The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1966, Image 1

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    ASUN Election . . .
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FORMER ORGANIZERS ... of the Vox Populi party be
fore last spring's Student Senate elections, Mike Gotts
chalk, Kathy Shattuck, Bill Minier and Kelley Baker, dis
cuss the possible role of political parties in campus
Political Parties
'Aid Students'
story is the first in a series
by Jan Itkin, senior staff
writer, on the role political
parties could play in the
framework of student govern
ment. Showing individual students
that they can make a differ
ence and making student gov
ernment more effective as a
student voice are two pur
poses of having political par
ties in student government,
according to Mike Gottschalk.
Gottschalk, a University
senior, was largely responsi
ble for the Vox Populi party
that was formed last spring.
"A constitutional form of
government is a fine and
glorious thing," he said, "but
the fact remains that it hasn't
worked in any country that
has not had strong political
parties. Strong parties and a
successful constitutional gov
ernment go hand in hand."
Formation Of The Party
Last year when the Univer
sity's student government
changed from a Student Coun
cil to an Association of S t u
dents, he continued, the for
mation of a political party
logically followed.
Cathy Shattuck. who is also
active in the Vox Populi
movement, explained, "A po
litical party can clarify cer
tain basic issues and cut down
the cost of an individual's
One issue originally
brought up by Vox Populi and
investigated this year was the
problem of foreign student
housing, she said.
"And as for cutting down
on campaign costs last
year's campaign cost certain
people between $75 and $100,
but one of our candidates was
able to win with just spending
$35 because of our group post
er," Miss Shattuck added.
"Lowering costs of a cam
paign is just another way of
allowing more people to par
ticipate," she continued.
Gottschalk said that one of
the most important aspects of
student politicial parties was
the increased participation in
student government and gen
erally made those directly in
volved more responsible.
"A political party can in
volve students who are usual
ly outside the active scope of
Look Ma,
No Help!
Because she couldn't find
the other members of her
quiz bowl team, a freshman
coed stood the Kappa Sigma
B team alone, and won.
Sue Hendrix, a chemistry
major and four year Regent's
scholar, Is on the Love Hall
quiz bowl team.
Miss Hendrix told the quiz
bowl officials that she was un
able to find the other girls on
Jier team. They told her that
she could play alone if she
wanted to.
"I decided I'd rather play
by myself than forfeit t he
game," explained Miss Hend
rix. When asked how she won
the game with the college up
perclassmen, Miss . Hendrix
replied, "They just asked a
lot of questions that I knew."
This is the third winning
game for the Love Hall team.
The score was 90 to 55.
student government," he
said. "Student political par
ties can serve an auditing
function and let the senators
know the students' feelings on
particular issues."
He explained that another
role of student political par
ties was to "alter the campus
atmosphere and make higher
education more meaningful
by establishing a dynamic
student government."
"These things can create
more capable people for so
ciety than the artificial and
sheltered environment we are
in today," he noted.
Gottschalk also suggested
that political parties might
result in a more unified cam
pus. "I have always thought that
there was a greater similari
ty between fraternity and
dormitory living than people
would admit," he said. "Vox
Populi incorporated all stu
dents last spring with import
ant issues that are funda
mental to them all."
Miss Shattuck noted that
student policical parties would
"make Student Senate take
more positive issues."
Brings Responsibilities
"This year, the Senate often
was afraid to take a big posi
tive stand," she said. "A
strong system of parties would
bring home the responsibili
ties to the senators."
She explained' that an ef
fective organization is a
major part of any political
"Recruiting should start im
mediately when freshmen hit
the campus," she said. "Peo
ple are interested, they just
aren't asked. A political
party can be modeled after
other campus organizations
through the Activity Mart and
personal contacts."
She added that if a party
could start organizing stu
dents from the freshman year,
the ASUN associate program
could be a more effective or
ganization. "Parties and the associates
could work together to clarify
the issues."
Bill Minier, another mem-
Cont. on Page 4, Col. 6
Campaign Enthusiasts
Foresee 6A Lot Of Work'
Political campaigns are "a
lot of fun" but also "a lot of
work," campaign workers for
Philip Sorenson and Rep.
Claire Callan told the Young
Democrats Wednesday night.
Bryce Bartu, who is manag
ing Philip Sorenson's guberna
torial campaign, said he feels
Sorenson's campaign is the
"toughest of the election."
Bartu is a freshman law stu
dent. He said he has lined up
a number of law. students to
work for Sorenson at the
grass roots level. Bartu said
that 270 people across the
state have already been en
listed to work for Sorenson's
By Sept. 1, he said, the
campaign committee will
have 1000 people throughout
the state "ready and willing
to go to work" on the Soren
son campaign.
Ted Munstcr, administra
tive assistant to U.S. Rep.
Claire Callan also spoke at
the meeting. Munster, a 1W!2
graduate of the University
By Jan Itken
Senior Staff Writer
Campaign rules and pro
cedures for the upcoming
ASUN elections were ap
proved by Student Senate
Polls will be opened April
27 for the balloting, which
will select next year's Senate
and president and vice-president.
Applications for candidates
will be available March 28
and will be due at 5 p.m.
April 1. Three wallet-s i z e d
pictures are to be turned in
with the completed applica
tions. Sen. Bill Hansmire, a mem
ber of the Electoral Com
mission, presented the rules.'
Applicants must meet Uni
versity requirements for par-
Thursday, March 17,
Brcdthauer, may not be
Go Big
By Ton! Victor
Junior Staff Writer
' The wearing of the green,
leprechauns, shamrocks and
shillelaghs that's what the
Irish students at the Universi
ty think about on St. Patrick's
From O'Brien's, McCue's,
and Kellys, all intend to dis
play their kinship with the
Emerald Isle by wearing at
least one spot of green
The day is traditionally
celebrated by the people of
Ireland in memory of St. Pat
rick, an Irish missionary,
born in 389 AD. As a youth
St. Patrick traveled to t h e
Mediterranean area and was
ordained as a bishop.
According to the legend, St.
Patrick saw visions of the
Irish people asking him to
come to their country. Sent
by Pope Gregorious to com
bat an existing heresy among
the Christian communities In
Ireland, St. Patrick succeeded
as a missionary and founded
many churches, expecially In
North Ireland.
Susie O'Kee, a University
is a former member of the
political science faculty. He is
a past president of the Uni
versity young Democrats.
He told the Young Demo
crats "for the first time the
First Congressional District
has a representative who is
positive rather than nega
tive." Munster said Callan
would be "running on his rec
ord." His record, Munster pointed
out, includes the continued
operation of the Lincoln's Vet
eran's Hospital. Callan, Mun
ster said, was instrumental in
the move to keep the hospital
open when the Veteran's Ad
ministration planned to close
it along with other hospitals
across the nation.
Munster said another issue
Callan will be campaigning
on Mill be his achievements In
the area of soil conservation.
He said the slate has received
funds for six watershed proj
ects as a result of Callan'i ef
forts. Both speakers told the
s r y . 'yy.--:iL k&y
y C W - rr ft
and must be a regularly en
rolled member of the col
lege which he is representing.
A candidate may legally
run both for one of the two
executive positions (president
and vice president) and for
Must Submit Petitions
Applicants must submit,
with the application form, 25
signatures of students who
are members of their col
leges candidate.
A student senator or asso
ciate will be responsible for
the voting procedures and the
election will be supervised by
faculty members.
The rules explain that one
may vote fcr fewer than the
total eligible in one's college.
That is, if the ballot says,
. Nancy Livers,
Irish but celebrate St. Patrick's
just the same.
Green, Begorra
student of Irish descent, has
a different story of St. Pat
rick's Day.
. "On St. Patrick's Day, a big
cloud gathers and sitting on
top of this big cloud is St.
Patrick himself, dressed in
green and holding a large
trident," Miss O'Kee stated.
Miss O'Kee claims that
there are only two kinds of
people in the world the Irish,
and the ones who want to be.
She also claims to have
three leprechauns living with
her in her room in Women's
Residence Hall.
"I got lonesome in Novem
ber so I insulted the Great
Fathers of the Emerald Isle
in the sky," said Miss O'Kee.
"They sent me Charlie, who
is a 2Vii inch leprechaun with
a long white beard," she said
soberly. Since that time. Miss
O'Kee's Charlie has been
'joined toy Bertha, his wife,
and a relative, Uncle Shan
non. According to Miss O'Kee,
only people who believe in
leprechauns are able to see
them. She stated that these
little peopie definitely bring
group that the door-to-door,
day-to-day campaigning is
grueling, but an important
and significant part of politi
cal campaigning.
Munster said that licking
envelopes and stamps, putting
up posters a nd distributing
leaflets is "not the glamorous
part of politics but it's how
elections are won."
Guest at the meeting was
Larry Wewel, president of the
Wayne State Teachers Col
lege Young Democrats.
University Young Democrat
President Tom, Booth an
nounced that cut-rate student
tickets may be available for
the Jefferson-Jackson Day
Democratic dinner in Omaha
April 22. Featured speaker at
the banquet is Sen. Edward
Doug Duchek announced
that the Young Democrats
tentatively plan to present the
film "A Thousand Days" on
campus toward the end of
for fewer than this. Write-ins
will be valid.
The voting rules also gov
ern publicity, finances and
voting procedures. The rules
under these areas are:
Publicity: The type and
size of campaign posters
which may be used will be
those which meet the approv
al of the Student Activities
Office. No loudspeakers or
publicity on cars is allowed.
There will be no campaigning
on election day in the build
ings in which the election is
being held nor group meet
ings or debates pertaining to
the election on that day. All
organized group campaigning
will end by midnight, Tues
day, April 26, and all publi
city will be, down by noon,
April 28.
"Vote for nine," one may.. vote
Mary Ann Caskcy, and Joan
Day searching for shamrocks
good luck when it comes
tests and hour exams.
Blarney Stone
Miss O'Kee intends to cele
brate the day by "continuing
to kiss the old Blarney
Tom O'Hara, another Irish
student, said. "I don't suppose
I'll do anything special to
commemorate St. Patrick's
"I will celebrate by dis
playing my Irish temper all
day," stated freshman Linda
Carol McCue will be out
searching for shamrocks on
the Saint's day.
"I'm going to hunt for lep
rechauns," stated Kelley
Baker, a student of Irish de
scent. "St. Patrick's Day is a day
that brings back fond memo
ries of my childhood among
the shamrocks and e 1 v e s,"
Baker continued.
McFarland: 'Old-Fashioned Patriotism'
Is Answer To Teaching Americanism
By Randv Irey
Junior Staff Writer
Students today need to be
taught some "good old-fashioned
patriotism," according
too Dr. Kenneth McFarland.
McFarland, education
al consultant to General Mo
tors, spoke at an All-Teachers
College Convocation Wednes
day in the Nebraska Union
The topic of his speech
was "Speak Up For Ameri
ca." He emphasized this idea
especially in relation to the
field of educaton.
"By 1970, one-half of the
United States will be under
twenty-five years of age," he
said. "We have to teach the
basics of being an American
now, or else they'll vote this
life out from under us. They'll
do this not because they're
vicious, but because they
don't know better."
'Quit Assuming'
McFarland said, "We've got
to quit assuming that one un
derstands Americanism by
being an American."
He quoted Thomas MaCau
lay, a British historian, who
said that the republic of the
United States would not be
destroyed from the outside,
but rather from within "by
your own institutions."
"If this is the case," he
asked, "what are we going
Financial: Presidential
and vice presidential candid
ates will be allowed $.50 per
person for campaign ex
penses. All those running for
Student Senate positions will
be allowed $40.
The financial limit is to
include all expenses for cam
paigning, such as printing
costs and any expenditures
that would give direct aid to
the campaign. Financial
forms will be due Wednesday
noon of election day.
Voting procedures : Bal
loting will take place in the
Nebraska and East Campus
Unions and Love Memorial
Library from 8 a.m. to 10
Orientation April 3
Hansmire said interpreta
tions of these rules will be
Dormitory Rates
Stay Unchanged
Room and board rates in
'he dormitories will not be
aised for the 1966-67 school
year, University Vice Chan
cellor Joseph Soshnik said
It had been speculated ear
lier that room and board
?osts would be increased as
i result of a new interest rate
for construction bonds.
Tuesday the Board of Re
gents accepted the low bid of
4.22 interest rate on $13 mil
lion in dormitory bonds. This
is an increase of .76 per cent
above the previous interest
rate on bonds of 3.45 per cent.
Soshnik did say, however,
that it is impossible to deter
mine what the rates might be
for 1967-68. He estimated that
board and room costs might
be around $800 per academic
year at that time as compared
to the present rate of $725.
M. Edward Bryan, director
of housing, said Tuesday that
the increase In interest rates
is only one factor in determ
ining the cost of room and
board. Rates are dependent
on operational costs plus the
amount of principal and in
terest that hs to be paid back
every year.
A general increase would
cover all these expenditures
including construction bonds,
he said.
YR Meeting Set
For March 25
The four Republican candi
dates for lieutenant governor
will not speak to the Young
Republicans until March 25.
It was earlier reported that
the candidates would speak at
a YR meeting Thursday night.
to teach the students?"
The answer, according to
McFarland, is to teach some
"g o o d. old-fashioned patrio
tism. Unfortunately patrio
tism is not in style. It is con
sidered to be love, which is
an emotion. Following your
emotions is not intellectual,
fp!'l? A
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DR. KENNETH McFARLAND . . . emphasized the need
for the teaming profession to promote patriotism and
"American values" In his appearance Wednesday which
was sponsored by Mu Epsilon Nu.
the matter of the Electoral
Commission and added that
an orientation meeting for
candidates will be held on
April 3.
Discussion revolved around
a suggestion by Sen. Bill
Potts that Senate seats f o r
graduate college be split to
represent the individual
groups that compose it.
He maintained that the way
things stand now colleges such
as law, pharmacy, and the
regular graduate college are
lumped together as one for
Student Senate representation
and that theoretically, mis
representation of one college
might result.
Hansmire replied that the
matter would be discussed
when the Electoral Commis
sion met to apportion repre
sentatives for the colleges.
Vol. 81, No. 81
The first time board and
room was nicreased was two
years ago. Since September,
1964, dormitory residents
have paid $725 per year. This
is $65 more than the previous
charge of $660 a year.
Bryan explained that the
dormitories operate as self-liquidating
enterprises. They
sustain all their expenditures
in terms of income and cost
is covered by the people
utilizing the buildings. Income
from all the residence halls
covers their total debt.
Of Mass
The ecumenical council be
came a living thing to the
members of Newman Club
and the United Campus Chris
tian Fellowship Sunday eve
ning. The UCCF group was in
vited to attend mass at the
Catholic Student Center. Fol
lowing the mass the two combined in an ecu
menical dialogue.
The purpose of the meeting
was expressed by the Rev.
Raymond Hain as he opened
the discussion. "The church
goes beyond the boundaries
of Roman Catholic limits and
this is an opportunity to share
our faith," he said.
The discussion centered on
questions of the UCCF stu
dents about the Roman Cath
olic church service and the
significance and symbolism
of the parts of the service.
which is. in turn, not sophis
ticated, and is therefore con
sidered corn-ball."
'Red Paint'
McFarland spoke out
against protesting our role in
Viet Nam. "You can't buy
freedom with red paint," he
Cont. on Page 5, Col. 1