The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 1965, Page Page 4, Image 4

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rffcdnesday, Nov. 3, 1965
Page 4
m m n o n I
n IT3 it
f ismpiiiGisi
Bv Julie Morris
Junior Staff Writer
When one steps inside the
Woods Art Building, he notices
something different about it
almost immediately. Rather
than the usual musty odor of
a classroom building, the air
in the Woods building is filled
In drawing and painting
classes, students may work
with live models, who are re
cruited by the department.
The models are paid an hour
ly wage and may pose in bath
ing suits or in the nude. Lagg
ing said the department has
difficulty obtaining models
with the Pungent, pleasant ana added. It s sort of a
smells of plaster, sawdust and' sporadic thing, sometimes we
paints. 1 have to work our program
Th main onrrirtAr w ! arouna io accommodate a i
with sunlight streaming ,ack models.
through large double doors Demands Individuality
rather than being dark a n d j Sloppy clothes, sandals.
electrically lit like most class-; slacks for girls, mustaches
Another student stated. "1
don't feel dedicated, it's more
of a practical thing with me.
Art is what I'm good at." A
sophomore transfer student
noted that she was some
what lukewarm about art and
was planning to change to an
architecture major because "I
like it better." One said he
thought his classmates were
"pretty gung-ho" about art.
are required to take 16 hours
of a foreign language. A 1 1
majors also must take at least
IS hours of art history and
some students specialize in
this area.
and beards are not uncommon
in the department. L a g i n g
commented that "There is a
prevalent notion that art stu
dents are rather eccentric, and
to a certain extent this is true, !
because art demands a much!
higher degree of individuality I
than other fields. An artist'
who is a conformist is not ai
creative person." !
room buildings.
These physical features of
the art building are indicative
of the entire department.
distinctively different from
the other academic depart
ments of the university.
Stress Studio Classes
Art is a department of the
School of Fine Arts, a divi
sion of the College of Arts
and Sciences. The approxi
mately 250 students enrolled I David Cummings. a grad
as art majors learn the theory Nate student and assistant in
and practice of art in class strnctor, said that students
sessions called "studio here are not too eccentric,
classes" which usually last He said. "You might find that
three hours rather than the students in an art academv
normal 50-minute period. tend to be a little artier than
! university students."
Classes are highly informal t
and conducted "pretty mnch Qualities that the art de
on a person-to-person basis."! partment searches for in stu-
accoromg io uuara Laging. dents include
In addition to providing in
struction for art majors, the
art department has classes
for architecture students,
homo ovmnmirc ctnHnts anH
Art majors study the basic! H..onn maWe The rfm.rt.
j principles of design, compost-! ment provides courses to ful.
ition. color and drawing tajfin
th humanities rponirp-
their first two years and may ment of and Science Col.
later concentrate on painting. A students
sculpture, ceramics, graphic, Mav Exhibit Works
arts interior design, print ..Most"of our students gll
making or metal or stone j f 0 seyeral professionst..
sculplure- Laging said. "People with
"We teach the students rZlt?T
about the field and then about f X Z lt T
u- ki,.- i .,.; ireers as painters, go into col-
ii L;.-i ,...4....- "JL.s. lege teaching or exhibit and
are fresh-
from the time they
Develop Aesthetics
Laging explained. "In train
ing an art student, you try to
give him as many technical,
educational and intellectual
experiences as possible so
that he may develop his
aesthetic en?e. Ycu can't
teach art. only methods of art
because art is a personal ex
pression." Laging said the de
partment was not "much im-
lege teaching or exhibit
sell their works.
f Other graduates become in-
terior designers, commercial
l artists or photographers. Lag
! ing said some of the graduates
of the art department work
through the placement
Students may go into grad
uate work at the University.
Since the art department
has offered a graduate train
ing program leading to a Mas-
ter of Fine Arts degree. Can-
A f it ;v 1 4MI i 1 I
derfiiafifin anrl
r"?C5f.J!!!.Jn0 P.m are
work on projects in class and
the instructor criticizes their
work and directs them indi-J
student "must be dedicated.
If he's not. he might as well
I get out of art." "By and large.
Pointing out some paintings
done by students. Laging said.
"Student work is not iust mire
Vidnallv. Laging noted that j most nf mir hi.1cntc a wi. se!f pvnrpssion hut -p rinn"t
"A ou don't lecture on art. It's i cated." he said. ! pose specific assignments for
not like other courses." Some art majors inter- ; a student to fill." Students
iewed seemed to bear out are given general directives
Except for art h i s t o r yt Laging's statement. Robvn or themes and thev follow
courses, hour exams are non- Brock, a junior who plaits a these themes,
existent in the art curriculum career in interior decoration -
and grades depend on a final! said. "I love it and I think Art students take T of their
project and the grading of the only reason you should be 125 hours in art. Thev work
work throughout the semester, here is because vou love it." !! for a Bachelor of Fine Arts
Wants To Be Artist degree. "Emphasis is on hn
A freshman student com- inanities." Laging said, noting
mencea. ah 1 Know is t.ia; tnat science courses remain
I want to be an artist." .cleetives and that students
handpicked from applicants
from all over the country.
Laging said the MFA de
gree "is not to be confused
with the Masters degree, it is ;
midway between a masters
and a doctors. The idea of a
Ph.D. for a painter is ludi
crous, because it is a degree
for a scholar while an MFA1
is a degree for creative painters."
Photo by Tom Rubin
latest creations.
the first student participating I show are selected b the fac
in the course will graduate j ulty. Laging said students
this January and would prob-'have had private shows and
ably go into College teaching. ' have so!J their pjii; inss. but
There are presently 21 grad- that this was a small percen
uate students working under j tage of the department,
the MFA program. Some of
them are teaching assistants. Students in
Laging characterized the grad ment have
Stewart Hitch and Jon Gierlich examine their
students as young, compe
tent, ambitious.'
Show Work
Students working for a MFA
degree have a showing of
their work rather than a the
sis as the culmination of their
University art students have
the opportunity to exhibit their
Lach instructor compares
the sludeEt's work with h i s
classmates" to determine his
i work in the student art show.
The program takes "at least an annual spring event at
two and a half years to com- Sheldon Memorial Gallery,
plete" Laging noted. He said The works that go into the
p!ete with tiny turntables for
sculpture pieces and high
stools for the students. A
bronze smelting furnace that
heats to 2.000 degrees is part
of the equipment in the weld
ing studio.
Kilns for baking pottery are
in the ceramics studio and re
mote controlled projectors are
used in the art history class
rooms which are equipped
with microphones for the in-
structor and huge screens on
in Woods A r t which slides from the depart
are specially ment's collection of 12.000 are
Printing presses, pho
tographic equipment and a
dark room are also available
for student use.
Laging noted that students
the art de part
won Fulbrisht
Awards, scholarships to t h e
Brooklyn Museum and the
Chicago Art Institute and oth
er national art awards.
equipped tor an art curricu
lum. Normally referred to as
studio, the reams have easels,
high tables with stools, and
controlled lighting. The de
partment has a room with
' r- ......
ft ' . EST J ' '
' J j lf A
i t'-fcrr. lv&rV I y-'m-'t,
La OstermSler ud Elaine Kr!iUtU rk mils tleir I X'i
l IJ 'J i
i ' &i :?.;
power tools where picture do visit Sheldon and to study
frames are constructed. the works there. He added.
Sculpture Turntables "We w ish they'd do it more
The sculpture studio is com- often."
if i'
ft i t
Create d lzj rfewelcrS
1332 "O" St iix HE2-5126
1our tu fuMie Aeffualc dealer in jClncofn
go for
Fhu tar Tm Koitatin
iir.prr.M.Rs f the model.
Students Withdraw For Varied Reasons
A total off 199 staters ibave J saaag ia tmxsZ? jempxiirj
withdrcina foann iihe Uacver-1 -itj3ra-aL
sily since school begsa in Sep-
F. Fd-es. assaciaJe dean off
Stodeni Afiairs.
A teal (Off 48 stotoits iave
nifijiraaii far be&ttHi reasons.
S3 because off ac-oumnig fnU .
tern eTuployment, ami 2S foe
caase .ai' dhsngmg their edta
catoanai! programs. This lair
ftw gr-cwp m-as fxtrtiber ex
plained U be those nixs &a4
r .
Leisij rrrtMI res tcammea
tor i Tuxtraais. UEiWii!
3Jj or:
reasBt fr IS. e&!istm-et ia
tie armed smices fr mme,
aad BiCitar? pmwDDl ra
rTle4 ia I be UBiverur mb
remve a ekaage ia nSrt
MXmt4 fr five mM&rtm. SAT. NOV. 6 8 PJA.
ijlnes? foe iz.Tr..'!y
mTtMraaing imm Hie UxJver
Kly ccsjji ix be ca-?caed
bcaas d &e varied rtawas.
FiwJes f jaiid thai this mot
her is Vm-er &sa usual.
interprets a paper.
. Student creates and
MaiTaage as the ia.sD
changied e4acatiooa3 plans ne-!!drainig. M.orag wi off state
"Mtdwesfs Finest
Cycle & Marae Gnter"
2100 N St.
No. 1
I x
1 1 , I
- A
TT I J i
Immediate Opening
o Cafeteria Busser (male)
12:30 p.m. 2.30 p rn.
Mon Frs.
pff: Br, NeirtrsVo Umn 111
r-.- m r wm w.m tmim
The Younf Man
in the Know
knows "Dacron".
Ytv'a great, looks great
an hh cUm4c
coSlar tuxedo t45S
Dcnw pojj-ester, 45
r4eS hwjL Wm3cJe
i-ii"t a c)brc-. At 6oe
fWei ererpi-here.
5u Pcmt" reentered
ttfa 4V CMthcv LiltVfiC
IJ ll 1 0
171. A fJ
and THE
t ,. a n cm.
I vl - I'
Each Ketpiake Mttir.jr is
a ir.a5terp;ece cf des:yTi, re
flectirg the full briliiar.ce
hr.d beauty cf the cer.ter c:a
rir:d ... a perfect frm cf
fa-7.3;t-5,. c'arity, f.r.e color ar.d
rr.eikulom modern cut. The
rarr.e, Kpsale, in ire rirg
and on the tag- is your
s'rarce of fine quality.
Year very rerfor:al Kcpake
' r.ow at yoar Keepsake
Jewe'erV, store. Fir.d him in
the yellow tares ur.dr
I vend ic ,4 - .i m . - . J f J-'-
f ' i , -
tr- rTiiiiiinnlWHTunlf
1 I
; J ! fCVn, .iw YC J52C2