The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 06, 1965, Image 1

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Editor's Note: The following story was written after Ne
braskan editor, Marilyn Hoegemeyer, returned from the
Gemini 7 launching.
By Marilyn Hoegemeyer
CAPE KENNEDY In an ornithologist's
haven where 232 breeds of birds build their
nests the big bird, Gemini 7, rose from its
nest of steel toward a world record 14 days
in space.
America's latest , star bird was designed
for sterile, airless space. But the nest from
which Gemini 7 rose in an orange cloud of
smoke is a combination of science of the future
and primeval swamp that would have left even
Jules Verne with his mouth agape.
While Astronauts Frank Borman and
James A. Lovell, Jr., made space history, the
technicians they left behind at a Florida swamp
called Kennedy continued to toss food from
their lunchboxes to granddaddy alligator. It's
a happy arrangement. The men toss crusts to
the gator. He eats the crusts. But other than
that they both leave each other alone.
NOT SO FAR AWAY on Merritt Island
another crawler a giant 48-foot wide man
made creature is being tested in preparation
for one of the toughest hauling jobs in the his
tory of man.
Its job: to hoist and carry to the launching
pad the Saturn V moon rocket, a monster,
which at 12,000,000 pounds weighs 2,000,000
pounds more than the people who will crowd
the Orange Bowl stadium to see the Cornhusk
ers battle with Alabama on New Year's Day.
And the crawler's burden will be tall, 360
feet only 40 feet less than the towering State
Capitol Building. The man-made asphalt roads
could not compete with this giant hulk of metal.
The lugs tore at the roadway leading to the
launch pad until bed rock formed thousands
of years ago was shipped in, broken up and
packed on the crawler's path.
While Gemini 7 in six minutes reached its
orbit at a speed of 17,586 miles an hour, the
crawler creeps at one mile an hour.
BUT AS IT CREEPS it frightens the thou
sands of birds who nest on the Cape, a bird
sanctuary. A bald eagle disturbed because of
roadway construction moved her nest across
the road to a knarled, leafless tree away from
the activity, but in better view of the launches,
as the Cape men have observed.
Perhaps it is only fitting that as the sym
bol of our country moved her homesite so the
men at the Cape are building a new nest the
moon rocket assembly building a structure
which because of its height can make its own
It is possible that clouds could collect in
the 525 foot tall building causing rain to fall.
It is 129,000,000 cubic feet and covers eight
acres of ground that was once just a part of the
103,000-acre island swamp.
The Cape Kennedy and Merritt Island
area is many things:
It is a myriad of wires and bolts and
metals, solid and liquid fuel storage vaults,
crisscrossing roads which connect the launch
ing pads.
It is a place where workmen share lunch
with a granddaddy alligator, where eagles nest,
where snakes crawl.
And it is a place with a primeval past from
which the United States launches its probes
into the future.
Vol. 81, No. 45
The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, Dec. 6, 1965
BIG BIRD . . . Gemini 7 leaves its steel nest for a 14 day fly in the sky. (NASA Photo)
YW Bazaar
Offers Unique
Foreign Items
By Jan Itkin
Junior Staff Writer
Specialty items from all
over the world will be fea
tured at the YWCA Christ
mas Bazzar in the party
rooms of the Nebraska Un
ion. "The merchandise is unique
-not what is found in every
store," said Dede Darland,
chairman of the bazaar. "Peo
ple will find it worthwhile
just to come and see the in
teresting things we have."
Items from India, Pakistan,
Spain, Japan, England, Ger
many, France and tbe Scan
dinavian countries will be on
display from 10-cent topi from
Japan to an $80 sari from In
dia. "Many of the things would
make terrific sticking fillers,"
Miss Darland said.
Merchandise includes such
Items as dolls from all over
the world, magic puzzles from
Japan, bracelets from Korea,
glassware from Scandinavia,
wood and lava carvings from
South America and cloth from
the Far East.
Committee Examines Need
For Recreation Facilities
Miss Darland explained that
her committee began work
ing on the project last spring
to send orders to the various
"We have standing orders
with many companies' she
said, "and
we buy on con-
By Wayne Kreuscber
Senior Staff Writer
The University has a great
need for expansion and im
provement of student recre
ational facilities according to
a report published by t h e
ASUN intramurals and recre
ation committee.
Sen. Don Voss, chairman of
the committee, read the re
port -to Student Senate
Wednesday. He said the re
port would be taken to G. Rob
ert Ross, vice chancellor and
dean of student affairs.
The report itself was com
piled after Voss's committee
had drawn up a complete in
dex to all campus activities
on both East and city cam
puses. The index, which will
be given to all living units
and other organizations, lists
ail possible recreational ac
tivities, their times and place.
"To say that recreation is
needed and desired by the ma
jority of University students
becomes an understatement
when we know for a fact that
90 per cent of 15,000 students
participate in intramural ath
letics or use University re
creational areas," the report
Although students usually
buy most of the goods, Miss
Darland continued, lincoln
ites come to the bazaar year
ly to round out their Christ
mas lists.
The bazaar usually grosses
about $3,000 to $4,000, but
profits vary from year to
year, she said.
The profits go to finance the
year's projects of the Uni
versity YWCA. Some of these
projects are juvenile court,
which works with juvenile de
linquents; girls' club, which
takes children from culturally
deprived homes to such places
as Sheldon Art Gallery, the
capital and MoriU lialL
The report explains that
these figures of students us
ing recreational areas were
polled by Joel Meier, Uni
versity director of intramur
als and they do not include
physical education classes.
Because of this "intensive
desire" for adequate intra
mural and recreational areas
and because the number of
students continue increasing
and tbe space for recreation
al activities keeps decreasing,
"the University must face tbe
problem of providing more
areas for student recreation,"
tbe report points out.
According to the report, tbe
increased enrollment in stu
dents is now causing a squeeze
in space for intramural teams
There are more students and
thus more teams and also
more physical education
classes constantly using the
same space, the report says.
Furthermore, the report
says that the four fields on
city campus which are now
available for intramur
al sports are the proposed
site of a new women's phy
sical education building.
"This will cut the existing
space to one-half and physi
cal education classes will
completely occupy the time
squeezing out intramurals an
open recreation completely,"
the committee's work notes.
mis win leave only three
fields for sole intramural and
recreation use and these
fields are located on East
The report also points out
how "one small swimmins
jpool in a corner of the Coli
seum" must now accommo
date men's and women's phy
sical education classes and
the varsity and freshman
swimming teams plus the
recreation for 15,000 students
"in that little time which is
left unscheduled."
Other areas which suffer
to a smaller degree, but need
more attention as the enroll
ment increases, include tbe
weight lifting room, wrestling
rooms and the handball
courts, according 10 tne report.
for recreational activities.
The report also suggests
that the University could put
"goals on the parking lots"
and that the University "oiild
purchase and develop new
property for a golf drivms i
range and putting green and '
for soccer and field hockev
Possible property available
for purchase by the Univer
sity, according to this report,
include the "old Nebraska
Fairgrounds" and the "o 1 d
Lincoln Air Base."
Forms Available
To Junior Women
Lincoln independent women
may pick up the Junior Wo
men Questionnaire for Mortar
Board beginning today in the
Nebraska Union Activity Of
Members of UNICORNS
and Towne Club may pick up
their questionnaires in the
Union mailboxes. House presi
dents will hand them out in all
csmpus living units tonight.
The questionnaires should
be filled out by all junior
women in order that Mortar
Choral Union To Present
'Messiah7 For Christmas
Board may have a record of
junior women activities. They
should be returned to Cassie
Wild at the Kappa Alpha The
ta house, or Percy Wood at
the Delta Gamma house by
Dec. 17.
Jobco Authorities
To Meet Tuesday
"It's obvious." the report
itates, "that the University
badly needs more field space
now and even more so in the
near future as student enroll
ment rises."
Voss's committee made sev
eral suggestions for solutions
of these problems.
The suggestions include
erecting lights on the physi
cal education fields on both
campuses so that night games
can be played; using the ap
proximately ten-acre space
north of the tractor testing
area for recreation on East
Campus, and using the small
triangular lot southeast of tbe
bridge at 17th and Holdredge'
Job Corps officials in Wash
ington will meet with Univer
sity and Northern Natural
Gas officials Tuesday to dis
cuss the proposed Job Corps
Center at the Lincoln A i r
Force Base.
The University and North
ern Natural Gas would form
a non-profit organization,
known as Jobco, to operate
tbe center at the Air Force
Base, to be deactivated in
FTP Students Abroad
Applications for the People-to-People
Student Abroad pro
gram should be in by Friday
to either Donnie Jones or
Sally Morrow.
J. 0. Grantham of Northern
Natural Gas, warned that Ne
braskan s should not be overly
optimistic, but that it was a
first step and indicated inter
est in the proposed Lincoln
Grantham said that differ
ences on phases of the Job
Corps Center would probably
be discussed and resolved at
the meeting.
Also to attend the Washing
ton meeting from Northern, in
addition to Grantham will be
Dean Wallace, attorney, and
Allen Hansan. administrative
Representing the University
will be Dr. Max Hansen, chair
man and associate professor
of industrial arts, Dr. .Robert
Filbeck, associate professor of
educational psychology and
measurement, and Dr. O. W.
Knopp, professor of elemen
tary education.
Max Barnes,
agent in Wa&hingon, met last
week with Ray Smith, deputy
director for the Job Corps and
Dr. Ray Keating, in charge of
Job Corps evaluation to d i s
cuss tbe federal officials' opin-!
ion of the proposed center. j
Grantham indicated that the !
next step in the study of the !
proposed Job Corps Center! uc i.U CVflLJUdLC CUIJ1-i
munity acceptance of the Job t
Corps Center in the area and
the organizations designed to
operate it.
Junior Debators
Excell In Tourney
University debators travel
ed to Iowa State this weekend
lor tournament competition.
Jeri Adam and Nancy Coufal
compiled a record of four
wins and two losses in prelim
inary rounds and were select
ed for the finals.
After winning the octafmals
and Quarterfinals, they were
defeated in the semifinals by
Augustana College of Illinois.
Another junior team, Doug
Kluender and Dave Erbach.
also had a four-two record in
preliminary rounds but did
not reach the oclafnials be
cause of a lower speaker point
Allan Larson and Terry Hall
had a two and four record in
the senior division. About 120
teams competed in the tourn-
Norlhern s i Anient.
The University Choral Un
ion will present the traditional
performance of Handel's ora
torio, "Messiah", at 3 p.m.
Sunday in the Coliseum.
Senior soloists for the per
formance include Carole Pet
erson, soprano; Deborah Bar
ger, alto; Donald Canady, ten
or; and Kurtis Horn, bass.
The Choral Union will be
directed by Earl Jenkins, pro
fessor of voice, who will be
assisted by John Moran, as
sociate professor of music
education and Richard Grace,
associate professor of voice.
Approximately 700 voices,
the combined membership of
five University choral groups,
including the Madrigal Sing
ers, John Moran, director;
the University Singers. Earl
Jenkins, director; and Univer
sity Choruses I. II, and III,
directed respectively by Mo
ran, Jenkins and Grace, will
sing the public performance.
Organist for the perform
ance will be Myron Roberts,
professor of organ and theory.
Pianist will be Jim Misner. a
graduate student.
Traditional carols will be
heard from the Ralph Mueller
Carillon preceding and follow
ing the concert with Gene
Bedient as carillonneur.
Rehearsal accompanists are
JoAnn Dorsey, Jim Misner,
Gene O'Brien and Loretta
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Deborah Barger Donald Canady
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Kurtis Horn
Carole Peterson
Creeks Play BBall
For March Of Dimes
"Hit him!" "Attack 3"
"Knock her out of his way."
"Don't let them near that
From the sound of the
voices both male and fe
male it sounded like pro
fessional warfare or NFL foot
ball at its roughest but in re
ality the sounds coming from
the Coliseum Saturday after
noon were from tbe Greek
Basketball Tournament for
the March of Dimes.
"We made a little over
$150." said Gary Gray, a
member of the IFC affairs
committee which sponsored
the event along with Panhel
lenic. "It was certainly a suc
cess and we hope to either re-!
peat it or do something like it
in the future."
Farmilouse Delta Gam-
I rna were awarded the winning
trophy for the tournament in
volving 25 teams. Beta Sigma
Psi and Sigma Delta Tau were
Four fraternity and four
sorority members played to
gether on each team and fouls
were called cn boys but not
cn girls.
"That's why things got kind
of rough!" one coed said.
"The girls could push, hit
run, taclde or just anything.
It was a lot of fun and the
March of Dimes is a worthy
"I had a lot of fun." said
one of the male participants,
"and I'm sure the girls did
too. One thing that was more
important though was that it
raised money for a worth
while cause." -
YMCA To Interview
Chairman Candidates
Interviews for the position
of chairman of the YM-YWCA
Freshman Weekend will b?
held in Nebraska Dec. 8 and
9, from 6:30 p.m. until 8 p m.
This year, unlike past years,
there will be only one chair
man instead of two co-chair-
men. An assistant will also
be selected from among the
interviewers and will be a
member of the opposite or
ganization as that of the
Those interested may sign
up for interviews and fill out
information sheets available
in the YWCA office 235B
and return them by 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 8.