Page 4 The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1965 7: 1 I I- I 5 I"' ; 1-. h - (4 4 Regents Approve Larger Stadium Seating capacity up to 61.800 may make Memorial Staduim the biggest football arena in the Big Eight, by the opening game with Texas Christian next September. At a meeting in Kearney the University Board of Regents authorized plans to be drawn to enlarge the stadium for the third time in three years. In the Band Day encounter with Iowa State this year, the stadium held 54,125. If plans can be drawn which would approximate the long range plan established a year ago. stadium seating could exceed the 61.000 mark. Approximately 10,000 per manent seats could be added, but it would not be a net gain as some corner bleachers could not be used. The additional seats will be placed on either side of the new north end addition, mak ing the stadium nearly a com plete bowl. (Dzihf Vb&ha&fauL SPORTS Jim Swartz, sports editor IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIH ine-fromr scoring SpS'QQ By Jim Swartz Nebraskan Sports Editor Nebraska held off a closing bid by Texas last night to capture their fourth win of Devaney's Recruiting Plays Major Part Of . Success Nebraska coach Bob De vaney never failed to credit his predecessor. Bill Jennings, with leaving behind a fine supply of football players when Devaney took over in 1962. Included in the group of Cornhuskers present when De- vane v arrived were such: and his staff inherited so mei honors (Walt Barnes, Dennis fine players, they deserve a Carlson. Mike Kennedy, Frank i-gun sa me wr ineir n rsi re-, SoUch Frceman White, Tony cruiting job at Nebraska. In fact, it will take some real doing to match the perform ance recorded by the l2 Ne braska Freshman team graduates. There were 63 plavers Jeter. Ted Vactor). During their three-years of varsity play. Nebraska posted a record during the regular seasons of 28-2-0, with marks greats as All America guard: that first Devanev Frosh club 011 ! of 9-19-1 and 10-0. A II trtl.-i 1J Vat Atl-tHstfi nf and here's the record to date: Tnhn tcirhv I lmH Vn anH a! ...w. .v. . v . Ion served as sianers dur- Sl;..-d XSS 31 d a! 1965 Big 8 championship team ins the 1965 seasons. Nebras. wmcn win piay .iaoama Bob Brown, and All Big performers Dennis Clardige. host of others. But while Coach Devanev Gymnasts Win First Meet lnjka's first unbeaten campaign i in 50 vears ( Fred Duda, Den- Nebraska's gymnastics team opened the season on a successful note Saturday, with a victory over Fort Hays State College. Coach Jake Geiers gym nasts were paced by junior Richard Beran, who scored in every event that he was en tered, to outdistance Fort Hays 155.1 to 143.7. The Huskers opened with a three-point team advantage in floor exercise and were never challenged the rest of t h e meet Pat McGill placed first in floor exercise with 9.0. fol lowed by Mike Ready and; Beran. who placed third andj fourth respectively. In the side horse Jim In cess won the event with 7.55 and John Scheer placed sec ond with 7.3d. Beran placed fourth, to round out the scoring. Ready was .6 of a point off the pace in the trampoline, to finish second. Jack McCoy tied for third. Beran copped bis first first- v . . , ... . , nis Carlson. Dick Czap, Kellv Nebraska gr.ddcrs arrived j Petei.sen, LaVerne A 1 1 e r s. last night at Phoenix, Arizona Walt Barnes Frank Solic, for six days of practice, loach, rv, vri,;f t i ' horizontal bar. Bob Devaney and his staff, Ivnn cnn,.Kft;i r;u Lj' llll k'VllUUVIl, LJiil It a U , Mike Kennedv, Dlace in the . : : : . i . n . . i ! i,-... m.wn nA ..-:t. J I winning wiui a o.o. acnft'i jwui m u vhuji iiwins aim r Rrni n picKea up miru aim was uu- t smruun-u iu pi ai-ucrs; j:, ni;hertT ) Other members of the 1965 lowed bv Bruce Jones, whoa day and one on the final placed fourth. day before they return to Lin-! k .... , , d . rl COln UCC 21. c.,f, : Beran followed with another win in the side horse with a1 The squad will leave Dec. winning total of 9.45, followed -6 for Miami. All of their bv Ready who placed fourth. ! practices will be closed, with In Meve naeier iimurea in 1965i. Rick Coleman (letter). Ron Poggemeyer (letter!, inrprtl Mikp Wnrlpv ilpttorl the paraDel bars Brean the possible exception of one.j Larry Casev (letter). Garv picked up his third straight! first while Scheer and Allen! Brichacek (letter!. Mike Rudd (squadmanV Oh yes. the 1962 Frosh grads stand 1-1 in Bowl play helping deleat Auburn. 13- Armstrong placed third and tlie Orange Bowl, although fourth respectively. j three were sidelined by injury The Huskers sw ept the still i during the season. rings, with Armstrong placing 20 of them have earned! in the 1964 Oran? Rnwl- ln first, followed by Beran and from one to three letters dur- i ms 10-7 to Arkansas in the Scheer. who placed second ing their varsity careers. ' 1965 Cotton Bowl and they'll ana tnira respectively. 1 hree earned All Ameri- Tlie next meet for the gym-; ca honors (Walt Barnes. Tony nasts is Jan. 8 at Kansas! Jeter. Freeman White. State. Eight earned All Big 8 Year's Night be trying to finish 2-1 when they take on mighty Alabama in the Orange Bowl on New Meet Has New Twist Simultaneous matches on two mats will be wrestling with a new twist next Friday right when Husker grapplers open their dual meet competi tion at home. The varsity and freshman wrestlers will go against their Wildcat counterparts on dif ferent mats, in the Coliseum, the first time it has ever been tried at Nebraska. Both schools have teams entered in this week's Great Plains Tournament, today and tomorrow at Pershing Auditorium. Gridders Boost State Centennial Nebraska players will be doing their bit to promote the 1967 Centennial when they play Alabama in the Orange Bowl on New Year's Night. On the front of every Cora husker helmet will be the Centennial Seal Nebraskan Want Ads Thwe low-cort rate apply to all cl Mfmt tfvertlstai in the DkUt SietjrMksji: taadart raw of Se pa wort an mini mum chree td 50c per claemfiBd Smer tion. Payment tar theae ad i0 iafl into twa eafeaoriec: ri) ads runniiic let than one week in auooesaiQa mint b? pud icr before taaertioB. 2 ada running fox xaore Oiaa one week win be paid weekly. FOR ROfT ! beflraoin apartmetit: Married couple or women; vtilitm urniebed; board if eaired. afternooD or evemnw. Clow to cuspiu. LARGE EFFICIENCY APABTMEVT. Iwo np(T clansman; WIS pr month, utilitix tacliMted. Aieo, TVm.KlSHE& BOOM, 126 jw mimth. Call Glen tat Her Schaff or Mark Oildrriu jtn-mi, CKtenuuD FOR SALE TAKDKERC Model C4 alert taae M, 4 tratk. Half price. Call 4824678. Two budrwini 45iM trailer: carpeted: with vew caa bnrnen will aeB tarnished r mtfurnianed. Keaaunablr priced Htr munediaie aell. Caa be aeea at m CorniuMker Hibwa ... 17 A. YAEHICA a mrn movie camera triple turret tent. Call mt-VITi. ORAN&E BGWL mm t riden for Oranae BowL Share drhtiur and m CKPenaea. Leave Monday. Im oernber jutti and retura January t. Call Edd KeHier tn twi. TAKE OR TO CALiF. ran Urn1 to Laa Anaelec: durtnf Ctariatmaa avat3DDj cnevar; pay ivr Saas 0I Cli-MU after U P-m. tSSMS FCI ROTT alea'a reeldwimn aeveral raunx; I'nh'. approved eoukjnc; T V.; K caok. Call: vs-m Jit St even j (jewelers ' Jill W WW PHDMISF BLOSSOM tDTUS TfilBUTt urprije 1 dliriilmas Wul, V The newest LrtC arved DPEANI DLrMOND PN'GS come to you on their own precious thrones That's because they really deserve to! Loftier, daintier in design, ArtCarved ring3 are truly the aristocrats of diamond engagement rings. Act surprised when you get yours. It's the biggest com pliment your fiance can pay! From $150; fully guaranteed, of course. Come in for your free illus trated ArtCarved folder then leave it around cs a gentle hint. 1 j TRIUMPH As s-eeri in SEVENTEEN, and cter leading megarmea. Remember-A Special 10 DISCOUNT to all students! OH ANY MERCHANDISE IN THE STORE! fib Watches C Diamonds Watch Bands Transistors Cameras Portable TV Watch Repairing Tape Recorders Stereos Typewriters OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 9:00 TILL CHRISTMAS about to give . up though, as their next shot went wild and was picked off by Stuart Lantz. the sophomore jump- the season and to keep their home winning streak intact. Texas had closed to three points with a little over than three minutes remaining, 65 62. than slowed down the game to pick up the percent age shot. In the three minutes that followed, however, the Husk ers had raced to their widest margin of the game and scored up nine points while limiting the Longhorns to two. Tom Baack started the fire works as he stepped to the free throw line in a one-and-one situation and swished both of them to pull ahead by five points. 67-62. After a quick turnover to the Huskers , the Longhorns were back on defense and had left Nate Branch under the basket alone, Branch picked up an easy two and the Husk ers went ahead 69-62. The Longhorns again made the regretable mistake of fouling Baack. after last night he is a perfect 21 for! 21 at the charity stripe, and ' ing jack who finished the he potted two more to run the game with a matched produc score to 71-62. tion. 17 points and 17 re- After picking up two points j bounds. ai a oV'Wi'iwav lllV UVil kl Ul llO 1JIQIKII auv u till llliui UJ i left Baack alone under the ket with a driving lavup. to next play with time to spare. basket and the sophomore finish high Husker for t h e Then there was the Missouri game, when the field goal added two more to the Husk- night and to take game honors kicker could not find his kicking tee and if that w asn't er total. with a 19 point production. I enough some of the eager Tiger frosh forgot their block- The Texas team w a s n't ; Branch also held his own vn- ing and running assignment in a play. "Texas was tougher than they should have bee n." summarized Coach Joe Ci priano as he looked back over his team's victory over Texas. "We made a lot of mis takes and our defense wasn't good." He continued that "Texas is a fine shoot ing team and we have got to improve on defense." Nebraska's main trouble he noted was that "we didn't move the ball on the fast break as I would have liked to. there was too much dribbling . . . Texas hurt us from the outside. . . the press lacked the edge of Campbell . . . Texas was a well-balanced scoring team. . . the game plan was adjusted to play more offense and to run more." dcr the boards, picking off 13 rebounds. The 4,800 fans that had gath ered at the Coliseum saw the Huskers jump to an early lead after Lantz had got the jump and' Branch scored with 19:27 to go in the half. Four min utes later though, the Long horns came back in the game and took the lead from the Huskers. After a see-saw battle for the lead, the Huskers held a slim two-point margin when the gun sounded for the half. The widest margin the Husk ers were able to claim was six-points after Nebraska's press and the defensive work of Grant Simmons caused two quick Longhorn turnovers. The Huskers managed to put the game on the ice in the j closing minutes, after the nine-point scoring streak and take their fourth victory on a me an 11 point margin in to the gun. Four of the starters finished in double figures. Branch led with 19, followed by Lantz and Simmons with 17 and Baack finished with 14, six in t h e last three minutes. Junior letterman Willie Campbell was forced to sit ,out the game, due to a severe sprained ankle suffered in the last minute of the Cali fornia game. The next home game f o r the cagers will be Sat.. Dec. 18 when they are matched with South Dakota. TEAM STATISTICS NEBRASKA Plavers If-' It-a rb p ip Land 7 16 2-4 17 3 17 Simmons ... 7 17 3-5 2 2 17 Hare 1-7 3-4 4 15 Baack 5-12 4-4 4 2 i Branch 7-23 5-S 13 3 in Webh 0 1 1-4 4 0 1 Einpky 1-8 0-0 2 2 Team R Toll !-M 19-27 SO 13 75 Percent .333 .7W TEXAS 26-17 12-16 45 20 64 .366 .750 Some Light Moments Freshman football has had its lighter moments. During the Iowa State game the timekeeper forgot to start the clock Alien there was 30 seconds left. No dispute ensued howrever, as the play went out of bounds and the frosh scored on the OL Shop 9:30-9 .lion, thru Fri. Saturday 'til 5:30 i m a -,- u if , , .ft if 'thy i 1 Vt .ry This is a serious ski shop for serious skiers Beginner or expert, you'll find everything you need for the skiier at Gold'sl Our ski shops aie complete. Equipment, accessories, skivear of all kinds are In our ski shops. Come in now, be prepared for ski vealher ahead! FOR HEK, I1EGLMER White Stag jacket 36.00 White Stag ski pants 20.00 Kastinger ski boots 29.93 Galazie skiis 25.95 ron nni, expert McGregor jacket 32.95 Bogner ski pants 553 Kastinger boots . ". Z5.Q0 Head Competition sk3 Head ski poles 24.50 GOLD'S ski shop street floor : ;