Paga 4 The Dally Nebraskan Thursday, March 17, 1966 AUF Faculty Drive To Aid World University Service Money from the All Univer sity Fund (AUF) Faculty Drivt this year will again be given to the World University Service (WUS), according to Bob Mllligan, AUF president. The World University Serv ice is an international organ ization based on the committ ment of dedicated individuals to the Idea of an internation al student community. It serves all parts of the world, with the exception of the Communist bloc countries. "Rich students and wealthy faculty members are hard to find, but the students In North America and Europe are far better oft than those in coun tries where per capital In come Is $100 a year or less," stated a pamphlet deicrcibing the service. "The exlstance of this need was the basis on which WUS was formed, and Is still the baai for the present pro gram." The first organization formed to aid students was the European Student Relief. It was begun in 1919 to aid students in the aftermath of World War I. In 1928, It was expanded 'Gloomy9 Season Now Time Of Spiritual Joy By Julie Morris Senior Staff Writer Lent, that ominous word which used to spell 40 days of rigid fasting, today is viewed as a time of spiritual renewal and "joyful fasting, accord ing to campus ministers. Lent is the Christian feast of the preparation time before Easter. Today it is generally accepted as a six-week peri od beginning with the move able feast of Ash Wednesday. In the early days of Chris tianity before the 14th cen. tury Reformation, Lent was viewed as a holy time to mor tify the flesh in preparation for a sacred Easter Sunday. Some early Christians f o I lowed a custom of eating noth ing at all for 40 hours between Good Friday afternoon and Easter Sunday morning. Dur ing the Middle Ages in Eng land, it was forbidden, by both the church and the law to eat meat, eggs or milk dur ing the Lenten season. 'Nearly Nonexistent' Today Lenten fasting is nearly nonexistent. The Catho lic Church recently abolished all fasting restrictions, with the exception of Ash Wednes day and Good Friday, ac cording to Fr. Raymond Hain, director of the Newman Cen ter. The effect of the removal of the fasting restrictions "has been rather wholesome," he said. "We at the Newman Center have had what seems like a lot more personal sense of re sponsibility, since the remov al of Lenten restrictions," Fr. Hain noted. He said that attendance at Newman Lenten services has increased considerably in comparison to previous years. He said that it would seem there has been a "sense of real reawakening for the past few years," in modern con ceptions of Lent. 'No Longer Gloomy' People no longer think of Lent as a gloomy time, but as a time for postiuve spiritu al development on a personal responsibility basis, Fr. Hain said. The idea of "giving up things for Lent went by t h e way a long time ago," he not ed. The Rev. Alvin Petersen, pastor of the Lutheran Stu dent Chapel, said the Luther an church views Lent as a time of a "joyful fast" and a time to remember the events commemorated d u r 1 n g the Easter season. Participation in Lenten ser vices at the campus Luther an chapel "is good", Rev. Pet ersen said. He explained that students, "fresh out of homes" where they regularly attend ed Lenten services often at tend out of habit, but that students who have been on campus longer attend with the sense of the "real meaning" of the Lenten season. Many Attend Services There are approximately as many students attending week night Lenten sendees as those attending Sunday morn ing services, Rev. Peterson observed. This Sunday is known to some churches as "Laetare Sunday", a time to rejoice because it Is the fourth Sun day of the season, and Lent is half over. In earlier days, the fourth Sunday in Lent was called "Mothering Sunday", because young girls who were work ing away from home were traditionally given this day off to make a visit home. It was traditional for them to take a gift to their mothers on this visit. and renamed the Internation al Student Service (ISS). In the 1930's it aided refugees from Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia. During World War II, the ISS established the World Stu dent Relief to meet the de mands caused by the war. An emergency staff aided stu dent prisoners of war, intern ees and refugees. The ISS supplied books, clothing, and food. At the end of the war, the organization embarked on the task of reconstructing uni versity and student life out of the havoc of the post-war period. In 1950, the ISS relief ac tivities in Europe were sup plemented by programs of as sistance cin the Middle East, Southeast Asia and the Far East. The name World Uni versity Service was adopted at that time. "WUS has accented as its duty the helping of those who are struggling to break the bonds of mass misery in or der to help themselves," Mil ligan noted. Builders Workers Oriented a2R j v if f fcO ' i j - -' :;' i-'w'' it., is. . J Jl iu- "-y i Iowa Student Resists Non-Resident Tuition NUProblemsFamiliar To Outstate Campuses A look into campus news papers from around the na tion and the Midwest reveals problems and situations simi lar to those cropping up at the University. A familiar note was sounded recently at the Uni versity of Colorado. Course Evaluation question naires were distributed to stu dents, and from them "will Ibe compiled a critical analyses of professors and courses," according to the Colorado Daily. Other campuses are having problems with housing. At the University of Kan sas, four groups of students plan to take a door-to-d o o r sampling to learn the "pub lic mind concerning fair hous ing." The aim of the fair housing campaign is to sup port freedom of opportunity in housing. 'Grass-Roots' At the University of Min nesota, a delegation has been formed by students to launch a "grass roots" project in Uruguay under the Alliance for Progress program. At Kansas State University the students "have moved from a period of talking be hind closed doors about mor als ... to very open and frank discussion," according to Chester Peters, Dean of Students. It seems there is no prob lem in being a student and married at the same time, at least at the University of Kan sas. The Dally Kansan, speak ing for some 1600 married students on campus, stated that "almost anyone can get married and still go to school today if he has a little imag ination and Jcnowhow." Culture Culture is the password at other campuses for the spring. At Oklahoma State, a foreign students' exhibition of arts, crafts and foods will be held at the Univer sity. At Iowa State, the an ttuil spring presentation of fine arts, entitled "Focus," was launched with a modern dance program. Expansion of university fa cilities was also in the lime light. The State Board of Re gents has approved plans for the construction of a $4.8 mil lion apartment addition for married students at Iowa University. At Kansas State, the emphasis is on recreation, as the plans for the construc tion of a new swimming pool are under consideration by the Regents. At Iowa University a con ference of 60 delegates from four Iowa campuses will be held with the theme, "Why Don't Tbey Listen to Me?" The "humanistic," problems facing colleges and universi ties will be discussed hope fully to recreate, by the ex ch a b i e of viewpoints, a "sense of community." At Iowa State, 31 students recently returned from the annual YMCA seminar, which included a tour of historic spots in New York, Pennsyl vania and the District of Co lumbia. Student Governors In university-student rela tions, at Creighton Univrsity, the student board of gover nors voted to request the ad ministration to include student members on each of two uni versity committees. Freshmen and sophomores at the University of Iowa way be walking by next fall The administration, basing its de cision of recent traffic reports has recommended limiting au tomobiles to junior and sen ior students. The newspaper of the Uni versity of Minnesota says, "It would take half an hour at the right time of day for a stranger to the campus to find marijuana hangouts," according to a graduate stu dent and marajuana user there. Yet, desp'te the ease of access, the police report that very few students ar using narcotic drugs. Builder workers were of fered an insight Into the in ner operations of the organiza tion last night The occasion was the build er's convocation. It was a Builder's executive board meeting to which the workers were invited. All aspects of the organization were explained. Committee chairman ex plained the purpose of their committees and what their committees had done, as well as what they were planning to achieve in the future. Jeff Kushner, vice president in charge of public relations, explained that the purpose of the convocation was to afford the workers an opportunity to see "just what occurs in an executive meeting and to let them get to know us better." j University Asks ForF blic Health Research Grant The University has filed an application for a $23,950 one year grant from the U.S. Pub lic Health Service to make a study of mental retardation training-program needs. Dr. Mark Hobson, graduate dean, said departments with programs related to mental retardation will be studied. He said objectives will be re viewed, plans projected, activ ities evaluated and a broadly based inter-departmental and inter-disciplinary program for professional training in mental retardation devised. Hobson credited Lincoln Sen. Fern Hubbard Orme for initial work leading to the University's interest in such a study. CARL DAVIDSON . , . mans a SDS information booth in the Union, one of the activities concerning South Africa taking place this week and weekend on campus. SDS Marchers To Picket Five Lincoln Businesses Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) is co-sponsoring a two-and-a-half mile, two-hour protest march through downtown Lincoln Saturday morning. The Ad Hoc Committee for Action Against Apartheid, is also sponsoring the march. The committee is headed by Cater Chamblee, instructor of English. The marchers will picket five Lincoln businesses as part of the SDS South Afri can Weekend Program. The busino scs designated as tar gets of the march, Carl David son, program coordinator, ex plained, maintain business in terests that support the South African government. The South African govern ment's policy, Davidson said, "can only be described as a brutal, fascist, racist police state." Targets Targets of the march, he said, are the Aetna Life In surance Co., Connecticut Mu tual Life Insurance Co., Con tinental Insurance Co. and Travellers Insurance Co. The four, Davidson ex plained, "are major stock holders in more than one of eleven consortium banks which floated a $40 million re volving credit loan to the gov ernment of South Africa" in 1960. The marchers will also picket the offices of the Inter national Harvester Corp be cause, as Davidson said, "In addition to being a major in terest in the South African economy, International Har vester is helping the govern ment of South Africa in the development of nuclear reac tors." Parade Permit Marchers will assemble on the south steps of the Nebras ka Union at 9:30 a.m. to re ceive Instructions for the march. SDS has obtained a parade permit from city and county officials, Davidson said. About Z1 to 100 are expected to participate, he said. Davidson said the firms in volved as targets of the pro test will receive letters noti fying them of the picketing and the reasons for it. Brutality The five firms, he said, "are involved in and responsible for the brutality of the gov ernment in South Africa. In this modern world, busi nesses cannot make decisions for profits alone," Davidson said. "At a certain level, business decisions become political decisions, whether the businessmen view it that way or not. It is In this sense that we feel that the firms we will be picketing" are in volved in the government of South Africa. lionize To Speak On Nazi Origins A University assistant pro fessor of history will speak on the "Intellectual Origins of Nazi Germany" at a Delta Phi Alpha meeting Thursday. Dr. Edward Homze, who is a specialist in Twentieth Cen tury German history, will spealr at 7 p.m. in the Ne braska Union at the language honorary' meeting. A federal court case In Iowa challenging the higher non resident tuition charge could affect .Nebraska students if the case is carried to the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, according to the University Law College Dean. George Clarke, a freshman law student at the University of Iowa contends that his constitutional rights are being violated by being charged the higher non-resident tuition. If Clarke wins his case the Daily Iowan states, it could mean that any student over 21 who attends an out-of-state school for 12 consecutive months would become a resi dent of that state and thus pay tiie lower resident tuition. Dr. Davia Dow, aean of tne University Law College, said be would be "very much sur prised" to see the court hold that Clarke's constitutional rights under the priwilege an immunities clause (Article 4, Section w) of the U. S. Con sttution were being denied. He noted that the court has upheld this for many years. Arguame rosiuon' However, Dow said he thinks Clarke "certainly has an arguable position when he contends that his constitution al rights are being violated un der the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Amendment to the Constitu tion. Relating the case to Ne braska Dow said the ruling would not have any effect In Nebraska if it goes only as far as the Iowa District court. However, be said if the case were appealed to the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, the ruling would hold for all states In the 8th Circuit Court District, which includes Nebraska. Dow said that( even then, the ruling could be stated in a manner so genere' as not to have as much effect on this state. Factors surrounding non resident tuition in Nebbraska are also different, Dow said. He noted that Nebraska's limitations are statutory and Involve all Nebraska colleges, while the Iowa limitations are set by the Board of Regents. He also noted said that Neb raska requires only 8 months residency while Iowa requires 12 months. Non-residents At NU Dr. Floyd Hoover, registrar, said that there are 1,874 non resident students enrolled at the University. Of these, 580 are married. He was unable to give the number of non resident students over 21 years old. for a non-resident to be classified as a resident stu dent, he must live in Nebraska for six months without joing to any institution of higher education. A girl who was formerly a non-resident would be classi fied as a resident .student if she married a resident student. However, a Nebraska girl would lose her resident status if she married a non resident. Hoover said that a student remains a non-resident even If he pays taxes in the state or can vote in Nebraska. Establishes Own Residency In Iowa if a person is over 21, he establishes his own residence, explained the Daily Iowan, but since most stu dents first enroll In college before they are 21, they are classified with the residence of their parents. If a student drops out of school and lives In Iowa for 12 consecutive months, and then re-enters school, he could be classified as a resident. A person under 21 takes the residence of his parents un less he can prove emancipa tion that is, he receives no support from his parents and earns his own living. Then he can establish his own residence. Political Parties Cont. from Page 1, Col. 2 ber of Vox Populi, explained the plans the party has for organizing. Constitution 'If the party is to continue to function, it needs a con stitution," he said. "A letter of intent was formulated last year, but it was never followed up. Research has be gun now to form a constitu tion complying with the ASUN regulations." Gottschalk added that a constitution weald probably be completed by the end of March. "There are a number of critical areas to take into ac count," he said. "They in clude a cognizant structure, basis of membership, selec tion of candidates and a divi sion of labor that could suc cessfully support the candid ates." 'With a lasting structure," he countinued, "a party could remain active wrought the year and not just at election time." Mist Shattuck suggested other areas of party organiza tion. "Some points of organiza tion that could be considered are a permanent chairman, who is not a student senator or an ASUN officer, and a legislative chairman, who is a member of Senate," she said. i The Only Gift That Lasts Forever THE VETERANS AD "BUILDERS OF TOMORROW'S HOSPITALS TODAY' With a 90 million dollar annual program construction ond major modernization projects. MINISTRATION i! i of new "They could get together with the rest of the party and discuss what will be coming up at the Senate meetings and therefore avoid having to table motions for lack of in formation," she continued. "Another function It can perform is to try to bring the Senate to-the students," she continued, "through things like open hearings." Slating of candidates was one area of disagreement be tween Gottschalk and Miss Shattuck. Open Slating Miss Shattuck said that in her opinion a party should not slate every position available, but leave some open for an other party or candidates "with ideas of their own that have merit." Gottschalk, on the other hand, said he saw "no reason why there shouldn't be slat ing for every position. It is logically consistent. Why sup port less than the minimum?" "There surely are enough qualified people and I believe it is another way of broaden ing the scope of participa tion," he added. Both Gottschalk and Miss Shattuck expressed interest In the formation of an additional party on campus. "It would give students a choice," said Miss Shattuck. 'it would also allow expres sion of other issues and al- from low candidates to run more than one party." "One problem this year was that there was no opposition party," said Gottschalk. "A two-party system makes for more responsible government. If Senator X knew his vote might be criticized by another group, he would think about what he was voting for." Opposition Party? "I hope that another party is formed," he continued, "with a similar structure but with different views and ideas." Other wishes he expressed included the possibility of a primary "at least within the party" and finding the things "that need doing and then doing them." One area In which Gott schalk said political parties could prod student govern ment into "doing something" was in the area of having the president and vice president of ASUN receive a salary: "enough money so they could almost drop out of school for the year in order to effec tively administer." SPORTS CM ENTHUSIASTS T. D. Rally Snsay Merck 20 Gateway theppint Ctnter II Mmm IfrtormttiM 42J12J7 475 1912 SONATA fill ALSO TO t7I o o t Keepiakc irtfully blends exquisite ring design with a perfect diamond ... a flawie&i (em of fine color and modern cut. There'! nothing finer ... forever. WMMIIU Jjp V.A. REPRESENTATIVES WILL INTERVIEW AT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Monday, March 21, 1966 ENGINEERS Civil Electrical & Mechanical and ARCHITECTS For Planning, Design, end Management Engineer ing Positions in Washington, D.C Engineers Civil Electrical or Mechanical I For Construction Supervision ond Hospital Mainte nance Engineering positions at mony locations, nationwide. See Placement Office for literature ond interview schedule . . Equality in Em ployment for these Federal Career positions . . . U.S. Citizenship required . . . Experienced personnel also sought for similar positions in Washington D.C ond a few other locations . . . Come and learn about advancement prospects BEYOND the initial entry salary of $625 for the B or better overage students at the Bachelor's level. WVVWWWWWeVi Please don't zlupf Sprite. It makes plenty of noise all by itself. Sprite, you recall, Is tft sort drink that's so tart and tingling, Just couldn't keep it quiet. Flip Its lid and It ttiilr nips. Bubbling, fizzinc. turiling, hissing and carrying on all over the place. An almost exces sively lively drink. Hence, to zlupf is to err. What is slupflngT eT Tns V mea iefiAiterlJ Zlupfing is to drinking what Backing one's lipt is to sating. It's the staccato buzz you cake hen draining the last few delielously tangy drops of Sprite froo the bottle with a straw. Zzzzzlllupf It's completely uncalled for. Frowned upon in polite society. And not appreciated on campus tither. But. If zlupf lug Sprite is absolutely essential to your enjoyment: If a good healthy slupf Is your idea ef heaven, well. ..all right. But have s heart, with a drink as noisy as Sprite, a liiU lupf goes a long, long way. SPRITE. Sfl TT W IXNSUNS. WE JUST cnuuiN'T rig it win.