Page 4 Tha Daily Nebraskan Mor.uay, Feb. 28, 1966 11 3s. ; I: 5 . 1 i .- J? -1 Sports Kansas Wins On Track And Court James Pearse, sports editor Huskerlan Gives No Support The following article was written by Larry Eckholt, assistant to Don Bryant, Ne braska Sports Information Director. It is an open letter to the students of the University of Nebraska. Let us all read it with an open mind. The day was appropriately dreary. The fog was so thick coming in to Lincoln that some wondered if we'd land at all. But those with the basket ball party were wondering something else. Would there be anyone at the airport to greet the team? The question was already answered in their minds. "Who would think of meeting the team after Ne braska got trounced by 37 points?" Well, maybe . . . "Maybe" never came. It never has. The trio to Lawrence started with the same treat ment. As the Big Red from Nebraska left the CoHseum Friday afternoon not a soul was there to wish the Big Eight leaders well. OH yes. there were three members of Tassels who showed up a lit tle earlier. They distributed NU feathers to the team with a message "Tar and feath er the Jayhawks." It was comical. Some one cracked that the school must really be in financial trouble. At the Kansas City airport a photographer from the Kan sas City Star met the Hus kers and their coach. "Gee, maybe we are a little impor tant," I thought as Grant Simmons and Willie Camp bell posed with Coach Cipri ano for the nhotographer. The Huskers traveled the 30-odd miles to LawTence in four burgundy LTD Fords, two with black vinyl tops, two with white vinyl tops. "Mv god. this is really clas sy," I said as we n e a r e d Lawrence, "but it should be for the nation's Number 8 team." Once in Lawrence one could feel the excitement that this game generated since N ebras ka beat Kansas on Jan. 18, to take the conference lead. Every fraternity house and sorority house on campus had a display. It was almost like Homecoming. Phi Karma The- i ta, the national Catholic fra ternity, had a large "G i v e ; 'Em Hell, Hawks" Dlasteredj across the side of the house, j All of the dorms had slo-j gans in the windows, like! Abel Hall used to do. Nebras ka was hung in effigy in front of the Administration Build ing, but KU has trees on the campus which helped matters. A letter addressed to the NU basketball team wras sent to the Holiday Inn. In it was a clipping from the local news paper showing KU coach Ted Owens smashing a car label led Nebraska. A P. S. was added, "Oh yeah, we totaled the car." The school newspaper con tained ten pages of ads, from local business firms and liv ing units, congratulating the Jayhawks and wishing them welL And then the game . . . Words aren't needed to de scribe what took place in Al len Fieldhouse on Saturday night Most Nebraskans saw what happened. Or did they? "I'd like" to have a nickel for every TV set that was turned off at halftime in Nebraska," somebody said. Saturday night the Hawks were hetter than Nebraska. The Huskers weren't happy wtH their playing. But most of the post game talk con cerned the Big Eight race. And if there s a playoff? '"Ve can do it," said a team member, meaning that NU eai beat Kansas again. Bvt there is no sucport In Huskerland, at least from the students. No cheerleaders could find the time to make the Big Game. No good luck telegrams to wish the Hus-i Iters well were sent No one; to meet the team when it i comes home could be found, j But the Coliseum was still , there, waiting for the Huskers ) to prepare for the game with I K-State. The Huskers prac- ticed the minute they left the bus. I The bleacher! weren't np ?fH. Tie Coliseum was quiet. Vhat a change from the Ccked Allen Fieldhouse in wrence. Oh well, tt'i home. IttllllilllllllttMtCIIIIIIIIllIfllllHflllllltlllllllUlllllllIIIIltlttllllllllJItlliltllltltllllllltltltlllllllllltUMnillllt The Sporting Life By James Pearse As you enter Lawrence, Kansas from the west on t h e Kansas Turnpike you ste a sign that says "University of Ivancnc V n v f TTvif " An tnn , u . i,:u... - j .ifcuo j.vAt iah, ju iujj ui nidi gieeu nigiiway sign that greets any traveler to any exit there is a biz Javhawk striding out toward the open fields beyond the turnpike. Fol lowing mm are lour smaller Jayhawks, holding there heads jusi as nign, ana striding just as big. Ever-present Jayhawk When you get to the campus, the first thing that im presses you is the stone Jayhawk near the Kansas Union overlooking the football stadium and in the shadow of beau tiful Memorial Campanile. As you walk through the campus that Javhawk follows you very step of the way. You see him on papercups in the Union, on trash bar rels around the grounds, on carpets, printed on floors, in thp wldnows of cars, dorms, and fraternity houses yes, that's ngni, iraiernny nouses, loo. There is no doubt about the feeling students at Kansas have toward their University. All Out To Smash Nebraska Climaxing a week long drive to "Smash Nebraska" those students came to Allen Fieldhouse Saturday night and raised its towering roof another twenty feet with their en thusiasm. And there was that Jayhawk leading them. Struttine around in the middle of the court, he carried a sign saying "Smash Nebraska". When the game started, and the spirit symbol had to leave the floor, there was something to take his place. Every time Kansas scored the big red eye of the Jay hawk painted on all four sides the overhanging scoreboard DimKed wiin joy, ana the crowd roared its approval. Kansas had a team of 17,000 playing Nebraska Saturday night. There was something marvelous about the display of unity in spirit going on all around the arena. Kansas was a complete team. Every Jayhawk was dedi cated to his team, win or lose. For a little while this year, the disappointment of losing to Nebraska earlier might have blurred their spirit, but the Jayhawks never lost sight of their team. And Saturday night 17,000 Jayhawk dreams came true. Nebraska Alone What about Nebraska? The Nebraska basketball team lost alone. Sure tickets were hard to get hold of, with onlv twentv five allotted to the University. But you have to think that the cheerleaders and maybe even the band could have made the trip. But they didn't , There were only a few scattered Nebraskans trying to hold back the tidal wave of arms and yells being thrust at them, and damn few of those few Nebraskans were students. But there was television coverage back in Huskerland. But how many students had time for that in the mid dle of Saturday night when the basketball team was out of town? Kansas Grabs Title From NU No Time? After all, with parties and activations going on all un and down the Hollow Line, and with three good movies in town all at once, and the Christy Minstrels strumming and humming at good ole Pershing who the hell had time to sit down in front of a box in a comfortable living room and watch a basketball game? If some of those people spilling out their Hollow Line, or some of those rolling in the aisles at the "Hallejulia Trail", or some of those clapping along with the Christies could have walked into the Husker dressing room after the game I'm sure the toughest of them could not have faced the scene before them. How Do You Explain It? There was captain Grant Simmons sitting on the train ing table, kicking his legs, head down, hands folded, de jectedly trying put the puzzle of the proceeding two h o u r s together. Nate Branch moved from spot to spot sipping a coke saying nothing, pondering much. As I approached Jim Damm he threw a towel gingerly in the air, smiled, shook his head, then sagged on the bench. And so it went throughout the room. Ron Simmons alone with his thoughts, Coley Webb wanting another chance at the Jayhawks Cipriano Was With The Team In the midst of all this was Coach Joe Cipriano. The coach made his way around to each player, shaking their hand and offering his smile and words of inspiration. You caught the feeling of the players. Though it was a resounding defeat, at no time did their belief in Coach Cip riano, or the team's potential fade. As crushing as this defeat was you felt that this team could come back and beat the best in the country. That's the type of team it has been all along, starting with last sea son's triumphant over Michigan. You had the feeling that this group would go on to win their remaining games and then bring themselves real hon or by defeating Kansas in a play-off, if such a thing developed. But as you left the locker room, and walked into the crisp Kansas night air, fiUed with Jayhawks the sickening feeling that the team was doing it alone hit you again, -and you knew this was the thing that hurt Nebraska most. Nebraska jaw the Big Eight Track Championship snatched from their '".anls as Kansas, with a victory in the last event, the mile relay, tri umphed 41-37. The Cornhuskers paced by Dave Crooks blistering 1:09.2 in the 600 which ranks as one of the best efforts in the his tory of track had also a dou ble winner in hurdler Ray Harvey. Harvey with a record equal ling effort of :06.7 in the 60 yard low hurdles stepped in to the elite winner's circle once again for his conquest in the 60 yard high hurdles. Even without sprint ace. Charlie Greene, the 60 vard dash found itself in the Hus ker camp by the victory of the victory of the fleet- footed Olympic sprinter, Lynn Headlev. ''Tie Nebraska cause was aided by personal records from Les Hel'busch who fin ished fourth in the 880 and from Orlando Martinez who placed third in the mile. Additional points were gar nered bv Peter Scott's third in the 1,000 yards and Jim Beltzer's second in the shot put with a heave of 57'5". As the meet drew to a fin ish the tide of battle rested upon the outcome of the mile relay. DesDite a' fine effort by anchor man Dave Crook, the Cornhuskers were unable to catch the swift Jayhawks who rode the wave of victory in the mile relay to win the Big Eight championship. A number of good efforts were recorded in Friday's ac tion. Belteer's best throw of the meet in the shot nut came in F r i d a v's qualifving throws and carried over to win sec ond place in the meet on Saturdav. Ray Harvev skimmed the 60-yard low hurdles h -06.7 in Friday's prelims and re corded tVe same t'me in Sat urday's Una's. The :06 7 clock ing eqnals the American rec ord 1" the 60-yard lows. Harvey equaled the B i g Eight record in the 60-vard highs on Friday with a time of :07.2 and won the event f A tfoY. w WH. " J I i I tL.wrwr wiw i,nii'fiMH'rir ot rj Nebraska Out Of Race? 'HeavensNo!' Says Coach LYNN HEADLEY . . . nosed out Jim Jackson to win 60 yard dash. Saturday with a time of 07.3. Headley recorded his best effort of his career in t h e 60-yard dash on Friday when he breezed the distance in :06.1. His winning time on Saturday was :06.2. In freshmen competition on Friday. Kansas University s Jim Rvan recorded the third game. The words were given By James Pearse "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," depending on who you were for Saturday night in Allen Fieldhouse, Lawrence, Kan sas. But mostly it was the best of times, because mostly the 17,000 were for Kansas. For Nebraska it was like riding into a box canyon, turn ing around and finding that behind every bush and under every rock there were te wild savages each taking a shot at you. Even before the teams tool the floor the fireworks startec A small group of Nebraski fans who somehow managed to get tickets (in basketball there is no home and home allotment as in football) scaled the heights of Allen Fieldhouse, and once findinp there seats in the dark reces ses around the r a f t e r s un furled a sign reading, "We're here to Win." The Kansas Jayhawks re taliated by running across the floor and thrusting a "smash NEBRASKA" sip at the Hus kers followers. This was thirty minutes be fore game time. The tempo continued to build. With the Fieldhouse still filling the yell squad taught the crowd a new fight song, prepared especially for this .1 ; V5V it!?- til Big Eight Summaries t 46th A 0 . YOU'LL ENJOY DINING IN THE QUAINT ATMOSPHERE OF THE PIZZA HUT Pk. 489-4601 Shot put 1. Gene Crews. Minourf 61-7Vi. 2. Jim Seiner, Nebraska. 57-15. J. Garv Barr. Kansas, 54-8'i. 4. Terrf Ten Evck. Colorado, 5310. 5. UarrT King. Colorado. 5J-9. 'Record, old record Mi by Crew in prelimiianeO. ro-yard low hi'-Hles 1. Rav Hane, Nebraska 2, Bob Hanaon. K?nsas J, Lynn Headley. Nebraska. 4. Bill ra'hoon, Okla hirnii S. rharlie Brown. Missouri. 6.7 'Tied record hld by ewrht orhera fclndin Hwon. Kan?. 60-vard hi?h hurdle 1. Ray Haney. Ne- hrak r:.rr- Gren. Iowa S'a'e. 1, Garret Vrni Netier, Miswuri 4. Harold Woolen Kaiwas Slate. 5. Warren H-Kii hion Colorado :07.3. M vard dash 1, Lynn Headley, Vebraa ka 2. Jame! Jackaon. Oklahoma. 3. Phil Aidrich, Oklahoma. 4. Harrv Alley. Iowa Slate. 5. Don Pavne, Kansas State. :OHi. Mile run John Lawaon, 4 04 S. 2, Con rad Nightinirale. Kansas Sute. 4:90. 3, Orlando Martinez. Nebraska, 4:11.8. 4, Charlea tonrad, Miaaouri. 4:12 8 S, Cbarlea Harper. Kan State. 4:14.2 'meet rewd. old record 4 06.5. Wea Santee. Kansaa, 19541. 6001, Dave Crook, Nebraska 2. Steve Canon, Iowa State, 3, Jame Shield, Oklahoma. 4. Lee Calhoun, Oklahoma. 5. Lowell Pau'. Kansas 1-09 2. 'meet record. Old recon' 1:10 by Crook in Friday preliminary . 1.0001. Tom Von Ruden, Oklahoma State, 2:10 2 2,Lowell Paul, Kanaa. 2:30.3. 3, Pete Scott, Nebraska, 2106 4, Terry Thompson, Missouri, 2.11.3. 6. es Dutton, R otate. 11 4. tiao 1, Jim MetcaH. Oklahoma Sute, 1 5! a. 2, John Pern, Oklairotn Stale. 1-.K.9. 1. CharVs C'.rrad. Miaaovn. 1:54 7. 4, Lea Hellousch, Nebraska, 1 05.5. 5, Lee Ca'houn. Oklahoma, 1:55 9 Two mile 1, John Lawao, Kauaa, 9 06.5 2, Chris MoCuObins, Oklahoma Sale, :12. 3, Norman Venkey. Kami an State, 9 20.4. 4. Conrad Vinhtmuale, K Stale. 9:22.1. 5. Mike Tarry, K-Stale, 24 4. 4-tO-J. Don Payne, Kansas State. 2, Bill Calhoun. Oklahoma 1, Tom Melton, Okiahoma. 4, Steve Ashurtl, Kansas f, Kerry Fairchild. K-State :V. 0. 'Meet rec ord Old record W 6 by Thame Baker. K-Staie 1953, and Cbarles Sirooc. okla boma. 12 Pole Vault 1, Chuck rioters, Colorado, 15-4. 2, hex Harvey, loa Siate, 15-0 3, Charles Beck, MiKSOtin. 15-ti. 4. Jim FarrelL Oklahoma. 14-6. 5, 'tie) Jim Bailer, Oklahoma, and Sick Koenx-r, Olorado. 14. HKb Jump 1, Ron Tull, Oklahoma, 6-10. 2, Steve fterndon, Misaouri, e-30. j 3, Art Carter, Karusa, 6-6 4, Kaloo I Uht, Kanaas, 64. 5, Steve Krebc, Nebraska, 6-4. Miie relay 1, K State 'Andy Williams. Kerry fairchild, Bill Selbe, Don Payne l ):(. 2. Kansas, J-19 . 1, Oklahoma, 3 20 1. 4. Muwoun. 3 213. S, Nebraska. 3:21.S. best indoor mile time ;n his tory with a clocking of 3:59.6. Nebraska yearling Hugh Mc Govern was second in the 690 yard run with 1:13. Husker sorinters Mike Green and Clif Forbes and hurdler John Sim mons failed to get past the prelims in the freshmen event It. was in Friday's prelims that Nebraska's Charlie Green pulled up lame and withdrew from the meet. to the fans as they entered the arena, and they were also flashed to the fans by the pon pon girls on the floor. It didn't take long. About five minutes and all the Jay hawks knew the words, or at least the Jist of the "song". "Rock Chalk Jayhawks, Kan sas give 'em hell." Then the teams took the floor. With the place almost full the Jayhawks found plen ty to yell about. They cheered wildly for each Nebraska mistake in the pre-game drill, and they went into hysteria when Jo-Jo White or Walt Wesley tore the rim off the basket with a dunk shot. Before the contest even started, it was the Christians versus the Lions, it was Cus ter at Little Bog Horn. Then came the tip-off. With in two minutes it was 10-1, Kansas. After twenty minutes : . fa 4j a r. I -. : wig got one of the three newt" w" Iuliy For Nebraska it was a frus trating attempt to try and keep pace with a Kansas team Swimmers Lose Eighth The University of Nebraska tank team lost its eighth dual match of the season Saturday to Iowa State, 66 to 28, in a meet highlighted by three new records. Nebraska had lost the night before to the State University of Iowa swimmers at Iowa City. Nebraska senior Keefe Lod- KAXSAS JAYHAWK . . . go on KU campus. very close to the Jayhawks when they started to fly. They used a devastateing half-court press, 55 shoot ing, and a zone defense around the basket that was tougher to get through than the ad ministration. Having a miserable night from the field (24), Nebras. follows you wherever you most of all they had tied up the Big Eight race. And those Cro-Magnon fans, with blood dripping from their every cry, and fire leaping from their eyes kept right on screaming for more. Fifteen inutes after the game was over, when the final scoring and scores of ka managed to stay as close I otner games were being read COMINO TO LINCOLN SATURDAY MAR. 12th 8:30 P.M. BOX OFFICE OPEN 12 TIL meet records with a :49.5 clocking in the 100 yard free style. A pair of Cyclone soph omores were responsible for the other two new marks. Jim Cots worth won the 200 yard butterfly in the record time of 2:04.9 and Paul Gruen berger set a mark of 5:27.6 in the 500-yard free style. Lodwig s record in the 100 free and his win in the 50-yard fre style accounted for the only two Nebraska first places. Swimming results: 4M mertey relay 1. Iowa State (Tim Otfirke, Jim Soope, Al Bennina;. Dennis Onleyl. T 3:510 c,2' ,rS-1- Paul Groenebercer, Iowa Kale; ; Tom Ntcfcenvm, Nebraska: 1 Tim Gaeth. Nebraska. T 1-53 9 50 free I. Keete LodVUt, Nebraska; i. John Moreland, Iowa State; j. Ken Me Nerney, lwa Stat. T :23.0. 1M Individual medley 1 Jim Coteworth. Iowa State; 2. Dave Frank, Nebraak; . Crau Dermis, Iowa Slate. T 210 8 rxvlnt 1 Wayne Oras, Iowa' State. Z.JS 70; 2. Ken Knaup, Iowa State, 20D 9b; ' Steve Rorenaon, Nebraska, 196 15 butterfly 1. Oxwortt), Iowa State; 2. Helming. Iowa Slate. T 2:04 S (Betters meet record of 2:08 It). rlfS ,nly". Nebraska i 2. Rich Gordon. .Vhraaka; J. Bruce McDonald, T - 'Betters meet record 20 1, Gehrke. Iowa Mate; 2. rll'.rMa; i. Paul Bakken, Iowa state. T 2:1X2. 500 tree 1 Gnww4vrrw Ibv. c , -. I Mckereon. Nebraska; 2. Benntn-. Iowa State., T-5;27.6 (Betters meet record of 200 breast 1. Soppe, lows State; 2. Mitch Sussex, Iowa State; J. tfike Jacii sor, Nebraska T 2 27X1 4o free relar L Iowa State 'McNemey, Con ley, Cotsworux Van Underwood). T that was playing some of the finest college basketball of the .season. It's doubtful if any team in the land could have stayed as they did with 90 free throw shooting in the first half. After the intermission, more frustration. Just when it looked like the Huskers might shake it up a little, Grant Simmons fouled out (17:06). It was the sixth Nebraska foul of the half. From that time on things got worse, if you can beb'eve that. With each basket, steal. foui, or violation the mad throng grew madder. With each drop of blood they squeezed from Nebraska they wanted that much more. By the end, they had drained Big Red down to a palid pink. The Jayhawks set Fieldhouse Scoring records, Kansas scoring records, con ference scoring records, but i over the PA system, those delirious Javhawks were still yelling for more. There is nothing to say in reference to the course the game took. It was simply some of the finest ball of the season over one of the most frustrating performances of the year for the Kuskers. But that one is behind Ne braska. Now it's Kansas State, here, Tuesday night. The Coliseum doesn't hold 17,000, but then spirit isn't measured in numbers. Spring Sports All students wanting to par ticipate in spring sports must report for medical examina tions at the Student Health Center on Feb. 28 at 7:30 p.m. Intramural Basketball TMrnament Basketball Rrhedale Monday, February 2s P.E. Bolldlns Court 1 S W Abel VD A vs. Ahel XU A :V Abel IV B va. Abel III B 7:30 Kappa Sisma B vs. winner Pht Delta "nets B, S.xma Nu B 8 30 S;ms No A vs. Trtanale A :30 Surma Phi Epsikm C va. Phi Kap pa Psi C P.E. Bolldlnf Curt 2 :0O Abel VI A vs. Abel XIH A 7 Pike vs. Perm 8 JO Phi Kappa Pai A vs. Beta Stana Pai A 9:30 Beta Sigma Pal B vs. winner A( Men B. Cort-bukers B Tournament rnrr TbnrfMlar. February 24 Sim Phi EpsBoa C 28. Phi Delta Theta C 27 Army 48. Pharmacy WANT TO TEACH IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA? A representative from, the Oxnard Schco District will be on campus on Tuesday March 1 to interview applicants interested in teaching grades kindergarten through six. Contact the placement office for an op- , pointment. Sirma Ku A 48, Delta I'psiloti A 4) Abel VI A 4f, Abel IV A 47 Delta Tau Delta C 43, Phi Gamma Delta C 40 Mifits 47, Hustlers no. t 39 Viannle A 57. Pioneer A S3 Abel XIU A 49. Abel X A 40 tVi. u IN IN PERSON i CONCERT ALL SCAT! frse-vro 7 09 3.0O 84.00 MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED mm 3 THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ANNOUNCES CAREER OPPORTUNITIES! Representatives of Los Angeles County one of the largest, most progressive local governments in the world will be on campus March 14 to interview graduating Seniors for the following entry-level positions. CIVIl ENGINEERING ASSISTANT $73$ me. Storting Salary for B.S. dtgr, $776 mo. tor M.S. dejrot. Gain xporlenc that will qualify yo for rgiitrotrn. Selection intcrvie-wi, no further examination required. VBET rOUR PLACEMENT OFFICE NOW V COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OFFICE OF CAMPUS AND FIELD RECRUITMENT Q 222 NORTH GRAND AVE., LOS ANGELES 90012 Mi'k McNerney Sees Big Demand For College Educated toys In Space Ags Modern science, modern ogrl culture, modern commerce all ore demanding mora hlghl trained flcilli In today's youne men. And tomorrow's. Bo tare you provide fundf for youi children'i college oducatior with a plan especially designee by Lincoln liberty life. 113 North 11th 432-7696 LINCOLN LIBERTY LIFE VW7 tMassh.fsktV