The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 23, 1966, Image 1

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Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Vol. 81, No. 63
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FIRE ALARMS . . . may have become a frequent occurrence
semester, but this time it was for real as firemen were called to
Fire Forces Tri-Delt
Due to heavy smoke dam
age caused by a fire Mon
ay afternoon, Delta Delta
Delta sorority members will
not return to their house un
til later in the week, accord
ing to Nancy Baker, presi
dent. The fire, which is believed ,
to have started In a base
ment storeroom, destroyed
luggage and some lumber
and sent smoke up Nirotigh
the other three floors of the
sorority house and billowing
out the windows.
About a dozen girls were
in the house when the fire
began, but all were evacuat
ed safely.
Regents To Assist In Latin
American Agricultural Plan
By Julie Morris
Senior Staff Writer
The Board of Regents de
cided Tuesday that the Uni
versity will begin a new pro
gram to assist Columbia,
South America, in agricultur
al development in the n e a r
The Regents approved a
contract made between the
University and the U.S. Agen
cy for International Develop
ment (AID) to lend technical
advice and assistance in ag
ricultural development to the
country. No specific date for
the beginning of the program
wag announced.
University personnel, along
with representatives from the
Mid-America State Universi
ties Association, will be work
ing with staff members in
Columbian educational insti
tutions to upgrade their work
In teaching .research and ex-
tension work in agriculture.
Agricultural Personnel
Professional personnel will
be working in Columbia on
the project in the fields of
agricultural engineering, vet
erinary medicine, animal
science, agronomy and agri
cultural economics.
"We think this is a very
exciting opoprtunity and it's
going to take a lot of trial
and error I'm sure," Chancel
lor Clifford Hardin said of the
project, "We are being looked
to as the leaders of the total
endeavor," he said, noting
that financial help for t h e
Jroject may be forthcoming
rom some philanthropic insti
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The Lincoln Fire Depart
ment said Tuesday that no
cause had been determined,
but that it was still being in
vestigated. Mrs. Robert F. Wohlers,
president of the Tri Delta
house corporation board, said
that the 36 women housed in
the building are presently
staying at the homes of Lin
coln members and relatives.
Although there was smoke
damage to the entire house,
Mrs. Wohlers said that dam
age was severest on the first
floor and in the kitchen. She
had no estimate of the
tutions and that personnel will
not be exclusively University
The University Is presently
Involved in a similiar educa
tional project in Turkey which
began in 1955. Hardin said the
University has been invited to
work on projects of this type
In other areas of the world
but had rejected these pro
posals in the hope that a
project could be developed In
Latin or South America.
In recommending approval
of the contract to the Board,
Hardin said, "The potential
for modern technology
aadapted to Colombian agri
culture is of such magnitude
that those who have studied
the problem are convinced
that a program could well re
sult in the nation's ability to
feed its people within a rea
sonable time."
Columbian Nucleus
"We're starting with a very
strongly trained nucleus of
Columbians," Hardin sad.
The program will not be ex
actly like the Turkish project
which started from the ground
up, wherea brand new land
grand university was estab
lished. The work in Columbia
will be aimed primarily at
helping existing educational
University personnel who
go to Columbia to participate
in the project will be endowed
with academic rank there,
Hardin explained.
The contract between the
University and AID calls for
the reimbursement of all
on the University campus last
the Tri-Delt house Monday.
amount of damage caused
by the fire.
Miss Baker said that Judy
Shanahan was the first to
notice the fire and that Pam
Schwartz notified the house
mother, Mrs. R. R. Robinson,
who called the Fire Depart
ment. Five fire trucks responded
to the call. Due to the hea
vy smoke, firemen were
forced to don oxygen masks
to fight the fire.
Miss Baker said that work
men who were cleaning the
house did not want the wom
en to return to the house un
til about Saturday.
project costs incurred by the
University and its associated
universities over a one year
period. University money
would not be used to finance
the project the first year.
Joseph Soshnik, vice-chancellor
for business and fi
nance, said the original plan
for the program called for it
to extend over a five year
period. He said that by fall,
the University will be work
ing to have the plan extended
another year at least, and
possibly more.
The Board of Regents Tues
day gave the go-ahead for
negotiations with a firm of
architects and planners who
would be contracted to deve
lop a comprehensive plan for
campus expansion.
The Board formally auth
orized Carl Donaldson, Uni
versity business manager, to
contact the firm, Caudill,
Rowlett and Scott of Houston,
Tex., and negotiate for their
The possibility of hiring a
firm to submit a long-range
plan for campus expansion
had been under consideration
by University administrators.
Joseph Soshnik, vice chan
cellor for business and fi
nance, said the cost of hiring
the firm would be In the
"$30,000 to $70,000 range."
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
said the firm would "do no
preparation of specifications."
Cont. on Pg. 4, Col. 8
aiuueni money may r
By Brace Giles
Senior Staff Writer
W i t h a need for about a
helf million dollars to hire
extra faculty, Vice Chancel
lor Joseph Soshnik said it now
appears that students may
be called to pay some kind
of additional charge next
Soshnik said that the Uni
versity saw only twb solutions
as practical applications to
meet the increased money
needs caused by increased en
rollment. These solutions Include
meeting with the Unicameral
at a special session since the
Legislature is now in formal
recess until January 1967 or
requiring students to pay
some kind of additional
charge at least for next year.
He said that if a special
session of the Legislature
reapportionment issue, the
University would have been
extremely interested in hav
ing the institution's dollar
Decision On Keys
Slated For Tuesday
By Jan Itkin
Senior Staff Writer
The question of senior keys
will be decided at next Tues
day's AWS Board meeting.
Vicki Dowling, AWS vice
president, moved Tuesday
that a senior key system be
established for women with
senior standing, a grade aver
age of 2.0 and parental per
mission to go into effect in
September, 1966. According
to the AWS constitution, ma
jor changes in rules must be
presented one week and voted
upon the next.
Discussion centered
on whether women over 21
regardless of their class
should also be allowed keys.
"The judiciary committee
feels that it would be more
acceptable to use experience
in college as a criteria rath
er than age which is really
rather arbitrary," said Miss
Pam Hedgceock noted that
the results from question
naires sent to junior and
senior women indicated that
the majority of them pre
ferred keys for both women
over 21 and those with senior
"We should judge maturity
on college year and not age,"
replied Miss Dowling. "This
should start as a senior privi
lege and if it is necessary we
can expand it later. Since par
ents must give permission,
legal age is not the question."
Using college year rather
than age would also lessen ad
ministrative problems. Miss
Dowling continued. Instead
of people changing their stat
us throughout the year,
changes would be made only
twice a year.
"If the argument is that
having women 21 have keys
would amount to too much
work," Ruth Ann Rasmussen
said, "it just isn't valid. It
would be up to the girl to noti
fy us when she turned 21 and
then the work wouldn't make
much difference."
"Daily addition would
amount to a lot of work," dis
agreed Mrs. Kathy (Weber)
Frank. "Also the seniors
only system would not be sub
ject to as much error. We
must think of administrative
Proof Of Age
Diane MacDonald added
that if the age would be 21,
then proof of age would have
to be shown.
"This is a privilege and not
a right," stressed Miss Dowl
ing. "It Is up to us to choose
the deciding factors and when
starting a new system, ad
ministrative details are im
portant." She added, "We can start
conservative and always lib
eralize. There is no reason to
go all out on the first run."
"No matter what way we do
It there will be an adminis
trative mish-mash," said Miss
Hedgecock. "if it's adminis
tered right , the system will .
work so why go through re
organization twice: By choos
ing 21, we can forestall the
Salaries Next
problem put. on the agenda.
Soshnik noted however that
it "now appears a special ses
sion of the Legislature will
not be called and pressure is
even greater to look to stu
dents." Extra Charge
He emphasized that the Uni
versity would attempt to levy
the additional charge for just
the coming academic year,
and that corrective treatment
for the shortage of funds
would be sought from the
next session of the Legisla
ture. "It now seems that the best
way to meet the problem we
are facing next year is to
look to students for the
amount needed to recruit and
hire additional faculty," he
The alternative, he said,
would be to have no addition
al charge, but then face the
problems of closed sections
and classes.
"We want the students to
demand that would surely
come. Besides, the difference
between a senior and a junior
who's 21 is about six months."
New Board
"Another factor we abso
lutely have to consider is how
experienced the new board is
going to be when this system
goes into effect?" asked Mrs.
"Will they be as prepared
to cope with problems as we
are now?" she continued.
"We have to look out for our
selves and be a little selfish
to be practical."
"We are going to be on trial
and every detail must be
check-pointed," said Patti
Teel. "If we can administer
it better with just seniors,
then we should have it just
for seniors and expand later."
"If the students want keys
when they're 21, let them take
that step," said Miss MacDon
ald. "We're taking one step
about the keys and they
should take the other."
It was pointed o u t that
through responses to the ques
tionnaires, women had ex
pressed the desire that wom
en 21 have keys.
Before the motion was pre
sented, Miss Dowling reported
on the results of a question
naire that had deen filled out
by 494 junior and senior wom
en regarding senior keys. The
results are as follows:
Unlimited Hours
Women favored a system of
unlimited hours for senior
women or women 21 by a vote
of 410-59. The reason cited
most generally for their an
swers was "by this time one
is mature enough to have this
Purposes for which the
privilege would he exercised
include studying, dates and
special occasions
The majority of women
would be willing to sign tin
agreement accepting the re
sponsibilitics Involved with
senior keys. They voted 4"3,
yes; 36, no; and 16, with res
ervations. About 450 women said that
their parents would agree to
their use of this privilege.
Eligibility should extend to
both seniors and women over
21 was favored by .150 women.
Forty thought it should he
for only those over 21 and 111
thought only seniors should
get keys.
A grade average should he
set for use of the keys said,
325 women. The average
should be net at 2.0 voted 246
of them. (Two wanted aver
ages lower and 36 higher.)
Mrs. Frank reported that
the AWS constitution had
passed the ASUN constitution
committee and that she did
not believe It would be pre
sented at Wednesday's Stu
dent Senate meeting for ap
proval of contents.
Miss Irish said that as tne
constitution could be assumed
to be approved AWS could
not go ahead with slating.
Slating will be completed for
candidates in the March 9
election Wednesday night.
. . . Says Soshnik
have an opportunity to have
a reasonable selection of
courses," Soshnik said.
Soshnik said an added
charge "of $18 to S20" would
be approximately the amount
of increased student charges
for the coming year.
"By late April, we should
be making firm decision and
firm commitments," he said.
Currently the tuition and
fees for a resident of Nebras
ka are $334 per academic
year and $860 for a non-resident
When asked how the extra
charge would affect the num
ber of students coming to the
University, Soshnik said that
University officials were
acutely aware of the fact
that every time the total
charge increased, there are
more students who will not be
able to afford to attend.
However, he said, a coun
ter balancing element is that
the University has more stu
dent aid funds in the offing
in the way of grants, loans
and employment opportuni
ties. "Hopefully the new student
aid opportunities will enable
the student in this situation to
remain in school," Soshnik
It has been charged in
some quarters that University
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A CHAM.K ... in the Atlantic Alliance was emphasized
by Prof. Kugrne IJnslow during his lectures In the Roscoe
Pound Lecture Series.
Atlantic Alliance
Key To Security
lSy Randy Ire v
Junior Stuff Writer
The United Stales m u s t
emphasize the re-organization
and re-orientation of the At
lantic Alliance in order to
maintain world law and or
der, according to Professor
Eugene Rostow.
Rostow, former Yale Law
School dean, was speaking as
part of the Itoscoc Pound
Lecture series at Sheldon Art
fiallerj Monday and Tues
day. He described tn both
speeches the position of t h e
United Stales in its "police
man role in the world.
On Monday, he dealt main
ly with the international law
and politics of Hip Idfli cen
tury in contrast with those of
our lime in the view of Amer
ican foreign policy and peace.
"Peace is a function ivf a
general equilibrium or b a I -ance
of power, based on the
officials were conservative in
their estimates of University
enrollment while compiling
the 1965-67 buget.
Soshnik noted that during
the last legislative session
"statements were made by
persons outside the University
that our estimates of enroll
ment were far higher than
we could possibly reach."
While compiling the 1965-67
budeget request, the Univer
sity had estimated the student
enrollment at 14.500 in t h e
fall of 1965, but the actual to
tal reached 15.179 by last
Soshnik attributed this dis
parity to a "higher percentage
of Nebraska students choos
ing to go to college and a
higher percentage of these
choosing to go to the Univer
sity." In addition, the retention
rate for freshmen, sopho
mores and juniors was high
er than anticipated. Soshnik
said there was a 5's per cent
increase in the retention rate
of freshmen entering the
sophomore class over l a s t
Added together, these t w o
factors meant an increased
number of students at the
University that was very hard
to estimate, Soshnik said.
"And in fact, we are still
working with imponderables,"
Soshnik added, looking to next
' vim, , - , , t
HcceHai)iT of rules of pru
dence and rcstruint within the
states system." explained
The main threats to peace,
lie .said, arc the fear and pan
ic which can grasp people
when stability is in danger
from turbulent shifts in the
balance of power.
"Since 1919 and 1945, peace
has been dominated by three
structural facts: the end of
empire; the growth of the
communict movement, 'which
threatens not merely the par
ticular national interest, hut
the survival of rival states;
and the assumption by the
United States of basic respon
sibility for the maintenance
of order and law."
According to Rostow, we
have taken the responsibility
of prm-p because there is no
law tn protect our national
existence, or in Truman's
tout, on Pg. 4, Col. 3