. - - - VT'W m 1 i I n 61 11 SHI Friday, Feb. 4, 1966 'Safeguard, Not Whip 9 AWS Court Purpose Not an ultimate whip, but a safeguard is how Vicki Dowling, AWS vice president, describes the purpose of the AWS Court which meets ev ery Thursday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. "People seem to think the court is the ultimate whip or bad guy of AWS," she said. "Actually the purpose of the court Is to consider individual cases in light of individual cir cumstances. So you see, the court really acts as a safe guard." Miss Bowling explained that there are two different classi fications of cases those that are called to court involv ing women who have accumu lated 30 or more demerits or have taken an illegal over night and those that are brought to court involving ap peals because demerits have been accumulated because of mitigating circumstances. Skirtin 0 Other Camp uses At Oklahoma State Univer sity recently, snow fell and the pipes froze one winter's day last month. The pipes cracked under sub-zero tem peratures leaving part of the college campus without water for three hours. The water from the pipes flowed over onto the side walks, creating icy hazards as it froze. The water had to foe shut off at the student un ion leaving the union with a scullery full of dirty dishes three hours later. The Minnesota Daily re ported a Polish carnival par ty that was sponsored by the University of Minnesota Po lish Club. The party was com plete with Polish pastries, Po lish movies and cartoons, and Polish polkas and waltzes. The Daily Iowan remem bers Elliot Ness because of his colleague Mr. Robert G. Cladwell, professor of crim inology in the sociology and antropology department at Iowa State University. "My impression," says Mr. Caldwell, "is that Ness was never the kind of man that tetlevision created. He wasn't a swashbuckler, although he was undoubtedly courageous and completely dedicated to his service." At Oklahoma State Univer sity this semester, the foreign film program will try to an swer a question that philoso phers have been asking throughout history: "What is man?" The first film comes up with an answer that seems to be a combination of two philosophic thoughts: "Man Is his memories" said Marcel Proust and "Man is his sym bols" stated a thesis of Jung. Pastel stockings? Square toed shoes and high boots? These things are part of the new fashion pictue of 1965, but seniors in clothing and textile design at Oklahoma State are proving that there is nothing new under the sun. The students are presenting a historic fashion comparison at a local television station. The show will prove that tex tured hose were worn as far back as the 15th century by men. Granny dresses are straight from the Puritan Era, say the fashion-conscious students. The coeds concluded that "milady's styles seem to go in cycles." An instructor at the university, Mrs. Mary Murphy, insists that every thing in a woman's wardrobe can be traced back through history. Jean Harlow, Em press Josephine, Mae West and more recently Jacqueline Kennedy have led particular styles during their period of influence. Bob's Barbershop 1315 "P" St. Appointments Available 435-2000 Razor cuts. Ivy leagues. Flat tops The court hears anywhere from two to 14 cases a week, she said, and usually the ma jority of them are appeals. "Usually people don't come to court unless they feel they have a justifiable excuse," Miss Dowling pointed out. "We try each case on its in dividual merits and have no laid out way of deciding a case, but the cases usually follow a path." Excuses, too, usually follow a pattern, she continued. Car trouble, not getting picked up on time to get back to cam pus and getting stuck in the mud are three circumstances commonly cited. Certain times of the year such as migration and week ends of out-of-town football games seem especially con dusive to late minutes, she said. "At the beginning of the year, almost all we heard was that someone came in late Marine Officer Announces New Corps Contract Lt. Col. Newell Staley, Uni versity Marine officer instruc tor, has announced an ex panded two-year contract Nav al Reserve Officers Training Corps program which leads to an officer's commission in either the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve. The program is open to col lege sophomores in good standing. Officers commis sioned under this program serve on active duty for a period of not less than three years. Included in the program is a six-week summer session consisting of academic instruc tion, laboratory drill and physical education. The program is open to sophomore men carrying "C" averages who are single and at least 18 years old. Pharmacognosy Lecture Series This Month A lecture series in pharma cognosy will be held at the Nebraska Union and at Ly man Hall Feb. 15, 16, 21 and 22. The series will include lec tures by Dr. Norman Farns worth, professor and chair man of the department of pharmacognosy at the Uni versity of Pittsburgh in Pitts burgh, Pa., and Dr. Varro Ty ler, Jr., professor and chair man of the department of Pharmacognosy at the Uni versity of Washington in Seat tle, Wash. According to an announce ment from the University's College of Pharmacy, the pur pose of this series will be "to bring all interested persons in the imediate geographical area information pertaining to the biology and chemistry of medicinal and poisonous plants." The lectures will be open to all faculty, undergraduate stu dents and graduate students of the University, graduate pharmacists and personnel of local pharmaceutical indus tries. s ; I l if i 4 THE MIDWESTS OLDEST AND MOST MODERN BUSINESS COLLEGE FACILITY Courses offered in: fa Professional accounting if Private Secretarial if Rtisiness Administration if Executive Secretarial if Accounting if Stenographic if General Itnslnes TWO GREAT SCHOOLS COMBINED IN ONE NEW BUILDING LINCOLN SCHOOL of COMMERCE & NB! 1821 "K" STREET LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 432 5315 from Omaha on Sunday night because the 9:30 p.m. bus was late," she smiled. "The ex tended hours should change that." One of the more amusing cases that the court heard re cently concerned a girl who was bitten by an animal on the way from Missouri and had to go back to Columbia for treatment, Miss Dowling commented. The girl was ex cused. "It is the attitude of the court," she said, "that a womemn should do everything she reasonably can to get in on time or at least notify au thorities of some difficulty. Also she should attempt to get some verification of her story like a receipt from a gas station or whatever." "One problem is that peo ple just don't know what to expect," she added. "They should have the details care fully figured out, have the times straight and verifica tions ready." "Also, many people come in thinking 'I just can't tell them this or that'," she con tinued. "We consider it none of our business what anyone was doing. We're not here to pass moral judgments but to see whether or not the rules have been obeyed." According to the AWS con stitution, the court has the power to impose campuses and privilege probation and to remove demerits or punish ments it may have imposed. Iowan Joins Agricultural Department An Iowa State University educator who taught voca tional agriculture at Pierce, Nebr. High school from 1957 to 1963 has joined the staff of the University Department of Agricultural Education. He is Prof. Alan A. Kahler, who has been a research as sistant and instructor in agri cultural education at Iowa State University from 1962 to 1965, and' most recently a consultant to the Center for Vocational and Technical Ed ucation at Ohio State Univer sity. Prof. Kahler, whose ap pointment was approved ear lier by the NU Board of Re gents, will serve as associate director of the Nebraska Ag ricultural Education project and associate director of the research section of the Ne braska Agricultural Educa tion project and associate di rector of the research section of the Nebraska Occupational Needs Research and Coordi nation Unit. Both of these projects are supported by grants from the U.S. Office of Education. Prof. Kahler will collaborate with Prof. M. G. McCreight in the development of a research and developmental program in the area of post-high school vocational and technical edu cation programs for Nebras ka rural youth. In the NU Department of Agricultural Education, Prof. Kahler will be responsible for undergraduate and graduate instruction, according to Dept. chairman Dr. John K. Coster. IS' ISC NQI The Daily y ? 1' fl L i ,. "m r , , j - . -: it s I Three University coeds check their watches to make sure they're in by new AWS hours which went into effect this week. Week night hours for sophomore women are now 11 p.m. Freshmen hours Guidelines Needed Senators, Executives Re-evaluate Methods The ASUN senators and executive board round-table Thursday night revolved around a re-evaluation of first semester procedures and a projection of ideas that may be incorporated into second semester plans. Much of the discussion re volved around the relation ship between the Senate and the executive branch of stu dent government. Kent Neumeister, ASUN president, noted that there has been much criticism at the beginning of the year to ward the executive board stifling creativity and initia tive of the senator by exces sive control. "At first I thought this was so," said Sen. Curt Bromm, "and perhaps not so much railroading at the first would have made the senators feel better. But now I realize that the guiding was necessary at least at first." "The Senate would have been chaos without guidelines at first," agreed Sen. Gary Larsen. Neumeister explained that the role of the executive com mittee was to anticipate prob lems that might arise over certain issues and obtain the answers before the questions were asked on the Senate floor. Discussion on the Senate floor and what lines it should take was also considered. Sen. Kathy Weber said, "Senators have a right to know why certain issues are brought up. Granted, com plete discussion on the Senate floor could get rather drawn out yet senators should be given the opportunity to fully understand what we are vot ing about." Sen. Bill Hansmire sug gested that perhaps fuller un derstanding of proposals could be obtained if on large issues the bill could be intro duced at one meeting and voted on at the next. "This is the way other stu dent governments in the Big Eight handle this problem," he added. niversity Nebrcskon Larry Frolik, ASUN vice president, said that too often Senate approves something too fast without considering the consequences. "If no alternatives are of fered, of course measures are passed," replied Sen. Dave Snyder, who added that t o o often senators do not know enough about a specific meas ure to think of alternatives right away. Jan Binger added, "There is no time to think and take the other view. That's why a system of first and s e c o n d readings would seem prefera ble." Sen. Liz Aitken said that some things like the Faculty Evaluation could wait to be read several times and thus any system of first and sec and readings has to be flexi ble. Sen. Terry Schaaf pointed out that rather than compli cate matters with addition of by-laws which would have to be suspended in such cases, matters which required more thought or study could sim ply be tabled until the next meeting. Inter-committee communi cations and special reports were also discussed at the round table. Sen. Tom Pickering sug gested that a booklet be pub lished containing reports from various ASUN committees in order to let all committees know exactly what the others are doing. "Chairmen could turn in their goals at the beginning of a semester," Miss Aitken added, "and if a special issue comes up it could be added on. This would not only aid In communication between the committees but could serve as a check on the individual com mittees." The idea of presenting form al committee reports at every meeting was disregarded as being useless and a waste of time. Sen. Bill Coufal suggested combining the philosophies of meetings and roundtables so that various committees and Ofjf TnF Why Walk ThpQQ Blocks? Book -- I 1 are 10:30 p.m., but will revert back to 10 p.m. once grades come out for those freshmen on scholastic probation. Mid night closing hours for Sunday nights also go into effect this week. senators would be well ac quainted with the workings of each other. 'The meetings may be long er but about twice as much could get accomplished," he added. Pickering noted that such an 1 arrangement might tend to "degrade the prestige of Sen ate" and added that under standing could be reached by other means. Schaaf said, "Senators shouldn't be afraid to ques tion, table or vote down a pro posal unless it is completely understood. Just because a committee presents a pro-: posal, doesn't mean it has to: be voted through." j Miss Aitken suggested that lobbying would be an asset to ASUN because it would allow the senators to see both sides of particular issues. "This is one thing that has been sadly neglected," she added. Frolik said that he thought speeches should be made on particular problems that would not necessarily lead to a vote. "We tend to think we're up against stone walls at times and that is when there should be people speaking out," he noted. Other discussion hinged up on expanding areas of Senate interest more into the educa tional and cultural area. Nebraskan Applauds For the second year, the University will offer an eight week Summer Institute in Mathematics for 40 high school teachers in Nebraska beginning June 13. The purpose of the Insti tute, made possible by a Na t i o n a 1 Science Foundation grant, is to help weakly trained but scholastically able mathematics teachers update their training. An Store Hyde Park Discussion Turns to Campus Topics. The issues argued and dis cussed at Hyde Park Thurs day revealed a change in the tone of the forum. The subject matter of the speakers' talks was not of Viet Nam, nor of ideology, nor of metaphysics, but of the situations, problems and na ture of the University campus. Among the speakers was John Atwood who set the tone of the forum with his com ments that the "unusually dressed" students in the crowd were beatniks or "Com munists." Atwood asked, "Do you people really want to dress like this or do you do it so people will look at you?" The subsequent speakers then took Atwood's words and argued, dissected and re hashed his ideas, finally dis cussing the questions of tol eration, on-sight character judgment and freedom of the individual. Liz Aitkin, chairman of the Union Talks and Topics com mittee said, "With the change of subject matter Hyde Park may become more of a battle ground for actual tangible is sues." John Schrekinger com mented, "It's been a clash be tween the well-dressed and the not so well-dressed; It's not really as simple as that but that is basically what has happened." Another student enthused, V THIS atf TTT-N BORES ME rrP in X I HE'S ALWAYS TAIKIN6 ABOUT ALL! THE U0RM5 HE'S CAU6HT BECAUSE1 HE 6ET5 t)P SO EARLV IN THE M0RNIN6 SCORE ONE FOR THE U0RMS.' S Ml WE NEVER CLOSE , i ill , . " t i i " . Ml ' ' f " ' ' ? - .... .. , f ''i . ' it j V " , f (1 . s, " : . Mil if., v y ill" w , t mm C ioo rt ts Ml Brands DIVIDEND BONDED GAS 16th tx P Sts. Downtown Lincoln Page 5 "I like a Hyde Park like this because it presents a com plete spectrum of opinion." Approximately 200 students jammed into the Union lounge and the crowd overflowed In to the hallways. Audience participation was lively with much laughter, many ques tions from the floor, heck ling and "pplause. , Carl Davidson, president of the campus Students for a Democratic Society and a regular speaker at previous forums, did not speak at Thursday's session. Viet Nam was not discussed in moral or political terms; the only allusion to the topic was by men who were dis cussing their personal rela tions with the draft. Some of the issues discussed were school spirit, traffic lights on 14th St. and AWS elections. One speaker put In a plea asking students to go hear Sen. Wayne Morse speak this weekend. Pam Harris, a member of the Talks and Topics Commit tee, summed up her reaction to Thursday's forum: "I think it's a lot better as far as the average student's participa tion goes." Schrekinger said, "It took some time to break down the barriers" so that the average student would talk at the forum. Magazine Picks Five For Board Five coeds on the Univer sity campus have been an nounced as members of the Mademoiselle magazine's col lege board. The campus representatives are Beverely Carbone, Ann Gleysteen, Jean Groteluschen, Kay Johnson and Lynne Anne Morrison. These coeds will report reg ularly to the magazine and keep it up to date on Uni versity trends. Service Guides Law Students College seniors who are planning to go on to law school no longer have to guess what schools would be best for them. A unique new organization, Law School Placement S e r vice (LSPS), will guide indi vidual students to the law schools most closely suited to their needs, through the use of modern computers. Application forms will be available from campus pre law advisors by the end of January, according to a re lease concerning LSPS. Or students may write directly to: Law School Placement Service, Box 2052, West Hart ford, Conn. tni'--:. II 1 1 "Vi or