- . j! .'. f VOMMH 'miiiimiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiHiiiiiiiiii'iiii'ii " 111,11,111 1111111111 m"iiiiiir t Jo Stohlman, editor Mike Kirkman, business manager Page 2 Wednesday, March 16, 1966 A (Not Too Subtle) Hint It sounds like there's hope on the tui tion horizon for University students. That is, if certain statements , made by Clarence Swanson, chairman of the Board of Regents, and State Sen ' ators Richard Marvel and George Gerdes are any indication of what is go ing to happen to tSie proposed "emer ... gency fee." At the Regents meeting yesterday, Swanson said that the Regents are con cerned about a possible tuition increase, and added that "We don't want to in crease tuition." Marvel and Gerdes, chairman and vice chairman of the Legislature's Budg et Committee, indicated that a special ses sion of the Legislature is not the answer, to funds needed by the University but that a tuition increase is not, either. All three men expressed willing ness to determine some other source than students' pocketbooks for the needed monies, which are necessitated by errors in budget requests by the University. We hope that the concern shown by these three men is indicative of the con cern of all the Regents and members of the Legislature's Budget Committee. Gerdes has recommended that the Re gents could temporarily authorize some internal diversion of funds into the Uni versity's instructional program from oth er programs. This seems to be a logical ans wer to the problem if a legislative session and tuition hike are ruled out. The suggestion has been made that the Regents temporarily reduce or eliminate Regents' scholarships for one year as an added source of money for instruction. This too, is a possibili ty that should be considered by the Regents. We are pleased that people other than students are concerned and oppose a tuition increase. As Gerdes said, "the tuition for students is already plenty high." Thus other newsmen, faculty members and parents have expressed op position to the tuition. We commend the ASUN commit tee which studied the problem, and then presented to the Regents a stu dent "protest" of the most legitimate kind. We feel this is truly representa tive government. And we thank others for joining with students in condemnation of any raise in tuition costs. WTe hope that the Regents and Legislature's Budget Committee will take the (not too subtile) hint. niiniiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini,e lOverriiii By Critics ... 1 'Educators Must Change' Bethany. W. Va. (I.P.V Educators must change with the times or find them selves overrun by the cri tics, according to Dr. Per ry E. Gresham, president of Bethany College. "The educational admin istrator is under heavy bombardment," Dr. Gresh am stated. "There is "the steady fire of people who write books" such as Dr. James Bryant Conant and "sustained sniping from the less articulate." Dr. Gresham is chairman of the Commission on Col 'jges and Universities of the North Central Assn. of Colleges and Secondary Schools, accrediting agency for approximately 470 c o 1 leges and universities in 19 states. "The battle is joined be t w e e n responsible peda gogues and those who blast away without much under standing of the disciplines of learning. The time has come for responsible educa tors to take the initiative away from the biased, the special interests, and the i g i o r a n t attackers," Dr. Greim said. He added: "James Bryant Conant has just found a way to imple ment his recent proposal to take educational policy away from the people who know most about it. "At a recent Kansas City meeting his idea of an 'In terstate Compact for Edu cation' was roundly ap plauded by governors. Mr. Conant's book .called 'Shap ing Educational Policy' was less than complimen tary to the responsible peo ple who administer our schools," Dr. Gresham said. "What is needed, accord ing to my view, is to dis credit the accrediting agen cies, increase the effective ness of the state education al authorities, and see to it that the state brings about an integration of the views of the state teaching association, the professors of education, the academic professors, and the laymen." Dr. Gresham said that these and "other remarks in his book are not merely biased, but some are in com plete error with regard to patent facts. Mr. Conant's naive faith in state com missions to improve educa tion is hardly justified by the evidence. The patient enlightened leadership of professional educators enjoys a worthy record of accomplishment," he added. ' By FRANK PARTSCH And so I moved off cam pus. I soon learned that pork 'n' beans don't neces sarily have pork in 'em, and you can't fry frozen ham burger and bananas don't belong in the fridge. But that's all beside the point, because this one is about events of Sunday morning. I was awakened early by the songbirds outside my window. (The only birds I ever saw from the fifth floor of Gather Hall were buz zards searching for field mice and carrion in A r e a Two.) Since it was so nice, I decided to go to church at 9 instead of waiting until my customary 11 o'clock ven ture. Re-arriving at the home stead, I was contendedly perusing the funnies when came a knock at yon door, my first caller. "I'm John Doe and this is my little boy, Jackie." "Yeah?" "Have you ever stopped to consider what horrible shape the world is in these days?" "Yeah." (Every time the mail comes.) "Jackie and I were just noticing how much comfort you can get from reading the Bible. You should try it and find solace in the word." (Herein let it be inter jected that I am not com pletely ignorant of the sub ject myself; I am an under stander and a colleague of Bible appreciators.) (I'm pretty tough on Bible questions in Quiz Bowl, too.) "Here for instance," John Doe continued. "L i s t e n." Whipping out a dog-eared Bible, he began stammaring through a few psalms and prophecies and parables. I wonder why he thought I was wearing a suit at 10 o'clock on Sunday morning ... I certainly wasn't on the way to one of Lincoln's sin-filled night clubs. But I didn't want to be cynical because the poor guy was trying and probably getting a real good psycho logical boost out of saving me, so I nodded occasionaly and interjected a periodic "Yeah?" All the while, Jackie was looking at his father with all kinds of pride radiating out, so I felt kind of good for not slamming the door in his face. But John Doe went on and on (I waited in vain for him to read something I knew by heart so I could tell him how it ended.) After some time I got to noticing that his vari ous verses didn't seem to fit well into his overall argu mentas a matter of fact, he would have been more ef fective reading a newspaper. So I said: "Mr. Doe, I ap preciate and understand what you are trying to do. I have just returned from the church of my choice (he lighted up) and have been considering these very con cepts. But I do have an ap pointment" "Oh certainly," John Doe said. "You understand. You are one of us." "Thanks for stopping by." "Glad to be aboard." "Good-bye, Jackie." "Dun." Now that was all right. But, a minute later as I carried my garbage out, I heard the dynamic duo talking to the lady in the next apartment. "I'm Jackie Doe, and this is my beloved father, John." "Have you ever stopped to consider what horrible shape the world is in these days?" "My beloved father and I were just noticing how much comfort you can find from reading the Bible. You should try it and find solace in the word." I shuddered, for two rea sons. First, I was disgusted that John Doe should stoop to using me for a test bal loon for his kid. I can hear him before he knocked on my door: "Now watch me, Jackie, I'll show you how to handle these sinners." The other shuddering thought was what Brunhilda would do to the kid the min ute she realized what he was selling. This column has no ending except: I wonder how many minds this guy and his kid and their kind have changed in all the years of Sunday morning door-to-door cru sading? THOUGH FOR THE DAY: Roses are RED, Violets are blue, We were just wondering The same about you. Daily Nebraskan Member Associated Collegiate Press, National Advertising Service, Incorporated. Published at Room 51, Nebraska Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. Entered as second clan matter at the poflt .(flee tn Lincoln. Nebraska aoder lb act c4 Aufuil i. U1S. 3 Sorry About Thatl Being a compendium of farce, absurdity and comment, selected arbitrarily by the Editor . . . Historical Note of the Day: In 298.753 B.C., Oog Jow says the first word, has his mouth washed out with soap. Historical Note of Last Sunday: The only time Andy Taube has been applauded in Student Senate when he walked in the special ASUN meeting late to make a quorum. Ode Revisited Spring is spring, The grass is riz, Now I wonder Where Mortar Boards is. "Consider the problem facing a ro mantic couple strolling across the cam pus, looking for a place to sit down and enjoy the late evening air. The univer sity's benches are busy. Where does this leave young romantics?" (A question posed by the K-State Col legianand we could venture a guess. K- State might as well solve the problem like Nebraska install an Area 2.) A tw ist on the usual "get out the vote" campaign was used by the Colorado Daily, who bannered the headline: "Is God dead? Decide Tonight!" We'll be anxious to hear what the CU students decide. From the Ain't It the Truth Depart ment: "Several Iowa State Students will be attending a conference to discuss the problems of large universities this week end. They will probably have to spend three hours looking for a parking space, half a day registering for the conference, two hours in the line for lunch, and three in line to pay their parking tickets." Iowa State Daily. From the It Won't Ever Happen Again Department: Skipped an hour exam yesterday. (Well, you see, sir, I asn't feeling well . . .) I was all ready to jot down the questions in my handy little notebook, when I got the word test post poned until today. I'm Sorry About That! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIM Anolher Vieicpoint j 1 Yetta's Running! ( (Editor's Note: The Daily Nebraskan, like the Daily Utah Chronicle, has been requested by Yetta to sup port her. We have to agree that her platform sounds good.) The next presidential elec tion is only two and a half years away, and in the ranks of the Republican Party rumblings are being felt as a way is sought to make up for the disastrous loss of 1964. Will Nixon run? Does Romney look good? How about Lindsay? No one knows who will finally end up carrying the GOP ban ner. But in one party the ques tion has been settled, the platform has been written, the campaign song has been composed and the feelers ae out for national support. Yes, friends, Yetta Bron itein will run for President again in 1968. Yetta, you may remember, ran in 1964 nnder the banner of the Best Party. Her campaign slogan was and is 'Watch thing! get betta with Yet ta." Her platform is simple but complete. It is (I) lowering the voting age to 18, (2) better government, (3) floridation, (4) National Bingo, (5) sex education, (6) stronger government. In a recent "Open Letter to the College Students of America," Mrs. Bronstein gave her reasons why stu dents should vote for her. To quote from the letter: "I urge you to vote for me and help put a mother in the White House. I prom ise to run this great coun same way I run my home. "Think of all the things your mother did for you: the feeding, changing, washing, ironing, telling bedtime stories, lying for you, cry ing for you . . . everything to make you big and strong. Now you can pay her back by putting me in office. 'I will represent all your mothers and act in their be half for you." Mrs. Bronstein is looking for workers on the nation's campuses. She says if you are popular and can make fast friends, she needs you. She is available to speak to clubs, meetings and discus sions by long distance phone as long as she doesn't have to pay the phone bill, and you should contact her by postcard, not collect call. Since we already know who the Democrat's candi date will be and the Re publicans are still playing footsie, we hereby threw all our tentative support behind Yetta Bronstein. She'll be worth her weight in gold in foreign affairs alone. After all, who'd dare talk back to a mother? Having declared ourselves for the Best Party and mother Yetta, we ask you to keep the following things in mind for the next couple of years: Remember to take a pencil to the polls so you can write her name in. Don't mis-mark your ballot and spoil your vote for Yetta. Remember how many politicians in the past have cited love of mother as proof of their patriotism. I C AMr U b 1 OPINION 1 YD Statement 'Clarified' Dear Editor, Wayne Kreuscher, in his March 11 column "If I Were King" made several statements concerning the Young Democrats which should be clarified somewhat. I can, first of all, not agree with him when he says that the news "can't help but at least look pro-Republican" simply be. cause good, accurate news reporting should not be, nor ever appear to be, partisan. He further states that" ... It has not been unusual in the past for a reporter to call as many as six people in trying to find some information." My suggestion is, simply stated, perhaps the right person should be called the first time! A complete list of officers for all campus-chartered or. ganizations mav be obtained in the Activities Center, Ne. braska Union. We also have a mail box at the Nebraska Union main dek which is checked three times each day, via which we can always be quickly contacted. Besides this' we have an office in room 346 of the same building. In view of these facts, it would appear that the in. ability of Daily Nebraskan reporters to reach us for com ments may have been a result of negligence or poor plan, ning on their part. At another point, Mr. Kreuscher asserts that our publicity notices have sometimes consisted of "... a half scribbled, non-readable scrap of paper with a few re. marks on it . . ." which were ". . . thrown down on the Ne. braskan's news desk." I'm not sure what a half-scribbled scrap of paper Is, but perhaps I can best answer to this charge by relating several experiences with the Daily Ne braskan during the first semester. On two occasions, we gave adequate advance notice to the Daily Nebraskan concerning upcoming meetings and speakers only to find that the articles which ap. peared were grossly under-sized (two column-inches). We were informed by the then-editor (who shall remain name less!) that this occurred because of lack of space in those editions. Our priority on space should be quite apparent. On another occasion when U.S. Congressman Clair Callan was to speak, we supplied the telephone number and asked the Nebraskan to telephone his Lincoln office for whatever information it felt was necessary. The ar ticle which eventially appeared was once again two inches in length, and even announced that "Senator" Cal lan would speak. It is, I presume, the first semester of this year to which Mr. Kreuscher refers. Since the beginning of the Institute of World Literature demonstrated in Moscow the treatment accorded us by the Daily Nebraskan's editor and staff. Just what reason Mr. Kreuscher could have had for making his untimely remarks I must admit, is beyond me. I trust it was only a means of effectively making the transition from criticism of Student Senate to praise of the new YR president. Apparently, we were just caught in the middle. Thomas C. Booth, President Young Democratic Club Editor's Note: Thanks for your news release. YR 'Record Straight' Dear Editor, I find myself compelled to set the record straight with regard to an article which appeared in the Daily Nebras kan last week. I was very flattered by the kind words your staff had for me in regard to my election but I feel it necessary to point that I tried to serve Young Republi cans last year as Vice President and not President. This past year the Young Republicans were headed by perhaps the most capable leader in the club's history. I can only say that I am proud to have been part of John Reiser's team and that 1 hope that I can maintain and if possible improve the standard of excellence which was realized under his administration. Again I thank you for your kind wishes. Cathie Shattuck, President-elect NU Young Republicans Concern for Literary Expression A letter to NU students: This letter is addressed to all of those who are opposed to injustice and the suppression of literary freedom. I am sure you are aware of the fact that on February 14, two Soviet writers, Andrei D. Sinyavsky and Yuli M. Dan iel, were sentenced to seven years and five years of labor respectively. They were found guilty, under the criminal code, of having sent 'anti-Soviet' novels, short stories and essays abroad to be published. They were arrested in September, 1965, but it was not reported until October in the Western press. On December 5, two hundred students from the Gorky new semester, we certainly have no complaints about against the arrests, but were quickly dispersed by security police. Both Sinyavsky and Daniel had lectured at the Institute, and it appears that the demonstration was led at least in part by an underground organization of young writers, poets, etc. known as SMOG. On December 7 a letter, signed by eighteen American writers, was sent to Mr. Kosygin, which concluded by ask ing him "to review the Sinyavsky-Daniel case in a broader PnntPYt than it caomc in Knin K n v ,v ovuuo ,u nave uccii i:uu&iueieu lu iiuw. Meanwhile, Soviet newspapers were busy charging the two arrested writers with everything from the writing of porno graphy to professing anti-Semitism. On January 31 a letter was published in the London Times appealing "once more to the tolerance and good sense of the Soviet authorities" and asking them "to re lease these two colleagues of ours whose books we regard as notable contributions to contemporary writing." It was signed by forty-nine writers from the United States, Britain, France, Germany and Italy. The trial began on February 10, but was attended only by trusted Russian observers. Sinyavsky and Daniel both made the unusual plea of not guilty. That is they were not guilty of any criminal intentions, but they did admit that they had written the works listed in the following para graph. Four days later they were sentenced. Sinyavsky, writing under the pseudonym of Abram Tertz, ridicules various elements of Soviet society by re placing realistic events by fantasy in his stories. One critic has called him the best writer alive today in the Soviet Union. His major works include: On Socialist Rea lism, The Trial Begins, Fantastic Stories, and The Make peace Experiment (Liubimov). Daniel used much the same style in his major work, Moscow Calling, written under the pseudonym of Nikolai JLzhau' ? Is vfry unfortunate that we may never see an other book by either of these two very talented writers, nino February 21 a letter signed by two hundred forty nine students of Greenwich High School was sent to Mr. Kosygin, (a copy of which is attached). We sincerely hope ?h m? n 1r?S i!? 0ur attemPt t0 fr Mr. Sinyavsky i1hJrS,-B?nnieVW,e-also hope 10 sPeed "P the Pross of S f'f whlch is presently taking place in the Soviet S'rJ nl8tands now' Communist Party controls all frlm tt IvlV ex,Pr"sion a"l art, but enough pressure RuSiJJ UerQVCOu1?. flp the scaIe ln favor of the new Russian generation of 'angry young men.' tion L w!" K?re' invuiting you t0 send letter of peti o AndlJn I,? dT sh0win yur concern for the fate future o, li?erarvyavSky and.Yuli M- Daniel. well as the . future of literary expression in the Soviet Union. Kenneth Webb Lancer Road, Riverside, Conn., 06878