The Daily Nebraskan Friday, March 18, 1966 Mental Illness . . . 3 u4 Page 4 . t A Commitment EDITOR'S NOTE: The fol lowing story on commitment proceedings for mental illness was written by Diana Stover. Miss Stover did the story for the University School of Jour nalism depth reporting class. A bitter husband whose wife was suing for a divorce lashed out at his mate by hav ing mental illness proceedings brought against her. "My wife is crazy," hetcld me clerk of the district court and signed a mental health affidavit. A mental health warrant was sworn out for her arrest She was picked up by the deputy county sheriff and held at the state hospital until her case was dismissed at an insanity hearing three days later. A week later the wife declared that her husband was insane; a warrant was sworn out; and toe husband was jailed in revenge. The board found him not mentally ill. Commitment Law Cases similar to the one abouve can and do happen in Nebraska. In fact, several cases in Lancaster County have resulted from husbands maliciously filing against their wives and vice versa. Under the present Nebraska mental health commitment law, it is possible for sane persons to be jailed and even committed by estranged mates, estate-minded relatives and vindictive friends or neighbors. "It takes only one person who thinks that :Boy, that guy is nuts, to put the machinery in motion," said Harlan Kendle, Lancaster County Deputy Sheriff. "Somebody signs a complaint and we go out and bring him in. It seems to me that a lot of these people we pick up are perfectly normal." If a person is not at home, he is picked up wherever he is, Kendle said. Several stu dents from the University of Nebraska have been picked np one was taken from a class. Others have been taken from their jobs. Women are usually taken to the state hospital or to the city jail. Men are usually thrown into one of three bull pens at the county jail with drunks, sex deviates, and other accused criminals. 'Law Not Abused' One of the three members of the Lancaster County Men tal Health Board, Wilford F. Sanders, who has been clerk of the district court for the past eleven years, looks at the situation differently. "In 99 ont of 100 cases," be said, "reliable affidavits are signed. There is not much abouse in Lancaster County. Tbe board is not going to com mit somebody who we feel is not mentally ill. There has been m railroading of people to state hospitals. If a family or neighborhood squabble comes up, we can detect that easily." In 1965, the board, composed of C. L. Clark, attorney; Janet F. Palmer, psychiatrist; and Sanders, heard 180 cases. Eighty-seven per cent of the cases were commitments to state hospitals and 13 per cent were released. State Hospital View On the receiving end of the present controversy over commitment procedure is Dr. Edwin Coats, superintendent of the Lincoln State Hospital. "Persons who are sent to tbe hospital who do not belong here are in a very small minority," Dr. Coats said. "There might be an occa sional person committed who is not as sick as someone says be is. We examine a person within 24 hours after be is admitted. Ia the next few weeks his rase is evaluated by our psychologists and psychi atrists." Lawyers and state legisla tors are becoming increas ingly concerned about the vio lation of an algedly mentally ill person's constitutional r 5.1t-. They have cited cases individual rights have bre.i violated. - rt" 4j TC'JIL ENJOY DINING IN TKI GUADfT ATMOSPHERE OF THE . PIZZA HUT 4fJi I 0 Ph. 439-4601 A Nebraska businessman tells this story: For several months prior to being accused of mental ill ness, Mr. X and his wife had been having marital difficul ties. One incident, Mr. X said, involved a gun. Later, Mr. X and his wife went to a psychiatrist for professional marriage counseling. Upset by the doctor's man ner, Mr. X left, but his wife stayed to talk. When his wife did not come back to the car after a short time, Mr. X called her. In their telephone conversation, the name of another man came up. Mrs. X asked Mr. X if he were going to shoot him. "I was still put out, so I answered, 'Yes'," he recalled. A while later, Mrs. X came out of the office and started towards the car. Two plan clothesmen came over and took Mr. X to the police station. No Phone Calls "No one would tell me at the station why I was there. No one would let me use the phone to call a lawyer," he recalled. "I was very indignant about being picked up." he said. "I cried; a prisoner laughed; so I knocked him about halfway across the room. I spent the night in jail. "The next morning my wife came down with a minister. I was still real mad. They put us in a room so we could talk. I spied a phone and called my parents and told them to get a lawyer but at that time I couldn't tell them what I was being held for. My wife and the minister went from the station to the courthouse and signed tbe papers. "Later that day I was driven to the state hospital and was taken to the maxi uum security ward a small room about 10 feet by 10 feet with a tile floor and no bed. I spent two days there before the board meeting . . .They did let my lawyer see me. He brought a psychologist with hira who did some tests hut I was so nervous that he had to testify that the results were inconclusive. Lawyer Not Informed "At the hearing my lawyer didn't know the actual cir cumstances leading up to the testimony against me, so he wasn't of much help. That night he got in touch with my wife. She said that she would retract the papers but it was too late because it had to be done within 24 to 48 hours. "My lawyer knew that no written record is made of mental health proceedings, so we hired a court reporter to take down what was said. I was kept in another office when testimony was given against me. The hearing was continued and I spent three more davs at the state hos pital." Mr. X said that all in all, he was held for over a week. (As opposed to mental cases, persons picked up in a criminal case cannot be held longer than "a reasonable length of time" before they must be brought before a magistrate. Although this pe riod of time varies, it is gen erally considered 24 hours or one working day.. . For example, it is the prac tice in Lancaster County, ac cording to William D. Blue, deputy county attorney, to bring persons arrested the preceding day for a crime before the judge the next morning. But if a person is arrested on Friday, he will be held until the courthouse opens on Monday. The coun ty's mental health board meets only on Tuesday and Friday mornings.) Second Hearing "At the second hearing," Mr. X said, "I agreed to go to a state hospital as a volun tary patient for testing. This time, when the tests were given I was relaxed and com fortable. I was released in less than a week. "Tbe next week, I again appeared before the b 0 a r d. They refused to give me a clean slate 4ecause tbe staff psychiatrist had recommend- i i- : 2 akTCl W 9 ed that my wife and I meet with him on a regular basis for marriage counseling. It wasnt until two months later when I appeared before the board that they dropped the proceedings." This happened some five years ago. Looking back an still bitter, Mr. X said. "I was very fortunate in getting to that phone at the station when I did. Otherwise I might still be in some institution to day. I know some people have gone to their hearing without counsel. It scares me ot think that i wasn't even examined by a doctor or psy chiatrist before the hearing." Procedures Vary While all Nebraska coun ties operate under the same law, the exact procedures may vary from county to county. These problems are not unique to Nebraska. Many states still have mental health laws which have not changed much since they were enacted in the late nine teenth century w hen hospitals were custodial institutions rather than active treatment centers. The laws borrowed the language and the meth - SI --tfttSitUiLI!1" ART STUDENTS . . . took advantage of the warm weather and the grassy mall in front of the Woods Art Building Thursday to do some "sunny" drawing Studying Sacrificed For Sunning As Spring Students are free to relax and sit on any lawn of the University campus and Thurs day afternoon it appeared they were taking full advan tage of this freedom. According to the offices of the University grounds, phy sical plant, chancellor and dean of student affairs, the University has no policy, rules or regulations regarding stu dents' lounging on University bunt Ideal locations for lounging would include the grassv mall between Woods Art Building and Sheldon Art Gal lerythe front lawn of Social Sciences and Love Library the yard around administra tion the columns dorm courtyards and plazas and almost all of East Campus. The high temperature Thursday afternoon was 72 degrees as reported by the U.S. Weather Bureau and symptoms of warm weather were seen all over campus. Art classes moved outside; drawing boards and posing subjects were scattered on the Building. In front of the li brary students studied or slept. WE'RE LOOKING FOR Special Girls in 1966 Have you considered becoming a United Air Lines Stewardess? Its not all travel and glamour. You work odd hours, are frequently away from home and always on the go. If you are mature ond flexible, like the responsi bility of "being on your own" ond gain satisfaction from serving others apply now for class openings in 1966. Qualifications: High School Groduatt, 20-26 years, S'2"-5'9", contoct lenses ond glosses acceptable. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE TOUR COUEGE FLA CEMENT OFFKE UNITED AIR LIMES .Meed ods of detention from the criminal laws. Now there is a growing clamor for change in mental health laws. It is taking place in a nationwide atmosphere of revision of criminal and civil rights laws to ensure an individual protection of his constitutional rights Thirteen stages and the District of Columbia have passed commitment laws based on a "draft act," a model law, preapred by t h e National Institute of Mental Health of the Public Health Service in 1952. Bill Lacked Support In Nebraska a law based on the "draft act" was adapted to state statutes to retain the county mental health boards and was introduced in t h e 1965 Unicameral. The bill failed to make it out of committee because it lacked the support of profes sional groups including the Nebraska Bar and Medical Associations, the county boards of mental health and the psychiatrists at the state hospitals, according to Hal Bauer, Lincoln attorney who introduced the bill. "In the last several years Fever Attacks Campus Male students began wear- ing shorts to classes and both girls and boys were wearing sandals. m 1. riuci nave nui JCi sun i- ed to bloom, but the "green-! Medical College To Host Expert ( Oil Hypertension ' ' A professor at the Universi ty of Virginia School of Medi cine is guest lecturer for a physicians' continuing educa tion course at the University's College of Medicine in Oma ha. Dr. Carlos R. Ayres. assist ant professor of medicine at the Virginia school, is lectur ing for a course on the newer concepts of hypertension. He will consider "the use of plasma renin in the diag nosis of hypertension" and the "use of unilateral renal excre tory function in the diagnosis of hypertension." Dr. Albert Carr, instructor in internal medicine at t h e University, is course coordinator. R e our criminal laws have devel oped to the point where you can hardly arrest a man with out taking away his constitu tional rights," Bauer said. "But this is not so for an al legedly mentally ill person." Constitutional Rights Bauer said that a person accused of being mentally ill does not have the following rights which are guaranteed every accused criminal: No right to be bonded. An individual can be taken to jail for three or four days un til the board meets. No right to obtain coun sel. After an individual is taken into custody, he can make a phone call only at the discretion of the arresting of ficer or jailer. No notice of hearing or knowledge of the charges made against him. If a per son has obtained counsel, his lawyer is at a disadvantage because he doesn't know what his client is charged with. No opportunity to con front his accuser or to cross examine him. Most of the time the accused is not pres sent when testimony if given against him. No rieht of the rules of uTi r nr j ness" is here, as one student put it. ti, o,i r : j r ; :c.a , , aiuujwg is n.i iiiccu 101 sun- ning. One coed said she liked w not done at looking out the classroom , t sessio js bei done atj window and watching thejthe p r e s e n t time," Bauer! squirrels m the trees. jsaid .The he!p and coopera.j Afternoons see students tion of all groups interested ! heading for the golf courses, I in the problem is being; Pioneers Park or bicycle rid- sought prior to the legislative! ing. (. session." I step vision evidence. Testimony can be hearsay, conclusions or spec ulations. Reconsider Bil Under the bill, LB532, which Bauer would like to see the 196f Unicameral recon sider and adopt, there are provisions which distin guish between admissions for dangerous patients and oth ers. There is a provision not in the present law that would make it a criminal act pun ishable by not more than a thousand dollar fine or six months in jail for a malicious filing. After an individual signs a mental health affida vit, two doctors must see the accused before a mental health warrant is sworn out. The bill provides for an emergency procedure to take into custody individuals con sidered dangerous to them selves and others. In such a case, a police or health offi cer or any other person would make a written application to the hospital. If a doctor af ter examining the accused feels that he is mentally ill, he would be taken to the hos pital. But if a health or police of ficer believes that the indi dual is likely to injure h i m self or others before an ex amination can be made, he may take him into custody, apply to a hospital for admis sion and take him there. Under the proposed law, a patient will be allowed to ex ercise all civil rights while hospitalized unless he has been judged incompetent by a court. Voluntary Admissions The bill puts increased em phasis on voluntary admis sions. At present, aDout su, per cent of admissions to Ne-j braska state mental hospitals; are commitments. The bill bases hospital care on the j consent of the patient to en courage the mentally ill to receive care at an early stage when he will more readily re spond to treatment. The theo ry is that if individuals real ize that they can leave when ever they w ant. they will come in as voluntary pat ients. The bill died in committee, but there are those who are working to raise it from the dead. The Lancaster County Mental Health Association held a panel discussion com mitment Feb. 1 which was at tended bv lawyers, psychia- trists and the public. An in- tenm leeislative study com- : mittee on the commitment , . . mMltaii ill! a JJ I iraunv newu ill) authentic every oi toe uay 'l - ) f : J j Turefc Shoes Gateway Carlton's Shoe Stores, Havelock & Phillips Dept. Store iff yfV y it; jj . jAki X Ji .... JI, .JtJ: i x 1 --w vvpi It IK Behlen Laboratory's new addition. Architecture Lacks Continuity Of Form By Julie Morris Senior Staff Writer One wit. describing the campus architectural styles, commented that tne wooas Art Building resembled "an inverted ant farm." The Administration build ing, he said, was like a "can cerous growth on the side of the Teacher's College. The sneaker's opinions were lar?elv imheld bv two Univer sity School of Architecture faculty members. Architecture on the campus, one of the professors said, is essentially "awful." He cited lack of continuity of form or style in any buildings. The buildings are "one of this king, one of something else," he said, pointing out that the Woods building is of concrete slabs, the art gallery of marble, the new music building of sandstone brick and Architectural Hall of red brick. All of these buildings are within a one block area. Another problem with the campus architecture is that there has not been, up to this time, any real planning of buildings. "Exact places aren't planned" for buildings, he noted. The situation is so bad as to make it seem as though buildings were "scat tered on the campus. I he "most desperate need" in the physical expansion of t h e campus is to plan the entire project. The architecture instructors, however, both praised the Regents recent authorization of a plan to hire a firm of mjjm Take your brogues traditionally with the wing tip that works itself all the Take them in smooth black or black forest or black cherry leather. Take them grained In black forest, hickory or black, Roberts Brogues M5.00 to 25.00. Wouldn't you hkt to bt ia our hoT Mori ol Aaitrica it. lnltrnational Shoe Co., St. Loult, Mo. Shopping Center, Lincoln Piedmont Shopping Cerrten, 24 & 0 Streets, Omaha i ;.;H ; v ? v ? n , 1 campus planners and design ers to work out comprehensive plans for c a m p u s develop ment. Campus buildings, the faculty members said, are more of a conglomeration of things than anything else. The buildings fall into something of a "collegiate style," the type of buildings found on col lege campuses. The buildings aren't necessarily "func tional," one of the teachers said, they are simply there. "You couldn't pin a style" on any of the campus build ings, one of the men said. Behlen Laboratory's new addition and Sheldon might be termed contemporary or modern. Abel, Pound and Cont. on Page 5, CoL 1 look for the golden arches MCDONALD'S MENU 100 Pure Beef Hamburgers Tempting Cheeseburgers Old-Fashioned Shakes Crisp Golden French Fries Thirst-Quenching Coke Delightful Root Beer Coffee As You like It Refreshing Cold Milk Full-Flavored Orange Drink way around. Lincoln Km Eaul OmartwMr Ewtorer ;T" .