The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 28, 1966, Page Page 3, Image 3
Monday,. Feb. 28, 1966 Photographic Art: 'Scientific Form Of Visual Expression' Photography and painting can not De equated, accord ing to Jerald C. Maddox. as sistant director of Sheldon Art Gallery. Maddox spoke Sunday after noon in a talk entitled "Amer ican Photography The Six ties". He discussed the photo graphs now on display in the gaiiery. "Some people feel that photography is equal to paint ing, sculpture ana etching. Maddox said. "However, it is rather a unique approach to visual communication. This visual communication Is t h e only point in common be tween these art forms." "The difference lies basical ly in the way photos are made," he continued. "Pho tography is mechanical and scientific. All Its techniques can be measured and ex plained. Painting, sculpture, etc. are the handmade work of the artist." Maddox said he feels that photography is a much "pur er" form of art. "Most art Is in the doing, but photography has written techniques to that processes can be easily dupli cated. Photographic art, therefore, depends entirely on how the photographer i e e t things not on how he repro duces them." Concerning the intrinsic value of photos, Maddox said that most photos are not val uable in themselves, but rath er for their historical impor tance, such as the early daguerreotypes. They might also be valuable if the nega tives are destroyed so that additional prints can not be made. "Most photography tends toward the realistic image, though there is some abstract photography produced," Mad dox stated. "Abstract photog raphy is even more difficult to explain than abstract paint ing. The painting can be ex plained in the interpretation of physical things. Abstract Nebraskan Want Ads Tbrm Viw tnm run amir I all elaa eHM adrertlilnt la Ike Dalb Nabraikaa: Btan4ar4 rata at te art- word ant mlai nam chart at Wo per clanlflM taaar Una. rarnwnt tar tkM aea win fall Ma tmt eateiarlea: ID aaa roaalac Ian tkaa aaa war a la eaemaliia maat ba aaM tar aafara tnwrtloa. l aat rmalBC for aura tkaa aaa vaefe wW ka aaU veeklr. FOR SALE rOLU BLOT CARS Two kits Monogram and Cox 5 each. Ntw! Two ScratchbuilU S7 each. Com Controller 17. 429-8848. Like new Encyclopedia Americana pur chased new for $300 In 1956. All annualt aince included. Will well (or 1160. Con tact 477-51o. FOR RENT KEW APARTMENTS for apperclailmen war University. One4 k r e e-bedroam aulte. Available turn. Built tat kitchens, air-conditioninc, private utility, laundry facilitiee. 5S per student. Call Jerry Overton 77-8m. I5 GTO 4 speed i (oil power; paritrae- Uon, 17.000 miles; nice. See: Lairy Kosenkrans; Beatrice Call 22-4324. Gentry House. 1140 Orchard, University approved. Nice private room, coolinc, TV- 477-6WL ENGLISH MAJORS ENGLISH MAJOR: Want to make some extra cash 7 IS have read "War And Peace" Call 434-3M3. When you can't afford to be dull, sharpen your wits with IMoDozTM MoDoz Keep Alert Tablets fight off the hazy, lazy feelings of mental eluggiehnees. NoDOZ helps restore your natural mental vitality... helps quicken physical reactions. You be come more naturally alert to people and conditions around you. Yet NoDoz is as safe as coffee. Anytime . . . when you can't afford to be dull, sharpen your wits with NoDOZ. SAFE AS COFFEE i V .- p , , ,i t .,. V,, 't ? iaatismwsiiiiaiiiiiawfitairiiim3 photography is more symbolic and the interpretation is often more personal in nature." "Usually, the photographic print is not manipulated. This Music Staff In Recital Four University music staff members will present a facul ty recital, open to the public, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Sheldon Memorial Art Gal lery. They are Dorothy Kozak, mezzo-soprano, assistant nro- fessor of music education; Dale B. Ganz, baritone, pro fessor of voice; Thomas Fritz, accompanist, associate professor of nlano: and Har vey Hinshaw, accompanist, associate professor of piano. The program: "Beau Soir." "Mandoline." and "Romance," by Debussy; "Et Exultavit Spiritus Meus," (from Magnificat) by Bach; "Two Sones for Contralto. Pi ano, and Viola, Op. 91,' by Brahms: "Che Faro Senza Eurldice," (from Orfeo) by Gluck; "Infirmata Vulner- ata," by Scarletti; and sever al Biblical songs by Dvorak. The featured Derformers will be assisted by Arnold Schatz, on violin, assistant professor of violin; Donald Lentz on flute, professor of woodwind instruments: and Priscilla Parson, cellist, asso ciate professor of cello and theory. Navy Officer To Encourage New Enlistments A Navy WAVE officer from Minneapolis will be on cam pus March 7 and 8 to discuss opportunities for junior and senior coeds as woman of ficers in the U.S. Navy. The woman officer, Lt. El eanor Kowalczyk, who just re ported to the midwest from duty at the Roosevelt Roads Naval Station near San Juan, Puerto Rico, will speak in the Nebraska Union from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Prior to gomg to Puerto Rico, she was stationed at Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. A Navy release announcing her visit noted, "that women officers are serving today side by side with Navy men at home and overseas and providing a nucleus of leader ship for a rapid expansion ot Navy woman power in case of emergency." Cramming Clowning Crashing Pubbing Frugging Mr. . PERMANENT PRESS Shirts and F0RTREL From dawn to they're really with it... Perma nently pressed $Wc Forte-el poly ester and 50 cotton make Mr. Wrangler your beat buddy from early classes to just-one-more-frug at midnightand they're guaranteed for one year's normal wear. They stay like new forever. In a full range of colors and styles. SEE YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR FAMOUS MR. WRANGLER SHIRTS fc SLACKS or wtit 350 Fifth Avenue, is commonly the accepted case. Hosever, some photog raphers such as Uelsmann cut, bend and crop the nega tives to create an image that is beyond what could other wise be captured." "There are as many types of photography as there are photographers," Maddox said. "This is so because the techniques of photography can be conquered quickly, as compared to other forms of visual communication. The photographer can therefore reach the point of individual expression earlier. Often you can find out as much about the photographer as the im age he creates by studying the photograph." "What you pay for in buy ing a photographic print is the vision of the photogra pher, not the value of -the ob ject of art itself, he conclud ed. Maddox will expand these ideas further In a television program concerning the pho tographic display. The pro gram will be televised on Channel 12 on March 10 and 17 at 9:30 p.m. Sexual Relations Is Foundation Discussion Topic The meaning of sexual re sponsibility is one topic to be taken up in a WesleyFounda tion discussion series that will begin Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. Erich Fromm's "The Art of Loving" is to be used as background for the series which will continue each Wed nesday through April 6. Discussions topics concern an inquiry into the nature of love with relationship to sex. The Rev. Duane Hutchinson will be the discussion leader. Materials ordinarily re served for counseling in preparation for marriage will be available for use in the series. UNSEA Sends State Delegates The University of Nebraska Student Education Associa tion (UNSEA) will be attend ing the Student Education Association of Nebraska spring convention March 18 and 19 on the Hastings College cam pus. Expenses will be paid by UNSEA for those delegates attending. Any UNSEA member in terested in attending the con vention is encouraged to con tact Carol Branting at 432-1451 or Susie Diffenderfer at 477 4056 by March 2. Slacks of and cotton discotheque,' New York, N.Y. 10001 The Doily ' !.: .5 4, J "It T3 ... in wmmtmmMmmitmwm A DEBATE TEAM . . . from Kansas State Teachers College at Emporia defeated a team from Minnesota In the final round of competition in the University of Nebraska sponsored debate tournament on the campus lat weekend. Miss Coufal Earns 'Superior' Rating University freshman Nancy Coufal won a superior rating in extemporaneous speaking at the Intercollegiate Debate Conference at the University this weekend. A number of University teams took part in the tour nament, which was attended by about three hundred stu dents and coaches, but could not debate for awards In the final quarter because they represented the host school. Three University teams would otherwise have been Applications For Yell Squad Due Tryouts for the 1966-67 yell squad will be held April 5 and 7, F. C. Green, yell king, has announced. Eligibility qualifications for tryouts require that the per sons must be at least a sec ond semester freshman with 12 or more hours and must have a minimum of a 2.0 grade average. Applicants just sign up at the student activities office in the Nebraska Union before Friday. Practice sessions will be held in the coliseum from March 8 to April 1. Practice times will be Tuesday at 4:45 p.m., Wednesday at 4:45 p.m., Thursday at 7 p.m. and Fri day ai 4:45 p.m. Selection of new yell squad members will be on the basis of general appearance, physi cal ability, audience appeal and ability to project, Green said. If there are any questions the applicant may call F. C. Green, 477-2671, or Linda Keating, 477-5762. Nebraskan , .1.... ... ,,, I ft si- eligible to enter the final competition. They were: Terry Hall and Vernon Jewett, who won five and lost one in the senior divi sion; Richard Sherman and Randy Prier, who won four and lost two in the junior division; and Douglas Kluen- der and Dave Erback, who won three and lost three. The University of Kansas won the sweepstakes award and Kansas State Teachers College at Emporia won the final rounds in both junior and senior division debate. The sweepstakes award was presented to the over-all win ner. The University of Kansas collected 169 points, William Jewell College was second wim 163 points and the Uni versity of South Dakota was third with 161 points. Flag Base Taken From Ballroom The base to a flag mount ing in the Nebraska Union ballroom was stolen over the weekend, Allen Bennett, Un ion director, reported. The Union reported last week that a Nebraska state flag had been taken from the west lounge. Bennett said the base for the flag was not removed and the thief appar ently returned to get a base. Bennett expressed disgust over the thefts and said, "I'm about to let them know we still have two U.S. flags." "Lets r J . . I. V ' . I - if" A lot of people believe that someday computers will do all their thinking for them. Well, a funny thing It going to happen on the way to the futures You're going to have to think harder and longer than ever. i... '(', v-4'-' '.. -"ill) ' i " ' ' vt , -.; . vi mmmmm y&tfdm&- -'Wft Each team debated in six rounds in the preliminaries. ine top eight then debated in the quarter-finals. The debate question was: KXJ .nn!.,.J . Tint Inn. ncninvrui t uat law cuivnc ment agencies should be eiven rr eater freedom in the inves tigation and prosecution of crime." Dr. Donald Olson, director of debate at the University, and Dr. John Petelle, assis tant professor of speech, di rected the tournament. Fifty colleges and universities were represented in the event. K-Stale Physicist To Give Lectures A Kansas State University physicist whose interests in clude advanced electrodynam ics and new techniques of wheat inspection will present five lectures at the University March 7-11. Dr. Robert Katz, professor of physics at Kansas State, will present the lectures in the biochemistry and nutri tion auditorium at 8 p.m. March 7, 2 p.m. March 8 and 3:30 p.m. March 9. He will speak at 4:15 p.m. March 10 in Room 211 in Brace Laboratory and at 2:30 p.m. March 11 m Richards Hall. The lecture series will be sponsored cooperatively by the departments of plu'sics, and agronomy under auspic es of the University Research Council unplug the computer, Start thinking!" Computers can't dream up things like Picturephone service, Telstar satellite, and some of the other advances in communications we have macie. Of course, we depended on computers to solve some of the problems connected with their development But computers need absolutely clear and thorough instructions, which means a new and tougher discipline on the human intelligence. And It will take more than a computer to create a pocket phone the size of a matchbook, let's say... or find Draft Cont. from pg. 1, col. 7 500 man cut by the Defense Department, due largely to an increase in voluntary enlist ments. Plans had been to draf 32,900 men but this number was cut to 22,400. This is the lowest since 16,- 500 men were called last Au gust prior to President John son's announcement of t h e buildup for the Viet Nam war. In announcing the cut, the Defense Department noted that Army enlistments were up 118 in January over the same month one year ago. Marine enlistments were up 165 for the same period. Reiser Refuses To Debate President of the Young Republicans, John Reiser, de rided Gov. Frank Morrison's suggestion that the campus nolitical srrouns cooperate in bringing political candidates to the campus for debates. Morrison made the sugges tion at a Young Democrats meeting Tuesday. "When the Young Republi cans need help from Gover nor Morrison in planning programs for the campus, we'll ask him," Reiser said. Commenting on a resolu tion passed by the Young Democrats supporting a de bate between Gov. Morrison and Sen. Carl Curtis. Reiser said. "The Young Republi cans do not propose to tell Sen. Curtis how to run his campaign." Ping Pong, Pool Tournaments Set The East Union will spon sor a ping pong and pool tour naments Wednesday. Both men and women may participate in the tourna ments. Both singles and dou bles will play in the ping pong tournament, but only singles are scheduled for the pool tournament. Sign-up deadline for the tournament is Monday at the East Union office. Brackets will be posted otuside the of fice. Plaques will be awarded to the champions in each category. I 1 Lga&l Page 3 MONDAY PLACEMENT OFFICE Luncheon, 12:30 p.m., Nebras ka Union. ASUN COURT, 3:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. UNICORNS-activities, 3:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. PANHELLENIC, 4 p.m., N braska Union. UNION-Special Evantl, 4:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. YMCA, 4:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. TASSELS, 4:30 p.m., Ne braska Union. UNION-films, 4:30 p.m., Ne braska Union. PHI MU, 5:45 p.m., Nebras ka Union. TOWNE CLUB, 6 p.m., Ne braska Union. DELTA ZETA, 6 p.m., Ne braska Union. PI KAPPA ALPHA, 6:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. PHI MU, 6:45 p.m., Nebras ka Union. UNICORNS, 7 p.m., Nebras ka Union. KOSMET KLUB Rehearsal, 7 p.m., Nebraska Union. TAU KAPPA EPSELON, 7 p.m., Nebraska Union. MATH COUNSELOR P re gram, 7:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. TUESDAY UNION-Trips and Tours, 2:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. UNION-Contemporary Art, 3:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. New Sky Show At Planetarium The dynamic motions of the universe will be depicted in the new sky show at the Ralph Mueller Planetarium at the University State Museum. The show opens for the gen eral public at 8 p.m. Wednes day and will continue through May 1. The view of the new sky show will be shown how the apparent stable earth de ceives us as we speed through space in our galaxy and how scientists have discovered that the earth moves in at least five linear directions. Equipment In the Plane tarium will be set to give the viewer a vivid picture of the movements of our planet and several visual effects win be used to help dramatize the dynamics of movement Winter hours are in effect as follows: 8 p.m. Wednes days, 2:45 p.m. Saturdays, an 2:30 and 3:45 ip.m. Sundays and holidays. boys! a practical way to lock a door or turn off an oven by remote telephone control, or to make possible some of the other things we'll have someday. It takes individuals... perhaps you could be one... launching new ideas, proposing Innovations and dreaming dreams. And someday, we're going to have to find a way to dial locations In space.' Makes you think. B?I (?iffM Wbll Jalaia American Telephone 4 Tetegrept) 4 v1 t - f ? ana mapgim vemperuea