The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 11, 1966, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    I Friday, Feb. 11, 1966
Dorm Council . .
Leaders List Goals, Problems
(he second In a series of a
ticlcs by Jan Itkin concern
ing Independent government
which focuses on the Inde
pendent's difficulties in or
ganization. (V-oanization both within
$xu between individual dor
mitories raises many ques
tions involving possible ad
vantages and disadvantages
of organizing and finding so
lutions to the problems in
volved in organization, ac
cording to three dormitory
Mary Almy, p esident of
the Residence Association for
Men (RAM); Tom Holeman,
president of the Abel Hall ex
ecutive council; and Tony
Redman, president of the Cath
er Hall executive council,
stressed the existance of or
ganization within their indi
vidual units and the need for
organization between their
Almy pointed out that al
though all the dormitories are
individually organized, no cen
tral organization exists at the
present time.
Social Committee
"There have been attempts
this year toward organiza
tion," he added, "like the inter-dorm
coordinating com
mittee. A social committee
has already bee in opera
tion for sometime and last
year a report on co-educational
dorms were presented
which was a first attempt to
ward inter-dormitory organi
zation." Redman stressed that the
work of the inter-dorm social
committee whose primary
purpose was o organize and
coordinate functions between
the dorms, was a start to
ward inter-dorm cooperation.
"With enough money to
work with, large-scale pro
jects can result," he contin
ued. "Right now the social
.committee is planning a
street dance to be held some
time in the spring, probably
on S Street."
Holeman said that while
the other dormitory govern
ments were "very well or
ganized, the problem at Abel
is not in maintaining a gov
ernment but in organizing it.
What we do now will set a
definite pattern for the fu
ture." Unfortunately we won't be
in office long enough to gain
Bureau To Help Students
The ASUN Tutorial Service
Bureau is now ready to start
recommending qualified tutors
to students needing help in dif
ferent courses, according to
Erma Winterer, chairman.
The bureau's mais purpose
is to "assist students in find
ing tutors to help them in
their troublesome courses by
maintaining a complete list of
department-chosen and faculty-approved
personnel who
have excelled in their respec
tive fields," Miss Winterer
Miss Winterer indicated that
there would be a nominal
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t " 3 -I
a strong foothold," he con
tinued. "One rrajor objective
is to form a solid organiza
tion which would carry over
to next year. Abel's future
lies with the presider1!ii elec
tion on May 1."
father Government
Redman said that the or
ganization in Cather was
"currently very good." He
explained that the 1" had
recently passed a new con
stitution which created
"more interest on the part of
the individuals who art on
the council."
"At Cather the general
goal regarding an inter-dorm
council is to eventually have
a fairly strong organization,
he continued, "but at first a
closely knit organization
might tend to gi- the coun
cil predominant control over
the individual halls. That is
why we favor, for the time
being, a coordinating body
fashioned after the existing
social committee."
In 1964, he noted, "--npts
were made to create an m-ter-dorm
body but iai-c be
cause of Administration dis
approval ana a general ay
amy on tne part of the stu
dents. Also tnere was a lack
oi mtra-oorm organization
that has now been remedied.
Prooiems involved in or
ganizing the dormities
seerne to nave involved spe
cial interests, finding leader
ship and communicating on
sucn a large scale,
Almy suggested that the
greatest problem in an indi
vidual dormitory area was
"We must find people who
are interested and capable,"
Almy said, "In Selleck this
year, I'm pretty well satis
fied with the people I ive."
He added that if people are
made to feel an organization
is worthwhile, they would
participate and the apathy
would probably disap-"3r.
"A centralized inter-dorm
system would coordinate this
and would help reduce the
apathy," he noted. "Since Sel
leck is organized with a strong
system of centralization, a
centralized council is readily
acceptable to us." -
He continued that, as he
proposes an inter-dorm sys
tem be set up, it would first
include people who were in
terested and eventually help
charge for the service but de-1
clined to state a price. "I
hate to quote a price that is
up to the individual tutor!"
The bureau's records, which
include extensive files on a
number of paid teachers, are
located in the ASUN office.
Miss Winterer pointed out
that the files were quite com
plete with specific informa
tion about the prospective tu
tors including the classifica
tion of the tutor, his remain
ing length of time in school,
Spring Show Tryouts
"How To Succeed En Business
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Thursday and Friday, February
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combat the problem of apathy
as it could perform services
that would create greater In
Holeman said that making
policy statements for groups
with different interests might
prove to be a major problem
He disagreed that apathy was
a major issue.
"You only get out of a gov
ernment what you put into it,"
he said. "Participation is nev
er forced, but those who do
participate derive much from
taking part and they partici
pate because they want to."
Redman said that a major
problem in organizing was
"finding qualified officers"
and that many good officers
"are only there for a year and
so there's no continuity."
Other problems he mention
ed included:
Finding a fair way of
nominating officers.
Providing for a separation
of powers between an inter
dorm council and the Admin
istration regarding areas such
as finance.
Separating powers be
tween the council and the
dorms themselves as rulings
beneficial to the majority
might conflict with the mi
nority. The three presidents agreed
that there where many advan
tages of a dormitory organiza
tion. Almy stressed, "The Admin
istration has become more
and more centralized in deal
ing with the dorms. It is neces
sary for the dorms to become
centralized too In order to
have a voice where these pol
icies are concerned."
"Also with a central organ
ization there would be greater
communication," he con
tinued, "individual dorms
could use each other's ideas
of what can be done to pro
mote student interest."
Possible disadvantages in
volved with central organiza
tion include working with con
flicting interests because of
differences m the size of the
individual dormitories and of
finding qualified personnel to
effectively direct such an or
Both Redman and Holeman
stressed the problems of different-sized
groups and the
question of how much weight
each unit should carry.
Find Tutors
the complete list of courses he
has taken, and his major.
The files, she said, cover
such varied subjects as an
thropology, German, chemis
try, Spanish, biology, botany,
the classics, English, French,
sociology and zoology.
She urged all University
students to take advantage of
the files for the problems in
their courses "which a little
extra help or explanation
could surmount."
Feb. 19, 3:00
Scripts Available in
Placement Office in
The Nebraska Union
The Daily
"For instance," Redman
noted, "should voting rights
and budgets be allocated
equally or in proportion to the
number of residents?"
Almv Questioned the lack
of qualified personnel avail
able to maintain a worKing
"We could use officers from
existing halls if that wouldn't
put too much of a workload on
those individuals." he explain
ed, "or mavbe we could utilize
the student assistants, whose
experience would be of benefit
in advisory positions.
All three presidents noted
that the problems and disad
vantages would be examined
through the inter-dormitory
coordinating council that was
created Wednesday beiore
anv definite action would take
place toward creating an in
ter-dorm council.
The problem of developing
leadership in the dormitories
will be discussed in the next
installment of the series.
Abel Floors
To Sponsor
Open House
The 10th and 13th floors of
Abel Hall will hold open
houses Sunday night tne
first ones to be held in dor
mitories in the evening.
Last year was the first
year open houses were held in
dormitories, according to Bill
Eddy, of the 13th floor of
He said the 13th floor open
house will be held with ?iper
Hall from 6 p.m. to 9:3U
n.m. Eddv said there would
be pizzan folk-singing groups
and dancing.
Meanwhile, down on the
10th. a Batman theme will
highlight their open house,
according to Tom Arnat.
Held from 5 p.m. to 8:30
p.m., it will include pizza
and dancing.
Parking Board
Hears Appeals
Grants 13 Of 76
The ASUN Parking Appeals
Board has reported they re
viewed 76 appeals last semes
ter. Of these, 13 were granted,
57 denied, two dismissed and
further recommendations
were made on four of the ap
peals. Dave Snyder, chairman of
the ASUN parking committee,
said the number of appeals
granted by the board might
have been higher except that
the board automatically de
nies the appeals of students
who don't appear for the
scheduled hearing.
Snyder said there were a
number of cases like this, and
if all "legitatmate complaints
were heard," the appeals
granted might be "closer to
40 per cent"
- 10:00 P
Nebraska business leaders
were challenged Thursday to
join the nation's top corporate
executives in doubling contri
butions to higher education by
Holgar J. Johnson of New
York City, who was speaking
at the annual Nebraska Foun
dation trustee's meeting, call
ed increased University sup
port a prudent investment by
business in new knowledge,
educated manpower and ex
panding markets.
Business recognizes, John
son said, that the increased
costs of higher education are
going to be paid for one way
or another.
He pointed out that by vol
untarily supporting colleges
and universities, corporations
can exercise judgment as to
where they will obtain the
best return on the funds in
vested in higher education.
"By 1970 we will face a
serious national challenge be
cause enrollments in higher
education by that time are
expected to reach eight mil
lion students," said Johnson,
"and the cost of running these
educational institutions will
climb to $14 billion annual
ly." Johnson said that if busi
ness is to accept its share of
this challenge and to continue
to provide, as it now is, one
fifth of all gift support of high
er education, then corporate
support of our colleges will
need to climb to $500 million
annually by 1970.
He noted that federal and
state governments would con
tinue to increase the flow of
funds to higher education, but
nevertheless voluntary sup
port of colleges and univer
sities should be doubled from
the $1.25 billion it achieved
in 1964 to the $2.5 billion
which will be needed by 1970.
' '
America's fastest sellin
pre-recorded tapes-
1 : ::i
k ""!. 1
M ri irrr i . zr -i,
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iwiTMRirpc nv thf. 'KFJ.
Hunter, perform for campus events ranging from football victory celebrations to the
WRA formal.
Talented Trio Features Original Music
Missouri contributed not
only a football victory this
year, but three talented and
lovely vocalists, to the Uni
Two twin sisters, Cindy
and Sandy Hunter, and Ruthie
Bernhardt, began singing to
gether at a 4-H hootenanny
over three years ago during
their high school days in
Rockport, Mo.
This year, all three of the
girls are freshmen and mem
bers of Delta Delta Delta
Featuring their unique
three-part harmony and the
guitar playing of Ruthie. the
Bel Cantos, as they call them
selves, have performed be
4r .
Prices comparable or equal to
stereo records... but with continuous
uninterrupted music all on one 7" reel
of break resistant four-track stereo tape-.
By the worlds best known popular
and classical artists.
$M ttacuttft ikMmmm
-t -rK Kf:r nit V rtJO
- .-- mi
"1. iYU Si
CANTOS' TlnHv Hnnter.
fore many campus and local
groups including perform
ances for the football coaches
and their guests following the
Homecoming victory over Col
orado and entertaining at
fashion show sponsored by
their sorority and Miller and
Paine's department store.
The trio has written four
songs, "I've Got A Love",
"This Lonely Way", "Loneli
ness Is" and "Although" and
are currently in the process
of having all of the tunes
The girls generally sing folk
music but are trying to be
come more diversified
through the use of pop songs
in their routine.
Page 5
, I'll - $
r?" 4 uui
Rnth Bernhardt, and SandV
"Pop songs are harder to
arrange for our three part
harmony", Cindy explained,
"so we decided to write 'bur
The girls plan to make a
tape and send it to Univer
sity alums and nationally
known comedian Johnny .Car
son and band leader Mitch
Miller. If the tapes are well
received, future plans will
include cutting records as a
group during the summer,.-
The immediate future?, "will
see the trio entertaining" -at
the WRA formal dance Fri
day night at the Hotel Corn
husker and also at Co-ed 'Fol
lies later in the month. ; "
- Z7li X
ta t hf2
f in
WMMfc HiMiiniii mfliTiilm mi niMfMfcmli III BMI ll II tlllll I' I 1 1
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