The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1965, Image 1

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.Vol. 81. No. 47
The Daily Nebroskan
Thursday, Dec. 9, 1965
By Bruce Giles
Junior Staff Writer
Students doing poorly in col
lege may find themselves
drafted next year, Nebraska
Selective Service Director
Guy N. Henninger said.
This comes as a result of
President Johnson doubling
the national draft call from!summer shouldn't mean any-
17.000 to 35.000. In Nebraska. I tning to most students." he' Col. Drath did say. how
the number of students af-1 said. 'They ithe local draft ever, that with the review in
fected will also depend on how! boards) will probably send out June, it would make it possi
fast the available draft pool I inquiries in June to determine ble "to catch up w ith grad-
is exhausted.
Henninger said the acad
emic deferment of students
will be reviewed after the
first semester of study is com
pleted in January.
"If college officials inform
us that the students are not!
making their grades, then they,
will be placed on the eligible
draft list." he said.
Students carrying less than
12 hours of course work are!
not placed in the deferred
January draft
call for
Nebraska is 255 men and the
total for February- and March
may go up, Henninger said.
In connection with the in
creased number of reviews.;
many students will note that
their notice of classification is
good only until summer. 1966. !
In past years, many local
draft boards reviewed classi
fication only once a year.
This would have meant that
the classifications which many'
tudents are now receiving
would have been good until
about November, 1966. bnt
with the increased draft call,:
classifications will be re
viewed in June, 1966.
Col. Francis Drath. deputy.
Union To Aid
Bowl Fans
The Nebraska Union will
operate an information center'
at the Miramar Hotel in Mi-f
ami to serve University st!
dents attending the O r a n g e
Bowl game, according to Al
len Bennett, Union director.
The center w ill be in a room
just off the hotel's lobby andj;
will be open from 8 a.m.tOj.
8 p.m. Its staff will help stu-?
dents in any way possible, i
such as setting up tours, day
cruises, and arranging I 0 r
city travel, according to Ben
nett. Bennett said ' taxi tare in
Miami is daggering," so if
can are wanted the informa
tion center will help students
rent them. ,
Bennett also said that if a
group of students wants to go
somewhere in particular, for!
instance to eat, dance, or go
to a show, a bus can be chart-;
ered by the center.
A message exchange center ;
will also be included. Parents
and friends may call and!
leave messages there for stu
dents. "We are most con
cerned with people being able
to find each other," Bennett
The information center will:
also try i keep in touch with
alumni group in Miami and
will contact bote for students
needing sleeping quarters.
"We will be there to h e 1 p
student in any way to have a
good time while they are in!
Miami," Bennett said, "a n d
tie way ticket sales are going
for the game, a lot of people
are going to get there."
The center will also be sell
ing Nebraska buttons, ban
ners, and red cow boy hats.
Swan ton To File Soon
For Return As Regent
Clarence Swanson, Lincoln
businessman, has announced
that he will file for re-election
to the University Board of Re- j
gents from the First District.
Swanson said he would
formally file after Jan. 1. He
has been a member of the
Board since 1960.
The First District is com
posed of Lancaster, Johnson,
Pawnee, Cass, Otoe, Nemaha
&ui Richardson countic.
10 tuecBoe
dirprtnr rf thp State Zp)nnt ai
vul t.
service, saia mat it tne stu- men in their district as often
dent is an undergraduate, heas they want. However, thev
will be deferred until the col- j must review classifications at
lege has had a chance to least once a year,
notify the draft board that the
student has either dropped out' The number of reviews dur
of school or graduated. j ing the year is left to the dis-
' Basically, the deferment to: cretion of the local boards.
Mf the student is graduated or
i is going on w ith school."
Col. Drath said that the lo -
Council For ETV
To Meet Friday
The annual meeting of the
Nebraska Council for Educa-1
tional Television will be held
at the Nebraska Union Fri
day. The Council, composed of i
108 public and private school
systems, with an estimated i
95.000 students, supports and
coordinates the in-school in
structional television pro
grams on KUON'-TV. the
University station, and KLNE
TY at Lexington, the first;
satellite in the new Nebraska
Educational Television Net
work. Two commercial television
stations. KHOL-TV in HoI-!
drege and KDUH-TV in Hay
Springs, also carry- in-school
ETA' programs as a public'
According to Victor Chris-!
tenson. director of the Coun-j
cil. there were 4.3 members of
the organization at the end!
of the 1964-65 school year.!
Since that time the Lexington j
station became operational!
and membership climbed toi
By Jan Itkin
Junior Staff Writer
Women's hours have long
been a controversial subject
on the University campus.
"We are alwyas consider
ing women's hours." said
Jan Whitney. AWS president.
"We are trjing to be fair
and keep up with the times."
Miss Whitney noted that
week-night hours for both
junior and senior women
have been extended "recent
ly" and that correspondence
with other schools has shown
that the University "is not
behind the times."
"Our hours are equivalent
to those of other schools of
comparable size within this
area." she added.
'it's my personal feeling
that the girls are not that
concerned with the hours,"
she said. "There's some
question in my mind when
men complain about hours
but we don't hear from wo
men." She explained that women
could voice any complaints
or suggestions to their AWS
representatives who in turn
would voice them to the
AWS Board.
Miss Whitney added that
at a workshop held in the
fall for housemothers and
A W S representatives no
special problems were pre
sented and that "they would
probably be the ones who
would know if a problem
Apparently there was
some disagreement about
the hours in the minds of
ten women interviewed
especially in the case of
hours for women over 21.
'Locked-Up Feeling'
'J feel like I'm being
locked up," said Linda
Sayre. freshman. "I was
trusted at home to come in
when I w ished and I should
be here."
"Hours aren't really too
bad on weekends," she con
tinued, "because they arc
security, but girls 21 and
over shouldn't have hours."
"They're trying to enforce
morality," said Georgia Min
er, sophomore, "and it
simply can't be done. We're
supposed to be at college for
academic and social ad
vancement and are not given
the opportunity to do either."
ioi A,-e ka o i,..
.ai uiaii wai u van ic icn -
iuates and students vho have1
'decided to drop out of!
! school."
its present level.
The Council's program
schedule for the 1965-66 school
covers nine subject
at levels from kinder -
garten through the 12th grade.
A television faculty of eight
teachers conduct the 16 hours
ot classes per week.
Christenson pointed out that
teachers from member-schools
meet with the television teach
ers each summer to plan fu
ture programs and produce
the guides which are distrib
uted to each school.
Ten Places Remain
For Union Ski Trip
Ten places are open for the
Union Ski Trip to Winter
Park. Colo, over semester
break, Jan. 26-30.
The deadline has been ex
tended until Dec. 16 for reg
istration for the trip. Students
may register in the Union
Program Office. At the time
of registration $37.50 of the
$75 fee must be paid.
Hours Dispute Continues
"We're bossed around like
grade school children and
that is no preparation for
s o c i e t y." she continued.
"They don't admit we have
minds of our own that are
perfectly able to distinguish
right from wrong."
Miss Hiner believes that
hours for freshman are
necessary "because there is
social adjustment that
must be made during one's
first year. But after that
there is no point in having
hours at all especially for
juniors and seniors."
Sandra Onnen, freshman,
disagreed. "There should be
no difference between fresh
men and seniors we're all
here at school and should
be treated the same."
Miss Onnen w as undecided
as to a solution to the prob
lem and said. "Each girl
should use her own judgment
but hours should not be done
away with. One o'clock on
weekends is late enough,
but girls should be able to
be responsible on their own."
'Women Responsible'
Linda Ambrose, freshman,
agreed. "By the time a girl
is in college, she should be
responsible enough to come
in at a decent hour without
being told," she said.
Candy May, a junior and
a dorm counselor at Selleck,
PVUrt hr Turn Rubin
MANY OPINIONS ... are Harbored concerning AWS hours. Candy May (left) and
Georgia Hiner express their feeling on the subject to Jan Itkin, Daily Nebraska staff
To Speak
To YR's
Omaha businessman John
Everroad will speak at the
Young Republican's meeting;
tonight at 7:30 in the N'ebras-!
ka Union.
! an unsuccess
ful candidate
for the 1964
GOP lieuten
ant governor
has admitted
serious con
sideration to
filing for an
other try at
that office in
He is president of Cummins
Mid-West Co. of Omaha. Cum
mins South Dakota Inc., chair
man of the board of E &. R
Inc. and the Everroad Supply
Since coming to Nebraska
from Texas 13 years a?o
Everroad has been active in
! civic affaire an1 was thp first
allied industry member to
serve as wpsident of the p-
! braska Motor Carriers' As-
j sociation.
Forum Elects Wright
Director Of Big Eight
Ted Wright, junior in archi
tecture, was recently elected
Eight at the National Forum fussed at a fraternity-soror-of
the Student Institute o 'ty expansion meeting called
Architects in Washington. D.!b'G -Robert Ross, vice chan
q cellor and dean of Student
' Affairs.
Five University students at- -j complex is a small
tended the conference of 75 ; step toward w h a t we m a y
architecture schools Wright, ! ; thp npvt fh-P nr tpn
Larry Young, president of the
University chapter. Nancy
Starl. Maurice Hoelstein and
Bob Powell.
The conference included lec
tures, workshops, group dis
cussions and tours.
said, "As a dorm counselor,
I see the necessity to enforce
hours but girls should be
responsible enough to set
their own hours. That would
be the ideal situation. At
any rate, girls over 21 should
have their own keys.".
A Mortar Board member
said the matter of keys had
been discussed at one of
their meetings but that "of
the 14 of os only two really
wanted keys."
"Women must really want
to do something about hours
and then do something about
it," she said, "If a change
is to take place. One or two
small groups cannot bring
about the change."
"The system could stand
to be more lenient," said
Kelene Weinberg, soph
omore. "For instance, may
be I want to stay out late
on some night that isn't a
two o'clock and there are
systems at other schools that
would make that possible.
Why not have a person
sign out maybe once every
two months as late as she
wishes if someone else will
co-sign that she will let the
other girl in?"
Cindy Bartlctt, sophomore,
disagreed. "There is nothing
wrong with the one o'clock
hours for weekends on this
campus there is osoally no
By Wayne Krcuscher
Senior Staff Writer
Student Senate insisted
! Wednesday that Dr. William
j Pharis, ASUN faculty adviser,
present its motion passed last
' week for a Jan. 3 non-test,
non-attendance check day to
the Faculty Senate Dec. 14.
Senate made this decision to
have Pharis present the mo
tion on the Faculty Senate
(University Senate) floor
against the advice of Pharis
and G. Robert Ross, vice!
chancellor and dean of student1
Ross and Pharis said t h e y
were against Student Senate
presenting this motion on thejtions to Faculty Senate f o rj
Farnltv SJpnntp floor hpraup action snmptimp and it mifht
, lha nnn.QttonHanfo rlav hoL-
proposal is not that import-1 Pharis made it clear be-
Greek House Complex
Discussed At Meeting
By Steve Jordon
Junior Staff Writer
Houses costing around $300.
000. planned by the Greek
organization that will live in
it. served by a kitchen that is
central to the houses and three
new dormitories these are
some of the details that were
Ross said to an au-
dience of house corporation;
representatives, house presi-j
dents and interested officials
and alumni.
"To maintain the fraternity
and sorority system as it is on
necessity for later hours and
when something special
comes up, there are t w o
o'clock nights."
"Maybe hours for under
classmen could be extended
a half hour or more on week
nights, however," Miss Bart
lett said.
Susan Hutt, freshman, said
that week-end hours were
late enough but that week
night hours should be ex
tended for those who wanted
to utilize the library.
'Senior Keys'
Jean Hoffmastcr. senior.
sayd,"Girls over 21 should
have keys. They may not
use them, but the idea is
one of freedom more than
of use. Before that can be
done, however, a workable
system for the keys must
be devised."
Seniors should have kcs
to their living units, accord
ing to Cindy Smith, junior.
"One a person is 21 and Is
given other types of respon
sibilities, it doesn't seem
right that the responsibility
to choose one's own hours
isn't included."
Miss Smith said that al
though the keys might be
taken advantage of at first
the novelty would wear off
and the girls would actucally
come in earlier than they do
joiSDsfs Faculty
o JcDgti. 3 Motion
ant. because Senate would
j have a chance to exert i t s
authority over more meaning
ful issues in the future and
because Faculty Senate can
make no actual ruling on the
Senators Disagree I a poor idea and that he person
Most student senators! ally is against the motion.
Wednesday afternoon dis-j ,'.c.,,j. t- , j
agreed with Ross and Pharis.! "dent Senate does need
Sfudent discussion noted that c0"uf wo k Wlth De,an
this is an important motion ,lsss finding guide-
representing the students' wcl-1
fare, that Faculty Senate has!
no reason to resent a sugges-j
tion from Student Senate and J
that student government does;
have to start taking its mo-!
ac upll cfart nnu-
the campus we need addi
tional group s." Ross said.
"Our problem is that we are
expanding greatly but are
just about out of land."
To solve the problem, Ross! c " ,Klvlc r dLU'l.- i they won t be penalized for at
:J .u- ' Senate can pass any specific toj: ' r,i
said. the tniversitv is aequir
ing new land for classrooms,
dormitories and now for
houses which will be leased to
fraternity and sorority hous-
ing corporation. i
The complex w ill be on
triangular 12-acre tract of land
between 14th and 16th Streets
and north of Nebraska Hall.
"While there are seven
houses tentatively planned.
there may be room for only
five or six. located on the 16th
Street side of the land," Ros
The buildings
might house
from 50 to 80 persons, and
would vary in size and design
with the organization that is!
chosen to live in it, he said. !
The p r o b 1 e m of deciding ;
which of the 15 houses that'
have expressed definite ;
interest will be allowed to
lease the buildings, scheduled
for completion in the fall of
1967. will be on a priority sys
tem. Need, the financial position
'of the house, the length of , associated dean of Student Af- j the properly completed work
i time on campus and the fairs and director of the Jun- j sheet is received in the Regis
amount of interest expressed 1 ior Division. j tration Section wi t h i n the
, win oe lateen into account, ac
cording to Louis Roper, chair
man of the Board of Control
s u b-committee t h a t is in
! charge of the complex.
I "The ideal situation would
i be if. say, the Sig Alphs move
! to the complex and someone
else moves into the old Sig
j Alph h o u s e," Roper said.
"That way we would create 10
buildings out of five."
"We hope to have a definite
; list of interested parties after
, this meeting," Roper said. "We
! w ill then decide on the f i v e
! houses and alternates within
I the next couple months."
The houses would be served
by a central kitchen that will
also provide food for an 18
story and two 11-story dorm
itories on the complex. The
Greek buildings would h a vp'of
individual dinins rooms ant
centers for food assembly.
Costs for
living in t h e
t. miL wiia DuiiaingSj"'-8 - "' " :
vmuiu noi De less man tnei,Uu" l,,ai 11 l,ie muucih un&-
residence hall fee of $725 per
year, Ross said. Exact costs
will not be known until bids
; are let to contractors this
j spring.
While contracts with
organizations will not be
; signed before building costs
! are known, the selected fra
jtcrnities and sororities will
'be given a voice in deciding
wnai lacuities each house wiil
' have.
"The buildings will conform
to a basic style." Roper said,
"but they will be unique and
just what you would like to
have within the limits of con
struction costs."
Strike Delays Work
On Sandoz Dormitory
Construction of Marie San
doz Hall was halted Tuesday
by a strike.
According to Paul Pender
of the physical plant, the
strike was jurisdictional and
concerned the equipment op
erating engineers and the carpenters.
fore the Senate started
cussing the possibility of
presenting the motion, that he
would present it to the Facul
ty Senate for the Student Sen
ate if the students w anted. But
he said that he thousht it was
""u -ceiur
c"TS,ah s W'ih Faculty
aenaie- naris said,
Must Be Meaningful
But he added that just as
important as establishing
these guidelines. Senate has to!
nrespnt mpaninctfnl nronnsalci
! to thp Fapultv Spnatp in nvHori
gain the faculty's respect
i have action " taken on
their proposals.
tl.nt .t
He noted that even if he
--u. . F'H ' P'curu
...c r-eui ?trnaie
cannot make any specific rul -
tug uu ii - use uie moiiun
u -7 AT , :
He said that all measures in
: uvhiw vjv ii u tv. ii uu t put
on the agenda either two
! weeks in advance or have
OfiiIt' Anafa hail i Ka mil
been brought up at a preced -
ing meeting before faculty
, . . ;.
Pharis did note, however,
that although Faculty Senate
can make no ruling unless an
issup is nn thpir ralpnHar or
aiha., hn hrnuaht nn hsrro
they can make a recommen
dation. For instance it was
pointed out that Faculty Sen
ate had never made a ruling
on Dead Week but only a
He explained that rather
than fight with Faculty Sen- gyrr a meaningless issue)
Continue 4s
The published requirements ( short, this student has for
and procedures for registra- ; feited priorities he had estab-
; tion are being followed regard-
less of rumors to the contrary,
according to Lee Chatfield.
! In a letter to faculty
advisers. Chatfield reviewed
the policies for second semes
ter registration:
More than 90 per cent of
University undergrad
uates turned in the yellow
copy of a worksheet by Oct.
22. A tallv of the number of!
students expecting to register! the time of receipt of his prop
in each course was reported erly completed worksheet,
to the teaching department.
Teaching departments, w ith
in the limits of available re
sources, adjusted their course
offerings for the second semes
ter on the basis of the tally
report and anticipated demand
likely to develop in addition to
the tally totals. The schedule
of courses was printed and
distributed accordingly.
Instructions in the Schedule
Classes restated instruc-
itions as distributed in October
witn one additional point
staiea in paragrapn l, a. d,
mally asked for two or more
courses which are now schc-
duled at the same time, he is
in fact confronted with a
"closed course" situation.
Paragraph I. A, b, simply of
fers him the same alternative
he would have in a course that
was filled when his cards are '
being pulled.
If a student who preregls-1
: tered in October now turns in
' the original copy of that work
sheet with any other changes;
on It, his w o r k s h e e t is set !
aside to be processed after the 1
properly prercgistercd stu-1
dents have been served. In !
Abel Members Vote
Un Constitution Today tion." according to Wickless.
Abel Hall's second constitu-. They will also coordinate the
tional ratification vote will be units of the University with
held today instead of Wednes- each other. The medical and
day as originally scheduled. . extension division already use
The postponement was neces- social security numbers,
sary because of a mistake in Smith said,
printing the ballots. ; "It is such a universal
Non-partisan signs have number," he said, "that we
been posted in the residence ! couldn't see the benefit of us
hall, urging people to vote. ing a separate number.
dis-Jhat the students really
h i s1 couldn't get anv strong action
on. Student Senate should con
centrate its efforts on more
important issues which will
come up in the future.
Sen. Dave Snyder noted
that Faculty Senate has given
no concrete reason for being
against this motion requiring
that no penalties be held
against students who can't get
home from the Orange Bowl
game in time for Jan. 3
Big Thing'
Snyder asked why such "a
big thing" was being made
over just a "suggestion. He
pointed out that all Student
Senate Wants to do is make a
; sssu" representative
! ?,f some la 00 st"dents a n d
1 'nere 1S n reason tor r acuity
Senate to be against suggest-
ing tnis prcposal
Sen Andv Taube. whf,
sented the original
j,ast Meck, noted that
Spnutrf icn't hnra 4n r't cr An
Precedence or worrv about
Fau.. Coot Ko ..
set. ue are nere to repre
sent the students' welfare and
, this is what the students want
some type of promise that
iiiunir me vj ante uu"i Cdllic
not getting home in a
"These are our opinions and
we voted for the motion and
if all we can get is a resolu
tion or suggestion than let's
get it."
Sen. Curt Bromm said that
'only one group could get
hurt and that would be Facul
ty Senate if the faculty re
fused to recognize the stu
dents' welfare and some stu
dent got killed or injured in
1 nurrvmg ncme trom tne
Orange Bowl game."
lished in October,
j Cards are being pulled on
the basis of the order in which
; seniority and date limitations
stated on page three of t h e
Schedule of Classes.
Some alphabetizing within
small groups is done to facili
tate card pulling. However,
this does not materially effect
the priority established either
by the student's seniority or
To Issue
New IDfs
New- plastic student identi
fication cards w ill probably be
issued this summer to corre
spond to the use of social se
curity numbers for student
identification numbers, accord
ing to bursar. James Wick-
less. A final decision on tht
stvles of the cards will corns
soon, he said.
The cards will apparently
be quite similar in appearance
to those now held by students
said Glenn Smith, vice cha
cellor for business affairs.
They w ill probably go i " t o
effect this fall, Wickless said.
After a "lot of discussion"
on using pictures on IDs, the
Idea was discarded due to
the cost and difficulty of tak
ing the pictures, Glenn said.
The change from the old
system of student identifica
tion numbers to the use of
social security numbers came
I "with regard to the exchange
i of records with other schools