The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 16, 1966, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, March 16,
Journal Editorial Attacks
Proposed Hike In Tuition
The University is in a mil
lion dollar bind and the stu
dents are not responsible an
editorial in the Lincoln Jour
nal said Monday evening.
Ag Honorary Initiates
Thirty New Members
Thirty new members have
been initiated into Alpha Tau
Alpha, a. national honorary
fraternity for men majoring
In agricultural education at
the University.
According to Larry Viterna,
president of Beta chapter, the
new initiates include: Bami
dele Abogunrin, Ivan Bart
ling, James Boyle, Robert
Burton, Marvin Carlson, Les
lie Carlow, Larry Dedic, Rob
ert Dwyer, Dennis Eggleston,
Daniel Fetter, and Larry
Victor Lechtenberg, Duane
AWS Board Members
Twenty-five women students
were reminded of the "obli
gation and privilege of rep.
resenting the women stu
dents" as they were installed
as AWS Board members for
1966-67 Tuesday.
The executive officers and
their positions are: Pam
Hedgecock, president; Bar
bara Beckmann, vice presi
dent in charge of the judicial
area and head of the AWS
Court; and Diane Smith, vice
president in charge of t h e
program area which includes
Coed Follies, workshops and
Women's Week.
Tne five otner seniors on
the Board are Carol Bischoff,
Dede D a r 1 a n d, Jan Kauf-
mann, Candy May and Candy
Sasso. All five will serve on
the AWS Court.
Miss Bischoff is senior key
chairman for next year which
entails establishing and mam
taining the newly passed sen
lor key system.
Miss Darland is AWS con
vention chairman and as such
will plan the state convention
for the Intercollegiate Associ
ation of Women Students.
Miss Kaufmann is secretary
for next year and Miss May
and Miss Sasso are constitu
tion and public relations
chairmen respectively.
The Junior Board consists
of ten women whose jobs
were said to cover "the cru
cial areas of the University."
They are:
Carol Bartlett, notifications
chairman; Ann Windle, chair
van of the House of Repre
sentatives; Ann Boyles, chair
man of Women's Week (for
merly Standards Week); Mar
ti Hughes, chairman of Ivy
Day Sing and the Activities
Mart; and Elaine K a 1 1 o s,
chairman of orientation at
which University women will
be instructed as to the pur
poses and aims of AWS.
Diane McDonald, chairman
of records; Susie Sitonous,
chairman of Workers Coun
cil; Carol Strand, chairman
of the Coed Follies program
and Summer Indtroduction
(formerly the Coed Counselors
program); Steph Tinan, over-
The 49th annual Nebraska
high school vocational agricul
ture judging contests will be
held March 31 and April 1 at
the University College of Ag
riculture and Home Econ
omics. In preliminary registration,
101 schools from all parts of
Nebraska have submitted 1885
entries In the 12 scheduled
events, according to M. G.
McCreight, assistant professor
of vocational education and
director of the contests.
The event will include con
tests in poultry judging, live
stock judging, crops, farm
management, dairy cattle se
lection, dairy management,
meats judging and identifica
tion, metals, carpentry, trac
tor maintenance, soil conser
vation and farm machinery.!
All events will be held on the
NU East Campus.
Winners in the dairy cattle
selection contest will atttend
the national contest at Water
loo, Iowa, and students win
ning in meats, poultry and
livestock judging will com
pete in the national contests
at Kansas City, Mo.
The state event i spon
sored by the University and
is held simultaneously with
the 38th annual convention of
the Nebraska Association of
"University fldmlnistrntnrc
would seem to have a lot of
deliberating yet to do before
seining on another tuition in
crease as a way out of its
Marquis, Michael Nerud.
Maylon Peters, Wayne L. Pe
tersen, Charles Pohlman,
Lloyd R. Reeder, Ronald
Sanders, Robert Schanou.
Dave Shoemaker, Larry
amitn, mcnard Ulmer, Gor
don Vavricek, James Viglicky
KODert Vrbka, Jerry L. War
ner, and Lynn W. Wilhelm.
The Beta Chapter at NU
is one of 24 chapters of Al-
pna lau Alpha in colleges and
universities. It was organized
in 1925 under the guidance of
Dr. H. E. Bradford.
To Position
all chairman of Coed Follies;
and Andrea Warren, treasur
The Sophomore Board
members will all be serving
on AWS Board for the f i r s t
time. The seven women are:
Nancy Coufal and Gail Skin-
ner, notificatons assistants;
Carol Johnson, Karen Wendt
and Linda Parker, records
assistants; Mimi Rose, assist
ant of workers; and Chris
Luhe, courtesy chairman and
assistant chairman of public
After installation, the old
and new officers were re
minded that they "belong to
the kind of college generation
enjoying freedom of activities
and education no other has
enjoyed" by their advisor,
Mrs. Ruth Levinson.
She added that as the Uni
versity enrollment would in
crease, so would the respon
sibilities of the AWS Board in
their "continued role of lead
Mrs. Jan Whitney H i b b s,
out-going president of AWS,
highlighted the major accom
plishments ot last year
Board. Among the things she
mentioned were:
Ivy Day Sing for 1965; the
Summer Introduction and
pamphlet sent out to entering
freshmen; the AWS Style
Show; the fall orientation
program; and Standards
Week ("which broadened its
scope to include all aspects
of womanhood ).
Constitutional revisions ex
tending representation to liv
ing areas; AWS Court de
cisions "suited to individual
cases"; a Coed Follies "with
more living units represented
than in past years'; and
changes in women's closing
and visiting hours and the
passage of the senior key sys
"I feel our programs have
been very, very successful,"
she said. "People now know
that AWS exists and it is pri
marily because of the interest
shown by the women students
this year."
Mrs. Hibbs suggested five
areas that could be improved
for next year including orien
tation (making it more effec
tive and positive in nature);
expansion of Women's Week;
changing the constitution to
conform with ASUN's new and
uniform provisions; making
the AWS House of Represen
tatives "a real sounding
board for the women stu
dents"; and planning Coed
Follies around a Centennial
She also mentioned the pos
sibility of a bi-monthly news
letter to women students
keeping them informed of
AWS activities.
Cash for any purpose. Jvit phono and
toll s how much yoe wont. Pick up tho
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DIAL Finance Company
124 North 12rh Strtet
1701 "0" Strut
half-million dollar bind," the
editorial stated.
The editorial noted that one
can't be sure who is respon
sible for the University's lack
in revenue, but it "should not
be the students now who are
called upon to bail the institu
tion out of its financial em
barassment." It also pointed out that "no
matter what it is called, an
increase of $40 or so for each
student next year would be a
tuition boost. It would come
on top of a $70 hike this year,
and, for all practical pur
poses, it must be viewed as
permanent rather than tern
The editorial sueeested sew
eral alternatives to raising
tuition including the special
session, a deficit appropria
tion to be made ud hv th
1967 Legislature and "cutting
oacK in otner areas to pro
vide the needed funds to ac
comodate its basic teaching
"If the problem Is to be
met by 'temporary' measures
such as special student fees,
it might be met by temporary
retrenchment in research, ex
tension service, agricultural
experiments, graduate pro
grams of limited interest or
similar functions," the editor
ial explained.
University students through
the ASUN have acted "re
sponsibly, though forcefully
in protecting a suggested 'em
ergency fee according to
the editqrial. It called the
senate's report "well docu
mented." "The students might have
noted too," the editorial said,
"that room and food rates at
University dormitories are
quite likely to be raised in
the near future to meet in
creased costs, including last
week s announced hike in in
terest rates for construction."
The editorial explained that
any blame for the Univer
sity's financial problem must
be shared by the Legislature
and the University adminis
tration. "The Legislature tra
ditionally has been conserva
tive at best, and niggardly at
times, in providing for the
To Outline
New approaches to moti
vating employees will be out
lined by a University of Chi
cago psychologist at a sem
inar March 18 sponsored by
the Lincoln Chapter of t h e
Administrative Management
Dr. L. Richard Hoffman
will be the guest speaker at
the motivation seminar which
begins with registration at 12
noon March 18 in the Univer
sity Center. Dr. Charles S.
Miller, dean of the Universi
ty's College of Business Ad
ministration, will give the wel
come. Dr. Hoffman has conducted
research on a variety of
topics including the function
ing of organizations, automa
tion, training, employee mo
tivation and attitudes, and
group relations. He holds de
grees from Queens College in
New York and the University
ot Michigan .
Persons interested in at
tending the seminar should
register in advance with the
department of conferences at
the Nebraska Center.
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The Daily
V Wn ,ff 1
REV. HUDSON PHILLIPS ... and Rev. Bruce McSpad
den discuss their new publication "Threat."
Ministers Publish
'Threat' Paper
"We are tired of giving out
piety points; we think it is
time to confront the Univer
sity community with the facts
of life as we see them," de
clared three campus minis
ters in a publication called
The paper's first issue ap
peared last week and anoth
er is planned next week. It
is published by the Rev. Hud
son Phillips, Jr., Dr. Alan
Pickering and the Rev. Bruce
McSpadden. Rev. Phillips and
Rev. Pickering are with the
United Campus Christian Fel
lowship, and Rev. McSpadden
is assistant pastor at the Wes
ley Foundation.
One of the primary reasons
for the publication of
"Threat," Rev. Phillips said,
is because the student protest
groups on campus "are be
ing left out on a limb in some
respects." He explained that
these groups say something
meaningful and they receive
no support from anyone.
"Very seldom does anybody
come out in the open. We de
cided to come out in the open
so that these students aren't
the only ones," he said.
Rev. McSpadden continued,
"We have a responsibility to
confront the University with
issues we feel are significant.
Religion Is Threat
Rev. Phillips said the min-
isters chose the name
"Threat" because "Religion
cannot be regarded as any
thing but a threat."
"If you take the Christian
faith seriously, it threatens
your ease and comfort," Rev.
McSpadden said.
Connected with the publica
tion of "Threat," Rev. Phil-i
7 IX, 'Ifi U
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H66 dent thlrtmekere
t (Tnptnino UJalh
it I
lips noted, is the concept of
what campus religious houses
are supposed to do.
The traditional concept, he
continued, is that a campus
house of religion is designed
to minister to the members
of that faith. A more modern
view, he said, is that the
campus religious organiza
tions are designed to serve
the entire University com
munity, The paper is being published
by the ministers on their own.
Financial backing is not com
ing from any group. The
three are publishing it togeth
er, Rev. McSpadden said, be
cause this way "it has great
er impact," as it represents
th3 thinking of three, not one
or two ministers and is not
meant as the viewpoint of any
one religious denomination or
'Hope Students Respond'
There are no students par
ticipating in the publication
of "Threat," Rev. McSpadden
said. "We certainly hope the
students will respond to it in
terms of discussion, at least,
and later writing."
Students, he added "are of
ten afraid to express them
selves forthrightly in request
to religion." Through
"Threat," he explained, the
ministers hope in part to be
able to "gain this freedom
for them" by making religion
on the campus a vital thing.
The editors introduced the
first edition with the com
ment, "We think it is time
to ask you as a student or
a faculty member at the Uni
versity of Nebraska, 'Who in
the hell we think we are."
t s '
vamtX F
1 y:
'Chinese May Act Like
Russians In 20 Years'
By Kelley Baker
If we' can contain the Chi
nese for 20 years, they will
probably eventually act the
same as the Russians, Dr.
Soo Sung Cho said Tuesday.
Cho, visiting assistant pro-
essor of social sciences, spoke
at the second m a two part
series on the Far East.
This series was part of a
forum program- on Southeast
Asia being sponsored every
Tuesday at 4:30 in the Ne
braska Union by campus re
ligious groups.
Cho said the West could
accomplish more by accepting
the Red Chinese government
and people than by excluding
them from contact with the
rest of the world. "The atti
tude of an isolated people is
always the sime they are
trying to change the status
quo. The same situation oc
curred with Russia in 1945."
Cho proposed that the
United States might consider
expanding trade relations
with the Chinese in non-stra
tegic areas. "After all, the
lack of food is a humanitarian
problem. Perhaps we should
accept the people as well as
the regime."
When questioned on the
possibility of improving cul
tural relations, Cho replied,
"The initial stage of such a
relationship is always frus
trating ,but as long as we
open the door there remains
the possibility that they may
modify their position.
Though such relations began
with Russia on a rocky foot
ing, important exchange
have been made in several
fields. In fact, Harvard and
Columbia now have student
exchange programs with uni
versities in Russia.
As an indication of t h e
state of U.S.-Chinese relations
Cho suggested watching to
see if Red China would send
Dairy Club To
Crown Princess
The Dairy Royal princess
will be crowned at the Dairy
Royal dance Saturday night
on Last Campus.
The Spiders Combo will
play for the dance which be
gins at 6 p.m. The dance is
sponsored by the Varsity
Dairy Club and the East Un
ion. with
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representatives to a meeting
of Oriental scholars in Ann
Arbor, Mich., during 1967.
Questioned on the probable
effects of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee hearings
on Red China, Cho replied
"The hearings will probably
change the understanding and
mentality of the American
public, but I doubt that they
will affect foreign policy."
Discussing the intellectual
class in China, Cho explained
"it is basically composed of
the college graduates and the
major issue which motivates
them is nationalism."
He pointed out that the men
who are in charge of devel
oping China's atomic bomb
and missile system were for
merly employed and educated
in the United States and have
returned to their homeland to
try to help develop it into the
Cho predicted a revolution
of the intellectual class, but
added, "I doubt that it will
come even in our generation.
But there will be a time when
people will begin to criticize.
Remember that it took 40
years for it to happen in Rus
sia." Asked to define the major
differences between Russia
and Red China, Cho broke the
topic into three parts:
First, there is an ideologi
cal difference. China holds to
the Marxian principle that
war is inevitable while Rus
sia has accepted peaceful co
existence. The Soviet Union believes
that revolution cannot be ex
ported, though the Russians
are willing to assist an indig
enous uprising. China, on the
other hand, believes in mak
ing trouble whenever possible
and profitable.
The third bone of contention
is the border dispute between
the two countries.
Commenting on the possibil
ity of escalation In the war
in Viet Nam, Cho said, "I
believe that Johnson is trying
to hold down escalation in the
war, but it usually happens
bit by bit." He suggested
"continud escalation shows
that America is having diffi
culty holding the present
"I doubt that China will be
invited to join the United Na
tions, especially during this
session of the General Assem
Stylist hv Sheaffer
GOLD'S stationery
. . . street floor
Page 5
bly because it is an election
year in the U.S. However the
trend is toward admitting her
to the organization. The last
vote was deadlocked at 47
47." "In the strict sense, the
question is not the admission
of Red China but who shall
represent China Formosa
advocates a two-China policy
while Red China claims For
mosa as an integral part of
communist China."
As a final point, Cho dis
cussed the possibility of a co
alition between the mainland
and Formosa. He mentioned
that this is a goal toward
which Red China has been
desperately working.
"Though such a coalition
will not occur within te life
time of Chiang Kai Shek, the
chances will improve after
his death." Since America de
pends on Formosa as a stra
tegic base, it will be interest
ing to note the results of such
a possibility.
GOP Candidates
Speak Thursday
The four Republican candi
dates for lieutenant governor
will speak as a panel at the
Young Republicans meeting
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the
Nebraska Union.
The candidates are John
Everroad, Sen. Fern Hubbard
Orme, Sen. Kenneth Bowen
and Sam Klaver.
Everroad and Bowen both
appeared on campus last se
mester. Everroad, an Omaha
businessman, ran for lieuten
ant governor in 1964. Bowen
was speaker of the 1964 state
legislative session.
Tassels To Hold
Awards Banquet
Awards will be presented
at the Tassels initiation ban
quet 5 p.m. Thursday in the
Pan American Room of the
Nebraska Union.
The awards will include
outstanding pledge and ac
tive, Cornhusker awards and
the recognition of advisors
and officers.
Twenty-nine pledges will be
initiated. Following the cere
mony, there will be entertain
ment by the Bel Cantos and
a pledge skit.
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