The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1966, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Jo Stohlman, editor
Mike Kirkman, business manager
Page 2
Friday, March 11, 1966
An Unfair Request
Up to the time of the special Student
Senate meeting yesterday, the Administra
tion has maintained that the special charge
proposed for next year would be a tem
porary, emergency measure to meet in
creased enrollment projection.
When the Daily Nebraskan first
reported the possibility of such a stu
dent charge (estimated around $40 for
the year per student) Vice Chancellor
Joseph Soshnik repeatedly told the re
porter that this was NOT a tuition in
creasejust an emergency charge for
one year only. Soshnik repeatedly in
structed that the word "tuition" not
be used in describing the charge, un
der the assumption that it be for one
year only.
And yesterday well, yesterday, Chan
cellor Clifford M. Hardin admitted that
it "could very well happen" that the "one
year" special charge will become a
permanent addition to tuition costs. (The
philosophy behind this seems to be that
if the students can pay the special charge
one year, it wouldn't be prohibitive for
them to pay it ever afterwards.)
In light of the fact that the special
charge "could very well" become
permanent, we feel that it must not
be placed upon students.
' The special charge is necessitated by
the fact that errors were made by the
Administration and the Legislature in the
estimates of projected student enroll
ments and the funds which would be nec
essary to pay for the larger enrollments.
We ask is it right or fair that stu
dents be subjected to higher tuition costs
when they were in no way responsible for
the misjudgments of the Administration
and the Legislature?
We think not. Students could as
sume the load, perhaps, if it were for
one year only. But it becomes Increas
ingly evident that the "one year"
charge will not be, in truth, for "one
year" only. Thus, we feel that some
other measure must be taken to pro
vide for the needed money.
The senator! discussed the possibil
ity of petitioning the Board of Regents to
ask Gov. Frank Morrison to call a special
session of the Legislature to appropriate
the funds.
Hardin indicated that the possibility of
a special legislative session is not good at
this time. The senators will probably vote
next Wednesday or before on further ac
tion they may wish to see taken on the
We hope that the senators will
seek action to call a special session.
It Is unfair to impose further tuition
costs on students which will no doubt
ultimately be prohibitive to some, if
not many students.
3f 3 fa Svimj .
Mortar Boards are voting
on 1 candidates in fact it's
likely that they are almost
Innocents will be sending
out their letters soon and
their "spook" telephone
calls, looks and remarks
ha"ve already begun.
Spring is almost here and
Chancellor Hardin has
spoken to the senators at a
special Student Senate
Sometimes one wonders
if this "crisis" can really
interest' or excite Neumeis
ter, Frolik and their friends
as much as the ones earlier
this year.
Excited or not, one has to
respect these men and their
assistants such as Bob
Samuelson. They are 1 1 1 1 1
trying no matter how late
in the year or how many
recent disappointments to
benefit the students like a
student government should.
Samuelson has done a lot
of digging into University
and legislative budget rec
ords and he has found what
seems like embarrassing
but quite obvious questions.
One can be sure that Har
din and Soshnik are both
quite honorable, well-meaning,
ambitious men and one
knows that there are many
backroom issues involved
with politics and skuldog
gery. One can't be sure exactly
what Student Senate can do
with its information except
maybe get to know Hardin
better and learn a little
about the school's real
Another thing one can be
sure of is that very few of
the senators knew anything
about Thursday's meeting
except the time. Perhaps
ifs the fault of the senators
but many of t hem seem
often to know nothing about
an issue or a future meet
ing except what they read
in the Daily Nebraskan.
In fact many of them do
not know anything after the
meeting until they have
read the Daily Nebraskan.
It's not that the Dally Ne
braskan is pro-Republican
or pro-Democrat, but rather
that on this campus t h e
news, students or almost
anybody can't help but at
least look pro-Republican.
To write a story about
the Young Democrats on
this campus, it has not been
unusual In the past for a
reporter to call as many as
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated Colleglatt
P r e I, National Advertising
Service, Incorporated. Published
at Room SI, Nebraska Union,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
EataraS Hmd etaea mallee al
Ui peal tllUt la LIbcoIb, Ntruka
under Ua Mt af Attfiui t, II U.
roll.t. STEVE H( M.I HroRD.
rtllw. WAYNE KKKllM:KKRl earte
edller. JIM PEARhEl eibt Mil
editor, JON KFBKMOFf'l Millar MaH
writer. JAN ITklN, BBUIK OILfcH,
JULIE MOHKISi Junior etaff ejrllert,
cr henhicrn, turn CUBMOWl
atiotorravhera, TOM 1'BIN, ICH
lIKKKi topr editor), POLLY ftrlV.
six people in trying to find
some information.
Even if the information
needed was at small as
who will speak at the next
meeting or what is senator
so and so's topic or back
ground, a reporter often has
found no information except
maybe a half-scribbled, non
readable scrap of paper
with a few remarks on it
and thrown down on the Ne
braskan's news desk.
On the other hand, the
YR's, mainly because of
one individual their new
president, Cathie Shattuck,
have given this paper an
impression of proficiency,
hard work, organization, in
terest and skill.
Every reporter on this pa
per is extremely pleased to
see Miss Shattuck receive
the office she has carried
out unofficially for such a
long time and truly deserves.
I More Letters . . .
Election Results Unknown
Dear Editor,
Yesterday, 25 women were chosen to represent one
third of the campus population on the AWS Board.
Since the importance of this election is probably sec
ond only to the Senate elections, it is surprising that the
results were not released to the press, nor were "out
siders" allowed to observe the counting of the ballots.
It is indeed unfortunate when people are not publicly
told the margin of votes in an election that puts such a
small number of people in such a responsible, represent
ative position. The women who voted will never know if
the Board was elected by a large majority, or if the election
was very close.
This majority-minority factor can be very important
to any group who wishes to present ideas to the Board.
Next year, the results of the AWS elections should be
published for all to see. And if anyone is hurt because
they were defeated by a large margin, Sorry about that.
Emily P.
Failure Students' Fault?
Dear Editor,
Who are you to call us students apathetic? It seems
that when your pet project or that of other so-called Big
Wheels meets with failure as did the Faculty Evaluation
Book it always seems to be the students' fault.
You say that students don't give a darn. Maybe this is
because they don't want something they oppose.
You also say that the only way to get students to fill
out the questionnaires is to put them in their "grubby little
paws" in classes during Dead Week. Are you so naive as
to think that this will affect a change in the opposition
students already have toward this project? Maybe if you
would conduct a representative poll once instead of these
rinky-dink 25 person polls, you would find out what student
opinion is.
Your persistent harping on student apathy in your
editorials reminds me of a story I recently heard.
A lion walking through the jungle happened on a wild
bull, pounced on him and gorged himself on the bull. The
lion then began to roar in contentment. A hunter nearby
heard the roar and shot the Mon. The moral of this story
is when your (sic) full of bull shut up. I hope the editor
don't (sic) have to eat her words.
One of those grubby little paws
Allen Ginsberg's Poetry
Dear Editor.
I sincerely hope that Dr. Narveson was misquoted in
Wednesday's Daily Nebraskan. Much to my disappoint
ment, I was not able to attend Tuesday's forum on the
importance of Allen Ginsberg.
As a result I did not hear Dr. Narveson's comments
on Mr. Ginsberg's poetry, but cannot imagine a man of
his standing saying that a certain poet would not be con
sidered great "as his poems are better heard than read."
I do not deny that Hamlet is better appreciated through
performance than reading or that a good oral reading of a
Shakespearean sonnet is more profitable than a silent one.
If poetry were meant to be read silently, then what would
be the use of most poetic devices: onomatopoeia, allitera
tion, rhyme, and even meter?
If someone wished to condemn Mr. Ginsberg to medioc
rity because his portry could not be appreciated when
read aloud by the poet himself, this person might have a
valid argument. But I can hardly see that a poet could be
criticized "as his poems are better heard than read."
Janet Bishop
' ' ' " " ' - 1 1 ' - ' -' ' ' i ii i mmmm i n m i i win i n i i
lorry About That!
Being a compendium of farce, humor and
absurdity, selected arbitrarily by the Editor.
Historical Note of the Day: In 1548,
Pomerania, Klingspor. Freechstein, Bo
hemia, Scholckia and Morumba sign their
famous treaty (later known as the "Six
Wouldn't it be nice if student senators
wore clothes like the rest of us on their
meeting days? At least they'd look
One person wrote a letter to the ed
itor, in which she entered the small plea
"I'm interested."
The writer was interested in $40,000
which a Beatles visit might bring to the
University. All that is needed is permis
sion to use the stadium.
Well, promoters are busy. (Official
and otherwise.) Local radio stations are
soliciting letters requesting the Beatles to
I'd have to admit that a Beatles visit
would inspire a little excitement in the
area. My only wish is that the visit, if it
comes off, could be scheduled at a more
opportune time. (It would be sometime
in August.)
We see some good (besides all that
money to local merchants and promoters)
would come of a Beatles performance in
The same people who spent their idle
moments in February writing letters ex
pressing their disgust of Ginsberg's ap
pearance could spend their idle moments
in August writing the same letters about
the Beatles.
The Daily Nebraskan senior staff has
a little game which they've been playing
regularly. It's called the sick game.
Rules are simple. You simply get sick,
and give your orders by phone or write
your columns on your roommate's 1891
vintage console Royal.
It's about the only thing a staff mem
ber can do in order to stay away from
the office occasionally. We've got the ro
tation system down pat.
My next day to be sick is set for next
Monday (same day I have three hour
Nebraska Union Rule of the Day: "As
the 'living room' or the 'hearthstone' of
the College, the Union provides for the
services, conveniences, and amenities the
members of the college family need in
their daily life on the campus and for get
ting to know and understand one another
through Informal association outside the
(. . . Like at Hyde Park.)
Was it really Chancellor Hardin at the
Student Senate meeting Thursday? It's
been so-o-o-o long.
Then there was the student who slept
through the "discussion" of intentions, er
rors in enrollment estimates, and the pro
posed student fee. (Probably a senior.)
If the "emergency charge" is tacked
on to the student, we'll be Sorry About
i Another Viewpoint
I Choosing Draftees 1
3 O B
(Editor's Note: The fol
lowing editorial, concerning
the college's role in the se
lection of draftees, is re
printed from the Denver
The academic world is
understandably upset at the
suggestion of Selective
Service officials that stu
dents in the lower half or
third of their classes may
lose their draft deferments
and be sent to fight in Viet
nam. The trouble with such a
policy is that it adds a
grave new significance to
the process of giving grades
and places on faculty mem
bers the burden of deciding
which young men will stay
in college and which wiU
risk their lives in Vietnam.
This is a burden that
acuity members cannot
fairly be required to as
sume. When a few points
either way in the grade on
a term paper or on an es
say question on an exami
nation can affect a stu
dent's life so profoundly,
the problem of determining
those points becomes al
most intolerable.
Class standing Is widely
recognized as an unsatisfac
tory measure of intellect
ual promise. Students with
heavy, difficult schedules
compete with students with
an easy load. Standings
change each semester. A
student whose intellectual
awakening came late may
have acquired a low class
standing on his past per
formance, even though his
work may now be superior
to that of his classmates.
It is also true that stu
dents in the lower half of
their classes at some uni
versities may be better stu
dents than those in the up
per half of their classes at
other universities.
If the proposed Selective
Service policy were Imple
mented, it could induce stu
dents to seek out easy
schools and easy courses.
(Just Slightly Korrect)
Just between you and me
Al Capp would make a
great housemother. He
seems to understand the
college population as it is
Who else would be willing
to admit that they're In fa
vor of "free love" because
the price is right . . .?
At the difficult schools, it
could intensify even further
the competitive pressures
which are even now too
In the future, It may well
prove necessary to draft a
substantial number of col
lege students. If that is to
be done, we believe the re
sponsibility for making de
cisions should rest with the
draft boards and not with
the faculty members who
hand out grades.
Each student ought to be
evaluated in terms of his
total record in school and in
life, not only on the basis
of his class standing or his
grades and not at all by a
rigid numerical standard.
If a student is serious
about his college work and
spending his time in .col
lege profitably, his draft
board ought to let him re
main there, if it can, even
if he's not in the upper half
of his class.
The colleges can undoubt
edly supply the draft boards
with useful Information. But
they ought not to be forced
to take the responsibility
for choosing draftees or to
suffer the ill effects of a
draft system that is based
on class standing.
'Good' Speaker Coming
Dear Editor,
I was wondering why there was such a small article
in the Daily Nebraskan, March 7, about Dr. Kenneth Mc
Farland's coming to the campus on March 16.
He is a public speaker for General Motors (and a
very brilliant and capable one at that) and probably one
of the most dynamic speakers to come to campus this
I say, why not a BIG article to let everyone know he
Is coming to the campus so that they will be able to
hear a good speaker for a change?
Just Wondering
Greek Academic Excellence
Dear Editor,
I have to commend your support of academic excel
lence, but I do differ with you in your application of the
idea to the sorority and fraternity system as expressed in
your editorial March 3.
Can it possibly be that you really believe that academic
excellence of the Greek system should be achieved Dy
merely eliminating someone who might adversely affect
a grade point average? Can it be that you really believe
they would have anything to be proud of if their average
happens to be above the all University average if they
arrive there by merely eliminating people from their
membership? Can it be that you really equate grade point
average with the real meaning of academic excellence?
It seems to me that when we talk about academic excel
lence we are referring to performance not selection. We
can best consider the matter of scholarship by assuring
ourselves that fraternity programs place proper emphasis
on academic achievement. They can work toward the
maximum performance of each individual by eliminating
deterrents to fine performance. Then and only then can
the Greek system pride itself on a grade point average
that is above someone elses.
As to your second reason, I'm afraid I don't even
follow. Why isn't a student in good standing in the Univer
sity entitled to the benefits of membership in a fraternity
if that is what he wants? You try to relate your argument
about a 2.00 average to scholastic probation when we
could just as easily relate it to graduation requirements.
If a 2.00 average qualifies one for a degree from the
University why is it not good enough to qualify him for
membership in a fraternal group? I think you need to
remember that it is grades below a 2.00 that are of a
probationary nature, not a 2.00 itself.
Let's support together the idea of academic excellence
for it is certainly laudable. But let us hope that fraternities,
residence halls, activity groups and best of all individual
students place worth on this as it reflects the learning
process and the qualities of true scholarship. Aspiration
toward any given grade point average based on anything
other 'than performance and realization of the best of
scholarly achievement by all individuals seems false
Helen A. Snyder
Dean of Women
On Platform Planks
Dear Editor,
I would like to congratulate the new members of the
AWS Board. But just remember, ladies, platform planks
are no good unless something is built with them.
Big Sister
Attack on Apathy
Dear Editor,
In keeping with your attack on apathy, I would like to
point out the apathy and defeatism shown by columnists
Partsch and Pokorny.
Pokorny, who has never said anything good about
anyone, is a good example of apathy, and Partsch, who
thinks he is the Chancellor or a god, is little better.
Your finest blow against apathy would be the removal
of these writers from your staff.
Judy Washington
Sex Precious Gift
Dear Editor,
In response to the article by Julie Morris flh birth
control pills (March 9th), may I express a hope. My hope
is that the day is coming soon when we will stop using the
threat of pregnancy and venereal disease as clubs to
frighten away extra-marital sex relations. Our society is
struggling to remember the positive reasons for reserving
sex relations for the security of the marriage covenant.
I am looking for the day when our love of families
will lead us to bring our sexual intimacy to marriage as a
precious gift. I don't believe that using the weapon of
ignorance is going to hurry that day.
Duane Hutchinson,
Minister - Director,
Methodist Chapel
A Deplorable Act
Dear Editor,
I don't know whether it is a fad or not but the childish
act of swiping posters off bulletin boards if certainly a
deplorable act. I am referring to the posters that were
literally STOLEN from Abel Hall, the Union. Cather,
Pound, and Selleck. These posters were advertising tha
upcoming Satan and the Saints dance on March 18th at tha
Union Ballroom.
Whoever took these posters ought to have their (?)
kicked. But I must commend them on their choice because
these posters were unique in themselves. The fellows
that worked on them are getting little in return for their
labor because they were up less than a day.
So would those "sticky fingered" people please return
them? It would be very much appreciated by those who
have not had a chance to see them yet.
Social Activities Chairman
David Cook
'Pure Maiden' Leadership
Dear Editor,
Three cheers for the six incumbent sophomore mem
bers who have been unanimously reelected to serve on
AWS Bored, (sick)
My greatest pleasure and solace during the long
lonely nights ahead of me will be the fact that ASW still
has the leadership of the pure maiden who has "never
been inside a man's apartment." Thank the bat-voters for
MB 015