Ait Wednesday, March. 2, 1966 The Daily Nebraskan Vol. 81, No. 72 TTh TT7" r asses ivev system .1 ' 1 i- ' - - LADD LONNQUIST, . . . head of the Faculty Evaluation Book project, examines a few of the completed question naires returned to the Senate office. Lack Of Interest Halts Faculty Book Because of lack of student Interest in filling out the fac-ulty-e valuation question naires, the ASUN Faculty Evaluatin Book will probably not come out this year, ac cording to Ladd Lonnquist, ASUN Faculty Evaluation Book chairman. "I was very displeased with the response," Lonnquist said. "Out of 35,000 questionnaires, only a little over 3,000 were returned. All the committee can do is to redouble our ef forts to build student interest and find out why they did not fill out the forms." Proposals He explained that at the Student Senate meeting Wednesday, two propos als would be presented on fu ture course of action. "We could hurry up and try to get more students to fill out forms or we could post pone the book until next year and pass out the forms In class during Dead Week," he added. He explained that the book could not be published on the basis of the questionnaires that have been turned in be cause "it would not do jus tice to the faculty and ASUN would not be living up to its responsibility if the Faculty Evaluation book would be based on a few forms." Lonnquist added that If they would "hurry up and try to get more students to fill out the forms" the book would not be as thorough or as com plete as it would be if the second alternative were fol lowed. "Passing the forms out dur ing Dead Week, with the per mission of the individual in structor," he continued, "would give us the opinion of every type of student which we might not have gotten oth erwise." Course Critiques "Also we are envisioning expanding the book to include a critique of the actual course and having the professor write a resume explaining his goals for the course," he said. "Of course to do this, the questionnaire must be revised to Include more questions on the course, material, text and teacher's Intent," he added. With the book postponed un til next year, Lonnquist said, the committee would have all summer to work on it. "With more time, we could definitely have a more thor ough, more exacting and more responsible book," he noted. He said that he could "pro mise the book will not be out by April 1." "There really Is no need to have the book come out this spring after registration," he added, "and by postponing and expanding it, the b o o k would be of more benefit to the students." Techniques He added that questions on teachers methods and tech niques in an expanded book could be of help to the stu dents. "Our goal is still two-fold," he continued: "to help the students In choosing their teachers and to improve the teaching at the University." Lonnquist's committee has been working on the book for about six months; originally the book was to be published in April. Legal questions previously threatened the book's exis tence when the Committee on Student Affairs rescinded ap proval last month because of questions concerning legal li ability. Student Senate considered either having the book com mercially published or ap pealing to the Board of Re gents for official sanction. Coeds Vie For Beauty Queen Title The College of Dentistry has announced six finalists for the title of "Miss Impressions," an annual competition spon sored by the college's year book, "Impessions." Miss Impressions and two attendants will be selected Thursday night following final interviews and will be form ally presented at the Dental College Formal jn April. The finalists are Marilyn Hardee, Alpha Omicron Pi; Alice Dale, Chi Omega; Mari an Sicklobower, Kappa Delta; Susie Sitorius, Alpha Delta Phi; Karen Westerberg, Alpha XI Delta and Kary Kramer, Kappa Alpha Theta. T w e n t y-one coeds went through preliminary inter views for the Miss Impres sions title, according to Jerry Gemar, chairman of the se lection committee. Gemar said the senior class at the college annually puts out a yearbook and that Miss Impressions is the featured beauty queen. The title was not given last year, Gemar said. Miss Im pressions two years ago was Andi Leeran, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Candidates are judged, Ge mar said, on the b a s i s of poise, personality. Intelli gence, sincerity and appear ance. He said the coed's knowledge of dentistry was a factor, but not a great one. Death Penally To Be Discussed An Informal discussion on capital punishment will be held at 3:30 Wednesday in the Newman Center. The discussion, which is for all University students and faculty, will follow a brief introduction on the subject of capital punishment. By Jan Itkin Senior Staff Writer AWS Tuesday unanimously passed a motion establishing a senior key system, but re jected by a vote of 7-11 an amendment allowing women over 21 who were not seniors to participate in the system. The system will go into ef fect in September, 1966 if it is approved by the Commit tee on Student Affairs. Vicki Dowling, vice presi dent of AWS, moved that a senior key system be estab lished for women with senior standing, at least a 2.0 cum ulative average and parental permission. According to stipulations in a tentative senior key propos al presented three weeks ago, a woman must also be will ing to pay her part of the cost of the system and be willing to take her turn at key duty. Keys are to be checked out by 7 p.m. and are to be re turned upon return. Abuses of key privileges will result in a penalty period without a key or permanent suspension of key privileges. Keys At 21? Discussion at the meeting revolved not around the mo tion, but around the amend ment by Barb Beckman ex tending the system to all women who are 21 as well as those with senior standing. Miss Beckman referred back to a poll in which 350 out of 501 junior and senior wom en voted to have eligibility extended to both seniors and women over 21. "The poll said that the women wanted keys for seni ors and those 21," she said, . y :M 'Mil ' l "i 'f .J f I J 3 I J 4 !U V- ') t;1 ,-r.J y 7 I ( . y ' . ; V", MOD GLASSES RANK ... at the top of the fashion totem pole. Diane Woodhull, Richard Johnson and Nancy Henrlckson all sport the mad mod look in "owls" and "granny-glasses." (See story, page 4.) "and the argument at last week's meeting concerned ad ministration and not philoso phy. We could work out a program for both groups." A separate office could be established, she continued, to deal with records of this type and so eliminate errors. Al so, women 21 could attend the same orientation that the seniors would. General Orientation Pam Hedgecock, who sec onded the amendment, said, "There would be no more problem orienting those who are going to be 21 than those who are going to be seniors." "Have everyone of them attend a general orientation," she continued, "and then when someone turns 21 and goes to report it, she could receive a printed brochure reminding of the procedures and responsibilities." Ruth Ann Rasmussen not ed that one board member could be specifically respon sible for pulling the AWS card and sending a note to the housemothers and deans af ter a women notified AWS that she turned 21. "It would only take about one hour a day," she added, "and that's less time than some board members spend in the office now." Miss Beckman added that a "seal of verification" should also be kept to sanction the note or certificate that wom en turning 21 would be given. 'Consider Practicality' "We must consider the practicality of this," stressed Miss Dowling. "We are talk ing of incorporating women 21 into the system and for getting what we are doing for the seniors. We have a huge responsibility to make the sys tem work without incorporat ing even more administra tive problems." "First let's assure our selves of a system that will run efficiently and then talk about 21 year olds," she said. "Because of both convenienc Osgood: U.S. Should Take 'Midway' Policy In Viet Nam By Randy Irey Junior Staff Writer A course of action midway between the extreme policies open to the United States in Viet Nam, should be made, since there are no simple ways out, according to Dr. Charles E. Osgood, director of the Institute of Communi cations Research at the Uni versity of Illinois. He spoke at the concluding lecture of the Montgomery Lectures for 1966 Tuesday at the University. "Those who abjectly and unconditionally demand U.S. withdrawal either have no conception of the state of the public mind and pressures upon our leadership, or are trying to guarantee a place for themselves in Heaven at the expense of the well-being of ordinary people in the in the here and now," Osgood said. 4Dragged-Out War' On the other side of the coin, he said that those peo ple "who speak glibly of 'vic tory' lack either the idea of what a long, dragged-out land war in Southeast Asia would consist of," or "have no con ception of what genocide does to those who practice it." Osgood presented his first lecture of the series on Mon day afternoon. His stated purpose for that lecture was to "put the present crises in to perspective and suggest some lessons we might learn from them." "A cultural lag between our understanding and control of things and our understanding and control of ourselves is the crux of our problem as we enter the nuclear age." According to Osgood, one of the reasons for this lack of understanding is the fact that man, when faced with an overwhelming danger, tends to deny its existence. This, he pointed out, does not erad Fraternities Substitute Constructive 'Help Week' For Physical Hazing "Hell week" is no longer hell to fraternity pledges. The traditional pre-initiation pro gram has been replaced by a constructive "help week", according to University fra ternity presidents interviewed by the Daily Nebraskan. Help week is usually held In many of the fraternities at this time of the year. The new trend is away from the old hell week with physical Constitution Approval Method To Be Decided By Senate A resolution regulating pro cedures for approval of amendments and new consti tutions of existing student or ganizations will come before Student Senate Wednesday afternoon. The resolution was original ly presented last week, bat was tabled srs a result of con troversy over a provision that the Senate would recognize an organization and approve Its constitution on the basis of contents and clarity. Larry Frollk, vice president gf ASUN, explained that under the ASUN constitution, Student Senate has the pow er to approve all constitutions and recognize new student or ganizations. "It said nothing, however, . . . For Seniors Only es and practicality, the Uni versity does things by class. Age is not relevant and we'd just be adding extra prob lems." Patti Teel, AWS secretary, agreed, "There are more ad ministrative problems than can be imagined. By elimin ating the facility for 21-year- icate the danger. "The idea here Is that conscious aware ness of the true danger of nuclear war is one of the ma jor factors inhibiting reckless ness in risk-taking." Too Much Success Another problem discussed by Osgood was our tendency to apply force all over the world. "Paradoxically, the real danger of Viet Nam is that our escalation policy there may be too successful and set us still more firmly on a path toward 'Pax Amer icana.' I submit that main taining a military police state externally is fundamentally incompatible with maintaining a free democratic state in- ternally." "Our commitment to t h e Free World should be de fined positively, in terms of the strengthening of democra tic Institutions, rather than negatively, as John Foster Dulles did, in terms of the containment of a particular political philosophy," he stated. "To gain security for our people (and others) in this nuclear age, we are going to have to gradually surrender Osgood hazing to community service projects. Programs Differ Gary Larsen, Interfratern ity Council president, said help week varies a great deal among the houses. The 0 1 d idea was that hell week was the final test of a pledge to see if he would really like to become a fraternity man. "Some houses have pro grams IFC would not want to happen, but there are some about constitutions of existing organizations or amend ments," he continued. "In fact, it had no stipulated powers in these areas. We want to clarify the constitu tion and erase these ambigui ties." The resolution also provides that "Student Senate approval shall be based on content, form and clarity." Frolik noted that all the ASUN constitution says at the present time is that Student Senate has the power to rec ognize organizations and ap prove their constitutions. "But on what basis are we to judge?" he asked. "This resolution would stipulate the basis for consideration." Terry Schaaf, ASUN sena old women right now, we could have a more efficient system and then we could ex pand." Ann Boyles asked, "Why was there a question asking which system was prefeiiifd if we aren't interested?" Cont. on pg. 4, Col. 1 our sovereignty as a state, but it should be done in an orderly fashion to internation al organizations rather than in a disorderly, piece-m e a 1 fashion to other nation-states, in a fruitless quest for an il lusory 'balance of power.' " Escalation Hampers Tuesday Osgood dealt with his belief that "the use of military escalation as a po litical tool hampers all other approaches to world prob lems and is incompatible with our own long-term goals as a nation." He said he felt that the President must shift absolute ly from an escalation strat egy to a de-escalation strate gy. "We must announce the ex tent of the present status quo and our intention to maintain it against any aggressive at tempts at change, and we must gradually pull back the radius of our bombing of North Viet Nam." Osgood said that the U.S. should be prepared to negoti ate unconditionally with all parties concerned with the war, including political repre sentatives of the Viet Cong. "We cannot expect our op ponents to leap at this oppor tunity when it is first offered, but we are powerful enough to maintain our firmness un der the conditions while wait ing for the wisdom of a non violent solution to sink in. "In the meantime, if we really want to get out of Southeast Asia with dignity and in the forseeable future, we can support a gradual broadening of the democratic base of the Saigon govern ment first, by encouraging the Buddhist and Catholics to bridge their gulf and partici pate in a common govern ment, and second, by encour aging political leaders of the Met Cong to become involved in the government." very constructive programs with definite aims," Larsen said. "The trouble comes in when actives think the pledg es should go through the same type of hell week games as they did, and they don't think of the changes in the system." There should be a purpose behind a help week program or something to be gained by the individual, Larsen stated. Cont. on Pg. 5, CoL 1 tor, said, "Before this resolu tion, an organization could theoretically be rejected be cause no one liked its presi dent. Now that a basis for consideration has been formed, if something like that happened, the organization would have reason to appeal to the ASUN Court." Frolik stressed that unless ASUN can effectiely approve or disapprove of organiza tions, Faculty Senate Is t h only authority. "We'd be shirking our re sponsibility to the students if we'd let that happen," ha con tinued. "If we accept our re sponsibility, then Faculty Senate will act as a check after the students and Student Senate have had a voice is the decision."