The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 18, 1966, Image 1

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Friday, Feb. 18, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Vol. 81, No. 66
r7 () HAC
If Signed . . .
GI Bill
By Bob Curnow
Junior Staff Writer
If the new "cold war" GI
Bill is signed by President
Johnson in the near future as
expected, Nebraska state col
leges and universities can ex
pect anywhere from 2,500 to
5,000 ex-servicemen to enroll
in school according to Vet
erns Administration Manager
Charles Chubb at Lincoln.
Chubb made this statement
after the Nebraska State Se
lective Service announced that
approximately 54.000 Nebras
kans will be eligible to take
advantage of school benefits
during the first year of the
new GI Bill of Rights.
According to Chubb, there
have been many letters and
phone calls from affected Ne
braskans around the state re
garding the bill and more
are expected once the bill is
formally signed by President
Chubb said his office was
expecting additional instruc
tions and communiques from
the Veterans Administration's
headquarters in Washington
following the signing of the
bill and promised more de
tailed information in news
releases in the near future.
Dr. Edward E. Lundak,
Director of the Office of Schol
arships and Financial Aids,
referred to the experiences of
schools across the nation fol
lowing the post-World War II
period GI Bill.
Conscientious Students
"These GI Bill students
have demonstrated in the past
that they are capable stu
dents who are conscientious
about their studies," Dr. Lun
dak observed.
Having attended school un
der the GI Bill and having
taught students attending col
lege under the GI Bill, Lun
dak noted that the great ma
Coordinating Committee Nominates
Three For Permanent Chairmanship
At the inter-dorm coordinat
ing committee meeting
Wednesday night nominations
were made for permanent
chairman and recording sec
retary of the group and possi
ble areas of organization
were discussed.
Nominees for chairman in
clude John Fryar, Cather;
Elaine Kallos, Pound; and
Marv Almy, SeHeck. Joan
Spivey, Pound, and Larry An
derson, Selleck, have been
nominated for recording sec
retary. Elections will be Tues
day night.
Keith Olsen, Burr West, who
proposed the motion to choose
officers separate from the co
ordinating body, explained
that the chairman should have
no vote and Should act as "an
impartial representative of the
group rather than a specific
Agenda Suggested
Almy suggested that an
agenda be set up so that the
group could move into differ
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jority of these students are
past the "playing around"
stage, are mature about their
studies and rarely misuse the
Noting that the un-married
GI Bill-appropriated student
will be receiving $100 a month
for school, whereas University
costs usually run about $1,400
a year, Lundak was optimis
tic about the possibility of de
serving students having their
government allotments aug
mented through University
scholarship funds.
Lundak pointed out that this
assistance could come in the
form of loans, gifts or work
"We also anticipate," Lun
dak further explained, "that
the University, under Title 4
of the Higher Education Act
of 1965, will be able to provide
similar assistance to students
of limited income, of which
many GI Billers will be, in
the form of loans, outright
gifts and work aids by the
time they are here."
Housing Problem Minor
Edward M. Bryan, Director
of Housing, said he felt for
next year at least, there
should be no un-w o r k a b 1 e
housing problems with the
utilization of all campus facil
ities and the yet untouched
city housing units.
"As this increase in student
enrollment continues, and
looking ahead to whatever ad
ditional students the GI Bill
will bring to us, there would
be greater considerations to
expanding our own campus
facilities," Bryan said.
Bryan noted that while next
year was more or less the in
between year, there are plans
in the making for units hous
ing 1.550 students on campus
by 1967.
Bryan said construction
plans for the future are de
ent areas of discussion.
"For instance, why an inter
dorm organization?" he
added. "These meetings
should be designed to answer
such questions."
He continued that the group
should be divided into small
er units "to investigate differ
ent areas such as social, acti
vities, scholastic and adminis
trative. We should concern
ourselves with gathering in
formation that would lead to
ward inter-dorm organiza
tion." Anderson suggested that the
business of corresponding with
other universities about inter
dorm government should be
transferred to a specific com
mittee. Tony Redman, Cather,
noted that residence directors
had "a pool of knowledge"
that might be beneficial to the
group in answering questions.
One area where an inter
dorm council could be useful
would be giving students a
greater voice in the selec
tion of the student assistants,
Almy said.
is conducted by Dr. Gerkin and a
veloping rapidly and since
many of the GI Bill people
would be married, there is
the possibility of using Lincoln
Air Force Base Housing and
Huskerville units to ease any
housing problems that might
Registration Difficulties?
John E. Aronson, Director
of Admissions, said his de
partment could forsee no
great difficulties with any GI
Bill students, because many
of them will be going to other
schools around the state.
Whatever number did apply
for admission to the Univer
sity, they would be welcomed
on the same level as anyone
Aronson pointed out that
other departments in the Uni
versity, such as the Reg
istrars office and Housing,
would bear the brunt of any
problems because, "It's easy
to accept them as long as they
can find teachers to teach
them, classes in which to put
them and places for them to
Aronson said he had already
received correspondence from
many servicemen in Viet Nam
requesting admission to the
University. "Once the Bill is
signed, I expect we'll have
more correspondence of this
According to Aronson, one
Viet Nam-based soldier ap
plied for admission to the Uni
versity only to find he needed
to complete College Board
examinations before he could
be accepted. Not to pass up
the chance the new GI Bill
will give him to attend school,
the soldier took his College
Where? In Viet Nam, of
course. "You can take that
test almost anywhere in the
world now," Aronson ex
plained. "Does this mean that choos
ing the student assistants
would turn into a political
thing?" asked Ellen Wells,
Student Assistants
"Students should never be
able to elect their student as
sistants," answered Almy,
"but with an inter-dorm coun
cil, we may have a greater
voice in their selection."
Other business at the meet
ing included a talk by Mrs.
Jean Regester, adviser to stu
dent activities, about the
Faculty Fellows program.
Representatives at the meet
ing were Tom Holeman and
Wayne Norton, Abel; Almy
and Anderson, Selleck; Shar
on Cradduck and Lynnette
Pascbold, Burr East; Olsen
and Chuck Juricek, Burr West.
Redman and John Decker,
Cather; Mary Russnogle and
Evelyn George, Fedde; Miss
Spivey and Miss Kallos,
Pound; Miss Wells and Bon
nie Schole, WRA; and Mari
lyn Fuhrman and Carol Boyd,
Love Memorial.
group of associates.
By Kelley Baker
"Are you a beatnik?"
"No, I'm me," Allen Gins
berg, renowned poet of what
Jack Kerouac called the "beat
generation," replied at a press
conference Thursday.
"Beatnik," he said, "is a
newspaper term invented by
newsmen to describe some
thing in themselves that they
are afraid of."
Ginsberg, who will hold a
poetry reading 1 p.m. Friday
in the Nebraska Union and
who plans to lecture during
classes in the morning, ar
rived in Lincoln Thursday af
ternoon. He was asked to speak at
the University by Steve Ab
bott, student editor of Scrip
magazine, when Steve met
him earlier in the week at the
regional Students for a Demo
cratic Society (SDS) meeting
in Lawrence, Kan.
Nebraskans 'Courteous'
The news conference took
place in Abbott's apartment
with reporters from radio and
the Lincoln press. With Gins
berg were three companions,
two of them poets in their
own right.
When asked if they had
gained any impressions of Ne
braska in their short stay,
one of his companions, Peter
Orlorski replied, that he found
Nebraskans "courteous, sensi
tive and serious," and ob
served that h might result
from being surrounded by the
"vast expanse of the plains at
Ginsberg and his friends are
presently touring the country
with New York as their even
tual destination.
When asked to give his view
on marijuana and narcotics,
Ginsberg stated that present
ly he is in a movement to
legalize the possession and
sale of marijuana.
"The control of addictive
drugs," he continued "should
be placed in the hands of
the medical profession and
Johnson Proclaims
Engineers' Week
By Toni Victor
Junior Staff Writer
President Lyndon B. John
son has proclaimed next week,
beginning Sunday, as National
Engineers' Week in order to
"promote and emphasize the
increasing responsibilities of
engineers in advancing our
civilization and culture."
The Dean of the Univer
sity's College of Engineering
and Architecture, John R.
Davis, agrees that engineers
have great responsibilities to
day and points to the Uni
versity's engineering college
as continually growing in both
size and stature.
The University College of
Engineering and Architecture
has approximately 1,850 stu
dents enrolled, of which 8 are
women. There are six main
departments of engineering:
civil, chemical, mechanical,
electrical and agricultural en
gineering, plus engineering
The physical plant of the
college embraces seven separ
ate buildings, six on the city
campus and the Agricultural
Engineering Building located
on East campus. A plan to
eventually triple the space has
By Randy Irey
Junior Staff Writer
The University Counseling
Service is primarily interested
in seeing that college students
get the most out of their
college career.
"You don't need to have a
problem in order to come to
us," explained Dr. Clay Gerk
en, director of the counseling
"In fact, we never use the
word problem. If a person has
two strikes against him and a
fast ball coming, there's noth
ing we can really do but help
him prepare for his probable
downfall or defeat."
"We don't provide a cure;
rather, we provide the oppor
tunity for the student to be
entirely open and free with us.
We want him to formulate and
tell us why he came to us,"
Denies 'Beat' Reputation
s 4
POET . . . Ginsberg, his
not law enforcement groups."
He went on to cite numer
ous independent and govern
ment reports to the effect that
the the results of using mari
juana have been substantial
ly over-exaggerated.
Viet Nam Proposals
On the U.S. position in Viet
Nam, Ginsberg proposed that
"the U.S. has been goofing
something awful." He pro
ceeded with a discussion of
the events which led to the
present crisis and arrived at
the following proposals:
(1) The U.S. should begin
practical negotiations with the
Viet Cong.
(2) We should understand
that if a Viet Cong govern
ment allied with Ho Chi Minn,
they would probably cooper
ate with Russia more than
Red China.
(3) The U.S. should permit
been approved by the Legis
lature pending funding, said
Research programs of the
college include studies of
bridges, artificial hearts, wat
er pollution, city planning,
space vehicles and communi
cations systems.
Davis pointed to professors
in the college who are illus
trative of the great diversity
of the engineering program:
For instance, Turget Sarpka
ya is pioneering in the appli
cation of fluid mechanics to
artificial human hearts and
space vehicles; David Cook,
an associate professor is
called upon to testify in court
as to how a particular auto
professor of electronic engi
neering is doing research in
the field of music reproduc
tion. Davis also noted the
achievements of the architec
ture division of the college. In
an informal survey conducted
by Notre Dame, the Universi
ty college was rated as the
third top school of architec
ture in the nation. Davis said
that the school of architecture
has just revised its programs
and has added new curricu-
rs' Intent To Aid Students
Dr. Gerken continued. "We
feel that by having the student
talking about whatever he
wants to, he can clarify his
Student Finds Self
"Our job could be seen as
serving as resource people,"
Vernon Williams, counseling
psychologist said. "We help
the students to know where to
look in helping himself."
According to Howard Kra
mer, counseling stait mem
ber, coDege is a place for
growing and developing.
"Certainly, it is a step in
the process towards success.
But after all what is success.
Success to one person is not
the same to the other. The in
dividual must decide."
"The student is a changing
person, or should be," Dr.
Gerken said. "If he comes out
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companions and interested observers meet at Thursday
Red China to join the United
(4) The U.S. ought to em
bark on a program to indus
trailize and feed Red China
and India and thus help to
relieve the paranoic pressure
on China.
Questioned on political affili
ations, Ginsberg admitted
"sometimes I vote for Demo
crats, sometimes for Republi
cans, sometimes communist
anarchist, and sometimes I
don't vote. It depends on the
WTien queried on the sub
ject of sex, the soft-spoken
poet replied, "Primarily I'm
homosexually oriented, but I
don't make any bones about it
in public." He feels that peo
ple should "stop being hypo
critical about basic desires
and should stop being afraid
of being themselves in pub
lic." DEAN DAVIS . . . watches
works with
lum in the area of architec
tural science such as internal
space design and structural
According to Davis, grad
uates from the college have
no trouble finding well-paying
jobs when they graduate. He
of the University, the same
person he entered, the whole
system of higher education
has failed.
"Because of this we are
concerned with the student's
morals and attitudes. What
these are is going to influence
what he wants out of college
and what he gets."
Occupation Tests
The counseling service is al
so concerned with the stu
dent's future.
"In the area of occupational
testing, we will give tests in
order to find out what the
student is best suited for, but
only because it might belp the
student to find out more
about himself," Dr. Gerken
Mrs. Molly Cunningham,
reading instructor, criticized
society for forcing students to
If no change occurs, he
fears that the result will be
a "schizophrenic split between
private life and public man
ners which could lead to a cor
rupt society."
"In the space age what was
formerly private has become
real and should be public."
Ginsberg then humorously
proposed that the John Birch
Society might find a banner
to wave on the issue of keep
ing the government out peo
ple's private sex lives.
Ginsberg complained that
sometimes he has been con
fronted with troublesome blue
laws: "local ordinances, basi
cally unconstitutional in na
ture, which attempt to give the
police control over what may
and may not be said in public
and which police have some
times used against poetry
while an engineering student
noted that 80 to 90 per cent of
the jobs are out of state, on
the East and West Coasts
and in Texas. He said the stu
dents travel out of state be
cause of the inability of Ne
braskan industry to absorb all
the college's graduates.
choose their occupation too
"The student is not free. He
must do each thing towards
the goal of success. But he
doesn't often know what this
word success means to him.
"In order to get more out
of life, he must participate in
new experiences, and he can't
break in to these by himself.
But here in the counseling of
fice he can sit back, free.
He can look at what's im
portant to him, and make the
, break."
"People are afraid of their
feelings," Dr. Gerken summed
up. "They play roles, and
with constant practice, move
into them. They wear a mask
for hiding in. But through
counseling, we try to encour
age students to cast these off.
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