The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 11, 1966, Image 1

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    l"'" '"w, -
Vol. 8!Mq. 62
The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, Feb. 11, 1955 ,
i einporary L-ouncii regms
To Unify Dorm Activities
Presidents and representa
tives of the University's nine
dorms formed an inter-dorm
coordinating body at a meet
ing Wednesday night in Abel
The representatives i n d i -cated
at the time that this
coordinating body will be only
temporary, and that they
hope to form a permanent inter-dorm
council sometime
next year.
Before the coordinating
body was established, the
meeting's representatives dis
cussed how the dorms should
be represented on the council
and how much power the
council should have over all
the dorms.
Tony Redman. Cather Hall
president, questioned how
strong and permanent a dorm
council should be.
""If something really stable
Hyde Park
Thursday's Hyde Park dis
cussions revolved around re
ligion, a previously un
touched issue at the forum.
An official ambassador from
one religious group appeared
and members from another
organization spoke.
The United Campus Chris
tian Fellowship's UCCF) stu
dent cabinet president, Rog
er Ilcff, read a UCCF policy
statement before the forum.
Ileff read. "To be a stu
dent in a -university is to be
long to a community engaged
in revolution." The statement
continued. "We believe that
the present concern over the
use of warfare as a political
alternative is a valid one.
""We believe that an incor
rect tension exists that makes
real solutions impossible. The
tension on a university cam
pus cannot be between revo
lution and non-revolution."
Part of the conclusion of the
statement read, "The student
of today must be satisfied
with nothing less than a vis
ionary administration, a de
dicated faculty and the free
dom to learn."
A group of the speakers at
the forum were from one
small unnamed religious
group. The speakers dis
cussed the Bible and related
their personal religious exper
iences. Medical School
Awards Grants
Three University students
have received scholarships for
the coming year at the Uni
versity College of Medicine in
These students, who will be
freshmen in medicine next
year, all received a check for
SfiSO from the University Col
lege of Medicine Alumni Asso
ciation. The recipients are Martin
Daniel McDermott, Joseph
Steven Urns, and William
Frederick Willner.
Selection was made by the
College of Medicine's Com
mittee on Scholarships and
Awards, of which Dr. Violet
Wilder is chairman.
Filings Due For
Teacher Exams
All prospective teach
ers who plan to take the na
tional teacher examinations on
March 19 must submit their
registrations to the Educa
tional Testing Service within
the next week, according to
T)r. Wesley Meierhenry, as
sistant dean of Teachers Col
lege. Meierhenry said that upon
registering, each candidate
will receive an admission
ticket notifying him of t h e
time and location of the test.
At the test session, the eun
didute may tuke the common
examination and also one of
the 'thirteen touching area
is set up, won't this violate
the independent role of the
Independents," he said.
Marv Almy, RAM Selleck)
president, pointed out that the
dorms need a strong council
to be better equipped to work
out their problems.
Almy said that a dorm
council could solve problems
such as those involving the
maids, food and rooms. He
noted that the number of dorm
residents will continue to in
crease substantially in t h e
next few years, and that tney
need to form a coordinating
council now 'before it is too
Almy said that a dorm
council could also formulate
plans similar to the Interfra
teraity Council's tutoring sys
tem. He indicated early in the
meeting that he would rather
ti Ml
MUSICAL PLEDGES . , , Toni Nowak, Carolyn Witt and Ann Ward of Alpha Xi Delta
deliver a valentine-via-voice to Tbeta Xi pledges Boh McNergncy and Dennis Schneider.
Valentines Go Vocal
This Sunday, cards of ad
miration and love will be
prevalent according to the
age-old tradition of Valen
tine's Day.
Many students may possi
bly receive not only cards, but
singing Valentines delivered
by Alpha Xi Delta pledges.
These girls have organized
what is similar to a telegram
service where, for the next
few days, one can order sing
Increased Foundation Assets Bring
Record High Benefits To University
The University Foundation
reported Thursday that
its assets now stand at
S8.060.354, an increase of
SBB5,000 over last year.
President Harry It. Haynie,
in his annual report before
the Foundation's Board of
Trustees, also listed these ac
complishments during 1!)(!5:
Benefits to the University
totaled $924,193. or an in
crease of $221,000 over the
previous year.
N?w funds of $1.1570.674,
"indicating a continual in
crease in interest among
alumni, corporations, and
other Foundations."
8,741 donors, an 'increase
of 1.345 over the previous
He suid that of the total
number of donors, 7351 were
alumni, an increase of (iOR
the highest in the history of
the Foundation's 3D yeurs.
Report 'Sheds Light'
G. Robert Ross, vice chan
cellor and dean of student af
fairs and Mrs. Rowena Boy
kin, of the foreign student
office, both have compliment
ed the ASUN Public Issues
committee's report and pro
posals on foreign student
They pointed out that the
report did a thorough job of
"shedding light on the prob
Icms" of lnudoquute housing
for foreign students.
"I'm primurlly delighted
thut the American students
have recognized we have for
. . .
have the dorms set up a
permanent council immediate
ly than wait with a loose co
ordinating body.
M. Edward Bryan, director
of housing, explained that
when he first came to the
University the dorms were all
run separately, but that with
the addition of Abel Hall and
proposed dorms, a joint body
of students who can express
w ishes for all the dorms would
be extremely helpful.
"To protect yourselves from
vast organization, you need
to be able to communicate
with us as one body," he
Tom Holcman. president of
Abel Hall, presented the mo
tion which established a tem
porary co-ordinating body for
all the dorms.
He said in his motion that
ing messages to be sent to
his "Valentine.1"
An Alpha Xi active ex
plained that the girls were
charging fifty-cents for one
and seventy-five cents for two
of the messages. Writh the
money they plan to adopt an
overseas orphan.
The messages will be ung
to the tunes of "Hello Dolly,""
the Oreo cookie commercial
song and "'Happy Talk."
In discussing the record
high benefits to the Univer
sity. Haynie said that anoth
er $144,000 in loans is provid
ed to. worthy students in fi
nancial need.
Haynie stressed, "There is
also no shrinkage to the un
restricted gift received by the
Foundation, as no adminis
trative costs are taken out."
He listed this breakdown of
benefits to the University:
K3:!(i,S.'l8 in scholarships,
fellowships, and assistant
ships. $3!ll),5!)l in .research pro
jects and equipment.
$37,548 in support of Re
gents Professorships.
$14,315 in purchases f or
Love Memorial Library,
Sheldon Memorial Art 'Gall
ery, and Morrill Hall.
$120,202 in general Uni
versity and faculty 'benefits,
such as faculty research fel
eign students on the -campus,'"
Mrs. Boykin said.
She explained that the re
port given Wednesday in Stu
dent Senate hit many of the
foreign students' problems ac
curately. One of the proposals passed
by the Senate provided for
sending more .complete in
formation regarding the Uni
versity to foreign students.
Ross suid tluit the admin
istration has "already taken
steps to give more Informa
tion" to students in other
countries seeking admission.
How Much Power?
this body should work toward
collecting information and
working on problems for start
ing a permanent organization
next year.
Other agreements establish
ed that the coordinating body
will meet on the basis of one
vote per dorm, and that as
many representatives as the
dorms want may attend the
meetings. Each dorm will
pick its own represcntath e
for the coordinating body.
Representatives at the
meeting included Holeman,
Redman. Almy, Sandra An
dersen, president of Love Me
morial; Joan Spivey, presi
dent of Pound; Jan Kaufman,
president of Burr East; Lau
ren Boeckenhauer, Burr West;
Bonnie Schole, president of
the Women's Residence Asso
ciation; and Mary Russnogle,
president of Fedde Hall.
Some .unsuspecting person
can expect a message going
like this, according to the ac
tive. "Lots of guys .are aw
ful nice, but is best," to the
tune of the Oreo song.
The Alpha Xi's noted that
originally the singing mes
sages were planned only for
women wishing to send mes
sages, but that many men
have also shown an interest.
lowships, the Nebraska Eco
nomic Education Program,
and support of the writing of
the University 'history.
$1,760 for lectureships and
$5,240 for keys, prizes,
awards, travel grants, and
funds for Nebraska Center
for Continuing Education.
University students will be
come even more familiar
with the contributions mad
by this institution .during
Foundation Week which will
start Feb. 22, .Jon Kerkhoff,
chairman of the students'
foundation committee, said.
This week will include a
Aeries of programs in .all the
University living units and a
dance to let the stu'Jents
know "more about how much
the money given by this group
does for the University,"
'Kerkhoff pointed out.
Builders and ASUN are
sponsors of Foundation Week.
Another ASUN proposal ad
vocated reserving rooms in
the dormitory for foreign
"Dormitory 3 i -v i n g is a
practical solution to the prob
lem .of inadequate housing."
Mrs. Boykin said. "Many for
eign students are sponsored
by the State Department and
want to live in dormitories in
hopes of having .closer .con
tacts w d t h American stu
dents.'" Ross added that students in
residence halls are 'being
asked ii" they would like to
I r Iff k 5
k i . v ism
jlt ..,.. ., ': .
y M. S4 , -
TICK A PICASSO , . . University students Sid Logemann. Ruth Bernhardt, Sandy Hunt
er. Jean Hocmann, and Mary Tallman select art works to add to apartment or dorm
Art Library Offers
By Variety Of Oil
At least & few do-it-yourself
home decorators have more
artistic walls, thanks to the
Nebraska Union Art Lending
Prints from both modern
and traditional artists were
available Thursday for stu
dent borrowing free of
charge. Students can keep the
prints for the semester or for
the entire academic y ear.
The Union contemporary
arts committee, sponsor of the
lending library, is able to of
fer around 200 to 300 different
prints every year, according
Leaders Say . .
By Julie Morris
Senior Staff W riter
The future of the Republi
can Party, in the views of
three state party 1 e a d ers.
would seem to center around
how successfully the Party
projected a different image
than the one the public now
'We're always against
something, we're always neg
ative, we have to achieve a
different image beside nega
tivism," Frank Marsh, Ne
braska Secretary of State, as
serted. "Omaha attorney, R o b -ert
Kutalc said, "1 think the
Republicans get off-the-track
when they talk about govern
ment spending as though gov
ernment spending is bad. "
"It's most unfortunate that
people seem to have gotten
the impression that the Re
publicans are not gaining the
support of minority groups,"'''
said John Mason, L i n c o '1 n
City Councilman and past
Nebraska chairman of Nelson
Rockfeller's presidential cam
paign. The men were speaking on
a panel at the Young Repub
lican meeting Thursday night.
Republican Unity?
The panelists were asked to
respond to several .questions,
among them, "Can unity real
ly .come about in the Repub
lican Party and how .can it fce
Marsh answered, "We have
to learn that within the frame
work .of the Republican Party
we have to have afl shades .of
gray in order to attain unity.'"
He said the "liberal" and "con
servative" tags cannot te ap
plied if the party is not to
be .divided into two (Opposing
On Housing
room with an international stu
dent. "'Other problems a r J s e,
however, when one considers
having to deal w ith mury dif
ferent people from many dif
ferent cultures.,'" he .contin
ued, "f or 'Instance, many
foreign students do not wish
to live in the dorms fcocause of
food 'difficulties as many are
vegetarians ir cut only rice
and fish.
"'Also, there are some who
could not afford dormitory
living .or 'Who would rather
send .appliances or money
to Cathy Pohlman, chairman
of the group.
"'Many people who live in
apartments like to use the
lending library to decorate
their walls," Mary Tallman,
another member of the com
mittee said.
We hope to get more prints
next year," she added.
The prints are mostly oils,
Msss Pohlman said. They are
framed and include reproduc
tions of R e n i r s, Utril
Jos, Goyas, Van Goghs and Pi
cassos. New prints are purchased
Image Needs
Tbe Republican Party has
to embrace a diversity of
views and find a very central
issue" to agree on, Kutalc
said. Kutalc said that the Re
publicans '"need to realize
that our constituency is big
ger than one man's thinking
and needs more than one per
spective." Mayor John Lindsay of New
York City was accorded some
praise from Kutalc. He said
Lindsay has found a way to
appeal to a broad spectrum of
Marsh said the Republican
Party has sustained the image
of the Yich man's" party
when "there is more influen
tial wealth in the ranks of
the Democratic Party than
the Republican, the Republi
cans had better start making
31 look like they like "beans
because it's true."
Replying to a question from
the floor, Mason said he -expected
Val Peterson, former
president .of the University
Board .of Regents, to win the
Republican gubernatori
al nomination because he is
'"so much better known by
the rank-and-file of the -state"
than his opponent Norte"!
Tiemann. Tiemann, he s u g -gested,
"has a very good fu
ture" in the state.
Kutalc .disagreed somewhat
with Mason's statement as
serting, '"I think this question
is premature, if a relative un
known is going to run .on the
Democratic side then a rela
tive '.unknown .(like Tiemann )
on the Republican side will
have a better chance .of win
ning." YIt Future Plans
Young Republican president
John Reiser announced that
home than spend it an Jhous
ing, " lie added. "It is a .com
plex set of problems."
Mrs. Boykin aid the pro
posal concerning the 'building
.of more married student
housing could he considered
very important as "many of
the foreign students are mar
ried and that little dab on
East campus is very bard to
get into."
"'As long as there are for
eign students," he said, '"we
do ihave a responsibility to
them. We just can't shut our
eyes on this .obligation."
from a national organization
in New York City. There are
no duplications.
Students may offer sugges
tions to the committee for
prints to be purchased. Miss
Pohlman said.
At the end of the year, a
post card is sent to students
notifying them that they most
return the prints.
Although they have never
had any trouble with students
returning prints, the commit
tee members noted that the
administration could hold
back the grades of a student
who did not return the prints.
A Face Lift
the group will be holding elec
tions in the next month ani
that the club is sending 12 of
ficial delegates to the .state
Young Republican Convention
at Beatrice March 4, 5 and
6. Speakers at Hhe state con
vention are to be Val Peter
sen, Nobert Tiemann and
Sen. Carl Curtis.
Reiser also announced that
Ronald Reagan, television
personality and California gu
bernatorial candidate, will be
on campus for the state Re
publican Founders Day March
26. Reagan will be guest of
honor at a Founder's Day din
ner at the coliseum.
Fees Due
Feb. 16
Tuition statements are now
in the mail for second sem
ester students, according to
Comptroller Robert W. Wil
liams. All students, .according to
the new deferred billing tui
tion plan, are required to pay
tuition fees before 5 p.m. next
Wednesday at the bursar's -office.
The plan states that if a stu
dent does not pay fees "by
Wednesday, a f 10 late fee will
be added 'to the individual's
present balance. If the total
balance tui.ti.on plus the late
fee is not paid toy S p.m. Feb.
23, the student's registration
will ibe subject to .cancellation.
Any student who .does Jiot
receive a tuition statement !by
next Monday should report to
the bursar's .office, room '204
Williams said that the new
method is still being examined
and may ;undergo future im
provements. Williams .added that the de
layed hilling process has .at
least two advantages for rtu
dents. First, the .delay itself
wiD he helpful to some stu
.dents or parents, 'by allowing
them more time to get the
tuition money. No .deposit was
required for returning stu
dents to retain .class -space for
second semester.
Second, the two-and-a-half-w;k
delay has given students
and the University time lo
process class changes .or
drops, thus cutting down the
number of refunds or addition
al charges.