The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 22, 1965, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Pag 4
ft Daffy Nebraskan
Monday, Nov. 22, 1965
aooners Not forgetting
About Husker Encounter
Norman, Okla. Oklahoma
hasn't wasted its time during
the 12-day period between its
0-30 defeat to Missouri and its
coming Thanksgiving after
noon tryst with Nebraska's
third-ranked Cornhuskers at
Caught between games with
two powerful bowl-bound op
ponents, Coach Corner Jones
and his staff put the youthful
Sooners through three days of
fundamental drills blocking,
tackling, offensive linemen
pulling, trapping, fumble
drills, ball-handling, passing
and receiving on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday.
Trainer Ken Rawlinson and
team physician Dr. Don F.
Robinson have the biggest
job. They are trying to g e t
linebacker Carl McAdams,
wlngback Tommy Pannell
and tight end Bob Kalsu
ready to play against the
Scarlet. All have ankle
sprains of different degrees
of seriousness.
McAdams, the worst in
jured, remains doubtful. The
This year's intramural, football playoffs were somewhat
of a rarity. The final All-University Champion, Delta Up
silon, played perfect ball in league competition and continued
to play winning ball throughout the tournament to capture
the championship.
Perhaps the biggest surprise of the tournament was
xhen the three teams to beat in the tournament. Beta Theta
Pi, Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Chi were all beat in the first
day of the single elimination action.
A great many of the games went right down to the wire,
with the last play of the game or the final judgement of the
official providing the winning difference.
Team coaches will receive ballots this week for the selec
tion of an All-University tournament intramural football
team. The voting will be rather simple, each team will be
allowed eight votes to select the team that they would like
least to face. No team will vote for its own players and
eaoh team will also select two officials that they feel have
done an outstanding and good job of refereeing.
What About School Spirit?
School spirit has become 9ome sort of a "blah" thing
at Nebraska. What was once a real and authentic spirit has
now been lost in the expected victory of the team each week.
Pep rallies attract only a small portion of the student popu
lation and hardly get 100 per cent participation,.
Thursday, the pride of Nebraska will go before a national
television audience and show the viewer that they are fully
worthy of their ranking and the preseason publicity they
received. This and the bowl bid will serve to climax the
countless hours of practice and hard work that goes into
making a championship football team.
The student can do his part. Tomorrow night is the rally
for the Oklahoma game. Yell King F. C. Green urges ail
students to participate and make this a rally that would
show that there is still something called school spirit lurking
on the campus. The new school and state yell will be intro
duced for the first time.
One Game At A Time
Each week Coach TW Devaney warns his players to take
only one game at a dme, not to look ahead to a future
opponent. Students, stop making Miami plans, take one
game at a time. Oklahoma could provide as much of a sur
prise Thursday as they did last year when they stopped
Nebraska 17-7 at Norman, a week after the Huskers had
accepted the Cotton Bowl invitation.
Let's find out what the real and authentic sprit is all
about. No gimmicks, no gags show the team that the school
appreciates the possibility of the first undefeated season in
50 years.
Deserves King -
Any time they start pass
ing out bouquets to the 1965
Nebraska Cornhuskers,
they'll have to have a king
sized one for Harry Wilson.
The Cornhuskers 196-pound
junior halfback is the No. 2
ground-gainer on the squad
and he's had to grind it out
the hard way.
"Harry has had to face the
unfortunate situation of run
ning into the side where the
defense has over-loaded in an
attempt to stop us," back
field Coach Mike Corgan said.
This is not necessarily in
dicative that defenses are
laying for Light Horse Har
ry, since opponents frequent
ly over-shift the Husker un
balanced line. But from the
right halfback spot. Wilson
has been aimed at the over
load all season.
"When you consider the en
tire season, "Corgan said.
"You'll probably find that
Wilson has made more yards
after contact than any other
back he's gotten a lot of
yards on his own."
Another Wilson asset is
pugg-catching. He's caught six
for 45 yards to go with his
four TDg.
J'We haven't thrown a lot
to Harry, but he's done a good
job receiving," Corgan said.
Corgan and Head Coach
Bob Devaney are in unani
mous agreement about one
thing required of Nebraska
backs they must block or
go home.
"Pm not taking anything
awajr from Ron Kirkland be
Sooner ace not only linebacks
smashingly and calls a
shrewd string of defensive
signals but provides an inval
uable inspirational lift. Liga
ments were involved in h i s
injury. He has worn a rubber
cast all week and still can't
wear a football shoe, let alone
run in one.
The report is more favora
ble on Pannell and Kalsu.
Pannell will resume workouts
Saturday, Kalsu sooner. Wes
Butts, promising sophomore
blocker whose knee keeps
swelling mysteriously, played
some against Missouri. H i s
Petersen Arrives To
Coach's Spring Hope
Kelly Petersen has finally
"arrived" as a Nebraska
football star, fullfilling a
hopeful prediction made last
spring by offensive line coach
Carl Selmer.
cause he's done a fine job of and anyone else who pops in
power running for us." Tor. to the picture, depending on
gan smiled. "But Harry WD-,
son is one big reason why
Ron's carrying a 7.0 average.
Not only does Harry block
ends, we ask him to block
tackles, guards, line backers
I s, t . 7
' : r K r ' I
- : -, t t I '
. -' : I
knee seems improved.
"Nebraska won't be off
guard for this game," Jones
says grimly. "They've got too
much to play for. If they beat
us, they can complete their
first all-victorious season in
50 years and take a 10-0 rce
ord into their Orange Bowl
came with Vlabama.
"The fact they'll be playing
on national television will
stimidate them. Also, they'll
be after revenge for our hav
ing upset them 17-7 last year,
I wish that one could have
been on national television but
i it wasn't.
One of the big gaps in Ne
braska s offensive line was
at center a spot filled so
well by All Big 8 Lyle Sittler,
now a coach at Lawrence
(Kansas) High School.
During spring practice, Sel
mer opined: "I think Kelly
can do the job, but he's got
to improve and use his abil
ity." Petersen didn't get the No.
1 job in spring practice, yield
ing to Harry Tuthill most of
the way. But Tuthill turned
up ineligible and Petersen got
his chance.
"Statistically, we rank as a
sound team," Selmer grins.
"And Kelly has been playing
center for us all the way. It's
a cinch he's been doing a fine
Petersen, a 223-pounder
from Cozad, came to Nebras
ka as a fullback.
"We didn't feel he had the
speed or quickness for full
back," Selmer said. "Now,
however, he has progressed
a great deal, picked up a real
understanding of the game
and most important he has
a position."
Selmer praises Petersen's
blocking this fall as the Husk
kers have defeated nine
straight opponents and lead
the nation in rushing offense. ,
"The center is a vital
man," Selmer said. "He's al
ways got to worry about
'Mike' (slang for the defen
sive middle guard.) 'Mike' is
always trying to run around
his head, and Kelly's always
got a difficult blocking as
signment." One of the most worrisome
positions for the Huskers in
September was center, and
one of the soundest now is
center thanks to Kelly Peter
sen. "You bet," Selmer said.
"You can say Kelly has done
a darn good job for us."
Orange Bowl Tickets
Go On Sale Nov. 30
All students are reminded to
wait until after Thanksgiving
vacation to purchase tickets
for the Orange Bowl game in
Miami. Student ticket sales
for the New Year's Day game
will not begin until Nov. 30,
according to Jim Pittanger,
Nebraska ticket director.
Sized Bouquet
the play.
"Harry has done a fine
job in this department, and
has been our most consistent
blocker," Corgan added.
Coach Bob Devaney is a
Jt't LjffaT ' Tic
shifts through a Jayhawk
Sophs Pace
It was the "Sophomores
Night Out" Friday, as the
Varsitv drubbed the Fresh
men 105-62 before 3,000 at the
The sophs stole the Var
sity's rebounding and scoring
show as Tom Baack paced
the scorers - with 18 points.
Baack had placed seven con
secutive field goals through
the hoop before missing on
his eighth attempt.
He finished 8 for 10 from
the field and sported a per
fect two-for-two from the
charity stripe and contribu
ted four rebounds to the var
sity's cause.
Stuart Lantz and transfer
student Frank Empkey 1 e d
the rebounding corps with 10
each. The 6-3 Lantz proved
to be a regular jumping jack.
going above the rim for most
of his rebounds.
The varsity displayed their
fast break, which Coach Joe
Alabama Makes
Bowl Bid Official
The Crimson Tide will try
to wash out Husker hopes for
a repeat victory in the Orange
In making the official ac
ceptance of the Orange Bowl
invitation Saturday, Alabama
coach Bear Brvant noted that
the game against Nebraska
will be a tremendous chal
The bid is Alabama's 19th
invitation to a post-season ap
pearance and the seventh-
straight nnder Bryant, it is
the fifth time that Alabama
will appear in the Orange
Last vear Texas beat Ala
bama 21-17 in the Orange
Bowl, ending the Crimson
Tide's t h r e e-game winning
streak in the New Year clas
sic. Alabama will close out its
season next Saturday against
Auburn, while the Huskers
will finish before a national
television audience on Turkey
Day against Oklahoma.
Wilson booster, too, and he
joins Corgan in praising Wil
son running star of t h e I
1965 Cotton Bowl game as i
as blocker. !
"Harry is a team-man first
and last," Devaney said.
"Lots of times he hasn't got
ten to carry the ball a lot,
but he's never given less than
100 as a blocker. In fact,
early in the season he didn't '
carry much at all, but ve
were getting a lot of yards j
from other backs because of '
his blocks." j
Want Ads I
Tfc tow (jam rote I10I7 t mt rlns- 1
tlllni idverttsIlK la tkr DnllT Nhnirtiii : I
mantfsrfl rmi f So per wnr6 antf mint
ttm. j
PoTmrm for tbne vin tali mm '
tmn ralftcorles: 1 adn running Irm than 1
mr wfwk hi anacmaiuD mint tw paid' for !
before Inpurtlan. ada rnnnlni tnr mora
than ona worli will no paid wrrkl
Electric itove. atudy desk and large old
trunk. 48R-740R.
Wanted ticketa lor children at state Hua
Plta: for Thanknglving Day Game. Thone
lntereated In donating their ticketa tu
little children call Terry at 432-1375.
Wanted: piano man ior dtuvw orcheatra.
Call 43&-1649.
Furnlahed apartment ior rent; three
roomt. private bath. IBS month. Near
South 17th Street But Una. 4t-768.
Very nicely furnuihed room. Foam mat
treaaea. cooking, T.V.. University Ap
proved. 4774268.
Cold medal rtlloioui
necklace. Initials HKY.
Call T1-W altar p.m.
t A , x i
DU's . . . sweep end for TD.
Varsity In Drubbing Frosb
Cipriano has described as
their most effective weapon,
under the direction of Fred
Hare and Grant Simmons.
Hare finished the night be
hind Baack with 15 points, six
of them coming on a scoring
hurst at the beginning of the
second half. .
Returning lettermen Nate
Branch and Simmons netted
12 and 11 points respective
ly, playing the regular de
pendable game that they did
last year. Newcomer Ron
Simmons totaled ten points to
round out the double-f i g u r e
wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmmmmmmmm 1111111 1111 ny . lili- mm -1- vt t.-" 1
t ft 11 rtcyui.ui nuuiHuuwi t -j 1 i
it k 1 1
I i- Jf 1 i JSM llrfl liLLlJ IN RSTSOHDrT PRDDUCT1DN i
I ' XArM lllllllllllim UIIIIIIIIH!
I ;V mt -
l ' . , i I 1? 1 I VW -rw L
! FRED HARE ... goes up for two. I Wl 1 '' I 1 Vn
r i r
offered by LUFTHANSA German Airlines and In
cooperation with the German Government Labor
Students, both male and female, may work on
farms, industry, construction or in hotels, restaurants,
hospitals or homes for children or the aged.,
No fee is charged by LUFTHANSA for assisting
students in securing summer jobs in Germany. For
further information and the official folder and ap
plication form, please write:
Lufthansa German Airlines, S14 Roanoke Building
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Contact Nebraska Union Program Office for further information
The Freshmen were1 led by
Roger Leitner and Bob Wag
ner, who finished with 19 and
18 points respectively. Leitner
was also the top frosh re
bounder, pulling in 12.
The pressing-defense, an In
strumental part of Cipriano's
.game plan, had only a brief
appearance in the second half
and proved effective.
Overall, the varsity hit for
a .457 percentage total from
the field and .600 per cent
from the free throw line. The
freshmen netted .282 from the
field and .623 from the char
ity stripe.
f'f 1 SIM PiiMUlii- iq . I
II III II 1 ai Itiiirn Til It I i '
III I I ::t 1 II ! : 1 1 1 J: ? i
The team that hardly won
a game in two years is the
all-university intramural foot
ball champion. Delta Upsilon
cruised to a 24-6 victory over
the Misfits, a team composed
of independents living off
campus, for the title Nov. 19.
According to a team spokes
man, the nucleus of the DU's
team Is made up of juniors
who have been playing togeth
er since they were freshmen.
The last two years were bleak
for the DU's as they scarce
ly ever garnered a victory;
this year they jumped from
the cellar and hammered their
way to an undefeated sea
son (11-0) for the all-university
As the game opened, the
Misfits won the toss and
marched all way down the
field for the first touchdown
of the game. Quarterback Jim
Panska connected with Bob
Andrews who gallopd 15 yard
for the Misfits' only score.
DU Quarterback Larry
Karel fired to Jack Gug
genmos. whose long run set
up the DU's first touchdown,
when John Kratina scored
from five yards out. As the
first quarter closed. Roland
Scholbert intercepted a pass,
giving the DU's possession of
the ball in the second quar
ter. Scholbert clamped onto a
pass from Karel and dived
two yards into the end zone,
closing the half with the DU's
out front, 12-6.
Kratina Scores
The DU's third touchdown
came four plays after the sec
ond half began. Karel con
nected with Scholbert for
l!!!l!!il!II!Pli' ftBCM ir' ""HI
; B ,i II I n f" l I- 1
i '.- SB a i am .
( W Ik A
A fascinating story this plot Ingredients Include
special Mendings of polyester fibers and cotton,
heat "curing" and Bimilar scientific novelties. The
point of the story, however, is Bimple. Press with
out ironing. Wash after wash Period. g jg
in corduroy
t Captahfe tflalh
eight yards, then fired anoth
er to Rich Rockwell for 20
more. Scholbert ground out
10 yards rushing five yards
short of the goal. "Pow"
Karel called another pass and
hit Kratina for DU touchdown
number three.
Down 12 points, the M i s
fits tried to close the gap.
Mark Gustafson tossed a pass
to Ross Rikli who romped 30
yards. That was all the DU's
defense would allow, however
and they held the Misfits to
only minus yardage on pen
alties and ground losses. Twice
Misfit Back Andrews was
caught behind the line of
scrimmage in pass attempts.
With the championship ti
tle close in sight, the DU's
fought their way to the goal
for their fourth TD. In a play
that covered 40 yards, Rock
well threw a long one to
Scholbert who scamper
ed through the Misfit defense
for six more points.
The Misfits took the ball,
only to be thrown for three
successive losses, and were
forced to punt. With a three
touchdown advantage, Karel
opened up a massive pass
ing attack. "Pow" completed
passes to DU's Koerber for
eight yards and twice to Dick
Liliedahl for a total of 27
yards, driving just short of
the goal as time ran out and
the game ended 24-6.
The match ended the 1955
intramural football season.
Scores by quarters:
DU's 6 6 6 6-24
Misfits 6 0 0 06
7 93