The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, April 20, 1966 page 5 - - V. V'V 'M ,' f - 3 4 W.r 1 5 '5 j "A 'S" 4 ;) 'I I r '1 ? -1 i Faculty Support : Cont from page 1, col. 3 ; Ohio State position because . of the "challenge to build and "strnegthen" the Schoo lof . Journalism there. I "The good luck wishes for the future extended by Ne- braska publishers more than : counter the blistering com ; ments of faculty dissidents at Ohio State," Hall said. The dissenting faculty . members at Ohio State made varying comments concerning Hall's appointments and re " cent statements made by him. Edward Mullins, Ohio State faculty member, said that Hall s remarks had destroyed any chance for him to win faculty support at Ohio State. Acting Director Barton said Hall's statements were an attempt to drive teachers out of the school and were a "disservice to the students and to the cause of responsi ble journalism." Director Plans 'Singers9 Tryouts Auditions for University Singers will be held during the next three weeks accord ing to Earl Jenkins, director. Interested students are invit ed to arrange a time for au dition, room 104, Music Building. O ill im hiiiiu i . mmm row.rTimTirMIir ih.iii i.iottow. n miiiniinnuiinr i in r n i , ., IM EIGHT . . . University coeds have been chosen finalists for the Nebras ka Intercollegiate Rodeo. The rodeo begins Saturday at the Nebraska State Fair Grounds. Finalists are Barb Hopewell, left, Pam Oswald, Sally Roberts, Mary Lea Cooksley, Sherry Shad bolt, Liz Aitken and Marilyn Fuhrman. Head Of Draft Board Urges All Registrants To Take .Test Ml J When you can't afford to be dull, sharpen your wits with NoDozTM ftoDoz Keep Alert Tablets fight off the hazy, lazy feelings of mentat sluggishness. NoDoz helps restore your natural mental vitality.. .helps Quicken physical reactions. You be ,ome more naturally alert to peopls and conditions around you. Yet . No 002 is as safe as coffee. Anytime . . .when you can't afford to be dull, I sharpen your wits with NODoz. : SAFE AS COFFEE . . i AtaDo j : . itj3 if Or The head of the Nebraska Selective Service, General Guy N. Henninger, urges all registrants who desire a fur ther deferment to take the Selective Service College Qualification Examination. In a news release from the Selective Service office, Gen. Henninger commented, "judg ing from the numerous ques tions being asked by regis trants and their parents, there seems to be a substan tial lack of understanding of the significance of the test." Applications for the test must be postmarked no later than Saturday, April 23. The applications and bulletins for the test may be secured at the information window in the administration building. The tests will be given May 14, May 21, and June 3. The Debate Society Elects Dr. Laase National Head A University speech profes sor was elected president of a national debate socity at a tournament in Reno, Neb., during the Easter vacation. Dr. Leroy T. Laase, chair man of the department of speech and dramatic art, will assume the presidency of the Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha honorary organization for one year. Two Lincoln students sophomore Richard Sherman and freshman Vernon Jewett, participated in the DSR-TKA national debate and forensic tournament. Thev won 5-1 in the preliminary rounds of de bate and were eliminated in the octa finals by the winner of the tournament, the Uni versity of Southern California, Miss Cathie Shattuck and Randy Prier participated in the Student Congress of DSR- TKA. Prier was elected chair man of the press committee in the Mudent Congress. Please don't zlupf Sprite. It makes plenty of noise all by itself. Sprite, you recall, Is the soft drink that's so tart and tingling, we Just couldn't keep it quiet. Flip its lid and it really flips. Bubbling, fizzing, gurgling, hissing and carrying on all over the place. An almost exces sively lively drink. Hence, to zlupf is to err. What is zlupfing? Zlupfing is to drinking what smacking one's lips is to eating. It's the staccato buzz you make when draining the last few deliciously tangy drops of Sprite from the bottle with a straw. Zzzzzlllupf I It's completely uncalled for. Frowned upon in polite society. And not appreciated on campus either. But. If zlupfing Sprite Is absolutely essential to your enjoyment: if a good healthy zlupf is your idea of heaven, well... all right. But have a heart. With a drink as noisy as Sprite, a lililfi zlupf goes a long, long way. 'ART University has been designat ed as a testing center. The State Directors expect high school students to pass the test without difficulty. A grade of seventy or more is evidence favoring a reg istrant's continued deferment. Four elements of criteria will be weighed by the local board in making their deci sion of classification of a stu dent: (1) Is the student full time; (2) Is his work satis factory; (3) the results of the College Qualification Test of seventy or more (4) His class standing in college. Guidelines concerning class standing are: (a) Upper one- half of the full-time male stu dents at the end of the first college year; (b) Upper two thirds of the full-time male students in his class at the end of the second college year; or, (c) The upper three fourths of the full-time male students in his class at the end of the third college year. General Henninger also pointed out that students wish ing to pursue a degree in graduate or professional school must have ranked in the upper one-fourth of the full-time male students in his class, or attained a score of eighty or more on the Selec tive Service Test. IFC To Reconsider ZBT Request A motion to reconsider the colonization of Zeta Beta Tau is scheduled to be made at the Wednesday meeting of the Interfraternity Council. Gary Larsen, IFC Presi dent, said the reconsidera tion motion would be made due to new information relat ing to ZBT's request. Reconsideration of the mo tion would open the way so another vote could be taken after discussion of the situa tion. Larsen said the Executive Helmets Gone, Parking Fines Up Two recent city actions, one repealing the crash hel met ordinance and the other raising parking fines ?1, are likely to affect University stu dents. The City Council, on a 6-1 vote, passed an ordinance re pealing the law requiring any drivers or passengers on a motor driven cycle to wear a crash helmet on any city street if traveling in excess of 25 m.p.h. University students were among those appearing at an earlier public hearing on t h e issue. Those appearing against the old ordinance not ed that it did not properly de fine a crash helmet and that it was an invasion of private rights. The old ordinance would Accountants Plan Panel Discussion The National Association of Accountants will sponsor a pane; discussion open to the general public Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Un ion. Four accountants represent ing public accounting, cost accounting, financial institu tions and trust officers will discuss their various fields. also have affected three wheel scooters. A representa tive of Cushman Motors said that the crash helmet would require his company to raise the height of the cab and thus decrease the safety of the ve hicle by raising the center of gravity. In voting against the repeal ordinance, Councilman John Mason said he thought hel mets should be worn by pas sengers and drivers of two wheel motor driven cycles. GOP Candidates Speak Thursday The University Young Re publicans will present the last in a series of pre-primary programs to bring candidates to the campus Thursday. Bruce Hagemiester, Rob ert Denny, Robert Krall and Loran Schmidt will speak at the 7:30 p.m. meeting which will be held in the Nebraska Union. Hagemiester of Hemingford is a candidate for governor. Denny, a Fairbury lawyer; Krall, a Lincoln journalist; and Schmidt, a David City farmer, are all candidates for Congress from the First Con gressional District. Committee is urging all hous es to vote in favor of the re consideration motion. A motion is also scheduled to be made regarding the se lection of Rush Book Editor. The motion would schedule the selection of Rush Book Editor. The motion would editor prior to the summer vacation rather than after va cation as has been done in the past. Amendments to the Consti tution will also be introduced. Ifk PIZZA HUT j SW sfV Onion Sausage f Vi mTt Mushroom Anchovy rfri MonaroKa Chotie J xjlv iJj1 Hamburger X jKl!. 4 Crein Pepper Pepperonl J pkaJ Pizza Supreme j VV .. I "IMM J Y Souiage f I Order By Phone Faster Service j (ALLOW APPROXIMATELY 20 MINUTES) ! OPEN r DIAl . ao j 11:30 AM 489-4601 Friday SaturtaV 1 AM 1 DAILY All Other Days . Midnight j 177 A Ml BT I "WHERE QUALITY REIGNS SUPREME" j I 46th A 0 Str Lincoln j We set out to ruin some ball bearings failed successfully and The Bell System has many small, automatic telephone offices around the country. The equipment in them could operate unattended for ten years or so, but for a problem. The many electric motors in those offices needed lubrication at least once a year. Heat from the motors dried up the bearing oils, thus entailing costly annual maintenance. To stamp out this problem, many tests were conducted at Bell Telephone Laboratories. Lubricant engi neer George H. Kitchen decided to do a basic experiment that would provide a motor with the worst possible conditions. He deliberately set out to ruin some ball bearings by smearing them with an icky guck called molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), Swock! This solid lubricant, used a certain way, actually increased the life expectancy of the ball bearings by a factor of ten! Now the motors can run for at least a decade without lubrication. We've learned from our "failures." Our aim: investigate everything. The only experiment that can really be said to "fail" is the one that Is never tried. BeirSystem American Ittepfiont t Ttlignph ind Asuclattit Compinlii Councilman John Corn stock, who asked for a public hearing after the original or dinance was passed, said the crash helmet ordinance went beyond the city's jurisdiction. Ralph Nelson, city attor ney, in a letter to Emmett Junge, public safety director, said the fees for parking vio lations will be raised $1. The City Council has indi cated they may seek ways to block the increase. The increase, brought on by state law) is for the Nebras ka Judges Retirement fund, which provides pensions for all state judges. Nelson said that in conver sations he has heard at the Statehouse, there may be an attempt to repeal or modify the law. The increase applies to all court, c a s e s, in Municipal Court, according to Nelson. The charge applies whether a person is found guilty or inno cent. The new fines are $8 for ob structing traffic and disre garding a traffic sign; $4 for improper p a r k i n g and im proper turns; $3 for overtime parking and defective vehi cles, and $2 for pedestrian vi loations (jaywalking). Lincoln and Omaha muni cipal court clerks have been collecting the additional $1 in court fees. Parking meter violations will now be $2, BOOTSTRAPPERS (TEACHERS AND GRAD STUDENTS, TOO) MONEY IN I DAY ON YOUR SIGNATURE AND ARRANGED BY PHONE $25 TO $2000 MONEY MONTHLY NO. OF AMOUNT YOU PET PAYMENT MO. PMTI. OP NOT! 89.42 i 5.00 24 $ 120.00 340.27 19.00 24 456.00 600.18 28.00 30 840.00 997.37 45.00 30 1350.00 1491.97 57.00 36 2052.00 1960.97 73.00 36 2628.00 Abevi paymtntt Includi all chant. Cash for any purpose. Just phone and fell us how much you want. Pick up the cash at your convenience. No co signers. Same day service. DIAL Finance Company 124 North 12th Street 1701 "0" Street Diol 432-8556 Dial 435-4395 feg ftlficlljBlS Am (By Otemthor cf'RaUy Round Che YlaQjkqtT' "Dobie GUlit," etc) ROOMMATES REVISITED This morning's mail brought a letter from a student a a prominent Western university (Princeton). "Dear Sir,'' he writes. "In a recent column you said it was possible to get along with your roommate if you try hard enough. Well, I'd like to see anyone get along with my roommate! Mervis Trunz (for that is his name) practices the ocarina all night long, keeps an alligator, wears knee-cymbals, and collects airplane tires. I have tried everything I can with Mervis Trunz, but nothing works. I am desperate, (signed) Desperate." Have you, dear Desperate, really tried everything? Have you, for example, tried a measure so simple, so obvious, that it is easy to overlook? I mean, of course, have you of fered to share your Personna Super Stainless Steel Blade with Mervis Trunz? To have a friend, dear Desperate, you must be a friend. And what could be more friendly than sharing the bounty of Personna Super Stainless Steel Blades? Who, upon en joying the luxury of Personna, the nickless, scrapeless, tug less, hackless, scratchless, matchless comfort of Personna, the ease and breeze, the power and glory, the truth and beauty of Personna who, I say, after such jollies could harden his heart against his neighbor? Nobody, that's who not even Mervis Trunz especially not today with the new Personna Super Blade bringing us new highs in speed, comfort, and durability. And here is still a further bonus: Personna is available both in Double Ede style and Inc-i tor style. No, dear Desperate, your problem with Mends Truro tar from insoluble. In fact, as roommate problems go, it a pretty small potatoes. Compare it, for example, to the clas sic case of Basil Metabolism and E. Pluribus Ewbank. Basil and E. Pluribus, roommates at a prominent East ern university (Oregon) were at an impassable impasse, Basil could study only late at night, and E. Pluribus could not stay awake past nine p.m. If Basil kept the lights on, the room was too bright for E. Pluribus to sleep. If E. Pluri bus turned the lights off, the room was too dark for Basfl to study. What to do? Well sir, these two intelligent American kids found an answer. They got a miner's cap for Basil! Thus, he had enough light to study by, and still the room was dark enough for E. Pluribus to sleep. It must be admitted, however, that this ingenious solu tion had some unexpected sequelae. Basil got so enchanted with his miner's cap that he switched his major from 18th Century poetry to mining and metallurgy. Shortly after graduation he had what appeared to be a great stroke of luck: while out prospecting, he discovered what is without question the world's largest feldspar mine. This might have made Basil very rich except that nobody, alas, has yet dis covered a use for feldspar. Today Basil, a broken man, squeezes out a meagre living as a stalagmite in Ausable Chasm. Nor has E. Pluribus fared conspicuously better. Once Basil got the miner's cap, E. Pluribus was able to catch up on his long-lost sleep. He woke after nine days, refreshed and vigorous more vigorous, alas, than he realized. It waa the afternoon of the Dean's tea. E. Pluribus stood in line with his classmates, waiting to shake the Dean's hand. At last his turn came, and E. Pluribus, full of strength and hea th gave the Dean a firm handshake-so firm, indeed, tht?U ve of theJI?ean 8 knuckles were permanently fused! t The eS? T d forua m,llion dol,are and' f couree, won. Today E. Pluribus, a broken man, is paying off his debt by walking the Dean s cat every afternoon for ten cents an houL We, the maker of Penonna Blades and the tporwon of thh ' f '"mn !f" attempt to expertise about roommate,. But we will tell you about a great thavtng-mate to PermmZ Burma Shape It eoakt ringt around anu otbm latbtM xxrue in reular and menUiai. nv-m TINGLING. WE PDI1C M RtlltTlfttB tN.OI H.rM KEEP IT QUIET. ,,i-r., r- .'vfi.r';-''