The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 06, 1966, Image 1

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.Eleasons' Determine Resi
this is
ll1"rri' 8n n irnr-four
articles by Julie Morris,
senior staff writer, on why
University faculty members
leave Nebraska for jobs at
other universities.
Low salary is not the only
factor which drives Univer
sity faculty away from the
school, according to resigning
faculty members.
Faculty members who have
submitted resignations stated
in interviews that low salary
is only one of many complex
reasons why they are leav
ing. One of the men said that
sometimes salary rate is used
as a rationalization for a res
ignation and is not the real
Other teachers commented
that advances in the rank are
important. Several stressed
the importance of the avail-
IT'S EARLY . . . there is still plenty of time
for campaigning. But at least one ASUN candi
date has already started lookng toward the
April 27 election day. Just wait, though. After
vacation posters advertising the 111 ASUN
candidates will start overlapping as they cover
the bulletin board in the Nebraska Union's
main lounge.
'State Needs Action,
Not Soap-Box Politics
An attack was leveled at
Nebraska politicians who
merely "warm over old
Tbe attacker was Phil Sor
ensen, one of tbe Democrat
ic candidates for the office of
t a t e .governor. Sorensen
spoke before a meeting of tbe
University's Young Demo
crats Tuesday evening.
Sorensen stated that, in his
opinion, the Nebraska state
legislature could be separat
ed into two factions or groups.
There are those who are real
ly interested in improving the
state government and those
who come to the legislature
only to promote their own
narrow, selfish interests.
Warmed-over Hash
"I'm tired of hearing those
soap-box orators who merely
get out their warmed-over
hash and heat it again," de
clared Sorensen. "They talk
about our youth leaving the
state. They talk about the
lack of jobs here in Nebras
ka. "But never once do they
get down to constructive pro
grams or suggestions for con
structive programs. Those
on their soap-boxes never say
anything of substance."
Sorensen said that if people
believe in an effective state
government, they have to do
more than talk about tbe
problem. Rather, tbey must
propose some suggestions.
'This is where the soap
boxers fall down," empha
sized the candidate. "They
don't come forward with any
plans; they just enumerate the
Legislature Complimented
He complimented trie last
session of the legislature for
their interest in state govern
ment. "The last legislature was
dominated by those who want
ed to do something about
state government. But we
must be careful not to allow
the type of leadership from
the soap-box to gain power.
The state can't afford t h e
dangers of a do-nothing lead
ership." 'The state of Nebraska
needs a leadership willing to
do things. Tbe leadership we
ability of research materials
in their fields. One man said
that changing jobs is more a
"matter of course" than any
thing else.
Another of the resigning
teachers noted that personal
relationships within a depart
ment are a large factor in
causing resignations.
Dean of Faculties. A. C.
Breckenridge stated that low
salary is the greatest single
reason why faculty leave the
Dr. David Trask, associate
professor of history, listed
several reasons why lie is re
signing to take a position at
the State University of New
York at Stony Brook.
Trask said he has always
had to contend with a "lack
of support" from University
administration for what he
can do without is that of the
men of tbe soap-box, with
their warmed-over bash," con
cluded Sorensen.
The Democratic candidate
also commended the club for
their work on his caravan
through the state last week
end. "1 usually am able to only
shake hands, introduce my
self to the people and pass
out some brochures," said
Sorensen. ' But this last week
end, this Young Democratic
club did a lot of this for me."
"I try to talk mainly to
Democrats before the pri
mary, so I am not commonly
found in the banks," he joked.
"I usually head for the tav
erns and pool halls to meet
my people."
"Anyway, this time when I
walked into these establish
ments to shake some hands,
the patrons said for me to go
on, for they had already
heard about me. The Young
Democrats had been there be
fore me, and had done my
Set Pace;
102 Sticks
The world's gum-chewing
record was claimed Monday
by two sore-jawed Fairbury
Junior College students.
Sophomore Randal Christ
and freshman Bruce (rouse
set out after tbe record of 71
sticks, beld by a Concordia
College student, at 6:30 p.m.
By 7:02 Christ had chewed
102 sticks (all at once) and
Crouse had managed 100
They did it "because we de
cided Fairbury Junior College
could do it" and besides, "we
bad never done anything
world-famous before."
They 6aid their jaws were
"pretty sore" and "awful
stiff" after the event. "That
gum gets awful sweet," tbe
bw added.
They spent more than $2 for
gum, splitting the expenses.
considers "significant pro
grams for the University."
Trask also cited lack of time
and money for work in his
specialty, the history of
American foreign relations.
He said he has "found it dif
ficult to do any research at
all, because of poor facilities
and lack of time."
Trask said another factor in
his resignation is that he has
found it "increasingly diffi
cult to deal with students. I
feel most effective in dealing
with students on an individu
al basis," Trask said.
Both the large classes and
the faculty-student ratio, ov
erbalanced in favor of stu
dents. Trask said, makes con
tact difficult.
The faculty pay scale. Trask
continued, is not only low. but
it is not competitive and doss
Wednesday, April 6,
In Lincoln . . .
LSD, Narcotics
By Dan Pillar
Junior Staff Writer
Although national authori
ties say that narcotics use
has risen to alarming rates at
many large universiites
around the country. Universi
ty authorities sa- this school
has no problem.
Marijuana is a problem at
"just about every one of the
major universities in tbe coun
try," Henry L. Giordano, fed
eral narcotics bureau com
SS Exam To Test
Scholastic Ability
What is a word most near
ly opposite the meaning of
nebulous disgruntled, clear,
fringed, stricken or striped?
This is one of the sample
questions listed in a bulletin "
explaining the Selective Ser
vice College Qualification
The bulletin and appli
cations for tbe test are avail
able at the information win
dow in the Administration
Building. Applications for the
test must be postmarked no
later than April 23. 1966.
The qualification test, de
signed to provide Selective
Service local boards with evi
dence of a student's aptitude
for continued college work
To Give
Two reports, one on book
stores and text book prices
and the other from the elec
toral commission, will be pre
sented at Wednesday's Stu
dent Senate meeting.
Recommendations as to an
ASUN primary and a required
number of minimum votes for
election to an ASUN office
will be made in connection
with the electoral commis
sion's report.
ASUN President Kent Neu
meister resported that the
commission will recommend
that no primary be beld for
the ASUN election on April
27 and that 25 votes will be
needed to elect someone to
"The 25 votes would be
across the board," he added,
"either write-ins or for some
one already on trie ballot."
Sen. Ron Neal, chairman of
the ASUN committee investi
gating the bookstores, said
that his committee's report
would be something from
which to work next year.
Neal added that the report
would contain recommenda
tions covering the book ex
change, and private and University-owned
book stores.
The recommendations will
suggest continuing working
with the Alpha Phi Omega ex
change on a larger scale and
conducting a large scale study
of cooperative book stores
with the possibility of starting
one on this campus.
not encourage faculty to work
to gain a pay raise.
Robert Hiller, associate pro
fessor of Germanic languag
es, also stated that he is
leaving the University for a
variety of reasons. His new
position at the University of
Tennessee, he said, will give
him an advance in rank and
"a considerable advance in
Better Library
Hiller said he will also be
moving into a situation with
"better library opportunities
and better cooperation as far
as the library is concerned."
He said his work, mostly con
centrated on literature, "de
pends on a good library."
The University of Tennes
see, Hiller said, has a "great
er awareness of the needs of
the departments" than Ne
braska does. At Tennessee
there is more money for ac
missioner, was reported say
ing recently.
Giordano, who was speak
ing before the House of Rep
resentatives appropriations
subcommittee, said that
"what is particularly disturb
ing is that some educators re
fuse to crack down on
the drug experimentation at
their schools."
According to Giordano,
some college administrators
feel that their students should
will be given May 14, May
21 and June 3.
Examination centers in Ne
braska include: University of
Nebraska. Lincoln; Chadron
State College. Chadron; Has
tings College. Hastings; Kear
ney State College. Kearney;
Creighton University, Omaha;
Municipal University of Oma
ha. Omaha; Peru State Co
lege, Peru; Concordia Teach
ers College, Seward, and
Wayne State College. Wayne.
Applicants are asked to de
signate in the spaces provid
ed on the application an ex
amination center and its code
number for each examination
date. Science Research Asso
ciates of Chicago, which
prepared and is administer
ing the tests, will assign ap
plicants to the center request
ed, or to the closest possible
alternative center.
To be eligible to take the
test, an applicant must be a
Selective Service registrant
who intends to request occu
pational deferment as a col
lege student and who has not
taken tbe test previously.
Applicants must bring with
them to the test the ticket
of admission and the test cen
ter address card, an official
document, preferably Selec
tive Service Registration Cer
tificate SSS Form 2) or No
tice of Classification S.SS
Form 110), showing the appli
cants Selective Service num
ber, and the designation and
address of the applicant's lo
cal board, and two No. 2 pen
cils. No applicant will be admit
ted late to the examination,
nor will any applicant be ad
mitted to an examination oth
er than that specified on his
ticket of admission and test
enter address card.
Applicants will be finger
printed when they report for
the test, to avoid the possi
bility of any unauthorized
person taking the test.
The score on tbe test will
be based on the number of
questions answered correctly.
Applicants are advised tbat
it is best to answer all ques
tions. "The test presupposes no
schooling beyond ordinary
high school preparation for
college." according to the bul
letin. Scores will be sent by
the Science Research Associ
ates to the local Selective
Service boards, where they
will be used for considering
Some of the questions are
baaed on reading passages,
tables, charts or graphs.
quisition of the types of vol
umes he needs, Hiller said.
Robert Sakai. professor of
history and chairman of the
history department, said he is
leaving principally because
he will have a better oppor
tunity to specialize in his field
of Far Eastern history at the
University of Hawaii."
The Hawaiian history de
partment, Sakai noted, is de
voted mainly to Far Eastern
history. The University, lie
said, "is fully capable and
willing to develop an Asian
program but it would neces
sarily be of much less pro
portions." Poor Potential
Sakai said a strong Far
Eastern history program,
which would include good op
portunities for graduate study,
requires a strong Oriental
language program which the
University does not have at
The Daily Nebraskan
Problem 'Negligible'
have the freedom of experi
mentation and self-expression.
A check of various Univer
sity and Lincoln sources con
cerning narcotics and other
stimulants revealed that cases
involving drugs are rare in
this area.
"The last case of people
being caught with drugs was
the Les Eigart case in 1961."
Inspector Robert Sawd'on of
the Lincoln Police Depart
ment said.
He explained that in this
instance several members of
the Eigart band, w ho were
playing for the University's
Homecoming dance, were
found with narcotics. The
charges had to be dropped be
cause of "improper seizure of
Sawdon said that the nar
cotics problem in Lincoln is
DR. W. REX BROWN . . . Oklahoma dean of men,
challenges fraternities to "build gentlemen" at Greek
Week convocation.
Dean Outlines Strengths,
Weaknesses Of Greeks
Senior Staff Writer
"To build an organization,
you must first build men, . . .
I have changed men to gen
tlemen." said Dr. W. Rex
Brown, dean of men at the
University of Oklahoma at a
Greek Week convocation Mon
day night.
Brown stressed the building
of gentlemen as an important
part of the Creek system.
n building gentlemen,
Brown said maturity is an
important factor, and that
with maturity comes respon
sibility and freedom.
"You are entitled to all the
freedom which you can han
dle," he pointed out. In the
last few years, he said, the
Greek system has been prac
ticing these things.
Brown said that good
pledge training is an impor-
this time. He said the aistory
department has better poten
tialities for United States.
Latin American and European
"There are many reasons
why people leave a depart
ment and as you discuss these
things it's much more of a
revelation of yourself than of
the situation," a fourth resign
ing faculty member said.
He said there are a "wide
range of reasons, personality
clashes included" that would
cause a faculty member's re
signation. Rationalizations
"It is difficult to separate
reasons from rationaliza
tions." he said. "You tend to
rationalize in terms of things
that people understand, when
the reasons are actually more
A fifth faculty member, Ro
berto Esquenazi-Mayo, would
negligible. "We are fortu
nate." he noted.
"We hear rumors now and
then, but we don't . know; of
any use of narcotics or other
drugs at this time." he said.
The same opinion w as
voiced bv Dr. G. R. Under
wood at "the City Health De
partment. "We haven't run
across any cases involving
narcotics," Dr. Underwood
said. "We have no knowledge
of any such activities."
On "the University campus.
Dr. Feunning of the Student
Health Center had the same
answer. "No reports of nar
cotics have come to us," he
says. "Of course, we would
be informed of this only if
drug usage brought on harm
ful effects which required
medical attention."
The Rev. Duane Hutchinson
of the Wesley Foundation
tant part of building the Creek
"You must get an early
start so you almost have one
foot in the grave," he said.
"This is not an old man's
world nor, is it a young man's
world." he said, adding that
pledge training can be valu
able in starting a man on bis
He urged that Greeks
re-evaluate their pledge pro
gram. "The pledge procram i; too
long ... it is doing nothing
but keeping them up late' at
night and away from their
Brown stewed th impor
tance of civic project), in pro
moting the Greek imat'e.
"The deal is off t li e
Greek:.." he saiu. "We have
Cont. on pg, 4, col. 7
f wS
I f " ,
A h f it
" '- il " I
give no comment as to why
he is resigning. Mayo is pro
fessor of romance languages
and chairman of the Romance
language department. '1c has
been on the staff since '.SMil.
Richard Zaffrcn. instructor
of philosophy, said he is leav
ing the University ' tor the
same reasons. 1 suppose, why
people change jobs in any
other professions."
The American r.lucdtmndl
system, Zaffron said, "is a
very fluid social and pulil al
situation." It is oltcn "hard
e" to decide to change johs
than to decide In stay." he
Rocco aiiHsco. instructor
of romance languages, is
leaving the staff for a salary
raise and an advancement in
rank at the University of
Washington. He is completing
his lirst academic year at the
Vol. 81, No. 92
voiced an opinion cn the
dearth of narcotics or other
drug cases in Nebraska
"Students at this Univer
sity are a solid lot." Rev.
Hutchinson said. 'They are
mostly products of the agri
cultural community in Ne
braska. The problems of nar
cotics and LSD seem to be
restricted to the East and
W est coast."
Rev. Hutchinson feels that
a certain type of student may
be more prone to use nar
cotics than others.
"A student who uses these
stimulants is usually hostile,
rebellious, and eager to find
new expressions for bis ag
gression." A clinic which Rev. Hutch
inson once attended offered
doses of LSD to ministers to
enable them to get an insight
into the experiences w h i c n
users encounter. "I didn't
take any." Rev. Hutchinson
reports, "but 1 do think that
it is imponant to learn all we
can about the effects of these
DK's Form
A decision to form a loose
conteder?ti"n cf candidates
running for ASUN positions
rather than a political parly
as such was reached at a
meeting of Demos kralos
Monday niz.'it
According to Nancy Oiufal,
an associate who helped out
line the original plans for
Demos Kratos. the dfcision
was reached afifr approxi
mately 15 candidates for
ASUN offices met to discuss .
the possibility of forming a
political party.
"At this late dtp it would
be too difficult to form a par
tv as such." Miss Coufal n
e'd. She added dat candidates
may band todhT in 'mail
groups, however, to campaign
together "nd thp'e little
groups may decidf to support
the same executive candi
dates." "Since we (Ifcidfd to lorm
a coalition ratlin- than a par
ty," she continued. ' the name
is not rra;!y needed any.
The f,uggc(ition was put
forth. Miss Coufal said, that
thoi.e interested in the group
form a party after the elec
tion. The group will meet
again Thursday night.
This year the confederation
will serve as a means of ex
changing information about
campaign techniques and is
sues, she continued,
Our Mistake
Extra lines were added un
known to the copy or report
ing staffs of the Daily Ne by an authorized per
son to one of the ASUN Sen
ate candidate's qualifications.
Thefe extra bnes made this
candidate's lift of qualifica
tions considerably longer than
any other candidate. The
Daily Ncbiaikan would like
to rnal.r a public apology for
this addition.
In luititiE candidates' quali
fications, the Daily Nebras
kan tried to u.M' only the most
imp' riant, ones J or people who
had many activities.