The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 23, 1966, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Si iirH '"T"- iwiiiihiiib mi) lMllWtf'r':Rfc',JY-" -ir-'in" j rig-' ..
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1965
Page 4
The Daily Nebraskan
Tyler Tells Of Work
At German Institute
Dr. Varro E. Tyler Jr., a
native of Nebraska, described
his year of research at an
East German institute in 1963
64 Monday evening at a phar
macognosy lecture series.
Tyler's work in the research
institute was sponsored by the
German Academy of Sciences
of Berlin and was concerned
with plant biochemistry.
He spoke entirely from
slides. Tyler said he may have
been the first American
civilian in the German Demo
cratic Republic.
His family stayed in West
Germany but they were free
to travel by car through East
Germany during his assign
ment. Almost all East German
pharmacies are socialized and
compare to the drugstores in
the United States in the 1920's
in the way that crude drugs
in the form of teas are dis
pensed, he said.
He noted that less than five
per cent of the people join the
Communist party, despite the
numerous benefits for those
who belong to the party. For
example, when a young mar
ried couple desire housing,
they go to the administra
tor of housing and if they are
members of the Communist
party, they are given first
priority, Tyler said. Other
wise it may be three years be
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EAST GERMANY . . . was described with words and slides
by Dr. Tjler, who did research on the biochemistry of
plants in an institute there.
Larson Elected ACE President
Ruth Ann Larson has been
elected president of the Asso
ciation for Childhood Educa
tion at the University.
Other new officers are Jody
White, vice president; Nata
lie Carlson, secretary; Bob
Bussmann, treasurer; Tycha
Lindquist, publications chair
man; Elaine Jedlicka, pub
licity chairman; Kay Duha-
1229 R St.
CMh tor 1 prp. Jvit pbsM oni
ft II m dew invcli yo woirt, fUJk vp Iht
ffyMTk f mm 4y rik.
DIAL Finance Company
124 UofA 12th Strvef
1751 "0" Street
fore they can even get a one
room apartment, he said.
Speaking about the East
German universities he said,
"People in teaching jobs are
not particularly competent in
their field, but they are com
petent in the political field."
He reported that 60-75 per
cent of the students in Ger
many are women.
Names of streets in East
Berlin change frequently to
reflect the politics, he said ns
he was compring West and
East Berlin.
About one hundred pharma
cists and pharmacy students
attended the dinner preceding
the lecture in the Nebraska
Union Pan American room.
Tyler also lectured Monday
and Tuesday on hallucinogenic
plants, the chemistry and
chemotaxonomy of the higher
fungi and poisonous mush
Tyler is a graduate and past
professor of the University. H
is now chairman of the phar
macognosy department at the
University of Washington and
recently accepted the dean
ship of the College of Phar
macy at Purdue university.
Tyler's visit concluded the
lecture series in pharmacog
nosy sponsored by the Ameri
can Association of Colleges ot
Pharmacy. Gustavus and
Louise Pfeiffer Foundation
and the University's College
of Pharmacy.
& t jo. -.1 -:
,? vat
chek, project in arts chair
man; and Janine Jensen,
house representatives chair
man. Chairmen of specific school
projects are Linda Zimmer
man, Belmont School; Ellen
Hayes, Clinton School; Jane
Austin, Whitehall School; and
Priscilla Stanley, state board
$25 TO
rou otT pvmewt mo. rmrt or moti
$ M2 $ SM 24 IJOio
340.27 19.00 24 456 M
A00.1I 2t.O0 30 ttoM
97J7 4SJM 30 1350X0
1491.97 S7X0 3 2052X0
1960.97 73X0 36 2624X0
Ctid 422454
Did 435-4395
Cont. from Pg. 1, Col. 7
words which he used, "T h e
buck stops here." In other
words, order in the world can
not be realized unless we take
the same action to contain
China as we did the Soviet
Union. Nothing else but our
power can protect us.
"As hard as this way is, it
is the right way and the only
way to do ourselves, our past
and our future right."
"When both China and the
Soviet Union are persuaded
that their present policy would
lead to war, we can hope for
the evolution of a regime of
peaceful co-existence, which
could, in turn, lead to t h e
end of the cold war, and the
achievement of an internation
al order in which the princi
ples of the U.N. charter could
be realized," declared R o s
tow. Power, said Rostow on
Tuesday, is ihe last word in
worW politics. Any other bas
is for law and order is false
He stated that we face three
alternatives in the display of
this power. "The first course
would be for our own mas
sive rearmament or general
mobilization. The dangers of
this are obvious.
The second alternative
would be for us to persuade
peace-keeping effort. However
other nations to join us in the
this could prove to be ineffec
tive if the world scene degen
erates any further.
"The wisest and most
Sometimes in the wkins the
,P fill HIT
. . 1
now 1762001) op (fig pi
'rt ,
V,;.. - r' -
Shape op, budget-balancers. With
Dodge Coronet you can afford to.
Here's an "in" car w'rth a new out
look for swingers. Coronet has every
thing you need to put fun back in
driving. Take Coronet's looks. Lots of
practical course Is for the re
organization and re-orientatio
of the Atlantic Alliance and
its expanse into a Pan-At-antic
Alliance or world alli
ance. This alliance would pro
mote a concert of policy be
tween all strong industrial na
tions of the free world.
"A change in the alliance
is long overdue. It was orig
inally formed to protect Eu
rope in 1949 from Soviet ex
pansion. It needs to be re
orientated to influence order
in the world. In addition, Ja
pan and Germany should be
allowed to participate."
"Europe has recovered
from the second World War.
It is regaining its self confi
dence. No longer is an alli
ance needed for European de
fense. Rather, this alliance
could be used to influence
law and order in the entire
world and insure the safety
of the free world."
One of the acts that Ros
tow proposed that this alli
ance could follow is the es
tablishment of a Monroe Doc
trine for emerging nations,
backed up by the power of
the alliance.
"The habit of conflict is
spreading in the world. In ad
dition, an embittered atmos
phere is prevailing. This must
be faced directly inorder for
it to be altered.
"Where have we, on this
side of paradise, gotten along
without a policeman?" he
stupents ass vet? aft td take
people have. Take the extras at no
extra cost: Outside rearview mirror.
Padded dash. Variable-speed wipers
and washers. Backup lights. Turn sig
nals. Seat belts, front and rear.
They're all standard. And Coronet's
See your Dodge
"S ' it
A BIT OF EVERYTHING . . . awaits the early-morning visitor from the campus sani
tation department.
Placement Interviews
The following placement Interviews are
I scheduled for r ebruary 28 and March l
tnrough March 11.
Monday, Feb. 28
The Firestone Tire St Rubber Company:
B.S. B.A.. M B A. Bus. Adm.. Lib. Aria.
Harris Trust and Savings Bank: B.S.
B.A. - bus. mm.. Boon.; M.B.A.
The Fleming Company: B.S. B.A., M.
S. M A. - Bus. Adm.. Lib. Arts.. Accts.
Pacific Missle Ranee Naval Missle
Center, Point MufTU. Calif.: B.S. M.E.
Aero. E.. Physics; B.S., M S. - E E.
U.S. Forest Service, Department of
Agriculture: B.S., M.S. - C.E.
Welex Division - Halliburton Company:
B.S., M.S. - E E., Physics.
New Holland Machine Company, Divi
sion of Sperry Rand Corporation: B.S.
M E., Ag. E Bus. Adm., I.E.; M B.A.
Peter Kiewit Sons' Company: B.S.
Bus. Adm., C.E.
Tuesday, March 1
McDonnell Aircraft Corporation: EE.,
ME. C.E.. I.E., Math., Physics.
General Motors Corporation: All de
grees M.E.. E E.. I.E.. Ch. E.. MeL E..
E M , Chem., Physics, Malh.
Bankers Life Company - Des Moines:
BS B.A., MS. MA., LL.B. - Bus.
Adm.. Acctg., Law, Data Proc.
Armco Steel Corporation: BS. - C.E.,
M E., E E., I.E.; B S.-B.A., M.S. M.A.
- Bus. Adm.. Lib. Arts.
L'.S. Office of the Inspector General
Department of Agriculture: Auditors.
Special Agents (Law).
l .S Public Heah Service - Veiercal
Disease Branch: B.S B A. - Biol. Sci.,
Fnci.. Journ., Lancuaee. Phil.. Pub
Heallh. Pub. Adm., Psvcb., Soc. Sci.,
Speech, Communication Arts, Math, or
Firestone Tire lc Rubber Company: As
Wednesday, March 1!
McDonnell Aircraft Corporation: As be
fore. General Motors Corporation: As before.
Pittsburgh - Des Moines Steel Com
pany: BS.. MS. - C.E., MX
Mutual of Omaha - I'ruted of Omaha:
B.S. B.A. - Bus. Adm., Lib. Arts.
Nebraska Suae Uighuay Department:
B.S. - C.E.
Bankers Life Company - Des Moines:
As before.
L.S. Public Health Service . Venereal
Disease Branch: As before.
Ar.-neo Steel Corporation - Summer
Employment: C.E., M E., E E.,, I.E.
must have completed junvr year.
Wisconsin State Universities fnine):
Master's and Doctor's Agr., An. Sci.,
Auron., Dairy, Ag. Ed., Art, Audio Vis
ual, Biol., Zool., Bot., Bus., Econ., Acctg
Mkrg., Computer A: Systems Mgmt., Fin.,
Cne.m., Consenation, El. Ed., Sec. Ed.,
Driver t Saf -tv Ed., Ed. Psych.,
Engre., EM., C.E., F.ngl., For. Lang.
French, Spanish, German, Geoe., GeoL,
Hist.. H Ec., Journ., Lib. Sci., Math.,
Music, Nuising, Phil., P. Ed.Men and
Women, Physic Sneech, Pol - Sri.,
Psych . Sociol., Counselors, Head Res.
Student surv.
price? That's easy to take, too. So,
march on down to your nearest Dodge
Dealer's. See what the shouting is all
about Hot new Dodge Coronet for 1 966.
doooc wvtttosi
, '"a
1 1 N ' i . f, H
h& W Skm&to fei.wrta' iotinMt
Dealer now.
Minnesota Mining It Manufacturing
Company: B.S., M.S. - Chem., Ch. b...
M E, E.E., Acctg.; B.S. I.E., Bus
General Motors Corporation: BS., M.S.
-M.A. - Bus. Adm.
U.S. Public Health Service Venereal
Disease Branch: As before.
Wisconsin State Universities (Nine): As
Friday, March 4
Schlumberger Well Surveying Corpora
tion: B.S. - E.E., M.E., C.E., Physics
Radio Corporation of America: B.S..
M S. - M.E., E E., I.E., Physics.
Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing
Company: As before.
Campbell Soup Company: B.S., M.S.
Agron , Hort., Bact.. Chem., Econ., Math.,
Ch E., M.E., I.E.
San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard
B.S., M.S. - Ch.E., C.E., E E., Electronic
E., I.E., M.E.. NavaJ Arch.. Analyt.
Retail Credit Company: Bus. Adm.,
Lib. Arts, other non-tech, fields.
U.S. Bureau of the Census: B.S. M.S.
-Eopn., Bus. Adm., Sociol. or a related
soc. sci. All degrees - Math., Statistics
Monday. March 7
Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company:
BS M.S. Ag. E., EE., M.E., I.E.;
M.S. EM.
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company:
B.S B.A., M.S. M.A. Bus. Adm., Lib
Montgomery Ward: B.S. B.A. Bus.
Adm.. Lib. Arts.
Westinchouse Electric Corporation: B.S.,
M.S. E E., M.E., other engineering de
grees k interested in Manufacturing &n
gineerire and Sales Engineering.
Ohio Kd'son company: e.s. - x e... t r..
Metropolitan Utilities District: B.S.,
M.S. M.E., C.E., E E., I.E.
Tuesday, March
Allis-Chalmer Manufacturing Company:
As befoie.
American Can Company: All degrees-
Bus. Adm., Lib. Arts, Acctg.. Ch.E., L.L.,
M.E. . .
Division: All decrees- M.E., E.E., C.E.,
Afro E., Math., physics.
Lockheed-California company . Burnans
ChE., M.S.. E E., Agr.; M B. A.
Standard Oil company: u s. -bus. Aom.,
U.S. Army and Air force Exchange
Service: BS. Bus. Adm., Lib. Arts,
Acog, Arch. E.
First .National Bank and trust com
pany B.S. - Bus. Adm.
Bus. Adm., M E., Arts lc Sci.
Hy-;ain tiectronics: b v b.a. e..g...
Beckman Instruments, Incorporated: AU
degrees - Chem. (Bio., Analyt., Physical).
Phvsics, E.E., M.E., Ch.E.. Math., Sci.,
Wednesday, .'narcii
American Can Company: As before.
Union Electric Company: B.S., M.S. -EE,
M E., C.E., Ch.E.
Lockheed-California Company . Bur
bank Division: As before.
The. Maytag Compny: -B.S., MS.
Bus.' 'Adrn., Lib.-Artsr Acctg., Home
Ec., Data Proc.
Standard Oil Company: As before.
p ? i, 4
Omurn m 'ttia ii& &k
', 'i
UtTWt. .
MM) --sf fci.jiWWMIWWilliJiiiULi1 HUM! 1
Continental niinois National Bank: Any
degrees Bus Adm., Arts & Sci., Law
Thursday, March 10
Phillips Petroleum Company: All de
grees Ch.E., E E., M.E., Chem.; B.S.,
M.S. - C.E., Arch E., Acctg., Econ.,
Bus. Adm.; Ph.D. - Physics; M.B.A.
General Dynamics Corporation: All de
grees M.E., E E., E.M.; M.S., PhX.
Math.. Phvsics, C.E.
Arthur Young k Company: All de
grees . Acctg.
Swift Company: BS, Home Ec.,
Ag. Ec., BS., M.S. Ch.E., M.E.; B.S..
Ph.D. Biochem , Ph.D. Chem.
Pillsbury: TtS B.A. , M.S. M.A.
Chem., E.E., M.E., I.E., Ch.E., Aoctg..
Bus. Adm., Lib. Arts, Agr.
Friday, March 11
Phillips Petroleum Company; As before.
Sw ft & Company: As before.
Hughes Aircraft Company: All degrees
Electronic E. ; M.S., Ph.D. - M.E.
J A. Baldwin Manufacturing: B S.-M.E.
The Post Office Department, Office of
Research and Engineering: B.S. M E.,
The Lincoln National Life Insurance
Company: B.S. B.A. Bus. Adm., Lib
Tektroniz, Incorporated: All degrees
EE. TRW Capacitor Division: B.S. E.E.,
Driver Lessons
Begin In March
The men's physical educa
tion department at the Uni
versity is sponsoring a series
of ten driver education les
sons, according to Dick Klass,
assistant professor of physi
cal education.
Klaas said that the classes
will begin March 14 and will
cost $4.
Anyone can enroll in the
class by contacting the physi
cal education department.
1. Hey, you coming to the
I'm not feeling very
folksy tonight.
3. Why not ing out your woes?
L-t 'tic wofkJ bear your
Look, tinging lias nothing
to do with it. I've been
thinking about the kind of
work I want to do when
I graduate.
5. Shout your story to flic hill,
tlie sands, the far-av. ;y teas.
And hftten for an diwuti from
the winds.
I doubt IS the wind will
teU me where I can get a
challenj'lnj; Job with good
pay and plenty of
opportunity to move up.
Por career opmrtnnitles at Equitable, see your Placement Oflkw, ot
write to Patrick Sutllard, Manpower Development Division.
The EQUiTABLf Life Asiurance Society of the United Statef
Uunm CHfiosi 1285 Ave. of Ihe Anwrtes. New York. N.T 10019 CEqoiUbls IMS
An Equal Opportunity Employm
Cont. from Pg. 1, Col. 3
He explained that the plans
submitted by the firm would
not be preparations for bids
by contractors.
The reasoning behind hiring
the firm is that they would
pnordinate the building and ex
pansion plans of the campus.
according to uoara rresiaeni
Clarence Swanson.
rag regnets pg 1
Familtv sDDointments and
adjustments announced Tues
day by the Board of Regents
include tne appointment oi ut.
KYnnlr Raker as chairman of
the department of animal sci
Raker is nresently serving
on the staff of the U.S. De
partment of griculture as co
ordinator of extension animal
science educational programs
throughout the country.
Baker was one of 50 scien
tists named "distinguished nu
tritionists" by the Distillers
Feed Research Council to 1964.
A graduate of Oklahcma State
University, Baker is a Farm-
House alum.
He will be succeeding Dr.
Robert M. Koch effective May
The Board also announced
that four faculty members
have accepted Woods Founda
tion Faculty Fellowships "nd
have been granted leaves of
absence to complete their
The four are Dr. Paul
Schach, chairman of the de
partment of Germanic and
Slavic languages; Dr. Ralph
Zariski, associate professor of
political science; Dr. Norman
Stewart, associate professor of
geography and Audun Ravna
associate professor of music.
Schach, p. specialist in Ice
landic literature, will use his
leave to continue research tin
early Icelandic Saga manu
scripts in Europe. Zariski
will be traveling in Italy to
study the emergence of the
political left in the country.
Stewart will travel to Ecua
dor to study the migration and
settlement of the Highland In
dians, in Ecuador's southern
tropical lowlands. Ravnan will
be on leave to make a series
of programs for educational
television. He will be playing
piano selections from the
works of great composers.
L Too got thoe low-down,
feelin' poorly, out-of-torts
I wouldn't get o
poetic about it.
4. Music of the people cm
provide a catharsis.
I don't need
6, Oh, if that's what you're
concerned about, why not,
g?t in touch with Equitable,
Ihere looking for college
men who have demons ruled a
potential tor above-average
achievement I'm sure you'd
he happy in one of tlie special
development programs because
tlie work is fascinating, the
salary excellent, and 3
opportunities unlimited
Say, how about a eIley of
orin Henry, Rot Island
Jne and Michael, flow the
Boat Ashore.