CNJVESSITY OP Nfigt 5f ... r, t J i MM' .1 I Vol. 81, No. 50 The Daily Nebroskan Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1965 If 1 r 'sk i " " - ...'''',.' t,--,,., nrcnftrto HUSKERS TAKE TO THE AIR ... To fly to Arizona to prepare for the Orange Bowl game on New Year's Dav. The team will be in Phoenix until Dec. 21 when they will head home for Christmas before flying to Miami. Career Conferences Offered To Students Career conferences will be held in cities throughout the nation for out-of-state stu dents returning home for the Christmas holidays, accord ing to Frank Hallgren, place ment director. These conferences give the student a chance to look at local industry, investigate career opportunities, and dis cuss employment possibilities. Interviews will also be held in conjunction with most of the conferences. "Christmas offers a con venient time and place to interview college students, many of whom attend small or distant colleges from which IFC Holds National Convention E equals M squared C. Not an algebraic problem, but the theme of the national Interfraternity Council (IFC) convention h e 1 d in Washing ton, D.C. and attended by Gary Larsen and Ed Tippetts of the University IFC. In the equation-theme, E stands for excellence, M for manpower and motivation and C for continuity, Larsen said. Tippets said the convention, consisting of about 1,200 un dergraduates, national frater nity officers, deans of men and IFC faculty officers, heard speeches on the theme and then broke into discussion groups of about a dozen peo ple, moderated by a dean and a national fraternity of ficer. He said that the delegates to the convention also partic ipated in "old pro sessions'' in which various aspects of fraternity relations were dis cussed. "Overall, that part of the conference where we gained the most knowledge was in discussing our various prob lems," Larsen said. In fraternity rush, Larsen said the conference stressed three trends: making rush as non-formal as possible, short er periods of rush, and a movement away from defer red rush. Tippetts described the con vention as "an extremely valuable experience" in that "we were able to meet with national fraternity officers and discuss problems in a straightforward manner." Larsen pointed out that "Nebraska has a very good IFC, but we should realize that the IFC will have to keep pace with the changing times or it will fall behind." Theatre Sells Coffee For UNICEF Drive The University's Reader's Theatre, "Words and Voices" collected $12.13 for UNICEF Monday night. The Theatre sold coffee at the intermission of "Sorry About That", a Reader's The atre production. . . . During Vacation ! the employer would not norm ally expect to recruit stu dents." explained the Pitts burgh conference bulletin. These conferences will be held at St. Louis, Mo.; Phil adelphia and Pittsburg, Pa.; Dallas. Tex.; Buffalo, N.Y.; Cleveland. Ohio; San Fran cisco, Calif ; and Minneapolis -St. Paul, Minn. Hallgren said the number of career conferences has "really increased immensely. This is recognition of the fact that many students who at tend schools out of state are still interested in getting jobs close to home." Most of the career confer ences are sponsored by the cities themselves, some being coordinated with various local companies and industries, anct most will be held Dec. 28. For additional information, students may see the bulHim posted outside 340 Nebraska Union. ETV To Holiday By Steve Jordon Junior Staff Writer Five hours of the finest Christmas music ever re corded, including the showing of the entire "Messiah" by Handel, will be broadcast by Nebraska Educational Tele vision stations on Christmas Eve. The evening's shows are the climax to a series of Christ mas specials being shown by stations KUON. Channel 12, in Lincoln and KLNE, Channel 3, in Hastings. "The whole idea is to pro vide background for family activities during the Christ mas season," Ron Hull, pro gram manager for the Ne braska Educational Television Network, said. "Christmas Album," pro duced by KUON, will present an hour of Christmas music accompanied by pictures and holiday scenes of all kinds. "We used two or three hun dred pictures some of Christmas cards, some of downtown Lincoln when it was snowing," Hull said. "The programming is en tirely different," Hull said. "From 4 until 10:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve we will show special Christmas shows, in cluding five straight hours of fine music." The "Messiah," performed by Boston's Handel and Haydn Society, will be shown in the complete version, according to Hull. "Few people have the op- Ten Students Named To Teachers Honorary Ten University students have been named to member ship in Mu Epsilon Nu, Teachers College honorary society for men. The new members of the society are Less Carr, Todd Harrison, Ron Kelly, Larry May, Harlan Metschke, Tom Pappas, Rich Stangle, Norm Tiaden, Robert Frakes, and James Scheppers. Students Support Gift Train University students in con junction with national organi zations such as the J u n i o r Chamber of Commerce, Young Democrats and Young Republicans are participating in America's Christmas Train and Trucks ( ACTTl, a nation wide effort to send 80 freight carloitls of gifts to the people of Viet Nam. Cathy Shattuck, vice presi dent of University YR's, said that several University living units have collected materials for ACTT and will participate in a rally tonight at the train depot when gifts from Lincoln and surrounding areas will be added to the train. Alpha Xi Delta sorority col lected bars of soap and old clothes and packed them Sat urday and Sunday for the tmin Kanna Sisma fratern ity loaded 576 cases of pork and beans on boxcars Satur day morning. Other campus living units also collected for ACTT and all boxes of goods from Uni versity students are marked "To the People of Viet Nam From the People at the Uni versity of Nebraska." The train of gifts started from Washington, D.C, and has traveled throughout the country adding cars in vari ous cities along the way. The toin will he in Lincoln at 8:45 p.m. tonight and. after a rally, win go to uenvei, and eventually to San Fran cisco from where it will be shipped to Viet Nam. Invitations to the rally have wn cpnt tn Sen. Carl Curtis, nn FmnV Morrison. Con gressman Clair Callan and Lincoln Mayor Dean Petersen. "We also hope a great num ber of University students will attend." said John Reiser, president of University YR's. "This is an excellent oppor tunity for students to show the troops and the nation that we are behind our govern ment's policy toward Viet Nam." . Feature Specials portunity to see the whole per formance," he said. The Uni versity Chorus production was about half of the entire work, he said. " Stories and poems about Christmas will be read Mon day evening by Robert Knoll and Bernice Slote, professors of English at the University, and Tuesday Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" will be reviewed by Dr. Clarence Forsberg and Dr. D a r r e 1 Berg. Thursday the University Madrigal Singers, directed bv John Moran, will sing tradi tional hymns and carols. The program will be shown again Dec. 23 and on Christmas Eve. "Curistmas in Williams burg," part of a series of pro grams on the historic town, will be shown Friday. Other specials during t h e Holiday season include "Wuth ering Heights" and "The Play of Daniel." Friday night, David McCall um of "Man from U.N.C.L.E." will star in the television adaptation of Emily Bronte's play. New York's Pro Musica will present the "The Play of David" from the medieval settings of The Cloisters in up per Manhattan. Both plays are a part of the series "Festival of the Arts." Other series include the "History of the Negro People," "A Dance r's World," "French Chef" and "Bridge with Jean Cox." "The series on the Negro race is designed to give Ne groes a better understanding of their own past and to show everyone the heritage of the Negro," Hull said. Martha Graham, "one of the world's greatest teachers and dancers," according to Hull, stars in " A Dancer's World," a program on mod ern dance. "French Chef" is a cooking class produced by the Nation al Educational Television Net work, while card players learn bridge fundamental's from Jean Cox. Nominations Due For 'Outstanding' Nominations will be re ceived this week for the Out standing Nebraskan award, presented twiicc a year to a student and faculty mem ber nominated for his inter est and concern in the Uni versity. Anyone may make a nom ination. Nominations should be sent to the Daily Nebras kan office, 51 Nebraska Union. Any University stu dent is eligible for the hon or, as is any faculty mem ber who has been with the University for two years. Letters of nomination should state why the writer feels the person he is nom inating is worthy of the award. Religious Liberals Discuss Current Moral Problems By Beth Robbins Junior Staff Writer Liberal views on religion, politics and the world in gen eral are discussed every two weeks when the Student Relig ious Liberals (SRL) meet in the Nebraska Union. The only requirement for participation in this group is concern for the world at hand. Names like Camu and Fromm crop up, Slong with news events and personal opinions. SRL, a University organiza tion affiliated with the Unitar ian Church, emphasizes "the present life in the present world'' according to its vice president, John Schrekinger. 'Discussion Group' Schrekinger called the or ganization a "discussion group. 'We are concerned with current moral as well as religious problems," he said. "One of the characteristics of the Unitarian religion is to be interested in current, not just abstract theological thought." More people are attending SRL meetings this year than last, Schrekinger said. This is probably because meetings are held on campus instead of in private homes as in the past he said. SRL became a University organization three years ago, but was more like "a group of friends getting together," he said. Attendance varies between "twenty and five or whoever is interestd." P r e s i d n t Susan Caldwell said. The average is a b o u t ten to fif teen. One of the aims of the group is to evolve a perman ent membership, Shrekinger said. Although most of those in attendance are Unitarian, everyone is welcome, they agreed. 'Broad Scope' An example of the broad scope of SRL discussions came at last Sunday night's meeting. The proposed topic for the evening was "When is it morally right for a nation to use political force?" From this point the conver sation ranged from interna tional warfare to the United Nations, to birth control, to the Liberal's view of human nature, 20th century Western philosophy and its effect on modern youth, to the sunno- sition that man is growing more machine-like in his mechanized world. "Our discussions follow one general rule," Miss Caldwell said. "They always end about 30 miles from where they start." Dr. David Trasfc, associate professor of history, led the PTP To Aleef Today To Discuss Housing Housing problems will be discussed at the regular meet ing of People to People today. Wayne Blue, off-campus housing officer, and Edward Bryant, director . of housing, will speak on the problems of University living at 4:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. The public is invited to the pro gram. New officers for People to People are Joel Swanson, president; Donnie Jones, vice president; Pamela Kot, sec retary; Steve Mathews, treasurer. faculty Non-At By Wayne Kreuscher . Senior Staff Writer Student Senator Andy Taube said Tuesday after Facultv Senate tabled the students' recommendation concerning mcmoers cooperate witn stu Jan. 3., that Student Senate i dents who might be under will trv to have its recom- pressure in getting home for niendation published in the elass Jan. 3 after the football Bulletin Board, the faculty newsletter. Both Taube and Kent Ncu- discussion summarizing h i s article from a former issue of the SRL publication "The Cloth". "At no point," Trask said, "does war seem a legit imate enterprise." He urged a legalized code of interna tional behavior with branches !of enforcement and judiciary. I "General international war fare of the 20th century will bring about a larger political unit." he said. Through his tory, smaller units of gov ernment have been combined into larger ones with the re actions of violence and war. Nuclear power has now erased, if it was ever present, the morality and practicality of war, Trask said. Questions, Answers After answering questions, Trask threw out one to the group, asking how they felt about human nature. "It's neither good nor bad," ans wered Vern Barnet, "but man has so many more chances to be bad and make the wrong choice that he looks bad." Barnet also suggested the possibility of greatly ex tended, even e t r n a 1 life spans for humans as they Columbia University Economist Says Economic Outlook Very Encouraging Bv Julie Morris Junior Staff Writer Columbia University economist Lowell Harriss painted an encouraging pic ture of the economic future of the country in the next decade when he spoke on campus yesterday. "I think the economic out look is very good, things seem to be most promis ing indeed." he said. "Some of the greatest changes and problems in government fi nance in the next ten years are going to be in the state and local governments." Cautioning his audience not to expect too much, however, Harriss said "there will be surprises and I think that is one of the most important elements to be kept in mind." Photo by Tom Hubln ECONOMIST . . . Lowell f U.S. economic outlook for Photo by Tom Rubin 7n A , Jl Hardin Requests Faculty meister, ASUN president, said that although the motion was tabled they are pleased with Chancellor tintord Harctin s personal request that tacuity Kamc Taube explained that Stu dent Senate will try to see to .increasingly replace or re jjuvenate portions of their i bodies with machines. A "tantalizing proposition." i another member said. But,! Trask added, a "double edged" advance. Next came the suggestion of the good or evil of Medicare from the standpoint of its keeping peo ple alive. Jay Zimmer, secretary-treasurer of SRL. an swered that the quality of life is not relative to its length. Political Liberals Most of those attending SRL meetings are politically liberal. Miss Caldwell said. Although the SRL is not con nected with other student movements as an organiza tion, its members are often active in groups such as SNCC, SDS. the American Humanist Association and Young Democrats, she said. The Student Religious Lib erals as well as the Contin ental SRL with which it is connected emphasizes the temporal, its officers said. The real guidelines for life now are found by discussion in things of current interest now, Schrekinger said. This follows a belief in the brother hood of man and the sacred ness of man, he said. Harriss. author of sev eral books on economics and professor of economics at Columbia since 1938, out lined several problems that the government will have to handle in planning its mon etary and fiscal policy in the next decade. He said the government needs to adapt itself for a change in the economic sit uation, to coordinate mone tary and fiscal policy, and to face the problem of in flation. Harriss said the government must also rec ognize its actual role in the society and the fact that it has more policy goals than implements for achieve ment of the goals. "It is commonly said that Americans arc more wor ried about unemployment Harris paints bright picture economic roundtabic. it that all faculty members have a chance to read the students' recommendation and Hardin's personal request. Table Two Motions Faculty Senate tabled two motions Tuesday concerning the students request. It tabled both the students' mo tion, made by Dr. William Pharis, ASUN faculty advis er, which requested that the Faculty Senate recommend faculty members not to pen alize a student who attends the Orange Bowl game and is unable to make it back for classes Jan. 3 and a motion made by another faculty member. The other motion requested that Faculty Senate recognize no valid reason for class plans to be changed for the sake of some students who might want to return to school late. Hardin, who presided over the meeting, said after t h e motions were tabled that "as executive officer of the Uni versity I personally request that all faculty members try to cooperate with the s m a 1 1 number of students who might be under pressure" in getting home for class Jan. 3. He noted that only 600 stu dents, besides those going on chartered trips which will be back by Jan. 3, might have trouble getting back for class es after the New Years Day football game. Make Arrangements The chancellor said that since only a small group of students are going to the game it is reasonable that ab sence arrangements be made on an informal basis. Hardin suggested that if the number of students going to the game had been larger, some type of definite recommendation or motion from the Faculty Sen ate might have been neces sary. Hardin emphasized that all arrangements which might be than about inflation," Har riss noted. He said the prob lem of inflation and price level change "calls for a good deal more analysis and hard thinking than we've given it." Inflation, he said, is a difficult issue to discuss because of the ambiguousness of the term. Harriss characterized the problem of federalism or government expansion as one of the biggest problems of today's society. "It seems that trends to- w a r d centralization are I likely to be encouraged," he said. Harriss said the gov ernment now has enough of an economic stockpile to be able to increase its spend ing without increasing taxes. "It will be easy for gov ernment to propose increas ing expenditure programs which do not require addi tional income; we can have increasing government serv ice and a declining tax rate," he said. Harriss has t a u g h t at such varied institutions as the University of Stras bourg and Berkeley. He has has worked on the staff of or served as consultant to the U.S. Treasury, the city and state of New York, the United Nations and other in stitutions and commissions. He said a prime need in this country is an informed public opinion about eco nomic affairs. "The major job of economists of the future must be public edu cation." Harriss appeared at the University as the featured speaker of an economics and business roundtable. Cooperation made for absences Jan. 3 will be up to the individual stu dent and proessor. He point ed out that in the past facul ty members have usually been quite reasonable and coopera tive in approving absences of this type. Discussion among the facul ty members supported both of the proposed motions. One faculty member noted h o w "unrealistic" it is to expect students to drive back to school in a day's time after the game. Another member said that if the school con tinues to change the calendar because of athletic events "it would soon become known as the best athletic orientated University in the west." Albin T. Anderson, profess or of history, suggested that the two motions be tabled. Not Appropriate Kent Neumeister, ASUN president, said after the meet ing it was his impression that the students' motion was tabled because the Faculty Senate did not think "that it was appropriate for that body to suggest to an individual faculty member how to ad minister his class." He noted in respect to the students who are going to the Orange Bowl game, he thought it was important that Hardin had pointed out that students who are attending the game can work out indi vidual arrangements in ad vance with their instructors. "Because of Hardin's per sonal request. I think that stu dents can arrange their ab sences with their instructors within the flexibility that ex ists in the present University framework," Neumeister said. Hardin said before the meeting began that Dr. Rich ard Gilbert's statement in Monday's Daily Nebraskan welcoming students to observe the Faculty Senate meetings was incorrect. Gilbert is sec retary of the Faculty Senate. He pointed out that t h e meetings are open to the press, but that they are tra ditionally meant to be meet ings only for the faculty. Rev. Stuart Addresses Panhel Tea The Rev. Kenneth Stuart, speaking in the absence of Dr. Robert Palmer of West minster Church, asked those present at the Monday Pan hellenic tea if they were "really ready for Christmas." Speaking to sorority house mothers, dorm presidents, Towne Club officers, Panhel lenic and Junior Panhellenic members, he said, "Christ mas is a busy, busy time for all people. There is always much to be done, so one is really never ready." He went on to say that, if asked the same question, the people in Jesus' time would answer both ways. The shep herds were surprised at the appearance of the angels, Her od did not expect the com ing of a King, and the inn keeper was not aware of the significance of the people to whom he had given lodging. However, he pointed out that the world as a whole was ready. It was a period of peace, the world was un der Roman rule, there was a network of highways, and the common Greek language was spoken. "All this helped bind the people together to provide a sense of readiness," said the Rev. Stuart. "So what of us in 1965?" Rev. Stuart asked. "Are we really ready? We live in a wonderful time, a wonderful day, but are we any more ready than those people of long ago?" "We need to be practical, busy, living a life which is ours to live, but never losing the dimensions of a quiet faith, trusting in God, and ex pecting the unexpected," he said. 4t?4tfr.t--j- .vv