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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1966)
Monday, Feb. 21, 1966 The Daily Nebroskan Vol. 81, No.67 Student Files For Office Franz H. Penner, a 38 year old University student, an nounced that he filed Monday to run for the Nebraska Legis lature from the 34th District. Penner has attended the University as a pre-law stu dent for the past two semes ters, but Is not currently en rolled in order 'i facilitate his political interests and be cause of financial reasons. Penner's main reason for running for the Legislature is dissatisfaction with the pres ent tax system and the fact that "people should be getting their money's worth from the tax dollar." "We need a complete over haul of the tax base," Penner explained, "and we need to close down the loop holes in the system." He advocates an income, property, and sales tax program. "I am also concerned by the great disparity in salaries here at the University," Pen ner added. "The salaries are raised for the top brass, but what about the rank and file teachers?" "Our better teachers are leaving the University for a salary ten times as large in New York," Penner stated. Penner said that one in stance of the waste of state funds is evident in the buy ing and restoration of the Ken nard House in Lincoln. He be lieves that the city should be paying for it, since it is actu ally the city's concern. Penner describes his occu pation as farming. He has served two terms as justice of the peace in Aurora. He is currently serving on the Hamilton County Central Committee of the Democra tic Party and is executive secretary of the Nebraska Council on Family Law. He is a Nebraska repre sentative for the United States Divorce Reform and during two sessions of Legislature, Penner worked as a lobbyist on behalf of personal inter ests. YDtoHost Morrison At Union Gov. Frank Morrison will speak in the Nebraska Union Tuesday evening at the Young Democrats meeting. Tom Booth, YD president, said that Morrison will prob ably speak about his up-coming campaign for the U.S. Senate with emphasis "on the role which young people will play-" Morrison, three times elected governor, announced a week ago that he would campaign for the Senate seat presently held by Republican Carl Curtis. Most political observers have agreed that the race be tween Curtis and Morrison, both all-time vote getters, should promise to be the state's most exciting political contest in years. Booth said that this meet ing will mark the beginning of YD activities for the sec ond semester. Upcoming proj ects Include a membership drive and plans for organizing YD clubs In counties through out the state In preparation for the approaching election. Booth said a coffee hour will follow Morrison's speech at the meeting. Pi Sigma Alpha To Hear Lawyer A Lincoln lawyer, John Tate, will speak on the right to work law at the Pi Sigma Alpha, political science hon orary, meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., in the Nebraska Union. Tate, who is a member of Nelson, Harding, Acklie, Leon ard and Tate, is the former executive director of the Mid west Employers' Counsel. Bill Harding, Pi Sigma Al pha president, said that elec tions tor new officers would be held March 9. ARCHIVES 1 No Deposit, No Return Collecting 3.500 empty pop bottles, taking in laundry and selling cookies is the way four University fresh men coeds hope to pay their way to Colorado over spring vacation. The whole plan was con ceived last week on a lonely Tuesday night as Ruth Brock, Sherye Nelson, Deb bie O'Dell and Joan Wagoner decided it was imperative to earn S70 for the trek to Colorado. ' We never go out on week ends." said Miss Brock, "so we decided it was Colorado or bust." The four determined girls have collated in less than a week 1,236 empty pop bottles which they store in the for mal storage closet on sec ond floor Raymond Hall. "It's a humanitarian ef fort, "stated Miss Nelson in speaking of the bottle col lecting campaign. "Yes," Miss Brock added, "we wanted to get rid of the Officials To Review The ASUN public issues committee is awaiting Univer sity decisions on its proposals regarding foreign student housing before presenting them before the Lincoln City Council, according to Terry Schaaf. chairman of the ASUN public issues committee. The Student Senate passed a series of five proposals re garding foreign student hous ing, two of which concerned the City Council to secure min imum housing standards for rental housing. "We are waiting to find out exactly how to present our proposal before the Council," Schaaf noted. "It's going to take a little time to settle. Also we want to be able to tell them just what the Uni versity is doing about the housing problem and we have to wait until they de cide." City Council Three members of the Lin coln City Council told the Daily Nebraskan that the City Council could enact min imum housing standard codes by ordinance if they so de sired and were presently in the process of considering them. "The Council could qss an ordinance establishing a min imum standard code," said City Councilman John Sal- - mi "pr iiff " """"" " A-'VL. Cl err litter problem in the dorms. Those empty bottles just clutter up the rooms." "We began our pilgrim age," Miss Brock continued, ' bv hitting them with the old line." The plea for bot tles from residents includes, in the final scene, Miss Brock begging on hands and knees while crying real tears. "We haven't hit Selleck yet and we have three floors left in Pound," said Miss Brock. In one hour in the lobby of Abel, the girls col lected 200 bottles by corner ing the residents as they stepped off the elevator. "The boys in Abel are very generous," stated Miss Wagoner. "But the tightwads in Cather won't contribute to the cause," Miss Brock com mented. "However, we are planning to take a wheel barrow over to Cather on March 11 when they have open house. The place is a veritable gold mine!" leek. "Right now the Coun cil does have the power to destroy dangerous property." He added that be does not favor passage of a retroac tive housing ordinance if It would mean "sweeping out areas where people may be satisfied with older homes that might not meet require ments. Lloyd Hinkley said, "The Council has already spent some time investigating ex isting housing ordinances and thinking how they should be changed. The controversy centers on whether or not any changes should be retro active to include older homes. Housing Code He added that he was in favor of having a code to ap ply' to buildings completed before the ordinance would be enacted. "It's my guess that the question will be before the Council within 30 to 60 days," he continued. John Com stock said the Council "has been working on a code that would aply to both old and new build ings." He continued that, although he was not sure where the plans stand at present, in formal hearings had been held concerning minimum housing codes. A. Qj&eutK-r The girls have encountered some trouble in returning the bottles. Last week they took six hundred empties to a grocery store. They loaded seven shopping carts with bottles and were taking them into the store when the last cart, manned by Miss Brock and Miss Wagoner hit a bump. Fifty bottles tumbled over the "entrance to the store. "We cried, the manager cried and the customers laughed," said Miss Brock. "Fortunately only six bot tles were broken, in the ac cident," Miss Wagoner stated. The store manager suggest ed in the future that they bring in only 500 bottles at a time. The manager offered the girls jobs as temporary cashiers in sympathy for their cause. Other jobs taken on in the pursuit of the $70 goal include Cont. on Page 4, Col. 7 Housing "The question has been pushed aside for a time by the enactment of the build ing code," he added, "which applies to new buildings but which we felt took partial care of a minimum housing problem." Proposals Proposals made to the Uni versity asked the Foreign Student Housing Office to send foreign students re questing admission an infor mative, realistic pamphlet on the availability of nousing and housing conditions and also requested the Housing Office to reserve a preJeter mined number of rooms in the dorms for international 6tudents. The resolutions came as a result of a four-month study by the public issues com mittee. Schaaf's report pointed out that foreign student bousing Is often substandard and that foreign students receives a less - than desirable view of American life because of the poor bousing and discrimi nation they are unprepared to face. Besides Schaaf, other mem bers of the public issues com mittee are Bob Lott, Kris Bitner, Cuz Guenzel, Nan Webster, Liz Ma dole, Darryl Gless and Mary Baker. Aid To Will Be A Pulitzer Prize winning historian and former special assistant to both President Kennedy and President John son, Arthur M. Schlesinger will speak on "The World We Want and How to Get It" at a University convocation at 2:30 p.m. Thursday in the Colise um. Classes Mill be dismissed for the all-University convo cation sponsored by the Fac ulty Senate Convocation Com mittee and the Nebraska Un ion. A coffee hour will follow in the Pan American room of the Nebraska Union. As special assistant to President Kennedy, Schles inger traveled extensively in Europe and South America, sat in on policy meetings and was intimately involved in many vital discussions. In 1964 he left his govern- AWS Postpones Slating Until Senate Ruling On Constitution AWS must await a Student Senate decision on the new AWS constitution before can didates for AWS Board may be slated, according to Yicki Dowling, AWS vice president. She explained that the rep resentation of the board was changed when the constitution w as revised and that until Stu dent Senate approves or dis approves the new constitution, candidates cannot be slated because the present board Confcrcncc To More than 150 Nebraska ele mentary educators will meet at the University's Nebraska Center. Friday and Saturday, to discuss the role of guidance in " e b r a s k a's elementary schools. Dr. O. V. Kopp, chairman of the department of elemen tary education at the univer sity, said the meeting was called to investigate means SAE Gladiators Pull Chariot For Heart Association Drive By Randy Irey Junior Staff Writer Shades of the Roman Em pire appeared over the week end in downtown Lincoln. The modern-day Romans were ail members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon pledge class. The brave hand of "gladia tors" pulled a chariot an es timated one hundred miles for the aid of the Lincoln area Heart Association's fund drive. In doing so, they c o 1 lected about S600 dollars In cash. The feat of endurance be gan at 8 p.m., Friday and ended Saturday at 10 p.m. Ten teams made up of thirty pledges took turns pulling the chariot along O Street, be tween 10th and 16th streets. At t i m e s the temperature dropped below ten degrees, but still the rugged "Greek Romans" pulled on. SIGMA ALPHA F-PSILON braves the cuW umadu to H' si. I .. . . . ! Johnson, JFK A4 Speaker Schlesinger ment position to write a book on the Kennedy Administra tion, "A Thousand Days: John does not know which slating system to use. Kent Neumeister. ASUN president, said, "It really is the Senate's decision. The ASUN executive committee is meeting with members of the AWS board Monday, however, to discuss the proposed con stitution." "We have done a partial slating.. Miss Dowling said, "bur must wait until a deci- Concern Guidance of strengthening the role of el ementary education in the gui dance area. The keynote address. "The Guidance Dimension in Ele mentary Education." will be given at 10 a.m.. Friday, by Dr. Stuart E. Dean, Washing ton. D.C., specialist for ele mentary school organization an dadministration of the U.S. Office of Education. SAE Phil Perry noted that the chariot broke down Satur day morning at 3 a m. when an axle broke. He said that before long the other axle broke and t h e Sig Alph's next door neighbor, Sigma Nu fraternity, brought them down some bicycle wheels for the chariot. "It was kind of fun. but it was sure cold, expecially at night." Perry said. The goal of the operation was to pull the chariot one mile for every S10 collected, according to Phil Bristol, a leader in the event. The names of the contributors were on display in a window at lSth and O. The chariot was decorated with four hearts and bore the inscription, "The More You Give, The More Will Live", and "Heart Fund Volunteer". Until the accident, one pledge, PLKI'MiUS . . . Allen I urhv, Dan astkt iih the Heart Fund Drive - A- . '--- "m x,5I " ' "' . i. 11 is, " l f 3 F. Kennedy in the White House." He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1946. at the age of 28, for his history, "Tbe Age of Jackson." He now "ranks among the foremost in the new generation of vigorous social thinkers," according to the New York Times. He has also written "The Vital Center" about contem porary political and social problems which was published in 1949 and co-authored "The General and the President" ("The Mac Arthur Controver sy"), an analysis of American foreign policy in terms of the issues raised by President Truman's dismissal of Gen eral MacArthur. The son of the late Arthur M. Schlesinger, also a dis tinguished historian, he was graduated summa cum laude from Harvard in 1938. sion is reached before we can finish." Interviews She estimated the number of women who went through in terviews for slating to be "around 100. We interviewed nine and a half hours on Sat urday." "We had a real good turn out." she continued. "M u c h better than in years past. This year we can make choices on qualifications rather than wor rying about representing cer tain areas." She added that the women who went through the inter views represented "all types" of AWS philosophies ranging from the conservative to the liberal and representing dif ferent types of living units. Last Wednesday. Student Senate passed a by-law stat ing that Student Senate ap proval for organizations will be decided by a two-thirds vote. Cont. on Page 3, Col. 3 tiie charioteer, rodr while his two partners pulled. The charioteer, wore a helmet, breastplate, boots and a hood ed sweatshirt for warmth The "horses" wore street clothes and helmets with SAE printed on them. Tom Remington said that people w ere pretty responsive to the drive ' But once, in front of a theater, there was a line about a quarter of a block long. We tried to get s o m e contributions from tbern, but all we got were cold stares. This perturbed me. but the majority of the people were great. "Even late at night tbe re sponse was rnorr than I ex pected At no tune did we ever come hark without some contribution s." Rem ington said. Hart man. and Mike Oupeni In dtuwilown Lincoln. 4" 4 ! 4 I t t i i i i 4 I x w s 1 J