The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 14, 1966, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Monday, March 14, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan 4
Page. 3
YWCA Holds Animal Meeting,
Elects Miss Block President
The new president of the
University YWCA is Andrea
Block. Miss Block was elect
ed to the post at the annual
YWCA meeting Saturday.
Other officers elected were
Dede Darland, vice president
in charge of membership;
Jean Jasperson, vice presi
dent in charge of the junior
cabinet and Gayle Mitzner,
secretary. Mary Ann Deems
is the newly elected treasur
er and Norma Dicdrichs was
elected district representa
tive. Lincoln's "Panel of Ameri
can Women", headed by Mrs.
John Gourlay, presented a
panel discussion at the meet
ing. The panel, patterned after
similiar groups in 19 other
cities, regularly presents pro
grams concerning prejudice
against minority groups.
Three minority groups,
Catholic, Jewish and Negro,
are represented on the panel
and a fourth woman, appears
as a member of the white
Protestant majority.
"I have had the unfortunate
experience of attempting to
select and rent or select and
purchase a house of my choice
in Lincoln," Mrs. Ed Green
wade, the Negro panelist said.
Mrs. Greenwade, whose
husband is serving in Viet
Nam, said when she finished
college and went job hunting
she "faced the identical prob
lems of my non-educated
counterparts" simply because
she was a Negro.
"Our race is the main fac
tor in anything we try to do,"
she told the group. "As a Ne
gro traveling around the
Senior Named
A University senior 1 a w
student, Hal J. Daub Jr., was
named the most outstanding
member of Delta Theta Phi
law fraternity at the Univer
sity, Friday.
Daub, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold J. Daub Sr. of
Omaha, is the past vice pres
Iden of the 8th circuit of the
American Law School Asso
ciation. During that term of
office he was named the most
outstanding vice president of
all circuits in the United
Want Ads
Thrse low-rowl raits anprr In all clas.
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standard rate of 5o per word and mini
mum charre af SOo per classified Inser
tion. Payment for these ads win fan Into
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one week In suoresslnn must he tiald for
before Insertion. (2) adi running fur more
than one week will be paid weeklr.
MUSIC SALE Annual sale on music
bonks. Prices drastically reduced. Val
ocs from 90 to $2.99. NEBRASKA BOOK
Model S.F.I). Friden riexowrlter with
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600 or BSA motorcycle. 1!I57, very good
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Sctro Components: pre-ampllfiers, Jen
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Call 432-34(14 after 6.
'60 VW Sedan, Bfi.500, excellent tires,
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top condition, $750. Weekend or after
B: 423-6701.
NEW APARTMENTS for upperctassmen
near University. One-t h r e e-hedroom
suite. Available now. Built In kitchens,
air-conditioning, private utility, laundry
facilities. $55 per student. Call Jerry
Large Apartment, near campus. Also,
Efficiency Apartment. Males only.
Cull 435-41144 evenings.
Apartment available for 1 or 2 boyg.
3410 Dudley. 434-4077.
Recent faculty appointee and wife de.
sire furnished apartment or smull
house of sabbatical prnlessnr or other.
1 to $ year lease, beginning June.
Reply in full, 400 Whitney Avenue,
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Interested Recorder Players. Call or see
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Miss Block
country I've been faced with
many embarrassing circum
stances," Mrs. Greenwade
said, referring to color bars
at restaurants, drugstores and
service stations."
"Even though great strides
are being made there is still
a great need for individual
communication" to break
down racial prejudices, Mrs.
Greenwade concluded.
A second panelist, Mrs.
Bernard Wishnow, represent-
Cont. from Page 1, Col. 5
Ignore the off-campus stu
dent." "A lot of Lincoln students
feel tJhey already know the
campus and don't feel the
need to become involved and
find out about it," Bogott ob
served. The basic problem for
those who do want to become
involved is communication
with the campus, he said.
'Getting Involved'
"It is definitely a problem
for off-campus independents
to get involved in University
activities," said Rich Thomp
son, ASUN senator and an
off-campus student.
"I don't know if it's so hard
to get involved," Thompson
said, "but you don't really
find out about things."
Thompson said he feels this
problem is "harder for an off
campus independent than for
anyone else."
Thompson said his election
to the Student Senate was dif
ficult because he did not have
a large group in a living unit
backing him, but he added,
"I wouldn't say it was insur
mountable." Linda Miles, Towne Club
president, stressed communi
cation as the off-campus in
dependent's biggest problem.
Miss Miles noted there are
few ways for them to obtain
information about campus
Individual, off-campus inde
pendents, Miss Miles said,
have difficulty attempting to
be elected to offices on cam
pus because "there is usually
no one group supporting
Angel Flight Tea
Set For Sunday
A tea for prospective Angel
Flight members will be held
at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Ne
braska Union.
Application blanks for mem'
bership have been distributed
in all women s living units.
They must be returned to Bev
Armstrong at the Delta Delta
Delta house by Thursday.
Lincoln independents may
pick up application blanks
from the envelope in front of
Room 345 in the Union.
In order to be eligible for
membership, freshmen must
have a 2.5 average and upper
classmen a 2.2 average. Any
freshman, sophomore or jun
ior woman who meets these
requirements and is a full
time student eligible.
Women may sign up for
interview times at the tea
Tuesday, Wednesday, and, Friday Only
Shampoo and Set Bath
Tints Complete $5.95
Prescription Permanent! regular $20.00
Present Ad
to Your Stylist
Ing the Jewish minority, said
that fomalized prejudice in
Lincoln against Jews is lim
ited to restricted member
ships in some private clubs
and country clubs. She em
phasized that what anti
Semitism does exist is based
on stereotyping of the race.
Another panelist expressed
the same view of stereotyp
ing. Mrs. Richard Johnston,
representing the Catholic mi
nority, said, "People too often
do tend to stereotype racial
groups," she said relating her
experiences with her adopted
daughter who is Chinese.
The panel, Mrs. Gourlay
explained, is not a "profes
sional group, we represent
only ourselves and we're typi
cal Americans.
Tuition, Aid
Total More
Public universities received
a much larger share of their
income from tuition and fed'
era! government in 1963-64 than
what they received in 1953-54
according to a recent report.
The report, published by the
office of Institutional Research
in Washington, D.C, says that
the students share increased
from 8.7 per cent to 11.2 per
cent and the federal govern
ment s share doubled.
"During a ten year-period,
the nation's total budget for
higher education has more
than tripled and some signific
ant changes have taken place
in the relative source of col
lege and university income,'
the report states.
Current income for higher
education from all sources in
1953-54 was $2,966 billion and
ten years later it had risen
233 per cent to $9,570 billion,
"Yet despite this vast in
crease in dollar volume, the
portion of public college and
university budgets financed by
state governments declined
from 44.18 percent to 38.8 per
cent," the report notes.
Private grants and gifts in
creased threefold in ten years,
but represented a smaller pro
portion of total income in 1963
64 than ten years earlier.
Public colleges and universi
ties received $38.6 million in
private gifts in 1953-54 (2.3 per
cent of their total income) and
$116.3 million in 1963-64 (2.2
per cent of their income.).
The report stcsses that the
two major new sources of col
lege and university income be
tween 1953-54 and 1963-64 was
the federal government and
student tuition and fee charges.
It points out that "tuition and
fee charges to students
increased greatly" and that
federal income has increased
"at least five times."
In 1963-64 the federal govern
ment provided $1.03 billion to
public institutions and account
ed for 19.1 per cent of the pub
lic institutions' income. In
1953-54 the federal government
provided $199.6 million and ac
counted for 12.09 per cent of
the school's income.
Nebraska Book
Big Spring
Soon To Be
only $12.95
regular $15.00
only $8.85
' S
Crawley, top, and Dryver, in "Blood Knot."
Racial Parable Begins
At University Theatre
The University Theater's
second play of the semester,
"Blood Knot." will beein Fri
day and Saturday at Howell
Memorial Theater.
Curtain time is 8 p.m. each
evening and the play also will
be presented on the evenings
of April 22-23, May 6-7, and
May 20-21. The performance
runs in repertory fashion, al
ternately with "Mother Cour
age." "Blood Knot," a racial par
able written by a South
African, Athol Fugard, was
called the best play of the
season by the New York
Times in 1964. It is the story
The new officers of Cather
Hall are: Jim Ludwig, pres
ident; Dan Chamberlain, vice
president; John Fryer, secre
tary; Bill Ryan, treasurer;
and John Decker, social chair
man. Recently pledged Ag Men
are Steven Andersen and
Bruce Whitelev. Newly
elected lower officers are;
G a r v Altquist. scholastic
chairman; Kenneth Hathan,
publicity chairman; Chuck
Pohlman and Dave Stock,
sports chairmen; Douglas
Nelson, activities chairman:
Warren Bishop, historian;
Denms Beckner, chaplain;
Loren Schulze, music chair
man; Jerry Leising, service
chairman; and Gary Muller,
pledge trainer.
New officers for Zeta Tau
Alpha have been announced.
They are: Diane Wisnieski,
president: Natalie Carlson,
first vice-president; Mary
f:... : .
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1 H i. (t
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of two men one white and
one Negro and their shifting
relationship that reflects all
the fears and tensions of the
racial issue.
The cast members are
Herman Dryver as Zachariah,
and Tom Crawley as Morris.
Dryver is a sophomore music
major; Crawley a graduate
student in the English depart
ment. Dr. Stphen Cole, assistant
professor of speech and dra
matic art and the play direc
tor, said good seats remain
for all performances of
"Blood Knit."
Casey, second vice-president
and pledge trainer; Judy
Allen, secretary; Jane Antes,
treasurer; Jean Jaspersen,
ritual chairman; Terry Bil
liard, rush chairman; Diane
Lindquist, historian; Jane
Finnell, social chairman.
New pledges of Towne Club
are Susan Hermone, Rose
Anderson, Linda Casper and
Margie Sdhlessler.
The newly appointed mem
bers of the IFC Affairs com
mittee are: Loren Lindahl,
Alpha Gamma Rho; Mark
Backlund, Phi Delta Theta;
Cary White, FarmHouse; Bob
Bartee, Beta Sigma Psi; Sid
Logeman, Sigma Nu; Cary
Krenk, Theta Xi; David
Ernst, Phi Kappa Psi; Dick
Dorek, Phi Kappa Psi; John
Ochsner, Delta Sigma Phi;
Gene Hohensee, Delta Upsi
lon; Dave Piester, Beta Tbeta
About the opening you're looking for . . . what adjectives best
describe it? Are they predictable, placid, or routine? Then you
wouldn't like Bendix. Because the words which fit a Bendix
career are those which describe the company itself . . . eager,
keen, dynamic, capable, exciting. Bendix may ask you to probe
frontiers, to try things which haven't yet appeared in print.
Bendix encourages you to think, values your professional contri
bution, grants you all the authority you need to do your job.
A very good place to work if you hap
pen to like a company that's eager,
keen, dynamic, capable, exciting . . .
a very good place if you have it in
mind to go places yourself.
Technical Personnel Representative
(Feb. 10 Gr 11, 1966);
State Sisiis
Checks For
By Randy Irey
Junior Staff Writer
A department of the State
of Nebraska writes all t h e
checks to cover the costs in
curred by the University.
It is handled in this man
ner because the statutes of
Nebraska state that all war
rants (or checks) must have
both the treasurer s signature
and that of the director of the
Department of Administrative
Jim Kraft, principal ac
countant for the department,
stated that it is difficult to
say what most of the Uni
versity's expenses are, other
than employees' pay.
"With a volume of nearly
6,000 a month, it is very hard
to say what the majority of
the expenses are for. Most of
them could probably come
under the heading of every
day expenditures," he said.
The University also has a
revolving fund of $100,000 for
emergency purposes, such as
items requiring immediate
payment or C.O.D. Kraft de
scribed the fund as being
rather like a large petty cash
Payment of a bill incurred
by the University follows a
path that appears to take on
the proportions of a maze.
According to Kraft, the pro
cedure is as follows: When an
agency of the state, such as
the University, purchases
something, the agency must
show that this purchase is val
id (meaning that it is includ
ed in the agency's budget.)
Proof is provided by a
voucher that the agency sends
to the vendor from whom it
purchased the product. This
form states exactly what was
purchased. The voucher is
signed by the vendor and re
turned to the agency.
Upon receiving the voucher,
the agency sends it to the De
partment of Administrative
Services in the capitol. Here
the voucher is reviewed to see
if it constitutes a valid pur
chase. The warrant is filled out and
returned to the department for
signing. After being signed by
the director, it is sent to the
treasurer for his signature.
From there the warrant is
mailed to the vendor. Over
53,000 warrants follow this
procedure every month.
This may seem confusing
and bureaucratic, but there
is a ray of hope on the hor
izon. "As of April 1, the de
partment should have in oper
ation a computer which will
write all the warrants," stated
Kraft. "It will greatly short
en the time It takes to get out
the payroll."
The by-products of the com
puter will be especially valu
able explained Kraft. "By
this, I mean the reports that
we must make showing state
expenditures, receipts, etc.,
will be much more accurate.
Also, it will relieve the indi
vidual agencies of a great deal
of their bookkeeping."
A word to
N.U. Students
(EE, ME, or Chem E)
In Kansas City-
An Equal Opportunity Lmpioyr
INTER Varsity, 8 a.m., Ne
braska Union.
PLACEMENT Office, 12:30
p.m., Nebraska Union.
ASUN Court, 3:30 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
UNICORNS-ActMties, 3:30
p.m., Nebraska Union.
PAMifcXLfcNIU, 4 p.m.,
Nebraska Union.
UNION Special Events, 4:30
p.m., Nebraska Union.
YMCA, 4:30 p.m., weDrasica
TASSELS, 4:30 p.m., Ne
braska Union,
UNION Film, 4:30 p.n., Ne
braska Union.
PHI MU, 5:45 p.m., Nebras
ka Union.
6 p.m., Nebraska Union.
TOWNE CLUB, 6 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
DELTA ZETA, 6 p.m., Ne
braska Unin.
m.. Nebraska Union.
PHI MU, 6:45 p.m., Nebras
ka Union.
UNICORNS, 7 p.m., Nebras
ka Union.
Nebraska Union.
TOWNE CLUB, 7 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
KOSMET Klub Rehearsal,
7 p.m., Nebraska Union.
DELTA ZETA, 7 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
p.m.. Nebraska Union.
FEM E'S, 7:30 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
MATH Counselor Program,
7:30 p.m., Nebraska Union.
ACE, 4:30 p.m., Room 200,
Teachers College
ft THTdlfEN AKNE'6 ftVEN6E"j
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To Lecture
A natinally known educator
bent on selling America to
America, Dr. Kenneth Mc
Farland, will speak at th
University Teachers College
Convocation Wednesday.
He will speak on the topic
"Speak Up for America" at
10:30 a.m. in the Nebraska
Union ballroom.
Known for nearly a quar
er of a century as one of
America's outstanding educa
tors, McFarland has also be
came famous as a business
man, civic leader, church
leader, farmer, stockman and
McFarland believes one of
the most desperate needs of
our time is to teach funda
mental Americanism to the
American people. As a result
of his efforts in this area,' the
National Sales Executives
Clubs in 1957 named him
"A m e r 1 c a's Outstanding
Salesman of the Year."
A graduate of Pittsburg
State College in Kansas, be
received his graduate de
gres from Columbia and
Stanford Universities. He is
currently serving as edu
cational consultant and public
speaker for the General Mo
tors corporation.
McFarland's speech is be
ing sponsored by Mu Epsi
lon Nu, national education
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