t I'! i Page 6 iiiiiiiiiitiiifiiiiiiititiiiiififiiitiitfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiittiiiHiifiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiii IThe Ticket Paradel e I f t ' 1 j I it f W ' f ir-atu'orT. ut'Jt l sir This was the scene early on the afternoon of the Iowa State basketball game. A repeat is expected today, as 3500 gen eral admission tickets go on sale at 4:30 p.m. in the coli seum. Nearly every reserved seat has again been sold, as Nebraska continues to fill the house for its league-leading Husker basketeers. Huskers Signing Stars Nebraska football coach Bob Devaney has announced that 13 outstanding Nebraska high school stars have signed Big 8 letters of intent to enroll at the University of Nebraska. "Once again we have signed the cream of Nebraska high school talent and we are tre mendously happy," Devaney said. "Last year we recruited 22 Nebraska boys and we're very happy with their prog ress. This year we again wanted all of the top Nebras ka boys and we've signed them to Big 8 letters." Devaney and assistant coach Cletus Fischer, who has charge of recruiting within the state, indicated there are Etill several Nebraska play ers who have yet to sign but who have told the Husker coaches they are planning on enrolling at Nebraska. Among the standout group are Randy Reeves, Omaha Benson allstater and pole vault champion; all -stater Mike Bohaty of Lincoln Pius X: all-stater Reggie Smith of West Point Central Catholic; and all-stater Ken Beatty of Sutherland. The complete list of Ne braska starters who have signed with the Cornhuskers to date: Plarcr Mike Bohaty Bill Bomberger Jo Orduna Randy Reeve Reggie Smith Ben Shaver Stan Sandifer Dana Stephenson Paul Topliff Kim Wheeler Howard Williams Steve Yungbhrt Kern Beatty Hometown Position Lincoln (Plus X) Back Columbus Back Omaha (Central) Back Omaha (Benson) Back Scottsbluff Tackle West Point (CO Back Omaha (North) End Lincoln (Pius X) Back Lincoln (Northeast) End Lincoln (Plus X) Back Meadow Grove End Scottsbluff Back Sutherland Back Rugg To Speak "The Socialist City' a dis cussion to have been present ed by Dr. D. S. Rugg, as sociate professor of geo graphy, has been postponed due to an illness in the speak er's family. The discussion, which was WE'RE ONLY NUMBER BUT WE TRY HARDER WE HAVE: Hamburger, An chovy, Onion, Pizza Supreme, Pepperoni, Mushroom, Saus age, Green Peppers, Cheese, and combination of Pizzas. Salads with Thousand Is land, French and Oil Dressing. THE PIZZA HUT X If - TWO f J 1 ft LI Wrestlers Lose Again A few fans left from the state high school wrestling championships provided Husk er wrestlers with one of their best crowds of the year Sat urday, but they lost to Mis souri anyway, 21-14. The turning point in the match came when Nebraska's 177-pounder John Hallgren was pinned with two seconds left. Hallgren had come close to pinning Missouri's Dave Willis several times in the match. Husker heavyweight Carel Stith continued his winning ways and registered the only pin for Nebraska. Nebraska's 137-pounder Rich Allgood was still bothered by an injured ankle but got his second win since resuming action Wednesday against Northwest Missouri State Col lege. The loss dropped Nebras ka's record to 2 wins and 12 losses for the season. Results: 123 Rich McKeefer, Missouri, dec. Ralph Garcia, 8-2. 130 Jerry Langdon, NU, dec. Steve Tuttle, 10-0. 137 Rick Allgood, NU, dec. Ed Lampitt, 9-3. 145 Barry Roades, Missouri, pinned Kent Jensen in 4:20. 152 Duane Dobson, NU, dec. Ron Grubbs, 5-2. 160 Bob Reamer, Missouri, pinned Bill Foster in 2:42. 167 Jim Gilroy, Missouri, dec. Harry Gaylor, 10-4. 177 Dave Willis, Missouri, pinned John Hallgren in 8:58. Hvwt. Carel Stith, NU, pinned Lyrm Longseth in 4:33. SAGE Meeting Student Action for Govern mental Effectiveness (SAGE) will hold a meeting Thursday at 4:30 in the Nebraska Union. At the meeting a discussion will be held on SAGE proj ects, such as the FM radio, for the rest of the year and the upcoming ASUN elections, ac cording to SAGE officers. At Later Date to be presented at a meeting of Gamma Theta Upsilon, na tional professional geograph ic fraternity, will be resched uled. Read Nebraskan Want Ads Roy Wittrock WHAT'S THIS MEN'S HAIR STYLING ALL ABOUT? Sure. We know we have a lot of hoirstyling customer! already. But what about the major itythe timid guys who just ask for a haircut 'cause they're afraid to try something new? Well come on down to Bob's and let us prove that we are the men to do the job. APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE BOB's BARBER SHOP 1315 P Street 435-2000 WINNER OF FOUR HAIRCUTTINC TROPHIES AT THE STATE BARBER'S CONVENTION Stopping the Bmk It Nebraska Beats CU Charlie Greene was running well in front and only six yards from the finish when he suffered a leg cramp Satur day in the 60-yard dash at Boulder, Colorado in a dual meet with the Buffaloes. Greene limped in third be hind Lynn Headle of Nebraska and Ester Banks of Colorado. Nebraska went on to win the meet 63-59, but had to win the final two events to salvage the victory. Ray Harvey won the 60-yard low hurdles and the Husker mile relay team steamed in ahead of the Buffs in the last event of the day to give Ne braska the victory. Sweeping all three places in the two mile run, Colorado took a 49-41 lead and stayed in front until Harvey won the hurdle event. Harvey had won the high hurdles earlier in the afternoon. Dave Crook, who won the 600 - yard run, out - distanced Colorado in the last leg of the mile relay to seal Nebraska's triumphant. Jim Beltzer was well below his 57 foot puts of recent weeks, but managed to win his specialty with a toss of 55' 3". The newly found high jump specialist, Steve Krebs, placed second in his event with a leap of 6'2". The next stop for the Husker trackmen is Kansas City and the conference indoor track championships this weekend. Shot Put 1, Jim Beltzer, NU, 55-3. 2. Barry King, CU, 53-5's. 3, Terry Tc neyck, CU, 50-0. Broad Jump 1, Dave Janky, NU, 22-8'j. 2, Sylvester Reed, CU, 22-2V4. 3, Roger Allen CU, 21-10. Mile 1, Dave Wighton, CU. 4:22.5. 2. Orlando Martinez, NU, 4:24. 3, Floyd Godwin, CU, 4:38.2. 60-Yd. Dash 1, Lynn Hcadley, NU, :06.2. 2, Estes Banks. CU, .06.3. 3, Charles Greene, NU, :06.3. High .lumD 1, Tom Gibbons, CU, 6-4. 2, Steve Krebs, NU, 6-2. 3, John Demersseman, CU, 6-0. 600-Yd. Run 1, Dave Crook, NU, 1:12 .2, Bill Hines, CU, 1:13.8. 3, Jim Ryan, NU, 1:26. Pole Vault 1, Chuck Rogers, CU, 15-1 (meet record, old record 15-0 by Don Meyers; CU, 1962). 2, Nick Koerner, CU, 14-6. 3, Dave Peercy, CU, 13-6. 440-Vd. Run 1, Ben George, CU, :50.4 2, Dennis Walker, NU, :50.7. 3, Ron Lee, NU, :51.4. 60-Yd. High Hurdles 1, Ray Harvey, NU. :07.4. 2, Dave Kudron, NU, :07.5. 3, Lonnie Sherlock, NU, :07.7. Two-mile 1, Jeff Berven, CU, 9:40.1. 2, Jeff Donaldson, CU, 10:12. 3, Blaine Lam, CU, 10:29.2. 1.000-yard run 1, Pete Scott, NU, 2:14.2. (New meet and fieldhouse rec ord, old meet mark 2:16.3 by John Portee, NU, 1962, old Fieldhouse mark 2:17.1 by Ralph Poucher, CU, 1962.) 2, Paul Catermole, CU, 2:15.4. 3, Wighton, CU, 2:18.4. 880 1, Jerry Bryan, CU. 1:57.2. 2, Les Hellbusch, NU, 1:59.7. 3, Martinez, NU, 2:00.7. 60-yard low hurdle 1, Harvey, NU. 68. 2, Kudron. NU, 6.9. 3, Warren Houghton, CU, 7.0. Mile-relay 1, Nebraska (Larry Liss, Walker, Lee, Crook) 3:23.0. Intramural Scoreboard The Ag College basketball tournament will start Monday, February 28. The schedule for the tour nament is posted on the bul letin board in the Ag activi ties building. Intramural Tournament Schedule: Monday. February 21 P.E. Building Court 1 5:00 Delta Upsilon A vs. Triangle A P.E. Building Court 2 5:0ft Farm House A vs. Triangle A Tuesday, February 22 P.E. Buildfnr Court 1 5:00 Beta Theta PI C vs. Phi Kappa Psi C 6:30 Kappa Sigma C vs. Phi Delta Theta C 7:30 Delta Tau Delta C vs. Farm House 8:30 Abel XI vs. Abel X P.E. Building Court 5:0ft Delta Upsilon C vs. Sigma Nu C 9:30 Alpha Tau Omega vs. ? 6:30 Sigma Phi Epsiion C vs. Alpha Tau Omega C 7:30 Hustlers No. 2 vs. Unicorns 8:30 Pi Kappa Alpha A vs. 7 9:30 Ag Men A vs. Phi Kappa Psi A Frnsh Court 6:30 Marauders vs. Phi Epsllon Kappa Frank James 1 1 7 AdlweFfSssmii f &w Ii The Daily Daily t$bfiM$tmtz Sports James Pearse, sports editor Tigers Gunned Down; Simmons Leads Press By James Pearse "And then there was the second half, and along came Grant Simmons and the Ne braska press, and Nebraska was behind, and then they were way ahead, and . . ." If you were to walk in on a recap of Saturday night's bas ketball game in Columbia, Missouri you could expect to hear something like the above conversation taking place. Nebraska won the contest 71-53 to boost their conference mark to 9-0 and over-all rec ord to 17-3. But it wasn't as simple as it may appear. The Missouri Tigers, led by league-leading scorer Ronnie Coleman, held the high-geared Huskers at bay for over a half by gumming up the Husk er's fast-break offense with a slow down strategy. Not wanting to give t h e Huskers quick-firing corps a chance to gun them down, the Tigers controlled the ball most of the first half. Nebraska got off only six teen shots during the opening twenty minutes, and trailed the crafty Cats 28-25 as t h e teams went to the showers for intermission. Nebraska came on strong at the outset of the second half with their devasting full court press. And the most devastating Husker of them all was cap tain Grant Simmons. The senior from Omaha led the pressure game which flushed the ball from the Ti gers and soon bad Missouri running in the open, fighting for their lives. At 15:58 Nebraska grabbed the lead never to be headed again. Then with the score 58-42, the Huskers sealed the Tigers 7:30 Gamblers vs. Army 8:30 Misfits v. Psych. Dept. At Court 6:30 Abel IV A vs. Abel VtJ A 7:30 Abel Xin vs. Abel XII A 8:30 Abel VI A vs. Abel 11 A Wednesday, February 23 . P.E. Building Court 1 5:30 Phi Delta Theta B vs. Sigma Cht B 6:30 Phi Gamma Delta B vs. Sigma Nu B 7:30 Phi Kappa Psi B vs. Kappa Sigma B 8:30 Beta Sigma Psi A vs. Pioneer A P.E. Building Court 2 5:0ft Cornhuskers B vs. Delta Upsilon B 6:30 Pioneer B vs. Ag Men B 7:30 Delta Tau Delta B vs. Beta Sigma Psi B Varsity Court 6:30 Selleck vs. Farfield 7:30 Patton vs. Pike Frnsh Court 6:30 Glenn vs. Rogers 7:30 Penn vs. Thoreau Ag Court 6:30 Abel XII B vs. Abel III R 7:30 Abel rv B vs. Abel PU B READ NEBRASKAN WANT ADS Dick Olson -J-"'-"' Nebraskan GRANT SIMMONS . . . applied pressure. off from the basket. For the next five minutes Nebraska gunned away until they had pumped in 15 straight points and bagged the victory. Simmons was all over the court during those furious mo ments when Nebraska moved in for the kill. Stealing the ball, passing the ball, scoring layups and jump shots if it was being done, Simmons was doing it. There was the time when Simmons was alone in the de fensive court as three Tigers roared down on him. Refus ing to give ground the coura geous captain stole the b a 1 1 from the on-rushing Tigers, then raced to the other end of the court and scored. Dodgers, Orioles Picked New York Met fans take heart and put your money where your spirit is. With spring training open ing this week, the Mets have been installed as 200 to 1 shots to take the National League pennant. Now, how can real Met fans pass up odds like that? The Los Angeles Dodgers have the unenviable position ALL SEATS RESERVED . . . EnrloRe itamited, self-add retird 7n isran 1 m rtAiixxrnrr 140 NO. IJTM ' 432.141 ' w ,i 1 If-, . ii ,iltllKi-C. iir- .r-T-Tirnt-mnm i Coach Joe Cipriano said that Simmon's performance in the second period is un matched by any previous per formance turned in by the 6'3" guard. Simmons led both teams in scoring with a twenty-eight ooint out-DUt. hitting on 11 of 16 field goal attempts and col lecting 6 of 8 charity tosses. In suDDortine roles were Nate Branch, who had a fine night on the press and contri buted 13 points. The only oth er man in double figures for Nebraska was Stuart Lantz with 10. Missouri was led by Cole man, who hit for 15 points, seven below his average. The Huskers as a team hit a blistering 52.5 per cent from the field. They also did a good from the free throw stripe with 13 of 18. Tonight Nebraska meets the Colorado Buffaloes for the first time this season. Colorado has been having their problems of late, Star center Chuck Gradner has been injured most of the sea son and is just now beginning to round into form. The Buffs have been on the road all week-end, taking a 68-52 clawing at Kansas State Saturday night. Game time tonight is 7:35 p.m. in the Coliseum as t h e Huskers shoot for conference win number ten. of being the team to beat in the National League, as they are 2 to 1 favorites eight months prior to the World Series. In the American League it looks like the New York Yank ees are going to have to prove themselves all over again. The Yanks have been placed in sixth position, and are an 8 to 1 pick to finish first. SATURDAY MAR. 12th 8:30 P.M. V MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED NOW envelope for prompt return of tickets. w-w . op u noon tu DOORS OPEN 12:45 NOW SHOWING mmmiwi nctuns pmmu MtlfklliirlUiaaJ LrWallWiJ ClFrv; rir"i atanaife la wiial WBSBaaai ,' a anna - prr-z n itf la J l?.a.i LI mm urn mnxjcim ! " ::v"' v ' - Swimmers Win Final Home Dual Nine Husker seniors swam in their last home meet Fri day as Nebraska beat Colo rado 68-26. Nebraska now has six wins and six losses for the season. Husker Coach Dick Klaas made use of all his team against the young Buffalo tankers. Senior Keefe Lodwig oi Omaha set a new pool record of :48.9 in the 100 yard free style and later anchored a Ne braska exhibition relay team consisting of Dave Frank, Tom Nickerson and Rich Gor don which set a new pool rec ord of 3:20.7 in the 400 yard free-style relay. Lodwig broke the free-style record of :49.5 he had set two winters ago. The old free-style relay record of 3:21.3 was set by Oklahoma earlier this winter. Nebraska's defending Big Eight breaststroke champion, seniot Mike Jackson, was beaten by Colorado's Terry Danko with a time of 2:22.7. Nebraska's Steve Sorenson collected 223.35 points to win the diving against Colorado's Mike Ballard. Husker senior Taylor With row won the 500 yard free style in 5:48 and was second in the 200 yard free-style. Senior Dave Frank won the 200 yard individual medley and had a part in the new 400 yard free-style. Other seniors that competed for Nebraska Friday were Terry Tice, third in diving, Doub Sutton, third in 200 yard backstroke, Bill Steele, 400 yard medley relay, Tom Nick erson, 400 yard free-style re lay, and G a y 1 e McAdams, third in 200 yard breaststroke. MCDONALD'S MENU 100 Pure Beef Hamburgers Tempting Cheeseburgers Old-Fashioned Shakes Crisp Golden French Fries Thirst-Quenching Coke Delightful Root Beer Coffee As You Like It Refreshing Cold Milk Full-Flavored Orange Orink look for the golden nrchesj WE NEVER CLOSE ft ' " 1 . H 1 1 u, v.. fit Kk s GHiEKffifr8Al Cigarettes (Lowest prices in town) DIVIDEND BONDED GAS 16th Gr P Sts. Downtown Lincoln ml anew ir3 o . VWa,, Feb. 21, 1966 Nebraska will be on the ' road next week end against Iowa University and Iowa State before traveling to Nor man Oklahoma for the Big . Eight Championships which ' start March 3. Swimming results: 400-yd. medley rfliy 1. Nebraska (Gaeth, Goeti, Steele, Gordon). T 3:58.4. 200-yd. freniyle 1. Don Frailer, Ne braska; 2. Taylor Withrow, Nebraska: 3. Tom Jones, Colorado. T 2:03.3. 50-yd. freestyle 1. Ken Miller, Nebras ka; 2. Bob Gleesberg, Nebraska; 3. (Hei Roger Cornell and Tom Chamber!, both of Colorado. T :24.3. 2fK1-yd. Individual medic y 1. Dave Frank. Nebraska; 2. John Prentiss, Ne braska; 3. Bob Shideler, Colorado. T 2:18.2. DlvlnfI. Steve Sorenson, Nebraska; 223.35; 2. Mike Ballard, Colorado, 210.25; 3. Terry Tiee, Nebraska, 184.05. 200-yd. butterfly 1. Jon Burchlll, Ne braska; 2. John Prentiss, Nebraska; 3. Bob Shideler, Colorado. T 2:11.9. 100-yd. freestyle 1. Keefe Lodwig, Ne braska; 2. Dale Parker, Nebraska: 3. Tom Chambers, Colorado. T :48.9. (ties varsity record of :48.9 by Lodwig in 1964 and breaks pool record of :49.5 by Lodwig in 19B4). 200-yd. backstroke 1. Ken Gaeth, Ne braska; 2. Bob Elliott, Colorado; 3. Dou Sutton, Nebraska. T 2:17.9. 5O0-yd. freestyle 1. Taylor Withrow, Nebraska: 2. Tom Jones, Colorado. No third. T 5:48.0. 200-yd. breaststroke 1. Terry Danko, Colorado; 2. Mike Jackson, Nebraska; 3. Gale McAdams, Nebraska. T 2:22.7. 400-yd. freestyle relay 1. Colorado (Rid del!, Chambers, Cornell, Jones). T 3:41.1. Science Teachers To Meet Monday More than 60 Nebraska col lege and university professors in the biological sciences will attend a Teacher Development program, sponsored by the National Science Foundation ' at the University's Nebraska Center, Moiday and Tuesday. The meeting is one in a ser ies organized by the Univer sity's Graduate College to help college professors throughout Nebraska keep up-to-date on scientific developments. MUM! he ml HKUIUJAM TRAIL l; ' ' it IT MkxmMi. 7 mm tuns Ifooiiii Ttra gS-l cot5a ! I M us