?1 J I if eniiHiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i""'"'""1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiinii hi iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiQ CAMPUS 0 IS I s H v. i $ 1 1 i " h I? 4 ' ? 5 Jo Stohlman, editor - - Mike Kirkman, Page 2 " r Conservative Nebraska (which isn't . as conservative as is commonly thought) ; -often gives the impression, especially to Nebraskans, of being isolated from other ";,'",Istates in issues of student discussion, debates and drives. But a quick survey of other U.S. college campuses, via student news- papers, reveals this impression doesn't hold water. I Other colleges in the U.S. are discuss ing Viet Nam and the draft, tuition hikes, evaluating faculty, and the desirability of final exams. .. ". Other colleges are crusading for li- oberalization of women's hours. They are ..- .'plagued with faculty resignations and lack -af -adequate space. They are working for .y-.-Pwre efffective student governments. BV... ;A sampling of editorials and ar ( ..P, tides that appeared last week in col- .,ege newspapers brings this point clos- ier to the University. "Staff as well as students lack ade quate work area," reads a headline in tlr Trumesota Daily. The Wayne Stater re- ported the resignations of two prominent 4 faculty members. r-nmiiiimiiiiiiiiii,iiiii,,i,i,imimH,,,,,lim j morse: By JON KERKHOFF Night News Editor (Editor's Note: See story T. on Wayne Morse's speech on Page 4.) Wayne Morse, the senior Senator from Oregon, pre- sented a view in Lincoln of the Viet Nam conflict that . contradicted the present ' administration's policy line. As a speaker he was elo- quent and interesting. As a supposed policy-maker, his speech was full of incon ". sistancies. r '. Morse speaks as a moral istic idealist and there is little doubt that he believes , 90 of what he says. He - states that the United States ' has lost its ideals those bits and pieces of homespun .logic that have made the u United States what she is ! today. But this is exactly where ; his logic fails. Because of lour position in the world we should not, indeed can .not, reverse our aims and fallow the freedoms of Viet .Nam and South east Asia to be lost. - The speech states that we !have broken the Geneva -Accord in defending Viet : Nam. Yet the United States never ratified this treaty "that ended the French War kin S.E. Asia. Eisenhower 'did say that we would sup- port it as part of interna- Campus Stewpot . Students across the na tion's campuses, whether j divided on civil rights or ,;;Viet Nam, stand together on one issue: Food. As one s t u d e n t said, '"Take any of my riches, dignity, power, ideals and ,,'even my inhibition, but not ;my Food." What mothers didn't realize when they J tearfully kissed their fresh .man sons or daughters ; good-by, was that it is their tender roast beef that would be missed. How bad Is the diet of I college students? Only having had three t hamburgers in as many days, I'm no authority to say. (Well, I DID have 58 cokes and about that many .cups of coffee during that period.) I It's not Just the lack of ;food that bothers me. It's the condition of it. (One 'friend swears he found a i band-aid in a bowl of veg- f etable soup.) The cook was good about lit though. Sha offered him ; two desserts. Actually I'm not really J upset about the food at the University. I had two hara e burgers today. (And I'm going home for dinner to- morrow.) Nebraska Not Alone A 1 duperticial Sense I tional law, but it was never ratified by the Senate. At one moment Morse tries to make it sound as if this should be binding on the United States, but at the next moment states that no treaty is binding unless rat ified by the Senate, under its Advise and Consent power. The international 1 a w which he supports so fer vantly was first broken by the Viet Cong who were supplied by China, another foreign power who is not supposed to be active in Viet Nam. International law agrees that if a nation is attacked, it gains the right to attack the invaders (in filtraters) and their supply bases in its own defense. Morse suggests that we should give away the right of the South Vietnamese to determine their own welfare by reconvening the Interna tional Control Commission under the auspicies of the United Nations. It should be obvious at this time that such agreements need the trust and support of both sides to work. Failure of such has led to crisies in Laos and Viet Nam. In summary of his Viet Nam views he is critical Lost By LIZ AITKEN The hardest thing about any kind of writing is titling it, and a column is no exception. The title for this column refers to the current slang phrase "to lose one's cool", but may I quickly add that the title is something of a mis nommer. Never having had any cool to lose, the title may be somewhat misleading b u t at least it effectively de scribes my situation. Having been asked to write an editorial column this semester, I fed it is my duty to inform the reader a bit about the column as it will be and about myself as I am before expounding any great words of wisdom. First of all, I am mildly horrified about thinking of enough subjects to write on throughout the semester. I as sume (and pray) that this matter will take care of itself. The subjects that are chosen will be entirely subjective and often of a very personal bent. The column will be of no particular genre; one week it will be critical comment, the next week it might be merely thoughts and another week it may perhaps be some favorite poetry who knows?, I certainly don't. As you have probably already noticed, I have chosen to refer to myself in the singular rather than the editorial plural. This is because I feel that I have neither the in sight nor the power to refer to myself in any other man er. Also, I hope that the singular will give the column a feeling of conversation because that is all I realy intend for the weekly discourse to be. I have no intentions of set ting myself and my ideas up as examples to be followed by every student at Nebraska. Heaven forbid! Rather, I would like to simply exchange ideas with the reader-al-though it will be obviously a one-sided affair. The views which I expound may be sophomoric (es pecially seeing ai how I am a sophomore) and slightly naive, but I promise you mat they will be honestly felt and never presented merely for shock effect. Should I express an opinion tbat Is faulty or Inadvert ently based oo an incorrect assumption, please don't Just sit there and swear at me, write me a letter telling roe off or setting me straight. I am opeo to suggestion and am willing to change my stand-publicaUy if need be. But enough of advance apologies and introductions. I'm loading my guns and will start firing next week. business manager Monday, Feb. 7, 1966 Purdue University passed a no-hours policy for women and Iowa State is cru sading for a no-hours policy for juniors and seniors. (Presently at Iowa State, senior women can be out until 6:30 a.m.) Tuition hikes and the probability of future raises in college costs were the topics of large articles in the Washburn University (Topeka, Kan.) and California State Polytechinc Col lege. Every paper carried articles and com ment about the draft, deferments, and the Viet Nam war. And the Purdue Exponent, the Daily Kansan and the Daily Illinoi (among oth ers) carried editorial comment about the detremintal aspects of final exams. Admittedly, the University of Nebras ka is not always discussing, debating and changing at the rate of other colleges and universities, especially in the areas of women's hours and faculty evaluation. But, University issues do conform generally to the national trends of student thought and discussion. Nebraska is not alone. without presenting alterna tives of action. His logic is true only on the surface. His sophomoric view of his tory gives pat answers to general problems, but too often paints his pictures in blacks and whites without comprehending the gray area of necessity. While "telling the Amer ican People all the facts," Morse doesn't bring up any thing that can't be found in the weekly newsmagazines. He uses Wilson's statements about open diplomacy, open ly arrived at, but fails to .mention that Wilson later changed his feeling under the stresses of world politics at the Versailles Peace Con ference. He views party politics with hypocritical views. At first he called the President amoral and spoke in "right ious indignation" of his politics. Later he vowed his full support of the adminis tration, seemingly forget ting that Johnson is a very pragmatic politician. Morse's policies con Id very well lead us back into isolation; a sleeping giant interested only in ourselves, uncaring of any world con flict that would take Amer ican lives and riches. Cool Taken! f 1 J Being a compendium of farce, absur dity and comment, selected arbitrarily by the Editor ... Historical note of the day: In 1643, Floons, Belgium, Otto Hannah invents the oboe, wishes he hadn't. Almost everyone hates campus police men, except maybe their mothers. After all, a man whose job is to hand out tick ets at least see the need for a campus po lice force. But we sometimes wonder if they further bitterness at times. Strict readers of the book give tickets in a 15-min-ute loading zone after 17 minutes. Purposeful and intent on their work, they give tickets to students who park in a half-empty faculty Jot on a Saturday morning in the rain. (Although perhaps in these cases the rules are more unreason able than the officers. This is not to say that campus cops are not helpful and considerate at times. But sometimes we can't help wonder ing if campus cops are just naturally obnoxious or if they really make an effort at it. Jacket' reports that, according to a re cent survey, "as the sale of alcoholic bev erages increases, it is in direct proportion to the increase in the sale of Bibles." Just goes to show you: The family that kneels together, reels together. There is no truth to the rumor that Goldfinger is alive in Argentina. INiMi'iimiiiiiimmiiimiiiiii'ii'iiiiiH Another Viewpoint j I U.S. Academic Freedom (Editor's Note: The fol lowing article was written by William E. Jackson Jr. of Columbia University and appeared in the California State Polytechinc College newspaper. El Mustang. While the University if not greatly plagued with the very real problems of free dom of speach evident on other campuses, academic freedom is a national stu dent topic that should con cern all university students.) Across the land, from Ohio to North Carolina and from New Jersey to Califor nia, the real meaning of academic freedom is being debated. The controversy sur rounding the question has become a critical issue in the politics of several states and, indeed, the nation at large. The debate engages not only heretofore obscure professors but governors, senators, and ex-presidential candidates. Academic freedom is once again a na tional issue. Freedom of speech on college and university cam puses has bewith the broad er question of freedom to dissent in our society, and for many is linked to specif ic movements of griev ances: the communist threat, civil rights, Vietnam and the Dominican Repub lic, Berkeley. In North Carolina, a x vvwi, "speaker-ban" law was hurriedly pushed through the state legislature in t h e closing hours of the 1963 session. This unique 1 a w prohibits "any known mem ber" of the Communist Par ty, or anyone who has in voked the fifth amend ment's protection against self-incrimination in loyalty investigations, from speak ing on state-supported c o I lege and university cam puses. The proponents of the law were motivated by diverse concerns, ranging from an ger over civil rights dem onstrations in the stale cap ital participated in by some University of North Caro lina faculty and students to general popular unrest over the "liberal" teaching at the slate university. One of the chief backers of the law, State Senator Thomas White, has candid ly commented: "I don't be lieve there's a Communist over there (Chapel Hill), but there might as well be as long as the people think there is. They need to reas sure people along this line.'" A special commission ap pointed by a Democratic Governor Dan Moore has held public hearings and is now considering proposals to modify or repeal the law; Its recommendations are due very soon. The Southern Association of Schools and Colleges has hinted at with rTI j I a i m One thing that the University needs is an Apathy Club. Meetings could be held once a week, and anyone attending would be subject to immediate dismissal on grounds of showing interest in apathy. Have you ever stumbled through a course in Shakespearean lit, not quite sure of what was going on? We've selected a passage at random frm Hamlet, to show show easy it really is to figure out the characters' universal problems: "For who would these fair fardels bear, if not for that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler ere re turn." Translation: "What the hell am I going to do w hen I get out of here?" Some of the University's sophisticaed coeds might find interest in a recent coat ad aimed at colllegiates: "Casually yours . . . this coat captures beautifully that fine air of informal un concern." The coat pockets yawn every fifteen minutes. The AWS board at Purdue Univer sity recently passed a no-hours policy for coeds. The AWS president was quoted in the Exponent as saying, "I am moved to tears by the decision that has been made." We wonder if parents of freshnen women students wouldn't express the same sentiments. To anyone that we've omitted to of fend today, Sorry About Tbat! drawing accreditation un less control is returned to the trustrees. The heavy hand of such a law (or ruling to the same effect) Is felt In its admin istration. Narrow minded college and university ad ministrators, worried about maintaining good relations with state legislatures, can virtually control the flow of speakers from the outside. This danger is illustrated by Ohio State's "gag rule" and modifications thereof, which in effect denied ac cess to the campus to a n y speaker not acceptable to the conservative adminis trative tyranny has pre vailed under which the President of Ohio State, Novice Fawcett, bans from campus anyone distasteful to a fraction of the trustees led by former U.S. Senator John W. Bricker. However, a student pro test movement led by the Free Speech Front and Stu dents for Liberal Action appears to have been suc cessful this year. In August, the trustees voted a rule change which rests final au thority to invite speakers in recognized student groups and faculty advisers, with no limitation on who may speak. A rebuttal can be prescribed by be faculty counciL Women's Hours Dear Editor: Now that we have the new "progressive" hours for wo men, let's see how progres sive they are. The hours for women at Northwestern University are: Freshman and sopho mores: weekdays, 12 a.m.; weekends, 2 a.m.; and Sun days, 1 a.m. Juniors and seniors are issued keys and are ex pected to sign in by noon the next day. For all women there is no limit to over nights and out-of -towns. Golly! You mean Nebras ka freshmen can actually stay out until 9:30 on week nights? Just sign me as: "Filthy Rich" Evaluation Book Dear Editor: Before the bandwagon of faculty evaluation picks up more speed perhaps a few stones of doubt should be cast under its ambitious wheels. The concept as well as the sampled execution of this enterprise (at least as it was described in the Daily Nebraskan, February 3) may be seriously ques tioned in terms of both its utility and its propriety. WTiat at first glance sug gests a handicapper's form sheet, upon closer inspec tion turns out to be only slightly more instructive than the Lincoln telephone directory. If a student, for example, were asked to se lect an instructor from among the five sample eval uations given, it would not be easy to make an intel ligent choice in spite of all the information provided. One reason for this is that the sample evaluations are weighed down with educa tional trivia. Surely there must be more discriminat ing reasons for deciding whether or not to take a course than whether the instructor is a "fair grader" rather than a "v. fair grader", or more earth shaking reasons than the de gree of overlap between lec tures and reading assign ments. (What might such reasons be? Whether or not a stu dent is interested in the sub ject matter which the course addresses might be consid ered as a starter). And how is a student to interpret such a well-considered analytic comment as "Great!"? And what ex actly does "approached dull subject with cool head" mean? If most students are going to decide whether or not to take courses on the basis of "tests too long", "can't bluff way through fact that the tests are 60 per cent m.c.-t.f., 40 per cent essay", then perhaps much more is in need of examination than the fa culty's teaching methods. Other questions about ex ecution can be raised. For example, upon what princi ples are the hundreds of questionaires for each in structor to be abstracted an condensed into two para graphs? Who is to do this work? How are such per sons to be selected? What skills will they bring to their tasks? Since few instructors are received by their students with unanimity, will the evaluations show division of opinion? Will the returns be quantified? And will there be any attempt to find out and make known the grade point average in the instruct or's courses?. The entire concept of a faculty evaluation book at least as that book was de scribed and previewed is also open to question. The sponsors of the FEB appar ently assume there is an identity between who the best and worst instructors are and who most students believe the best and worst instructors to be. At best this is a debatable Quibs Can Greeks be challenged ' l1plcae il comments n vital object to the first IFC meeting. Amazing . . . students are being given preference on basketball tickets. Would this have been necessary five years ago, . . . three years go, ... last year . . .? Is there really a Harpoon? OPINION assumption. Of greater con cern, perhaps, is that t h e FEB appears to entertain an over-simple notion of the education process. The re lationship between instruct or and students in this proc ess is complex and one that is dependent upon the stu. dent as well as upon the in structor. This relationship is apt to involve a variety of factors that are not easy to meas ure, particularly not easy to measure . by the taking of opinion, and certainly not easy to put into a capsule on a "form" sheet. An equally serious ques tion is the one of propriety. A university is supposed to be a community. As such, students are members yet they are not the only mem bers. As members their in terests must rank high yet theirs are not the only in terests. Their particular in terest in knowing who are the most and the least favor ably evaluated instructors is, perhaps, a legitimate one, but hardly one so para mount that it can be pur sued without responsibility. The propriety of publiciz ing to the community votes of no confidence in individ ual members of the com munity ought to be more fully explored by the spon sors of the FEB. The wisdom of publishing unfavorable evaluations of faculty members may be questioned as much as the wisdom of making public the names of students re ceiving "D's" or "F's", or the making public of what ever negative conclusions the faculty may hava reached concerning a par ticular student's motivation, clarity of exposition, class contribution, attendance, or general personality. It ought to be recognized that there is something very much amiss when a lawyer has to be called in to save some members of the com munity from the possibility of libeling other members. The problem of poor or otherwise unsatisfactory in struction probably exists on every campus. But the spon sors of the FEB avow they are not interested in ad dressing this problem. This is regrettable because their considerable energies might be put to constructive use here. Apparently, however, they can be taken at their word in their disavowal because publishsing evaluations of the faculty is not an intel ligent way to go about im proving instruction, and the sponsors of the FEB are in telligent people. The problem of informing students about who are the most and the least favor ably evaluated instructors is a distinct one from that of improving instruction as the sponsors of the FEB have discerned. However, it is the prob lem more easily disposed of. Ever since universities have been in business, the mem bers of their faculties have had to hazard a rigorous word - of - mouth evaluation. It has been rumored that one's fellow students are often willing to express their innermost thoughts through this channel. If a student doesn't know who the most and the least highly thought of instructors are in a given area, he prob ably hasn't tried to find out. Richard S. Randall A former student Daily Nebraskan Member AmocIbM ODegUt Press, Nation AovertUInf Swvfre. iM-orporatcd. PiiMlhe4 Rom SI. Nebnului I'atoa, Lincoln, Nebraska. TELEPHONE: 177-1711. El tenitoni 2SS8, 258t and 2590. uImtIbiw. ntt IT. N KT IMH M lor (I t.,tmtt far. " to Lkmto. UrtrMkl. aarwN) 4. Mil. y Wrkr.Mun fa, aaMIfc4 tn.r, TtmniMt 4 "' tat arjMMl raar, cul f"rt"f "'" prU t! I atvarMtf 1 f- aaaar Uu trti 1 a tf mmlum am Ma . 1-aalau.a. a a. trM frm Mr.aia b iw aaa. ..i.anllii r aw !!, t Om t'alarMf. SL T " a aaapaaaIN " Mr aaaw U ka artata. EDITORIAL STAFF .a!,iiU,U M1., fluaatlaf VE NI.'M.fMirftabi awa jm rtKuyt, mum TUT?' J" mm, Hta H ?.T "tl'Y- i"! viCToa. tT HKWItiUCKJiriN, BIH X'E"WI 'raa, TOW ai'RIN, BIOI SwJt?ETt'U',r 'to"' VUit BUSINESS STAFF lama maaatar, MIKK KIKKMA! HiniarH aetloiaau, COSIK "' r. mj mi.i.a( P. aaix.K WUOIIT, KHitafcr HKvrivk, aK.r.a lH BtKMIMCM, lUK THKW. fHI'f. MUM, MKBr KAVl maa. IK,HT l.Ki aawrta. "" , im BIKTXi tlr- auiiaiw, LINN aUraiEN.