Friday, April 8, 1966 The Daily Nebraskan Vol. 81, No. 94 Local 'Is God Dead?9 Philosophy By Randy Irey Junior Staff Writer This Easter season, an im portant question has burst forth before the eyes of many bewildered Christians. "Is God dead?" has become the subject of much discus sion and puzzlement. Has God really forsaken man and left him alone? Two national magazines presently have articles concerning this topic of debate. The April 8 issue of Time devotes its cov er story to this problem. The article explains the various points of view and reasoning behind the "God is dead" theory. "Defense Of God" In the April 19 issue of Look, there is an article en titled "In Defense of God", by John C. Bennet. Bennet, president of Union Theologi cal Seminary, outlines the CLASPED HANDS . . . show that at least one student doesn't believe in the theory that "God Is Dead." Faculty Un iversity seeking EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the forth and last story in a series by Julie Morris, senior staff writer, on why Univer sity faculty members leave Nebraska for jobs at other universities. "We are trying to find out from faculty who have left the University why they have left," A.C. Breckenridge said. "They'll never succeed," Dr. Robert Manley rejoined. Breckenridge Is vice chan cellor and dean of faculites. Manley, associate professor of history, Is one of 20 perman ent faculty who are resigning this year. Manley's statement about the impossibility of discover ing exactly why faculty leave the school has been largely borne out in interviews with faculty who are resigning. Myriad Of Reasons There are a myriad reasons for resigning, the teachers said. Most offered more than one reason for leaving and many noted that the reasons often are more complex than anyone realizes. Some of the reasons these faculty gave for resigning in cluded better opportunities for advancement within the school, better research facili ties, more time for research, better salaries and advances in rank. Faculty who were inter viewed, however, generally responded that they have also enjoyed their time with the school and had some positive points to make concerning their tenure here. Second To None Roberto Esquenazi - Mayo, professor of Romance lan- Theologians Consider major points made by the "death" theologians and then offers his own suggestions in opposition to the theory. On the University campus, the problem, as it has every where, has found some theo logians in su p p o r t- of this theory and some opposed. The Rev. Bill Phillips of the United Campus Christian Fellowship says that lie is in favor of the idea that God is dead. He Was Alive "To say that He is dead," explained Phillips, "is to say He was alive. This, in itself, is a statement of tremendous faith. Most people are neu tral on the subject of. H i m ever being alive." Phillips believes that this shows a responsible attitude to say that God is dead be cause it places a tremendous responsibility on man. This is UXAXr Resignations . . . guages and chairman of that department, said "I have found the students at the Uni versity second to none any where, they come up to the challenge of a good teacher." Robert Dunn, instructor of psychology, also praised stu dents. "Students are not aggressive," he said, "but, if you can say nothing else about them, they are very likeable." Dunn also noted that his "relations with other mem bers of the faculty here have been extremely pleasant." He gave credit to the Faculty Newcomers Club, which, he said, gave him the chance to become a well-established member of the faculty com munity. Storm Cloud "The only storm cloud in my first year here," Dunn said, "was the library, I couldn't find the references I needed." Dunn is completing his sec cond year at the University. His new position is at Whit man College in Walla Walla, Wash. The fact that faculty leave the University only demon strates the University's "healthy condition," accord ing to Robert Sakai, professor of history and chairman of the history department. Sakai said the University's turnover rate "has been high, but this can be attributed to the fact that our staff have acquired national reputations." Contribute Effectively Dr. David Trask, associate professor of history, re sponded "I felt that I was able to contribute effectively" dur- because, with no God, man would be alone in the uni verse. "If man is indeed alone, what happens to his ethical practices and goals? It is up to man to decide for him self." Basic Confusion "As I see it," stated Phil lips, "the problem is where has God gone, rather then He is dead. The basic confusion about the existence of God comes about because the word 'God' denotes so many different conceptions. We no longer have one meaning for the word. The great concern is over the meaning." In the Time article, Soren Kierkegaard, a nineteenth century Danish philosopher and theologian, is quoted as saying that "the day when Christianity and the world be come friends, Christianity is done away with." Kierkegaard is, according to Phillips, one of the leaders in the theological current which has culminated in the present theory. Nietzche Not Included "Another contributing source to this current is the Old Testament of the Bible. I do not include the philosopher Nietzche in this because he comes from outside the church. I think it is impor tant to note that this move ment, in the area of God's absence, comes from within the church, not from the secu lar world." Phillips studied under Wil liam Hamilton, an author of a book on the death of God. In the Look article, Hamilton is said to believe that "t h e death of God does not mean the end of Christianity, but actually points to a great emphasis on Jesus as the Lord and center of history." In Hamilton's own words, "I insist that the time of the death of God is also the time of obedience to Jesus. This entails a claim that the New Testament Jesus can in fact be known, that a figure of sufficient clarity is available to us so that discipleship to him to his life, his words and his death is a possible center for Christian faith and life." ing his tenure with the Uni versity. He is leaving, he con tinued "because I don't feel 1 can continue to be effective any longer." Robert Hiller, associate pro fessor of Germanic languages, commented on the "good rela tions between faculty and stu dents in my experience at the University." He added that he liked the school and felt he has been "well treated" here. "I have mixed reactions about 1 e a v i n g," Edward Grubb, instructor in business organization and management said. "I've enjoyed many of the people here." Grubb has been on the University staff two years. He has accepted a new position at Portland State College in Portland, Oregon. Good University "Many people don't realize " j 'zrr--y.. --V m.. m ' ' ' 1 ' " 35 k JIM. .f .-i : SOMETIMES ... one might think there are more cars on this campus than people, more parking lots more traffic problems than scholastic problems, One way or another a university campus is a car Phillips believes that these statements by Hamilton are especially- significant because they come, again, from with in the church and because in the seminary, Hamilton took ' a very orthodox position on such matters. "We have to take the prob lem of faith seriously,'' stat ed Phillips. "We can't be neutral. We must decide to live with God or without Him. It becomes, without Him, a question of man's responsibil ity to his fellow man." Because of this there is a great importance placed on Christian witness. "Man's re sponsibility becomes that of being caretaker of the world. If he is responsible, his re sponsibility should be like that of Christ's in other words, he must live for others." Display An Awareness "This belief in the death of God also entails the fact that the church no longer has just one aspect, that of preparing for worship, but rather must display an awareness of situa tions in the world in which we live." Time states that this impor tance of witnessing now is in Cont. on Page 5, Col. 3 Angel Flight Is 'Top' The University chapter of Angel Flight was named top flight in the nation at the na tional conclave of Angel Flight and Arnold Air Socie ty in Dallas, Tex., this week. The award is based on acti vities completed during the year. Approximately 120 groups were in competition. Barb Atkinson was selected as second runner-up in the Little General competition. According to Judy Mahar, flight information officer, this marks the fifth year that a candidate from the University has reached the finals in the Little General competition. Miss Atkinson, Marion Sic klebower, Nan Binger and Donnie Jones attended the an nual meeting. Answers how good the University is," Rocco Vanasco commented. Vanasco, instructor of Romance languages, said he will be "sorry to leave the school." "I've never adjusted to the University," Manley said. He said his new post as chairman of the history department at Hiram C. Scott College in Scottsbluff will be much more to his liking. "The small liberal arts col lege is the answer" to today's giant "multiversity" estab lishments, Manley said. Per sonal contact between stu dents and professors, he stressed, is one of the most i m p o rt a n t aspects of the learning experience. Personal contact in a multiversity, he said, becomes virtually impossible. i S - 1 - : 1)K. BRILL Scholarship Worries Cause Student Ills By Nancy Henrickson junior Staff Writer Worry is a predominant pat tern at the University accord ing to Dr. William Brill, Stu dent Health Center psychia trist. Worry over scholarship is the major factor which causes anxiety in college stu dents. Transition "In general," Brill said, "college life is rough because it is a perod of transition away from home and scholas tic and social competition is more intense." Scholastic pressures are un remitting and uncertain. A student never knows how he'll do on a final exam, Brill con tinued, and he never knows if he has studied enough. "When nervousness, anxie ty and worry reach a certain point, a student becomes over whelmed and somewhat disor ganized. He cannot cope, makes unwise decisions, is un able to concentrate and be comes depressed, sleepless and irritable." Worry over scholarship, may come indirectly from boy-girl or husband-wife prob lems. Scholarship suffers and the student has the additional worry of maintaining his grades. Situational stress may be another unknown reason for worry. Sometimes a student doesn't like a course and is restless and can't study, Brill said. Anxiety Anxiety is real, a person's mind becomes blocked and he is unable to exercise his voli tion. "Many on campus are somewhat crippled," Brill said, "and are unable to stu dy very effectively." Depression, feeling blue, sad and futile, is related to anxiety, but varies in the in dividual! Isolation Reasons for depression in clude a student not having a good image of himself, a defi nite feeling of loneliness and discusses student worries. isolation and a lack of deep relationships with people. "If a student gets anxious enough he has an anxiety re action, an illness in itself." Nervousness to the point that a student is unable to con centrate is very predominant in maybe 20 per cent of the student body. Brill said. Solutions Sometimes a simple action such as taking a walk, talk ing to someone, working and not worrying, will solve anxie ty. Some people just worry and don't do any work. Accident on ex exaininations is prevalent among students Brill said. Students who know the work make errors unconsciously on the exams. Accident prone ness is most predominant among self-defeating people who have images of them selves as losers and are un consciously afraid to win, he added. In handling anxiety prob lems of students, Brill said that they try to find out what the person is like and his life situation in nsychot'iorapy. Sometimes students are hos pitalized for a lew da's for a controlled environment. "We are very particular in using tranquilizers with the young population. They are used over a limited period of time to get over a stressful week or two." Vacation Schedule Spring vacation closing schedules for the Nebraska Union, Love Library, and Student Housing have been an nounced. The Student Union will be open every day during vacation except Easter Sunday and Saturday. April 16. On the days that it is open, the Union will observe 8-5:00 hours. Regular hours will be resumed on Sunday, April 17. Following regular policy, the Crib will close thirty minutes before the Union closes. Love Library will be closed Easter Sunday, and April 16 and 17. On Saturday, April 9, the Library will be open 7:50-12:00. From April 11-15, the Library will be open 7:50-4:50. University dormitories will close at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 9, and will re-open Sunday, April 17, at 1:00 p.m. mixmmmmvAmmmwmmM nam wpiiwiwjiw,WwwwiM)Wbw Jpm,. 'tJSiSL 1 v Vacation Time Is Problem By Toni Victor Junior Staff Writer To some out-of-state Univer sity students, where to 50 over spring vacation is more of a problem than a pleasure. All dormitories arc closing their doors, and fraternity and sorority houses "custom arily close" during the period, according to Dean of Wom en, Helen Snyder. Edward M. Bryan of the University housing office, stated that a temporary dwel ling for left-over students is usually set-up, but that there were too few requests to war rant it this year. Residents of Florida .Ore gon, New Jersey and Califor nia have a problem of trans portation at vacation t i m e. Most admit that they are forced to stay in Lincoln be cause the price of jet-fare home is prohibitive. "I couldn't afford to go home by the regular lines of transportation, and my par ents wouldn't lot me hitch hike." said Sally Russell, of Boston. Alan Vrccn, whose home is In Los Angeles. solod h i s problem. "I put up a notice on the Riders Wanted map in the Nebraska Union and I fin ally got a ride with a bunch of guvs that were going to San Diego." Vreen stated. Whore do these students stay if they cannot afford to go home, or if they do not want to go home during vaca tion? "I'm being pawned off on my grandmother who lives here in town." stated Carl Noberg. Another student admitted that she had "recehed an in flation to go home with her room mate." Kate Okamoto, noting how far it was to go home to St. Louis, said she was instead traveling to Denver with some friends. Lengthy course assign ments over vacation add to the necessity of getting home quickly and staying there long enough to open the text books. "I lie in Washington and it's too far to go home. Be sides. F have assigned work that has to he done." stated Se Himgerford. A coed reported that she has three projects that have to be finished during t h e eight-day vacation, and that she needed peace and quiet away from her family in Ohio. than buildings and dealer's paradise. . JF