The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 28, 1966, Image 1

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    5 28 me
Monday, March 28, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Vol. 81, No. 87
'Funds Diversion Inadvisable
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TOUCHING TOPICS . . . such as federal aid to state uni
versities and the U.S. commitment in Viet Nam, U.S. Sen.
Roman L. Hruska spoke to student senators and other
University students at an informal coffee hour Friday in
the Nebraska Union. After speaking and participating in
a question-answer session, he had coffee with the group.
Included in his remarks was the comment that "things
look encouraging" for the Republican party in November's
congressional elections.
AWS Key Committee
Members Selected
Composition of the AWS senior key committee has been
completed as a result of interviews conducted Friday to select
the three sttidents-at-large who will serve on the committee.
Polly Rhynalds and Jo Stohlman will serve as representa
tives from the senior class and Karen Jones will represent the
junior class.
Other members of the committee are AWS President Pam
Hedgecock, AWS Vice President Barb Beckmann, AWS Board
members Carl Bischoff, (committee chairman) Candy May.
Jan Kaufman and Elaine Kallos and AWS Representatives Joan
Bredthauer and Nancy Goodsell.
Miss Beckmann explained that the purpose of the committee
is to present the details of the system to the AWS Board, to
plan an orientation for senior women next fall before they re
ceive their keys and to maintain the system next year. .
"One can see that there is a lot to do even after the
system actually gets started," Miss Beckmann said.
She added that approximately 30 women had gone through
interviews for the three students-at-large positions and that
she "was extremely happy with the interest shown."
Miss Hedgecock noted the key committee would first be
involved with writing other schools for information, contacting
locksmiths and deciding whether the 6ystem should be operated
with keys or with an electronic device.
Other duties, she added, would be planning the orientation
and the distribution of the keys.
"There is also a possibility the senior members of the com
mittee could act as a court to judge infringements against the
system," she suggested.
ASUN Election Filing
Will Be Done Friday
Filing begins Monday and
ends Friday in the first week
of public campaigning for the
ASUN election April 27.
Applications for filing for
the race will be available in
the ASUN office in the Ne
braska Union from Monday
until 5 p.m. Friday for the
election on April 27 which will
decide next year's Senators,
president and first and sec
ond ice presidents.
Three wallet-sized pictures
and 25 signatures of students
who are members of the can
didate's college must be sub
mitted along with the applica
tion by 5 p.m. Friday to the
ASUN office in the Nebraska
Applicants must meet Uni
versity requirements for par
ticipation in student activities
and be a regularly enrolled
member of the college which
he is representing.
A candidate may legally
run both for one of the three
executive positions (presi
dent, first vice president or
second vice president) and for
Presidential and vice pres
idential candidates will be al
lowed $50 per person for cam
paign expenses. All those
running for Student Senate
positions will be allowed to
spend $40.
There will be no campaign
ing on election day in the
buildings in which the election
it being held nor group meet
ings nor debates pertaining to
the election on that day.
All organized group cam
paigning will end by midnight,
Tuesday April 26, and all
publicity must be down by
noon, April 28.
Balloting Mill take place in
the Nebraska and East Un
ions and Love Memorial Li
brary from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
April 27.
A student senator or as
sociate will be responsible for
the voting procedures and the
election will be supervised by
faculty memlers.
One may vote for fewer
than the total eligible for el
ection in one's college. That
is, if the ballot says, "Vote
for nine," one may vote for
fewer than this. Write-in can
didates will be valid.
According to Sen. Bill I-Ian-smire,
a member of the El
ectoral Commission, the inter
pretation of these rules and
procedures will be the matter
of the Electoral Commission.
He added that an orienta
tion meeting for the can
didates would be held next
Campus Morality
"Morality on Campus" will
be the subject of a discussion
at the Newman Center
The discussion, which will
begin at 3:30 p.m., is open
to all University students.
EDITOR'S NOTE: In public
statements both the chairman
and vice chairman of the
Legislative Council budget
study committee have sug
gested that instead of raising
tuition next year, the Uni
versity should divert some of
its research and public ser
vice project money. This is
the second story by Julie
Morris in a series on the re
search projects which the
University has at this time.
The diversion of any of the
over $1 million designated for
agricultural research at the
University would be "a blow
to the agricultural economy
of the state."
This is the view of Dr. H. H.
Krammer, director of the Uni
versity's agricultural experi
ment station. Krammer said
he feels the diversion of re
search funds to pay for the
basic University instructional
programs "is not the answer"
to the University's budget
It has been suggested by
three state legislators, George
Gerdes of Alliance, Hal Bauer
of Lincoln and Richard Mar
vel of Hastings, that diversion
of research and other non
instructional funds into the
instructional program would
be one way to solve the $500,
000 deficit now facing the
Kramer explained that
there are several reasons why
he is convinced that diversion
of agricultural research funds
would be a mistake.
'Pay Later'
"If you were to reduce re
fir y " 1 - .
RONALD REAGAN, . . . candidate for California governor,
stated that a university need not provide an "audience
and auditorium" for radical groups, during a speech at
the Republican Founder's Day Banquet Saturday night.
Reagan: 'Conduct Code
Needed For Berkeley'
The University of Califor
nia's Board of Regents need
to "lay down a code of con
duct" for students and faculty
at the school, according to
Ronald Reagan, candidate for
California governor.
In a press conference Sat
urday Reagan blamed distur
bances at the University of
California's campuses, par
ticularly Berkeley, on "out
siders." Reagan stated that
the university "doesn't need
to provide the audience and
the auditorium" for the activ
ities of radical student and
faculty movements.
Reagan, an actor-turned-politician,
was in Lincoln for
the annual Republican Party
Founder's Day dinner where
he was the keynote speaker.
The dinner was held at the
University Coliseum. He is
currently considered the front
runner, ahead of rival George
Christopher, in the race for
the Republican gubernatorial
nomination in California.
No Difference
A veteran of movies and of
the television series "Death
Valley Days," Reagan said
search at this point," he said,
"you would only have to pay
for it later and you might not
recover." Kramer explained
that, thus far, agricultural
research has been able to
keep pace with the demand
for advanced techniques in
the state and that a slowdown
of work would cause a re
search lag that could severely
affect the state's agricultural
Kramer said that it is "easy
to point out that the increased
production and dollar value
to the state derived from ag
ricultural research is enough
to pay for the entire experi
ment station for the past 50
Agricultural research,
Kramer said, is financed
from three sources. A third
of the funds come from state
appropriations. A second third
comes from federal appropria
tions and grants and contracts
with industry, Kramer said.
The remaining amount is de
rived from the revolving funds
generated by research pro
grams, he said.
Last year the Legislature
appropriated slightly over $1
million and a half for agricul
tural research.
The actual research work,
Kramer said, is conducted at
one of five experiment sta
tions. Stations are at Mead,
Concord, North Platte, Scotts
bluff and Alliance. A station
in Havelock, a suburb of Lin
coln, is presently being
phased out, Kramer noted.
There are regular experi
ment station workers assigned
he felt a movie and television
personality in politics "isn't
any different than anyone
else," in the race.
"You've got some plusses."
he admitted, adding that vot
ers know the name and face
and no time is needed to
familiarize the voters with the
candidate. Reagan defended
his decision to step actively
into political circles saying,
"What temptation is. there for
a person in our business to
go into politics? It's econ
omically not beneficial."
Reagan, who was a regis
tered Democrat until 192,
said he changed parties as a
result of an evolution within
the two party's aims. "It's
kind of a tossup as to whether
I left the Democrats or they
left me," he said.
Reagan 'Active Republican'
Reagan told the newsmen
that he worked actively for
the Republican Party in 1960,
1962 and 1964. Most of this
work, he said, was confined
to his home state of California
until he began campaigning
Cont. on Page 4, Col. 1
to each of the stations, Kram
er said. These people are pro
f esionally trained and hold
University rank, just as active
professors, he noted. They
handle the day to day work
of the research projects un
derway at the stations. The
faculty conducting the experi
ments take care of planning
and the other areas of the
Dual Positions
Kramer said that "Pract
. " J
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Lincoln's Slum Areas
Studied In Workshop
Problems of Lincoln slum
dwellers were illustrated to
she 25 University students and
faculty attendinga slum
workshop in the Nebraska
Union Saturday.
The Wesley Foundation's
workshop studied such things
as the health and education of
people in the lower socio
economic group in Lincoln. A
tour of Tract 7, one of the
worst slum areas in the city,
was conducted.
Dr. Garnett Larson, asso
ciate professor at the Univer
sity graduate school of social
vork, began the workshop
with n introduction to social
Dr. Larson explained how
an area deteriorates in the
center of a city as the city
expands. She also related
some of her personal experi
ences with people in the slums
of Pittsburgh.
Health Studies
Larry Drost from the Public
Health Office of Community
Surveys and Special Projects
gave results of his office's
health and immunization
studies in Lincoln. Drost
divided the city into three
socio-economic levels, each
level confined within specified
parts of Lincoln.
In all the comparisons, the
lowest socio-economic level
Fijis Cater
GOP Dinner
Setting up places for 3,000
people for dinner is no small
task as the Phi Gamma Delta
pledge class can attest.
The Fiji freshmen worked
for Kings Catering Service in
preparing for the Republican
Founder's Day banquet in the
Coliseum Saturday night.
Their job was to set the
places, fill water glasses, and
various other minor duties.
According to the Fijis these
tasks "were harder than we
had anticipated."
Bob Hamer, one of the
workers, said that the job of
filling water glasses with ice,
passing them out, and then
filling them with water took
about one hour in itself.
Bill Kerrey, organizer of
the project, said "We hope to
put the money we earned to
good use."
. . . To Solve Deficit
ically all" of the faculty in
the College of Agriculture hold
dual positions as research
men and as teachers. The
college's budget, he said, is
planned in three parts with
one budget for teaching, one
for research and another for
extension service.
Faculty members receive
their salary from the
particular budgets in accord
with the amount of time spent
in the performance of one
it. ' . . a.
tor agricultural research work.
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(which represents the slum
areas) had the lowest per
centages of immunizations.
Drost noted that the rate of
tetanus immunization for all
levels was extremely low and
that smallpox vaccinations for
children under five years of
age in the slum areas were
especially below a safe level.
According to Drost, the rat
population in Lincoln is grow
ing rapidly. He showed slides
of rats and rat holes that lead
into Lincoln's sewers.
In other health areas, Drost
remarked that the refuse ordi
nance for Lincoln is "highly
inadequate." There are also,
NU Parents Day
'Quite Successful9
Parents Day held Saturday at the University was termed
"quite successful" by Skip Soiref, president of Innocents So
ciety. Sponsored by the Innocents Society, tbe one-day program
was designed to give parents of freshmen a chance to talk
with University administrators, faculty members and students.
Approximately 500 parents attended the various colleges'
convocations and seminars, according to Soiref
Soiref noted that the parents attending seemed to feel that
the program was beneficial and something the University has
been needed.
The Innocents Society will strongly recommend that the
program be continued next year.
The program began with a convocation at the Coliseum
featuring talks by Vice Chancellor A. C. Breekenridge and
ASUN President Kent Neumeister.
L. W. Chatfield, associate dean of student affairs, explained
the Junior Division to the freshmen parents.
Five of the University's colleges held seminars in the after
noon. Honor courses, the concept of liberal arts schools, and
preparation for future jobs were discussed by various staff
members at the College of Arts and Science seminar.
Robert L. Hough, assistant dean of the College, noted that
the honcr programs' purpose "is not acceleration, rather, en
richment." He stated that currently twelve departments in the
College of Arts and Sciences sponsor honor programs.
"There is a growing feeling that a Bachelor of Arts degree
is not enough today," said Hough, turning to the field of grad
uate study. He then explained the Nebraska Career Scholars
program which helps a student get a Master's degree in ap
proximately five years.
George C. Holdren, assistant professor of business organir
zation and management, spoke to the parents at the seminar
concerning placement in jobs after graduation.
"Competence in English is most demanded by employers,
and skill in mathematics is next," 6tated Holdren.
"Business, industry and government agencies don't hire de
grees they hire people," Holdren noted when asked by a
parent about the opportunities for a girl with a psychology
Holdren also remarked upon the increasing willingness of
employers to hire women. He said this is because of the short
age of well-trained personnel, and because of equal competence
of men and women.
type of work, Kramer said.
For instance, he said, a
man who teaches 40 per cent
of the time and is a research
man for 60 per cent of the
time will receive 40 per cent
of his salary from the teach
ing budget and 60 per cent
from the research budget.
Part Time Job
If research funds were to
be taken away, Kramer con-
Cont. on Page 3, Col. 3
of five stations in the state
he said, 126 outhouses within
the city limits, and 2.500
junked cars sitting in back
Housing Conditions
Solutions to housing condi
tions, stated Drost, would
have to come from a good
housing code.
"We have a good housing
code, but it has a grand-father
clause that excludes all
houses built before 1957 from
regulation." stated Drost.
Mrs. Hughes Shanks, whose
husband is a Social Security
administrator claims repre-
Cont. to Tg. 4, Col. 3
5. t