" as the first article of t h e CFDP Student Bill of Rights, the CFDP platform. Article I of the bill proposes that students have the "fin al power to formulate, legis late and judical all rules and regulations" governing student life outside the classroom. The article continues that the rules formulated would be in ?ccord with other established state and national laws and ordinances. "Terry Schaaf is definitely against the Student Bill of Rights," Miss Aitken said. Pfeifer called the "b a s 1 c" CFDP issue a "clarification of the essential student posi tion, his relationship to t h e law, administration, faculty ' and his student government." He said the Bill of Rights Is "not radical" but is a "practical, rational, desper ately needed" means of clar ification of the student's posi tion. Prier said be became a CFDP candidate because he feels the party would be able to accomplish a goal of stu dent freedom. "The adminis tration," he said, "doesn't trust lis and doesn't give, us the responsibility we have a right to." enate Votes To Change Campaign Poster Campaign rules for the April 27 ASUN election were modified by Student Senate Wednesday. A provision stating that "the type and size of cam paign posters which may be used . . . are subject to the approval of the Student Acti vities Office" was changed to give the Activities office the right to approve the size but not the type or contents. According to the motion proposed by Sen. Kelley Bak er, the electoral commission would have the right to re fuse permission only for a poster considered "obscene" and the Student Court would hear any appeals regarding the commission's decision. Baker noted that content was a concern of the elec toral commission not the acti vities office and that even then a definitive word was needed to prevent individual opinion from restricting post ers that contained carica tures. Amendment Defeated An amendment by Sen. Bill Hansmire to change the word obscene to inappropriate was defeated on the grounds that it was too vague. Sen. Terry Schaaf noted that the Senate should seek the easiest word for the court to define if the need arose and obscene was such a word. "There is less of a basis for inappropriate than ob scene and we are trying to form the basis for a judg ment," Sen. P a m Wood added. The question arose over a decision by the Student Activi ties Office not to allow a particular poster containing a caricature to be posted on ZBT Request Granted Zeta Beta Tau fraternity was unanimously granted ap proval to recolonize on the University campus by the In terfraternity Council Wednes day night. The IFC had voted down ZBT's recolonization request, supported by the IFC Execu tive Committee, at the I a s t eeting. "For the start, perhaps for one semester, perhaps two semesters, we would be better off without a fraternity house," noted Arnold Peter, son, an alumni representative of ZBT, at the meeting. "It puts us in a situation that per haps is not as favorable, but better in the long run." ZNT, a Jewish fraternity, owns the house that is cur rently being occupied by Chi Phi. Objection was voiced at the last meeting that Chi Phi would be weakened considera bly by not having a house dur ing the next semester, if ZBT did not renew Chi Phi's lease. Chi Phi would have to in crease its present member ship of S3 to at least 72 men when it moves into the frater nity complex in 1957. Although be said no com. mitments have been made, Peterson said ZBT would be willing to talk w ith Chi P h I about the matter. "Without the house we can concentrate on proper schol arship and training," Peter son added. Concern was also expressed whether the campus coald support two Jewish fraterni ties. Jay Lefko. president of Sig ma Alpha Mu, the Jewish fra ternity now on campus, said that they are operating at full capacity and will only have two graduating seniors. "We are in a good position right now for ZBT to recolon ize," be said. "We also feel perhaps the competition would help our house." Peterson said although he could not guarantee that ZBT would have undergraduate members, he knew that the colony would have very care ful supervision. the grounds that the carica ture was not of the "type" the office thought appropriate to the campaign. In other business the Sen ate elected Sen. Gary Larsen to accomany ASUN Presi dent Kent Neumeister to the Governor's prayer breakfast. Roger Doerr, director of records, announced that the official copies of all legisla tion passed by Senate during the year was available for reviewing by interested par ties in the ASUN inner office. "It is located in the vice president's desk and we ask that it is not removed from the office," he added. Regional Convention Other reports presented at the meeting included a report by Hansmire regarding a re gional convention of a nation al student government affilia tion attended by an ASUN delegation during Spring va cation. He reported that the con vention was not attended by enough schools comparable to the University's size to make a decision regarding affilia tion. He added that he recom mends attending the national convention in the fall that would probably have over 100 colleges and universities in attendance. Jim DeMars, chairman of Masters Week, reported that Masters Week would begin Monday and listed plans for the week. Joan McClymont, chairman of associates, reported on the associate program for the past year and recommended that associates In the future to be chosen by colleges. Electoral Commission After the meeting, two re cent decisions by the electoral commission were released. The first concerned the use of campaigning on black boards. The commission de cided that because of a lack of manpower needed to reg pniimiiiimiimiiiiiiiimuiiniiiiiiiiiiiii Miss Nebraska Finalists ! S , 1 I , A EL H - 1k ' j 1 . u 1 . J 1 IP' v r- 1 f ) .;to.ijHiiVi ....g.mii ............a , y, -..-,1.. y -...-j .'. - - ; , n. iaiiiatlr,,i, rw j MISS UNIVERSITY ... finalists are: (sitting from left) Lynda Shannon, Sandra Luetke, Pattl Van Horne, Cathy Housel. Janice Wiebusb, (standing from left) Diane Rames, Carol Petty, Susie Millier, Nanci Shook and Susan Deviers. Miss University Finalists To Compete Miss University of Nebras ka of 19G6 will be crowned Saturday eight at a pagent in the Nebraska Union Ball room. The program begins at 8 p.m. Finalists are Susan Deviere, Delta Gamma; Carol Fetty, Zeta Tau Alpha; Cathy Hous el, Gamma Phi Beta; Sandra i..iHJ:e, Lote Hall; Susie MiH er. Pi Beta Phi; Diane Rames, Delta Delta Delta; Linda Shannon. Heppuer Hall; Nand Shook, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Pattf Van Horne, Kappa Alpha Thcla; and Jan. ice W i e b a s h. Gamma Pbi Beta. ulate such campaigning, there was to be no use of black boards for campaigning, ac cording to Carol Bischoff, electoral director. The question arose after the decision on posters when it was pointed out that one group of candidates was us ing the blackboards in one de partment extensively for cam paign purposes. Land Grant Schools May Lose U.S. Aid Sixty-eight universities and colleges in t h e nation, Ne braska included, stand to lose a combined total of around $22,450,000 in federal appro priations if one federal bud get cut is approved. The University will be out $183,546 used in the colleges of agriculture, home economics, arts and sciences, architec ture and engineering, if funds for the program of the Morrill-Nelson Act of 1890 are cut back. The money, according to Joseph Soshnik, vice chancel lor for business and finance, is used along with regular state appropriations to sup port the basic instructional programs of the University. If the budget cut is approved, Soshnik said, the University will still receive S50.000 under the program, however. Representatives of the Na tional Association of Univer sitites and Land Grant Col leges testified before the House Committee on Appro priations for the Department of Labor and Health. Educa tion and Welfare in March asking that the funds not be cut. Unanimous Support The association represents all 63 of the land grant insti tutions in the nation and 25 additional schools. The state Masses Housel. Shannon, Luetke, Van Home, Rames and Fetty will represent their living units in the contest. The other contestants and the groups they reprewnt are: Mass Wiebu&b. Kappa Sigma: Miss Deviere. Sigma Chi; Miss Shook, Piper Hall; and Miss Miller, Sigma P h i Epsikm. A parade featuring the ten finalists and Joanne Renier, laat year's Miss University, will be held Friday at 3;30. The parade will begin in front the Union, proceed east on Vine St. go south on 361h St., and end behind the Union. The Rules The other decision con cerned the placemett of post ers in buildings. Miss Bischoff reminded candidates that posters are to be placed only on bulletin boards and "other places where public notices can be posted." "This does not include freshly painted walls," she added. ment before the committee was supported by all 93 mem bers. The association contended that elimination of the money "would impair both research and instruction." Funds for teaching, thev noted, would be reduced by $11,950,000 in all the states. The schools would then 'be left "with only the permanent appropriation of S50.000 per state authorized by the original Morrill Act of 1890 as amended in 1907." "To eliminate a program widely recognized as a model of federal aid to education dis turbs the heads of many other public and private col leges and universities, who, in fact, advocate expanding the programs to other types of institutions," the association statement continued. The statement also took note of the war in Viet Nam and the need for extra expen ditures in that area. "But we would also mention that the land grant system itself was provided for in the Civil War, supported during World War I and survived World War II." Affects Many '"Nationally, the executive committee of the association has estimated that the funds reduction for instruction rep- Cont. on Page 4, Col. 2 pep band will provide music. The program is sponsored by the Union Hospitality Com mittee. Matters of ceremon ies for the pageant wis b Dick Perry and Bill Wood of radio station KFOR. The program consists of tal ent presentation, bathing suit competition, and formal com petition. At the end of the eve ning, the new Miss University will be crowned by Miss Rein er. The winner will represent the University in the Miss Nebraska contest this sum mer. There is no admission for the program. 1 n ...