The Dally Nebraskan Page Thursday, March 17, 1966 City May Approve Job Corps Center By Brace Giles Senior Staff Writer The Lincoln City Council and Airport Authority are ex pected to approve a Job Corps Training Center at the Lin coln Air Force Base, accord ing to J. 0. Grantham, of Northern Natural Gas and the designated director of the cen ter. Grantham noted that the Tuesday decision by the ad visory committee to the Lin coin Opportunity Team (LOT) to recommend approval of a center at the base "was the big decision." LOT reversed a March 7 decision which asked that all Job Corps plan ning be abandoned by inter ested agencies. "Had they not recom mended it, the proposal would have been dead," Grantham said. He said the Office of Econo mic Opportunity (OEC) wants them to come to Washington next week to discuss "just how the operation will go." As soon as these minor de tails are finished, Grantham said, we can move into con tract negotiations. "In order to do what we want to do, the contract must be signed by April 15," he said. Mayor Petersen said that concessions made by Job Corps officials on physical facility requirements at the base made the decision re versal possible. Job Corps faclity experts told LOT they need 10 build- Space Still Available On Flight Thirtyfive reservations for the ASUN Eropean flight this summer have been made so far, according to Ed Human of Van Bloom Travel and Transport. The price for the flight is $395 instead of $420 as earlier reported. Students interested in t h e trip must make their reserva tions at Van Bloom by April 1. At that date, a $100 down .payment will be required. The remaining $295 must be paid 30 days before departure. The trip includes a char tered train from Lincoln to Chicago, where the party will switch to a Trans World Air line jet for the trip to London. The flight will leave June 16 and return August 18. According to Human, the down payment is required as part of the policy of the air lines, since the normal cost of such a trip is $600 per person Nebraskan Want Ads nm !ow-Mt rain aralr In all etat Wfd adrerlHnt In (ha Dalh Nebraskan: standard rata at it Mr word and mini mum chart K Mt pet classified tasar Hon. Parment far theac ada win fall Mo rwa eatetmiea: (1) ada rananw less (km one week In aneeeaston moat he paid for Before taeertlen. (t) adi rnnninc for more (ban ene weak will be raid weekly. FOR SALE MUSIC SALE Annual aale on muMc booka. Prices drastically reduced. Val es from 6c to $2.99. NEBRASKA BOOK STORE. TRAILER Merry Manor. 1030 No. 4eth, Lot 70. 434-3440 after 9. 1963 TR6 Triumph motorcycle, (S50 cc recently overhauled. God condition Call 435-530 after 6:00 PM. "60 VW Sedan. 56,500, excellent Urea, fuel male, seat belts, lufgaae rack. ton condition, 1750. Weekend or after I: 423-670L FOR RENT HEW APARTMENTS for upperclaaamen Bear University. One-t lire e-bedroom suite. Available bow. Built In kitchens. alr-cnnditlonins., private utility, laundry furili'.lre. T.S Per student. Call Jerry Overton. 4774116. Apartment available for 3410 Dudley. 434-4077. 1 or 2 boys WANTED Mmmmtt faculty appointee and wife de ' aire furnished apartment or small houae of sabbatical professor or ether. 1 to I year teane, heulnnlng June, ftenlr m full. 400 Whitney Avenue, Apt. 10. New Haven, Conn. MISCELLANEOUS Mow Frontier's "21" Fare Discount Card .wntitri by moat major airlines for ' KWn savlnta. Need a card or Infor mation? Call Robyn Brock, 432-7388. CITY OF DETROIT OPPORTUNITIES IN engineering dwlgn and construction of strceti, ewrt, brldgei, wafer treatment plants, pumping stations, pipelines and muniel. pal buildings; Budgeting, auditing, systems analysis, cost analy sis and public utility accounting; Real and personal property ap praising; Purchasing; Public housing; Social work; Recreation and physical education; Analytical and control chemistry; Hospital and public health nursing; Medical technology; Occupational and physical therapy; Nutrition and dietetics. Campus Interviews March 21, 1966 Sm your Placement Office for an appointment ings outside the area desig nated for the center, but these would not conflict with avia tion use. Airport Authority members indicated that the entire Job Corps proposal would not now conflict with possible aviation or industrial uses. Grantham indicated that, given approval by the City Council and the Airport Au thority, they would have "to get right down to brass tacks." He noted that with modifications made by the Job Corps, it will now take a lot more planning. "We no longer have the c... lplete choice of buildings we once had, and it may take some program modification," he said. "The OEO is not going to be involved in exten sive renovation." Grantham cited several fac tors bringing about the LOT decision to reverse its earlier stand. He said that at the same time the committee took the action recommending that the Job Corps planning be discon tinued, Northern Natural Gas Co. received its approval to operate a Job Corps Center at the base. "This was the first tangible thing the city had seen," Grantham pointed out. It had been stated at one time that the OEC would prefer a large national industry such as Gen eral Electric to operate the center. The LOT committee main tained that they wanted Northern Natural and the Uni versity to operate the center. "The acceptance of the pro gram immediately freed oth er areas of the Job Corps to start work on the center at Lincoln," Grantham noted. Grantham praised the com mittee for its action saying it was a "credit to the bal ance of leadership of Lincoln that they would take a second look at the proposal." He said that Northern Natural was concerned about the economic situation of the Midlands where "out-migra tion" of labor and industry exists as one of the big prob lems. "Our desire in this pro gram is turn it arouna, Grantham said. "The Job Corps can help create a re serve of trained and trainable manpower." Grantham said center officials will be facing two monumental tasks re cruiting and training staff members and the preparation of facilities. Max E. Hansen, associate professor of industrial arts and the designated deputy di rector of the center, said they would be looking at graduate students and other part-time workers when hiring staff members for the Job Corps Center. He noted that the cen ter would require a staff for a "huge weekend recreational Drocram and other weekend work." Hansen said that he expects about five per cent of the eornsmen will receive their high school diploma and go on to the University, accord ing to national figures. In dividual corpsmen would al so be involved in University courses and correspondence work. "We are interested in teach' ing them a better way of life than they had, not just trivial skills training." Hansen em phasized. Ravnan To Play In Piano Recital A piano-solo recital will be held at .the Lutheran Student Chapel Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Audun Ravan, associate professor of piano at the Uni versity, will play music by Scarlatti, Schubert, Samuel Barber and two Norwegian composers, Bjarne Brustad and Geirr Tveitt. Ravnan, who lis also the di rector of music at the Lu theran Student Center, was a soloist with the Bergen Sym phony Orchestra last summer in his native Norway, and re cently appeared with the Racine (Wisconsin ) Sym phony Orchestra. Rush Week Schedule OK'd In IFC Meeting Meeting on an informal ba sis, Interfraternity Council broke into discussion groups after their business meeting Wednesday night at the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity house. This was one of President Gary L a r s e n's suggestions early in the year. Rush Week IFC members passed the Rush Week schedule and cost for members going through Rush Week. Rush Week will begin Sunday, with rushees moving in Saturday aiternoon. nusn- ees would attend 11 rush dates on Sunday, filing two bid cards afterward. The rushees would attend 25 rush dates on Monday and would file four bid cards. On Tuesday, the men would at tend six rush dates and file three bid cards. Rushees would attend one rush party on Wednesday morning and two in the af ternoon. They would check out of Abel Hall from 3:30 to 30 and would pledge durd ing the following hour. F. C. Green, Theta Xi, questioned whether rush ees would be given any time to think about their decision. John Kenagy, vice president of IFC, said that moving out of floors, the rushees should be through in about 15 r 20 minutes and they could then be moved to the lounges where they would have time to think about their decision. He noted that the Rush Week schedule was "far from Fellowships Awarded To Assistants Twelve University gradu ate teaching assistants have been awarded National Sci ence Foundation Summer Fellowships for this summer, This represents an increase of 10 recipients of these fel lowships at the University compared to a vear ago, ac cording to Dr. James C. 01 son, associate dean of the Graduate College. "The increase reflects greater interest in graduate education and continual im provement in the quality of our graduate students," Dr. Olson said. The NSF Summer Fellow. ships provide tuition and $50 to $85 per week for each re cipient, depending on the number of dependents. The program permits graduate as sistants who take a partial class load during the regular school year to enroll for a full schedule during the summer session. University recipients and their major fields include: John S. Alin, mathematics; Jerry Curnutt, chemistry; Lynn H. Erbe, mathematics; Randall Heckman, mathemat ics; Gerald Hodgson, chemis try. Gene Klassen, mathemat ics; Shirley Lindeen, political science; Richard Lintvedt, chemistry; Robert Morrison chemistry; Klaus Schmitt mathematics ; Lawrence Stephens, chemistry; Kenneth Tolo, mathematics. Interviews Set For Quiz Bowl Quiz Bowl interviews for as sistant chairman on the pub licity, questions and arrange. ments committees will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Ne. braska Union. Application blanks can be nicked ur outside 345 of the Union. Nebraska Beck Store's ig Spring Sale is Soon To Be Announced ideal, but these are the con-, ditions that must be worked under." After brief discussion, IFC approved a $25 Rush Week fee. Colonization Procedures Larsen urged IFC members to consider a proposed change in colonization procedures. Under the proposed change, the vote to approve coloniza tion would be tabled for one week after the fraternity made its presentation to the IFC. TLe IFC Executive Council would review the request and make a recommendation at the following IFC meeting. It would then be voted on by the entire IFC. Jay Lefko, IFC treasurer, announced that he had dis tributed a pamphlet describ ing the duties of the house treasurer. He urged that these be attached to the Pres idents handbook. Tests of the IBM cards which may be used for Rush Wek will be run in the near future, according to Jim Shreck, rush chairman. He also said that his com THURSDAY INTER VARSITY, 8 a.m., Nebraska Union. PLACEMENT Office Lunch eon, 12:30 p.m., weDrasKa Union. BUILDERS Campus Pro motion, 3:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. AWS Workers, 3:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. HYDE PARK, 3:30 p.m.. Nebraska Union. BUILDERS Calendar & Directory, 4:30 p.m., Nebras ka Union. . YWCA Jr. Cabinet, 4:30 p.m., Nebraska union. PEOPLE TO FEOt'LK Social, Publicity, 4:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. DELTA PHI ALPHA, 7 p.m., Ne&rasKa union. AUF, 7 p.m., NeorasKa Union. QUIZ BOWL, 7 p.m., Ne braska Union. KOSMET KLUB Rehearsal, 7 p.m., Nebraska Union. UNIVERSITY Dames, 7:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. SPRING Orchestra concert, 7:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. MATH Counselor Program, 7:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. RUSSIAN Club, 8 p.m., Ne braska Union. RECREATION Committee, 4 p.m.. East Union. THEATRE. 4:30 p.m., 1U3 Temple Building. YWCA World Community Luncheon. 12 noon, United Christian Campus Fellowship. CHRISTIAN Science Organi zation, 6:30 p.m., Cotner School of Religion. NEW Morality Discussion, 7:30 p.m., Abel Hall. M4: $utmcnd FOR PIERCED OR UNPIERCED EARS The present that is forever. Always in good taste, they are wearable by day or night In white or yellow gold. A. $45 B. $95 C $20 Charge or budget 0 mlttee is making a study of six large high schools in Lin coin and Omaha to determine the number of men that go to the University, the number in the upper half of their class; and the number mat ing a 2.0 average. Shreck also said that he is sending letters to other schools inquiring about their pre-school rush. New members of the IFC expansion committee were announced. The include: Ron Langehoff, Phi Delta Theta; Bob Dawson, Phi Kappa Psi; Rick Stolepart, Delta Sig ma Phi; Jody Parker, Beta Theta Pi; and Jim Cook, Chi Phi. gate Mer ;7 .. LaVPr 1 IMI IU J I aV tlTTS -4' N ii i IJlia Hitter fitter ten NATIVE I J 4) 17 BsiSy W ..MK., AS 1 'v VTN -" I W te. CU..:-- j A ; princess The winner will be revealed at the annual Dairy Royal dance bat urday in the East Campus activities building. Shown here are the candidates- back row left; Sharee Klein, Bev Sorensen, Joan McKenzie, Carol Klingman, front row left; Diane Kucera, the 1965 reigning Dairy Royal Prin cess Marcia Gregerson and Emily Kuhr. College Of Medicine Buys Collection Of Rare Books The University College of Medicine has acquired a rare book collection on gynecology and obstetrics from the Six teenth to the Nineteenth Cen turies. The collection, which be longed to Dr. Max Hofmeier, was purchased from a New York dealer for twenty-f i v e hundred dollars, with the ap proval of the Faculty Library committee. The Nebraska Medical Center was the first medical college to be offered the collection. All books in the 53-title col lection were published prior to 1850. The two oldest books, 16th century editions of Roes slin, were published in 1565. The Hofmeier collection is printed primarily in German with some volumes in t rench and Latin. Mrs. Bernice M. Hertzner, medical librarian, thought the offer was made to the Uni versity because "we already have collected in this field and dealers know the College of Medicine is interested. The other collection owned by the University if that of Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Moon which was given to the University in 1955. A former member of the departments LI to huvQ the gproslc ssf semester J , j fcasf" k A L if iriaiPs for the title of 1966 Dairy Royal of anatomy, obstetrics and gynecology, Dr. Moon is now professor emeritus of obstet rics and gynecology at t n e University College of Medi cine. The Moon collection on mid-wifery is printed primar ily in English. Dr. Joseph Scott, Jr., in structor in obstetrics and gy necology and a member of the Facultv Librarv Commit tee, said, "A great value of India Night Set This Saturday Exhibits of Indian art ob jects, clothing and other pro ducts of India will open at 6:30 p.m. Saturday in the Ne braska Union as part of India Night. India Night is an annual event sponsored by the India Association, an organization of Indian students, graudate students and faculty members. Dr.Jaedish Srivastava, Associ' flhoTi resident, saia euesi snfiV-er for the event wSl be Dr. Amiya Chatravarty, pro fessor of Oriental religions at Boston University. He will talk at 8 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. ll'lllltl 6VSI3tH38r this collection will be the avail nhilitv of the works to schol ars intereted in the history of medicine. Manv volumes of the Hof meier collection show his book plate and also the signature of Frederick Nicolaus Schra- der (1793-1860). librarian of the Hamburg Medical Society and author of an amendment to Choulant's handbook of early medical literature. The collection includes 16 texts considered classics in their field. YWCA Advisors Name President The new president of the University YWCA advisory board is Mrs. Ford t orsytn of Lincoln. She will succeed Mrs. Boyd Rooney of Lincoln. Other new officers on tne advisory board are: Mrs. Al fred Heckel, vice president; Mrs. Richard Tempro, secre tary; and Mrs. Malcolm Cle land, financial advisor. Pat Theimer. assistant pro fessor of graduate school of social work, and Kathryn Dean, associate professor of voice, were re-elected for second three-year term on the board. j j v W