The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1966, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Jo Stohlman, editor
ili'fce Kirkman, business manager
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Page 2
It is a day made for languor. One
..' gapes and stretches and breathes deeply
the warm spring air pressed upon us by
; .."the cornfields, and remembers that there
after all, a reason to live in Nebraska.
In classrooms one's eyes move rest
lessly in search of what is surely a better
Y7. fate
It is the semester's middle age.
".' Its childhood was like the normal
1 childhood busy, growing, experimenting.
And its adolescence was normal trying
out new ideas, rebelling against imposed
authority, occasionally getting into trou
ble. And then the sudden change to
middle age. Students become too lazy
to care about being called apathetic,
could care less about going to class,
seek solace in a ride in a convertible
or a few hours on the sundeck.
It's the semester's middle age.
I McFarland Outdated I
I (He Loves His Country)
Managing Editor
" Dr. Kenneth McFarland
is outdated he loves
- Speaking before an educa
tion convocation in the Ne
braska Union ballroom yes
terday, the nationally known
educator encouraged the
audience to "Speak Up for
; I said "encouraged;" I
should say "incited," for
McFarland is an extremist.
I don't mean extremist in
the sense of the John Birch
. Society; McFarland isn't a
far-right radical. He simply
becomes emotional when
discussing patriotism.
As McFarland said, it's
about time that someone,
-sometime,, somewhere spoke
, up for America. "Why do
these protest movements
receive so much publicity,"
he asked.
The world of advertising
encompasses a wide vari
ety of techiques and meth
ods and as such offers end
less opportunities to the up
and coming journalism stu
dent and art student. Some
day a good portion of these
students will attain "the
good life", consisting of a
split-level home, a colored
television, two Mustangs, a
swimming pool and two or
three kids.
All on credit. The credit
of course is advanced on
the solid future of the
breadwinner who wins his
bread each day by going out
and convincing the masses
that Charmin tissue really
is squeezably soft. (Is it
any wonder that advertising
men are an insecure bunch
and loan company officials
have more ulcers per cap
ita than any other group?)
Vet the fact remains that
hundreds of people are do
ing this everyday and are
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated Collegiate
Preu, National Advertising
Service, Incorporated. Published
at Room 51, Nebraska Union,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
TELEPHONE: 477-8711, El
tensions 2588. 2589 and 2590.
Entered weoat Mil matter it
the poal olflet Id Liniwlo, Nebrnka.
under the act of AlKlul 4. Vtl'i.
Subscription nM nre M per emef
trr or ( for the eidemle rear.
The Dally Nebraakan la publUhe
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday an
Friday durlnl lha bool year. ecent
during varatioiw and iam periods,
by students o( the University of Ne
braska under the jurisdirllon of the
Faculty gubcommittea on Student Pub
lications. I'ubiicatione shall be free from
censorship by the Subcommittee or any
person outside the University. Mem
bers of the Nebraskan are responsible
for what they cause as bo printed.
Editor, JO RTOHLMANl manallnc
editor. STKVE HI M.hKFOKIM news
editor. HAVNE kKM soli K, night
news editor, JON KEttHHOFFi senior
stair writers, JAN ITKIN, BltlJCE
(illKS, JULIE MORRIHl Junior staff
writers, RANDY IKF.y, ION1 VICTOR,
NANCY HKNbKH'KHON, nhotofraphers.
MIKE KIRKMAN, bualness manareri
assistants; LYNN KATHJKN, circula
tion manaffert JIM UUNZ, aubscrintlon
A Semester's Middle Age
They're making news," Mc
Farland replied.
If "patriotic" Americans
think they're being drowned
out by the cries of the
"Beatle-bearded fanatics,"
why don't they make a lit
tle news of their own?
As far as I'm concerned,
SDS, SNCC, and other un
washed groups are merely
people without goals. Frus
trated as such, they strike
out at anything which re
presents success. How many
of these organizations have
e -v e r supported anything
I don't care what it is, if
it's pro-American, they're
against it. Some students
will do anything for atten
tion in the name of "aca
demic freedom," which they
are continually requesting.
This is not to say that all
protest groups are manned
by neurotics. Why, some of
getting away with it, so it
, is evident that they are full
filling a necessary function
in our modern society.
After all, anyone can see
how vital it is to know that
if you are thirsty, all you
need do is jump upon your
waiting Honda, equipped
with the gorgeous blond
(optional), go tearing up the
side of the nearest moun
tain, (laughing all the way)
and presto, a helicopter will
pop out of the nearest (prob
ably darkest) cloud and will
lower you a pop machine
into which you can insert
your last dime for a Pepsi.
(The competition in the soft
,drink market is really mur
der these days)
Refreshed, you are now
ready for other things
(they're not standing around
grinning all the time for
nothing you know).
But not only are you hap
py and refreshed, you are
also secure. Secure, be
cause deep in your heart
you know daddy isn't going
to walk out on mommy be
cause her coffee is killing
him. Even now as he at
tempts to strangle her with
the percolator cord, Mrs.
Olson is climbing in
through the window or
sneaking in the back door
armed with no less than
nine cans of coffee guaran
teed to save any marriage
on the rocks.
Not only that but you can
drink it too, (not on the
rocks however).
Well, now that mom and
dad are at peace and juni
or is happy, what about
sis? Well she is currently
busy at work bringing utt
er financial ruin to the Juni
or class play.
She is depressed (obvious
ly she hasn't heard of Com
poz), listless (Geritol), her
hair is on end (Adorn), her
complexion is lousy (Stry
dex), her eyes look like my
beagle's (Mabeline), her
hands feel (and look) like a
couple of pineapples (Ivory
Liquid), her lipstick is peel
ing (flevlon), and her fing
Thursday, March 17, 1966
Nothing's sure but death and this an
nual occurrence. And the feeling is uni
versal. It strikes administrators, instruct
ors, students . . . and even newspaper
staffs and editors.
An editor finds it hard to walk
downstairs to the office, instead of out
the Union door to freedom. She finds
it hard to study for a test, or go to
the Student Senate meeting, or write
an editorial.
But this time she is not alone. It's
not just the spring fever. It's the semes
ter's middle age ... the anticipation
of Easter vacation, more hour exams
and papers piling up, and finals all too
soon. And almost every student knows,
and understands . . .
Except the gunner. He may feel it
too, but mostly he suppresses it. He has
his election campaign strategy to plan,
his contacts to get lined up.
The semester's middle age affects
him in a more covert way. But you
can see it in his eyes . . .
my best friends are mem
bers of the "hippy set!"
But I digress. We were
speaking of Mr. McFarland.
Anyone who heard his
speech could not help but be
influenced by McFarland's
sense of urgency, his
sincere desire to do what's
best for his country. I must
admit it's refreshing to lis
ten to a speaker whose
views support his country,
instead of knocking it.
As a speaker, McFarland
couldn't be beaten. With
humor and changing empha
sis he gained and held the
attention of his audience.
Often shouting at those pre
sent, he pounded his views
Extreme? Perhaps. But
it's about time a "mushy
patriot" spoke out for the
American way of life. Let's
stop pampering these "hip
py" non-Americans!
ernails are cracked (Lux
(So like now you know
why she's depressed).
But worst of all, she re
fuses to brush her teeth and
what a drag that can be.
But fear not, Mrs. Olson's
sister who is directing the
play just also happens to be
a dental technician with
easy access to tons of medi
cal research data concern
ing bad tasting toothpastes.
The right toothpaste natur
ally results in a full house,
flowers from the leading
man, and a sttnding ova
tion. Undoubtedly continued
use will bring her an
M.G.M. contract, Marlon
Brando, and piles of mon
ey (not to mention the star
glued to her dressing room
Now the whole household
is in heaven. All except old
Rover, that is, who is sitt
ing in dad's favorite chair,
quietly chewing up and
swallowing dad's favorite
pair of bedroom slippers.
And why not, the poor
dog is starving. Dry dog
food is too hard for old
(and toothless) Rover to eat
and canned dog food is just
too expensive. Looks like
old Rover who has dedicat
ed his life giving love, pro
tection, and fleas to the
family is destined for that
great dog pound in the sky.
But not yet! For in pops
a youthful dogowner ex
plaining how easy it is to
buy Brand X dogfood, soak
it in water and an instant
dog dinner (or if you wish,
a dinner fit for a dog) is
at hand, that even a fish
could chew. Happiness
The world we live in is a
critical one (you may have
already noticed). Our elders
reflect to us the general im
pression that college stu
dents are a somewhat Im
mature bunch coming up
with lots of Immature ideas
as to how things are to be
done. It's nice to know
we're getting ready for the
right world . . .
Being a compendium of farce, abiu'tv
and comment, selected arbitrarily by the
Historical Note of the Day: In 1842,
St. Louis, Missouri, Cladge Foyt heads
West for Nebraska (where the East ends)
in his covered unicycle.
Have you heard about Chancellor Har
din's $100,000 home? It's the house that
the students' jack built.
Eavesdropping on conversations can
provide the best enjoyment on an other
wise dull day. Like the remarks of a
typical Friday-Afternoon-at-Myrons girl.
Her dialogue has the ring of truth, it's
so phony.
I wish the University would remove
the "use the walks" signs from the cam
pus lawns. One of these days a student is
going to trip over one and seriously in
jure himself.
Another Viewpoint
! Subsidies for Students
(Editor's Note: What to
do about spiraling tuition
costs at U.S. colleges and
universities? The following
article, reprinted from the
Purdue Exponent, offers
one possible answer.)
It wasn't so long ago that
the two national parties and
public - minded individuals
were debating whether or
not the federal government
had any role to play in de
veloping education on any
With the recent passage
of federal aid to education
bills which affect the ele
mentary, secondary, and
college levels, that debate
has, like it or not, been
closed for all practical pur
poses. The issue then becomes a
question of how and in what
manner federal government
should most appropriately
and effectively provide sup
port for higher education,
and at the same time how
to prevent a federal take
over of our educational sys
tem. One proposal, which has
received widespread back
ing from such diverse politi
cal personalities as Sena
tors Abraham Ribicoff and
John Tower has been to
provide tax credits for par
ents (or whoever is paying
the college expenses) to ap
ply part of all of the tui
tion against the income tax
liability (the amount one
owes Uncle sam) rather
than merely against the tax
base of the individual.
f&K I
As proposed by Republi
can members of the House
of Representatives, who are
giving the plan its chief im
petus today, the maximum
tax credit for the tuition ee
books, and supplies for each
individual would be $325.
The mathematics of the
formula work as follows: no
credit would be allowed for
expenses over $1500, but 75
per cent of the first $200,
25 per cent of the next $300,
and ten per cent of the re
mainder up to $1500 could
be credited.
Tax credits are not new.
Businesses receive them
and have profited. Tax cre
dits clearly would be consti
tutionally skirted until the
courts have a chance to de
cide it.
Most federal programs to
day are largely geared to
specialized fields school
construction, research pro
jects, grants-in-aids, and the
like. In fact, over 90 per
cent of the research funds
go to five per cent of the
institutions of higher educa
tion. Help for the vast ma
jority of students whose
families are in the middle
or over income brackets
has not been forthcoming.
Yet it is the middle and
lower income groups that
are hardest hit by the spir
iling costs of higher educa
tion. These costs of tuitions
will continue to soar.
Average tuition and fees
amount to $222 for public
institutions. By 1975, it will
be $480 and by 1980, $760.
Mr1 mm
33u Tr pket-
Sometimes I secretly crave the se
curity of being an English major. There
would be so many things I could do to
earn a living. My card would read like
Jo Stohlman
Services include . ? . aphorisms for
all occasions, instant love sonnets, court
poems, odes to anything, heroic epics
made to order, letters to the editor with
spunk, copyreading by correspondence,
ghost-written novels, quote-dropping for
the under-graduate, etc.
Latest sign of automation we hear, is
from a couple of enterprising students who
take tape recorders to their television
class. (Then leave for 50 minutes.)
The special days in March have to
make it the worst month of the year. If
the Ides of March aren't bad enough, then
there's St. Patrick's Day today. Natural
ly I was fresh out of green, which means
I'll have to suffer the consequences of
my inadequate wardrobe. I'm not sure I'm
Sorry About That!
Dear Editor,
Private school tuition and
fees today average $831; by
1975, it will be $1355 and
by 1980, $1815.
Tax credits, along the
modest lines outlined here,
will not furnish the full an
swer to the increasing
costs, but they provide
a solid start. By placing
limit on the amount of tax
credit the rich will not bene
fit unfairly.
The major criticism of
this approach has been the
tax credits give no relief to
students, parents or offices
with no taxable income. Ac
tually no government sta
tistics exist on the number
of college students and fam
ilies who pay no federal in
come tax, but It is probab
ly very small. A recent sur
very at the University of
California found that only
five per cent of the parents
reported an income of $4,
000 or less.
Credits are a feasible and
effective way for the fed
eral government to provide
tangible assistance to high
er education. Tax credits
for tuition, under schedules
outlines here, would on the
average wipe out about
three-fourths of the tuition
costs of students at public
universities and about one
third of the fees at institu
tions under private control.
With few exceptions, max
imum benefit goes to those
who need it the most, con
sistent with the concept of
a n o n-interfering federal
Grabbles for Senators?
Dear Editor,
In response to the "Sorry About That" column in last
Friday's Daily Nebraskan, I, as a student senator, have
a question about the way we dress for our meetings. Per.
haps you would have us meet In "grubbies" since I am
sure that this world be representative!
I teach school every afternoon and truthfully, I don't
have time to go home and change into a T-shirt, V-neck
pullover, and jeans. Also, other senators have jobs which
call for them to be "dressed-up." I doubt if anyone will
take the hint. Sorry about that.
Maybe it would help if you headed a drive to hav
half of our state senators wear overalls next year. (Half
of us are farmers).
As far as really representing the students, maybe you
should wait until the year is over before you draw your
Ron Neel
Student Senator from Teachers College
Editor's Note: How delightfully sensitive you are! Ac
tnally, my remark was aimed only at those senators who
make such a point of dressing up for the Big Event (ASUN
meeting.) I made no point at all about how representative
student senators are. The action senators took in opposing
the tuition raise speaks for itself.
Six-pack, Nol an Echo
Dear Editor,
Is it true senatorial incumbent Curtis and aspirant
Morrison are basing their campaigns on the contention
"When you're out of Schlitz, you're out of beer"? '
They offer Nebraskans a six-pack, not an echo.
New NU Tradition?.
Once again we find ourselves honored with a new
NU tradition that promises to becocme an annual affair.
You are probably saying to yourself. "I'll bet the sorori
ties have initiated a seven date rule."
Or "formal rules have been written up for a game
of musical chairs for professors so that no discriminatoin
will be shown concerning which prof with tenure will leave
this year."
No, boys and girls, this new tradition is more far
reaching than the above mentioned possibilities. The ru
mor is that the University is setting aside the second
Friday of each March as the day for the Annual Tempor-.
ary Tuition Hike Increase Announcement.
You are probably clapping your hands with glee. The
expectations are numerous. Each year you can Set up a
contest in which students can guess how many out-of-state
students will withdraw their applications to NU.
The one coming the closest to the actual number will
win the pot and the probability that the extra money will
give him a chance to save up for the next year's in
crease. The imaginative mind will surely come up with a
worthy contest.
If several inventive minds pool their games, perhaps
an annual Temporary Tuition Hike Increase Announce
ment Day could be held. Classes could be called for an
afternoon and trophies awarded to the living unit sponsor
ing the most appropriate game. The judges could be the
Budget Committee of the Nebraska Unicameral.
The facts are fairly simple. The increase will probably
not be temporary. If the State Legislature sees that the
University can get by with the increase, it is likely to
keep making the same budgetary "mistake."
Fewer out-of-state students will come to Nebraska
and fewer local students will be able to attend. Before
long we will be challenging Nebraska Wesleyan for the
honor of the highest tuition in the city. At the present
rate we are strong contenders for a berth in the Top
Ten for Tuition, at least on a regional basis.
If all the above facts depress you, just keep one thing
in mind. There are only 51 more weeks left until Annual
Temporary Tuition Hike Increase Announcement Day.
Maynard J. Furd II
Deans Having Their Say
There once was a dean name of Snyder,
Who herself was simply beside her,
She wrote you a letter,
Said her ways were better,
But for her conclusions let's chide her.
Her letter defends the Greek academe,
But of her own Letters it sure smacks o'them.
Which House was SHE with
When told of the myth . .
That Greeks produce scholars, and no lack o'them.
Though critics go and Greeks will stay
'Cause deans will write and have their say,
It's all plain to see,
Greek scholars can't be,
The act of pledging gives a Greek away.
Paul Uppsala
Narveson Replies to Letter
Dear Editor,
Miss Bishop's letter in last Friday's Daily merits a re
ply. I was not essentially misquoted about Ginsberg's po
etry being better heard than read. The remark was more
intelligible in context, I trust, but even by itself the criti
cal standard applied is defensible.
Note that I said "heard," not "read aloud." The sound
of poetry is a source of pleasure. Ginsberg read very
well indeed, and I responded to his performance. In one's
own reading, however, onje pays close attention to what
is said. I have read a number of Ginsberg's poems, and
experienced tedium, because not enough is said, or said
well enough, per line. The best writing makes the fullest
use of the resources of language. Sounding well is just
one of them. 6
It pleases me to have stimulated Miss Bishop's intelli
gent letter, so that even if my remark was wrong I can
not regret having made it. It is all too seldom that stu
dents on this campus take up the dialogue we as teach
ers try to offer. Miss Bishop's phrasing suggests that this
may stem from an unhealthy respect rather than from
indifference, but one can be used to justify the other.
I am happy that neither deterred her from writing.
Robert Narveson
English Department
Howvplg nd ,ettm t0 the edltor win not be printed
nZt Tifpen ?.?me wil1 be used. uPn the writer's re
the wrKrSCrlticaLof ,nd,viduals must be signed with
LaV NSs'klSniL Da"y Nrtr