The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 07, 1966, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Monday, Feb. 7, 1966
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 5-
Set For
Preparations are being
made in a number of Univer
sity departments to offer spe
cial summer institutes and
workshops for Nebraska ele
mentary and secondary teach
ers. The programs, in mathe
matics, English, economics
and secondary education, will
carry graduate credit and
some financial support.
Forty fellowships are being
offered by the Nebraska Coun
cil on Economic Education for
elementary and secondary
teachers in the social studies
and business education.
Three hours of graduate
credit will be offered to par
ticipants in the threee-week in
stitute involving the teaching
of elementary economic con
cepts to youth. The fellow
ships will include the cost of
room, board, tuition, educa
tional materials and an addi
tional $100 stipend for e a c h
successful applicant. The in
stitute beings June 12.
National Defense Education
Act fellowships for an eight
week course in English and
leading to nine hours of cred
it will be offered to 60 suc
cessful applicants. They will
be chosen from both elemen
tary and secondary schools,
and may include supervisors
and coordinators of language
arts. Twenty of the 60 recipi
ents must be chosen from
areas more than 500 miles
from Lincoln.
The English courses, begin
ning June 10, include linguis
tics, composition and a semi
nar in special literary prob
lems. Successful applicants
will receive $75 per week, and
an additional $15 per week for
each dependent.
Forty fellowships, funded
by the National Science Foun
dation, will be made to weak
ly trained, but scholastically
able mathematics teachers to
up-date their education.
Credit courses and some
non-credit seminars will deal
with geometry, calculus, al
gebraic concepts and elemen
tary number theory. The eight
week institute begins June 13.
Stipends of $600 per person
and $150 for each dependent
up to four willl be awarded to
successful applicants.
'Ideal' Deadline
Is Wednesday
The deadline for off-campus
students to file for the UNI
CORN interview for Ideal Ne
braska Coed or Outstanding
Collegiate Man is Wednesday.
All students who apply must
have a 3.0 average and be a
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"SITTING . . on a razor edge" echoed Sen. Wayne Morse as he described the
United States position in Viet Nam."
Sen. Morse ...
Americans 'Uninformed'
About Viet Intervention
By Wayne Kreuscher
News Editor
The American people do
not know all the facts about
the United States' involve
ment in Viet Nam while
"we're sitting on a razor's
edge" in Southeast Asia, ac
cording to Sen. Wayne Morse
of Oregon.
Mores, a fourth-term U.S.
senator, spoke to some 800
people at St. Paul Methodist
Church Saturday night on the
critical aspects of America's
role in Southeast Asia.
"We're sitting on a razor's
edge. No other issue or com
bination of issues facing the
American people is as import
ant as finding an honorable
way to stop this war," he
He explained that by fight
ing in Viet Nam the United
States is in conflict with the
Geneva Conference, the
United Nations charter and
with the Southeast Asia
Treaty Organization
The Geneva Conference,
which settled the French
disputes in Southeast Asia in
the early 1950's, "did not set
up two governments in Viet
Nam, but drew at the thirty
fifth parallel a military de
campation line and s e t up
military zones," he pointed
"We set up the South Viet
Nam government while the
Geneva agreement specifical
ly prescribed against two
countries and we made a pup
pet government in South Viet
Nam," he said.
"We talk about freedom,"
he noted, "but here has not
been an hour's freedom since
we set up our puppet govern
ments, one after another in
South Viet Nam."
He pointed out that "my
government used its power to
i t
prevent free elections" in
Viet Nam under the Interna
tonal Control Commisson be
cause polls showed that the
Viet Cong leaders would win
by eighty per cent.
"By what right did we stop
these elections called for by
treaty?" he asked. He noted
that two wrongs never make
a right.
Furthermore, he said that
the Geneva agreement pro
hibited arms in Viet Nam
and that we violated these
"They know all over Asia
India, Japan, Pakistan
they all know about it, but
here in America we haven't
had the full story at any
time," he said.
The war in Viet Nam, ac
cording to Morse, is also in
violation of thirteen articles
of the United Nation's char
ter and is even "outside the
U.S. Constitution."
He said that no president
has the power to send Ameri
can boys to battle without a
declaration of war and that
the power to declare war
rests in Congress and not with
the presidetn.
Morse insisted that before
the nation continue fighting a
war that has never been de
clared, it should exhaust all
possible international ways
for peace.
However, Morse stressed
that "we can't get out of Viet
Nam now" because there
would then be the worst
blood bath in the history of
mankind between the Vietna
mese. "We should send whatever
number of divisions of m e n
necessary to Viet Nam to keep
the peace," he said.
The senator criticized
the unilateral action in Viet
Nam and said the U.S. should
v. M
go from war-m a k i n g to
peacekeeping through the
United Nations or by re-convening
the Geneva confer-
"Time is against us," he
added. "We in the U n i t e d
States don't like to think in
terms of time. We're a bunch
of over-nighters. Eventually
however, we will be driven
out of Viet Nam. And Asia
knows it."
Morse said in answer to a
question that student demon
strations are fine as long as
they remain within the law.
wMi lite I De mmBi
Shannon Says . .
Rush May Mean Forgotten Students
By Julie Morris
Senior Staff Writer
A University professor of
political science warned last
week, "We're going into a
period when both faculty and
students are likely to be for
gotten simply in the rush" of
University growth.
Dr. Jasper Shannon said
that one of the prime rea
sons he joined the Nebraska
staff in 1956 was because of
the University's "reputation
for democratic government."
Shannon praised the Faculty
Senate system.
"I'm a great believer in
self-government," he said. "I
think it is very important that
a forum exist in which things
can be discussed."
He said there are campuses
in the country that lack or
have weak faculty represen
"When you are operating a
University where you have
an autocracy without having
any representation at all you
can see the value of a senate,"
he said.
The possibility of a too
powerful Faculty Senate at
the University is "not likely
to happen," Shannon said.
"Faculty members are too
busy with their own problems
and like to forget the Uni
versity's problems."
Turning his attention to stu
dent governing bodies, Shan
non, who has taught at the
Universities of Wisconsin and
Kentucky and at John Hop
kins, said, "a group of stu
dents is a very transient
The idea's not as crazy as it may seem.
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body; by the time they be
come aware of what is going
on it's time to graduate and
it's difficult to become in
volved and retain an interest."
"There is always a mixture
of motivation" in political life
at any level, Shannon said.
"People get into these things
because it's an honor or for
personal publicity rather than
to improve the situation."
A specialist in politics, pol
itical parties and leaders,
Shannon has rubbed shoulders
with some of the great in the
political world. One of his
former students is now gov
ernor of Kentucky, Shannon's
home state.
Shannon said he has a
"speaking acquaintance" with
Nebraska Governor Morrison
and that he had "crossed the
path of Estes Keaufever in
Europe last fall."
"My business is to study
and look at leaders without
making a nusiance of my
self," the politician-scientist
said. "They're terribly busy
most of the time," he added.
Admitting that he is a
"registered Democrat" Shan
non added, "I don't hold
rigidly to any particular
political line."
Shannon's reply to the ques
tion of the "future" of the
Republican party was, "I
think the Democrats will
make enough mistakes that
the Republicans will come
back into power. That is what
normally happens.
"It is conceivable that in
1968 the Republicans may
I Name.
Birth date
Color of hair
present a ticket of Lindsay
(John, mayor of New York)
and Hatfield (Mark, governor
of Oregon). An easterner for
president and a westerner for
vice president, that's the way
it's normally done," Shannon
Panel Of Four
To Discuss Asia
Four University students will
present a panel discussion on
Southeast Asia, Thursday
noon, at the YWCA World
Community luncheon.
The luncheon, which is held
every Thursday at the United
Campus Christian Fellowship
house, will be led by Cathy
Kilpatrick, Cheryl Mooney,
David Jung and Bruce Mc
Spadden. All four students attended a
seminar last week in N e w
York City and Washington,
D.C., which was sponsored by
the Fellowship of Reconcilia
tion and Methodist Student
The Feb. 17 luncheon will
be highlighted by a speaker
from the Peace Corps. Dr.
Robert Manley, professor of
history, will present a prog
ram on Nebraska at the Feb.
24 luncheon.
These luncheons are spon
sored every Thursday noon to
provide American and foreign
students an opportunity to
meet together, according to
YWCA officer JoEllen Williams.
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the Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas
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.Color of eyes
INTER Varsity, 12:30 p.m.,
Nebraska Union. .v
PLACEMENT Lunchlofi,
12:30 p.m.. Nebraska Union.
Zeta Tea, 4 p.m., Nebraska
Union. .. a ,
P.T.P. Publicity, 4:30
p.m., Nebraska Union. V
UNION Specirl Events
Committee, 4:30 p.m., Nebras-'
ka Union.
YWCA Jr. Cabinet,' 4130
p.m., Nebraska Union.
TASSELS, 4:30 p.m., Nebras-'
ka Union.
UNION Film, 4:30 p.m.,' Ne
braska Union. .
UNION Talks and Topics
Committee, 4:30 p.m.j,' N,e-;
braska Union.
PHI MU, 5:45 p.m., Nebr'i
ka Union.
TOWNE CLUB, 6 p.m., Ne
braska Union.
PI KAPPA ALPHA, 6:30 p.m.,
Nebraska Union.
PHI MU, 6:45 p.m., Nebras
ka Union. , ,"
UNICORNS Service Com
mittee, 7 p.m., Nebraska Un
ion. UNICORNS Membership
Committee, 7 p.m., Nebraska
Union. -
7:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. v
UNICORNS Public Rela
tions, 7:30 p.m., Nebraska Un
ion. MATH Counselors Program"
7:30 p.m., Nebraska Union -
p.m., Nebraska Union.
ANGEL Flight Style Show,
8 p.m., Nebraska Union.
1 IJf