The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 28, 1966, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Jo Stohlman, editor
Mike Kirkman, business manager
Page 2
Monday, Feb. 28, 1966
More Campus Opinion
Ideas, Society
I Wit Mil I 1 H
i i in i i ki w i nv
Dear Editor,
This letter is directed to
the "Law Student" (Daily
Nebraskan, Feb. 24) who
experienced the discomfort
of "disgust and embarrass
ment" as a result of Allen
Ginsberg's visit to Lincoln.
He feels that the function
of a University is to pro
tect its students from views
which disgust and embar
rass them. No responsible
University official would al
low on campus the ex
pressions of opinions which
might cause discomfort to
the students, at least those
who are fortunate to know
when an idea is so objec
tionable that its expression
can rightfully be expressed.
Certainly, an idea can
have no value to a rational,
progressive, democratic so
ciety such as ours when its
only effect is to embarrass
people and make them un
comfortable. If it makes any difference
to the Law Student, Allen
Ginsberg's poetry has long
since been declared not ob
scene by courts of law. One
of the legal criteria for de
termining obscenity is wheth
or not the expression has
any redeeming social impor
tance. ,
However, those with un
erring moral sense, such as
the Law Student, will view
with alarm the moral decay
of our constitutional and le
gal system, and continue to
suppress, whenever possible,
the expression of disgusting
and embarrassing ideas.
I would suggest that, un
less the Law Student learns
the purpose of a democra
tic society, he may, sooner
than he hopes, find him
self, A Former Law Student
Love Message
Dear Editor,
Society is in a continued
state of flux, it is an emer
gent, dynamic phenomenon.
Freedom of personal ex
pression is an integral el
ement in the realization of
the very concept, modern
society. Otherwise, our
world becomes the ultimate
Ginsberg is the poet of a
new man who is the rising
from the puritanistic re
mains of a shocked society.
The so-called "lewd des
criptions" are no longer just
the jargon of degenerate
human beings, they are the
language of the masses of
people, employed in all
manner of informal ex
change. If you are looking
for the insignificant you will
find it.
Love is Ginsberg's mes
sage. It is manifested
through him in the rows of
beggars of India, the attic
rooms of withdrawing "jun
kies" in San Francisco, the
derelicts' calls of the world.
In Ginsberg, there is a
powerful confirmation of
Lost Cool
Being a curious sort, I'm always coming up with ques
tions that I can't answer. I'll give you a sample of some of
them with the hopes that I can reach someone out there in
University-land who can enlighten me amd lead me from
this valley of ignorance.
What would happen if the Batsignal was flashed one
night when there wasn't a cloud in the sky?
What if Batman and Robin slid down the wrong poles?
Why aren't there any hippie with crewcuts?
Is it true that (in the words of a noted ASUN senator)
Chancellor Hardin is actually a mythical beast?
Is there a ban on whistling on the campus?
What was Ginsburg really like?
What kind of advice did he give the members of the
University Counseling Service? Will they take it?
Has there really been a carefully executed plan to
make our campus ugly? (Is there anywhere else on the face
of the earth where one can view, in one straight, expansive
vista, the block architecture of Selleck, with the Colonial
cupolas of Raymond in the background, with the high-rise
cement towers of Pound and Catter behind that?)
Is the rumor true that certain AWS members have pat
terned their MODUS OPERANDI after Teamsters officials?
Will Student Discount Cards ever come out? Does any
one care?
Is there really a danger of the Job Corps Center taking
a heavy drain on the student population?
Has SAGOS (Society for Shooting Alan Ginsburg On
Sight) elected officers yet? Does a Law Student have a
usance ior tne presidency :
Well, these are a few of the typical questions that run
around the mind of an "intelligent, mature college stu
dent." If you know the answer to any one of them, please
notify me; the questions were hard enough to think of, let
alone the answers.
truth. The truth that man's
self will to improve his
world through brotherly
love is the most dangerous
and yet the only way to
Condemnation is the right
of the "perfect man." Such
a person is certainly not
a product of our age or any
A Psychology Student
Dear Editor,
Three cheers for Bruce
McSpadden and the Daily
Nebraskan's fine article. In
just a few months he has
become involved in campus
and community activities
and established himself as
a vital force in these.
Mr. McSpadden exempli
fies the 20th century under
standing of Christianity: he
is the Church in the secular
world by being involved and
helping to determine the
direction of the events of
that world.
The common cry today is
for relavancy. Bruce Mc
Spadden is making the
Church relevant to our so
ciety. His understanding of
Christianity transcends the
"go to church every Sun
day and be a good little
boy" teachings of our Sun
day Schools.
He doesn't direct his life
by and toward pious rules
and regulations; rather, he
Suts his body on the line,
lis is a world of positive
action, not empty words.
If there were more Bruce
McSpaddens in the minis
try, no one would ever ac
cuse the Church of irrele
vancy, bigotry, or status
seeking. Instead, it would be
a powerful, decisive force
that could move mountains.
JoEllen Williams
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated Collegiate
Press, National Advertising
Serrice, Incorporated. Published
t Room tl, Nebraska Union,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
TELEPHONE: 477-8711, Ei
tensions 2588, 2589 and 1590.
SubiRrtMfoD rales arr (4 par samas
lar mr t for the academic raar.
Eaters as second elan matter at
la Beat afflee Id Ltnoola, Nebraska,
ner the aot of Autusl 4. WIS.
The Daily Neoraakan It published
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday., during the school year. txr-M
durlaf araaaUaiM and eam periods,
by a'.Uenla af the lialvarsltr el Ne
braska uader the Jurisdiction of the
Faculty Subeommltlea an Student Pub
lications. Publications shall be Iree from
eenaorshta by the Subcommittee ar any
person ealaide the University. Mem
hen af the Nebraskaa are responsible
far what they cause ta be printed.
Editor, JO STOHLMAN ; man tint
edller. STEVE HI NGtHKlROl lire's
editor, WAYNE KKEHSOHKKi sport,
editor, JIM PEAKhEi alt-hl news
editor, JON KEKKHOWi senior staff
JULIE MORRIS; junior staff writers.
pbotorraphars. TOM RUBIN, Rlf'H
EIKERi copy editors, POLLY RHY
nfe A 6ffm.s-.oF
AC Spark plug Division, General Motors Corporation, ii seeking
uraduates with degrees in Engineering, Liberal Arts and Business Ad
ministration for productive and rewarding career in the areas of En
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Ac is located in Flint, Michigan, a community of people enjoying
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The tuition refund plan at AC encourages you to continue college-level
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Michigan State University, in Lansing, the University of Michigan cam
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The eiy of Flint is the second largest In the state of Michigan,
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If you'd like to know more about all this, our representative will
be on campus March 2 and 3. Plan to see him he'll have all the details.
OF 1-115
I Ij
US 1 '
Being a compendium of farce, absurdity,
and comment, selected arbitrarily by the
Editor . . .
We're just a tad short of space on the
page today (did you notice our grand dis
play of ads?) so will have to include some
editorial comment in with the rest of
the trivia.
Re: the ads. The Daily Nebraskan in
past semesters has had the reputations
of being an ad sheet, and we hate to
break with all tradition . . .
Actually, though, it costs around $700 a
day to print this baiby, (not counting my
nickel allowance for aspirin) aw our
advisers tell us we've been a bit shout in
meeting it.
Please bear with us . . . (I'll try to
smile if you walk into the office with
another letter about Ginsberg.)
Notice from the Editor: We loved Gins
berg coming here, we loved the excite
ment he caused, we will not accept for
print any more letters about him after
3 p.m. today.
I wanted to do an editorial today on
my impressions after my first AWS cam
pus this weekend. But how can I express
Can I say that 1 enjoyed the solitude
of my room as my sisters got ready for
their dates?
Should I tell about my roommate who
wished me a "Happy Campus" with a bag
of sunflower seeds? (It's hard to smoke
and crack the shells ait the same time.)
Can I say what fun it was to listen
to others coming in at 2 a.m., just a I
closed my poli sei book for the night?
Should I relate that I wanted to do a
review of Coed Follies, but tt was hard
to see through my four walls (not being
Superman, or even Boy Wonder.)
Do I dare confess that I sneaked out
of my room long enough to wash my hair?
After much consideration, I decided
these are things better left unsaid.
One person really got a charge out of
the whole deal, though. My mother. Her
records (she's a maniac for keeping rec
ords of my retrogressions,) reveal that I
haven't been sent to my room for punish
ment for 10 years (when I was 11, natch.)
Which brings me to AWS. The Board
will - probably vote tomorrow on senior
keys. The question isn't whether or not to
have keys, it's what system to begin with.
(You know, d'ya think we can trust
those 21-year-olds with keys if they're not
Yep, I think so. (Had plenty of time to
think about it.) Some AWS philosophy
seems to be "Well, we'll start conser
vatively, and add responsibility as it's
earned. Besides, there's gonna be a heap
of administrative problems to be ironed
My reply: Go ahead, start conserva
tively. And senior keys for college women
21 and over (regardless of academic year
in school) Is pretty darn conservative.
Administrative problems? Let some of
those Junior women over 21 help you work
them out. They'll be glad to!
For the review of Coed Follies (I heard
it was good) that I wasn't able to do (due
to extenuating circumstances), I'm not
Sorry about That!
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Buy Your H.I.S. Press-Frco Shirts at '
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Sorry About That!
ciiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiHH iiiiiiiHiHimiiinmimiiiHiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
Answer lo 'Back East'
To Back East,
In regards to your most enlightening letter about the
East Coast "in" crowd and your tremendous stand for the
speed with which Nebraska "catches on" to things, I've
got Just one thing to say.
It is safe to assume that you don't have an anchor se
cured to your fantail, and if you don't, what's keeping
you from going back East?
Terminology Distinguished
Dear Editor,
Your Issue for February 23 carries a report of some
remarks of mine concerning the crisis in Vietnam which
are accurate, comprehensive, and well-organized in al
most every respect. There Is, however, one reporting er
ror which probably ought to be corrected to forestall mis
understanding. 1 am reported as saying that "a socialistic commu
nistic government is a quicker and better way to achieve
economic development." In fact, I stated that a socialist
ECONOMY was more appropriate in many cases in t h e
ex-colonial world than a capitalist economy. I hold no brief
for Communist penetration anywhere. In fact, one of the
reasons why I am opposed to the present course of Ameri
can policy in Southeast Asia is because it seems destined
to aid rather than inhibit Communist expansion.
In general, I think it best to distinguish between gov
ernmental terminology and economic terminology. The
term "socialist" should be used to refer to an economic
system. I use the terms "authoriatarian" or "totalitarian"
to refer to highly centralized and un-democratic govern
mental systems.
I often avoid the use of the term Communist because
it has been so abused that it has become generally mean
ingless. It would characterize the political economy of the
U.S.S.R., for example, as "totalitarian-socialist," which is
what is often meant by the use of the term Communist.
Alternatively, I would refer to the United States political
economy as "democratic-mixed capitalist."
I might add that I do generally tend to agree with
Senator Robert Kennedy that Viet Cong participation in
the government of Vietnam is probably necessary to any
negotiated settlement in that region. More broadly, I would
favor any negotiated settlement which leads to a Vietnam
free from Chinese domination and to a Vietnam governed
according to the desires of a majority of the people of
May I conclude by noting that the DAILY NEBRAS
KAN seems to me a much-improved newspaper. I con
gratulate the present staff on its accomplishment.
David F. Trask
Associate Professor of History
Apologies from Raymond
Dear Editor,
We, the undersigned, do offer our sincere apologies to
the young ladies of Raymond Hall (Including the president
of the hall) for the false accusations made about their
methods of collecting pop bottles for a private venture. It
was not the young ladies but a couple of the residents of
our own floor who purposely misled us by using halftruths
and deception.
These individuals went so far as to convince us that
the young ladies of Raymond were serious in saying they
were collecting bottles for an orphanage, while in reality,
these individuals knew that the girls were not serious.
Therefore, we must apologize for our unfair criticism
of these young ladies and offer by way of explanation the
thought that we, like the young ladies of Raymond were
tricked and deceived by these two individuals, also.
Mike Messmer
Dan Dickmeyer
Bob Range
Jim Chapin
Charles Chapin
Jim Frederick
Steve Sohus
Allen Janovec
Fred Uehling
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